Aviation Security Incident – Case Study Of The 9/11 Terrorist Attack

Overview of Aviation Security Incident

The aviation industry is encountering huge number of issues due to geopolitical risk. It has mainly resulted from terror attacks [1] . It is increasing as a result of complex methods of people trafficking. Political flux in the present market has resulted in poor compliance with the present standard. The threats in aviation environment is constantly developing by the use of sophisticated and physical attacks.

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In the coming pages of the report one aviation security incident that is 9/11 attack in US has been discussed in details.

Aviation Security Incident 

On 11 September 2001, around 19 militants who are attached with Islamic group hacked four airplanes and made a suicide attack in US. Two airplanes flown into the towers of world trade center in New York City [7]. Around 3,000 people are killed during this attack of 9/11 which created initiatives for US for combating terrorism. The impact or effect of this attack left a burning hole near the 80th floor of this building. It has ultimately killed more than 100 of people and trapping hundred more in the high floors.

The key threats in this attack are anger management issues, disregard for Authority and lastly not accepting feedback of the airport employees [4] . The security measures were not uniform in nature. It is merely due governance and budgeting. In many places of Mexico, the aviation security funding is every seen from of the general achieved revenues.

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Not accepting feedback: Various employee have observed being unwillingly to acknowledgement of errors or even admitting mistakes. It can help be helpful in overcoming errors by the help of deceit.

Disagree with authority: Employees come up with disregards rules, authorities and policies. Employee tends to understand the rule which can be applied to others.  

Anger management issues: Employee in most of the cases allow anger to be pent up inside and employee come up with trouble for managing the anger or even rage.

In the verification of passengers in airports is all about understanding the passports and other identities by the help of facial recognition along with working with enforcement from law of local airport [5]. FAA is an international body which tends to empower and regulate various aspects of US civil aviation inclusive of guidelines and proper policy needs. At present, U.S aviation industry is a part of Public transportation and information sharing and analysis center which tends to provide 24/7 security operation capability. It is an established sector which tends to provide requirements for threats and vulnerabilities.

Inside Threats and 9/11 Case Study

As per TSA, the present baggage screening system tends to continue for providing there is no ability for adaptation or keeping up pace with the changing demand of the present aviation industry [2]. At the similar instance, the patch work system is bogged down by their own efficiencies. There has been growing evidence that it does not afford more effect kind of security screening.

The opposed insiders are looking for revenge by the help of cyber means. Inside threats is mainly inclusive of range of low level employees like baggage handler and IT workers. It is all about making use of high level managers and officers [3] . This particular incident tends to lack some of the security measures with respect to access control and privileges based on data need.

With respect to 9/11 attack, there are some insider threats for people who physically focus on to carry out malicious intent [7]. There was lack of proper security control in American Airports due to which the attack took place. But soon after the cost and effort, proper security measures were implemented.

The aviation industry totally depends on the latest technologies which ranges from screening machines to Wi-Fi board based aircrafts. Cyber vulnerabilities are mainly seen in the equipment and machines like facial recognition which has been exploited by the terrorists [1]. The human problem for terrorism requires human solution along with proper technology.

There are large inside threats which triggered this event of 9/11 attack like

  • Disregard with authority
  • Performance
  • Stress  
  • Lack of dependability

The overall consequence of this attack (9/11) resulted in the death of more than 3000 people making one of the deadliest attack in US. 9/11 attack is considered to be symbolic just because of twin towers which is considered to be symbol of American power [8]. U.S and global markets tends   experienced huge amount of damage. It is considered to be one of the fatal attacks till date.

Passenger Screening 

Soon after the fact, DHS main mission is to prevent terrorism and develop security measures. It ultimately allocated proper kind of funding which is required for sustainable aviation security along with align of screening of passenger resources which are based on risk [3]. A risk based security tends to assumes the huge amount of passenger security which is there with low risk and security.

Soon after the attack, proper equipment’s were installed so that this kind of attack can be further prevented in the near future. This particular step was taken more specifically for the various employees.

Impact and Consequences of 9/11 Attack

Inside threats mainly comprises from lower employees like baggage handlers and other IT based workers [2]. It also includes high level of managers and other associated officers. After that this attack proper security measures were taken.

After this attack, the total ground security of all the airports of America were improved so that this type of attack does not take place in the coming days.

Passenger Screening 

There was proper funding for sustainable aviation security so that it can align with the resources based on risk [6]. A proper risk based approach is all about understanding the security measures so that it can represent low risk for the passengers of airline.

Various American officials highlighted the need of proper security measures for aviation attacks and foiled plots [2]. These measures were inclusive of baggage screening and other kind of programs on domestic flights.

There were some restriction and new laws for the access control to flights of America. The access control to flights were limited due to increasing global security issues worldwide [4].

New rules and regulation were made for the American flights so that this type of attack does not place in near future[2].


From the above pages, it can be easily stated that this report is all about aviation management. In the above pages, the case study of 9/11 has been discussed in details. After that Bowtie Analysis method has been used for identifying various kind of security incident like aviation security incident, threats and existing control measures, vulnerabilities, risk, consequences, preventive control measures have been discussed in details.


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