Attitudes And Beliefs On Medication Use: A Study On Emergency Contraception Among Nursing Students At A Rural Jamaican College
Literature Review
The research brings about the discussion on the attitude and beliefs of the people towards medication use. Medication or medicines are vital to both the customers/patients, and the health professionals in their clinical practice. It has been found through the research findings that many drugs have lesser effectiveness in the clinical practices, which further impacted the health of the patients in the healthcare. The attitude and belief of an individual towards using medicines is affected by many factors such as knowledge, motivation, expectations, are considered to be the major cause of determining the attitude and belief of people towards medication.
The theme of the research proposal stated about identifying the problem in nursing and how it has been investigated to draw out effective conclusions. The research will be linked to the analysis of the attitude and belief of people towards medication in respect to the Emergency contraception amongst nursing students in Rural Jamaican College. To be more specific, the discussion will be based upon the emergency contraception, which refers to the various forms of contraception, especially which are effective if administered within a specified time-period after the act of sexual intercourse. The findings of the investigation will be further based on the analysis will be based on the nursing students, especially women who experienced the issues of STD, and reproductive events like pregnancy and abortion, which will be studied from the multiple perspectives.
In current times, emergency contraception (EC) should be highly used by people to avoid the unwanted pregnancy. Along with this, pharmacological treatment is required in the pregnancy-induced medical circumstances (Yoost, et. al., 2017). There is evidence that infeasible medications use at the time of pregnancy may put the nursing student at higher potential risk and may also generates an adverse outcome. Thus, it is stated that inadequate use of ECs may affect the health hence there is needed to develop the health policy (Cushing Carson Short Kot Tschokert & Sales, 2018).
Emergency contraception can be defined as the kind of contraception method which aims at prevention of pregnancy which follows an episode of unprotected intercourse, which may be characterised by the contraceptive accidents like leakage and slippage of the condom during the fertile period. Thus, it is essential and significant to prevent the occurrence of unwanted pregnancy and the leading problem of induced abortion. According to Villarreal Wiley Housman & Martinez-Ramos (2016), discussed about the factors which influenced the Hispanic male college student’s intention to communicate with their partners about the use of contraception. The study has revealed about the factors such as gender roles, cultural norms, attitude, beliefs, and behaviour influences the reproductive behaviours, and the perspective of people towards medications for the emergency contraception. In the study of Hispanic groups, it has been also observed that male protectiveness has been a positive factor leading to influence on the use of contraception. However reliance on women is another factor which hampers a normal Hispanic male communication on the contraception. Thus, it has discussed about the factors, which influence the attitude or belief of people towards emergency contraception.
Research Questions and Objectives
On the contrary, a study carried out by Ajayi Nwokocha Akpan & Adeniyi (2016) has been conducted to assess the use of the contraceptive pills, amongst the university students, which demonstrated that there are several techniques of emergency contraception such as progestin, and other medication, and the use of several combined estrogens. It has been stated that emergency contraception is considered as very crucial in preventing the unplanned pregnancies at the places or healthcare where abortion is treated as illegal.
A number of studies which has been conducted in the populations of sub-Saharan Africa where it was observed that the rates of EC in women were low, especially among young women. Thus, to enhance the results of the increasing issue of emergency contraception in women, it has been analysed that the popular techniques involve the management of two doses of progestin alone taken 12 hours after insecure intercourse.
In another context, Wenger Rosenthal Sharpe & Waite (2016) discussed and mentioned that term emergency contraception, (EC) is considered as the key method that women can use to avoid the occurrence of pregnancy after the sexual intercourse. It has been identified from the results which have shown significant association amid use of emergency contraception and the level of class they are participating, residence, knowledge regarding emergency contraceptives, attitude with respect to EC and parental communication.
In addition, the results were obtained from an exploratory and qualitative research study carried out by Bungay Handlovsky Phillips & Prescott (2017) to explore the scope of the review of nursing practices for the with persons who are seeking care for the sexually transmitted infections. It has revealed that women have experienced a failure of contraceptive, have remembered too late that they have elapsed to take their birth control pills and have been forced to have sex against their will to avoid an unwanted pregnancy in first few days. The nursing students from the research has stated to the people about the last possibility to avoid pregnancy and suggested that it must not be practiced as the regular family planning practice or technique, as it has many issues and problems which impacts the health and wellbeing of the women. However, the practice or the technique must be adopted in the critical cases, of emergency as a backup plan and to be provided through the use of an emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs) and Intrauterine device (IUD).
On the contrary, a study which was carried out by Sjöström Essén Gemzell-Danielsson and Klingberg-Allvin (2016) examined about the medical students, who were afraid to include abortion in their future practices. It stated that unsafe abortions are estimated as the major cause for the 8% of the mortality rate. It occurred due to the lack of providers, efficient staff, and the education and awareness in the reproductive health services. This has further led to the major impact on their attitude and belief towards the use of medications, and pills for the case of emergency contraception. In addition, three of these products are used for avoiding the pregnancy when taken within 72 hours after unwanted sex. Moreover, adults may purchase all of these methods without prescription. Attitudes towards the contraception, is influenced by the education and socio-demographic and the significant factors which can influence the decision-making towards the emergency contraception.
From the literature review, it is assessed that there are certain gaps in these studies such as; it does not provide feasible application of EC. These studies have some gaps such as lack of depth information regarding an appropriate method of EC and different types of EC and strategies to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Hence, cross-sectional study is conducted by researcher such as attitudes and beliefs related to emergency contraception among nursing students at a rural Jamaican college.
Following research questions will be responded through this investigation:
RQ1: What is the conceptual understanding of Emergency Contraception?
RQ2: How attitude and belief, and Emergency Contraception impact on Nursing Students at a Rural Jamaican college?
RQ3: Which Emergency contraception strategies can overcome pregnancy among Nursing Students at a Rural Jamaican college?
The main aim of this research is to assess the impact of attitude and belief on medication use. Following the research objectives will be used to complete the main aim of this research:
RO1: To explore the conceptual understanding regarding Emergency contraception
RO2: To investigate the relationship between attitude and belief, and Emergency Contraception among Nursing Students at a Rural Jamaican college
RO3: To recommend the strategy to overcome pregnancy among Nursing Students at a Rural Jamaican college
This investigation will be beneficial for gaining the understanding of the conceptual understanding regarding emergency contraception. It would be also effective for increasing knowledge about the relationship between attitude and belief, and emergency contraception among nursing students at a Rural Jamaican college. This research would be significant for comprehending the strategy to overcome pregnancy among nursing students at a Rural Jamaican college.
Hypotheses are a provisional statement regarding the association amid two or more variable. In this research, the given below hypotheses will be used:
Hypothesis 1:
Ho: There will be no relationship between attitude and Emergency Contraception among Nursing Students at a Rural Jamaican college
Ha: There will be a relationship between attitude and Emergency Contraception among Nursing Students at a Rural Jamaican college
Hypothesis 2:
Ho: There will be no relationship between belief and Emergency Contraception among Nursing Students at a Rural Jamaican college
Ha: There will be a relationship between belief and Emergency Contraception among Nursing Students at a Rural Jamaican college
The purpose of this study is to conduct exploratory research as this research focuses on new phenomenon about the attitude and belief in emergency contraception among nursing students at a Rural Jamaican college. This type of research would be selected as it would help to assess the new resources with the aim of identifying the relationship between current background information and unfamiliar concepts and contents (Yoost, et. al., 2017).
This research is going to be a cross-sectional study where it would focus on comparing a different set of the population at a single point in a time. The advantageous of using cross-sectional study design in this research is that it would allow an investigator to compare different variable at the same time. For instance, this research will consider different age-group, gender, educational level and income in relation to medication (Chandler, Anstey, Ross & Morrison-Beedy, 2016).
In this investigation, a quantitative cross-sectional correlation design will be used with the aid of statistics that were converted data into measurable variables. This research design will be used to measure the attitude and belief of nursing students towards emergency contraception at a Rural Jamaican college. In this type of research design, the researcher will obtain the numeric data regarding research concern. This data would be collected in the form of the nursing student’s responses. This design would be selected as it would aid to acquire the reliable and valid outcome (Bungay, Handlovsky, Phillips & Prescott, 2017).
In this research study, there would be two different variables i.e. independent variable and dependent variable. In this way, the independent variable would be attitude and belief and dependent variable would be emergency contraception among nursing students at a Rural Jamaican college. For example, the independent variable would be measured in different levels such as [1-5] where 1= strongly disagree, 2=disagree, 3= neutral, 4=agree, and 5=strongly agree. This variable is measured by a survey through a questionnaire. In this questionnaire, firstly, nursing students would be questioned regarding the characteristics such as demographic information and routines of managing emergency contraception among nursing students at a Rural Jamaican college. Secondly, they would be questioned regarding self-administer emergency contraception in the hospital (Lebese, Maputle, Mabunda, & Chauke, 2015). It would be responded with the use of a Likert scale.
The above flowchart shows that there is two variable i.e. independent and dependent variable. In this way, the independent variable is the attitude and belief of nursing students that depend on the dependent variable is emergency contraception. It shows that there is a positive relationship between attitude and belief of nursing students and emergency contraception.
In this research study, females will be selected to gather information regarding the research issue. Along with this, different age-group of people will be selected such as 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, and 35 and above age-group of people. The targeted group is the nursing students with a population size of 173 students, 19 enrolled nursing students, 52 years one registered nursing students, 29 years two registered nursing students, 41 years three registered nursing students and 32 years four registered nursing students excluding the researchers (Johnston, et. al., 2015). Since, this sample is appropriate to gather the depth information regarding Attitudes and Beliefs Related to Emergency Contraception among Nursing Students at a Rural Jamaican college. Rural Jamaican college will be selected as a population which is located in Manchester. This tertiary institution is located in a rural community and provides education to the members of the community and the wider population. The 40-year-old institution offers a number of programs, these programs include architectural and construction technology, engineering, registered to nurse, enrolled nursing, licensed practical nursing, career advance program, HEART/NTA programs (Iqbal, 2018).
Under this investigation, the probability sampling technique will be chosen by an investigator to select the respondents for performing the survey and to increase the knowledge about the attitude and belief on emergency contraception. In this technique, simple random sampling will be practiced. In this technique, the sample is chosen from the population on the random basis as it would offer equal probability for all participants to respond in the investigation (Khan, Dixit, Bhatnagar & Brady, 2014). The researcher will follow the different process of using the simple random sampling technique such as defining the population, selecting sample size, listing the population, assigning numbers to the units, finding random numbers and choosing the sample. By e-mails, an investigator will send a confirmation letter to each workforce to get their consent on the survey. The researcher will appeal to each respondent to give the response within a given time framework (Abolfotouh, et. al., 2015). It would aid an investigator to obtain the feasible outcome regarding attitude and belief on emergency contraception among nursing students at a rural Jamaican college.
In this investigation, both techniques would be chosen by a researcher such as primary and secondary data collection method as it would be beneficial for understanding the attitude and belief on Emergency contraception among nursing students at a Rural Jamaican college. In this way, primary data would be gathered through survey through a questionnaire. Although, this source takes more time but, it offers accurate and reliable information. In addition, secondary information would take less time and gain deep knowledge regarding research issues (Iqbal, 2018). Through monkey survey technique, the researcher will send the questionnaire to participants as it will take less time as compared to other channels. Data would be collected in the next 3 months at a Rural Jamaican college. It would be conducted on any date when a large number of nursing students will be presented in Rural Jamaican College. Participants will self-read and fill the questionnaire but if, they would have a problem in understanding then, the researcher will clarify them (Khan, Dixit, Bhatnagar & Brady, 2014).
In the methodology, the survey through questionnaire would be used to gather the primary information. In this questionnaire, close-ended questions will be used to frame the questionnaire as it would take less time of nursing students and also creates their interest in this survey. Furthermore, 15 questions will be selected for developing the research questions (Bungay, Handlovsky, Phillips & Prescott, 2017).
It is a significant part of this research that would be beneficial for obtaining reliable results. After gathering the information, the researcher would assess it through statistical assessment such as correlation and regression model and descriptive statistics such as mean, mode, and median. For statistical assessment, the researcher will use MS-excel software to assess the information as it would be beneficial for calculating the gathered data (Lebese, Maputle, Mabunda, & Chauke, 2015).
Ms-excel software will be used to demonstrate the gathered numeric data through a different type of charts like pie charts, bar diagram, and column diagram. As a result, it would enable the investigator to comprehend the gathered facts and figures (Abolfotouh, et. al., 2015).
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