Assignment – Software Implementation

Function to get a float value

Assignment Part 1 Details – Class Design

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Product Properties (All) Product name – Shirt

 Insert your list/table of key product properties here…Product Properties (Key) Complete the class diagram of your final Product class here…Product Class Diagram              

CheckoutRegister Class Diagram

Complete the class diagram of your final CheckoutRegister class here… 

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Assignment Part 2 – Activity Flowchart

Insert your activity flowchart of the supermarket checkout process here… If your flowchart is large then place it on the following page.

Assignment Part 3 – Software Implementation Do not place your code here – provide the code as separate .py files submitted with this document.

Assignment Part 4 – Code Explanation and Use

Update the below code to insert comments describing what the code is doing – for each line starting with a hash symbol (#) you should write your code comments after the hash. You may add a second line of comments if you require more space. 

# Function to: get a valid floating point number from the user and return it

def get_float(prompt): 

    # initialize value as 0

    value = float(0.0) 

    # loop infinite times

    while True:


            # input a value from user showing prompt and convert it to float

            value = float(input(prompt)) 

# if the entered value is negative continue the loop and ask the user to #enter again

            if value < 0.0:

                print(“We don’t accept negative money!”)


            # break the loop as the value entered is a positive floating point number


        # Exception is generated when user enters anything other than floating numbers

        except ValueError:

            print(‘Please enter a valid floating point value.’) 

    # return the entered positive floating value

    return value 

# Function to: bag all the purchased items

def bag_products(product_list):   
    # initialize all the bag, unbagged and max bag weights

    bag_list = []

    non_bagged_items = []

    MAX_BAG_WEIGHT = 5.0 

    # check all the products purchased

    for product in product_list: 

# if current product can not be contained in a bag as it is more than the bag #weight limit then put the product is non bagged items

        if product.weight > MAX_BAG_WEIGHT:



    # initialize the bag contents as empty and weight as 0

    current_bag_contents = []

    current_bag_weight = 0.0

    # loop till atleast 1 product is present in product list

    while len(product_list) > 0: 

        # read the first product and remove it from the list

        temp_product = product_list[0]


        # check if adding the current product in bag wont exceed the max bag weight

        if current_bag_weight + temp_product.weight < MAX_BAG_WEIGHT:        

            # add the product to the bag and increase the current bag weight by product


            current_bag_weight += temp_product.weight           

            # if all the products are added to the bag add the current bag to the bags #list

            if (len(product_list) == 0):


        # if adding the contents of the current product exceed the max bag weight of #current bag, add current bag to the bag list



            # initialize a new bag as empty and current weight as 0

            current_bag_contents = []

            current_bag_weight = 0.0 

    # Display all the bags to the user

    for index, bag in enumerate(bag_list):

        output = ‘Bag ‘ + str(index + 1) + ‘ contains:  

        # Display all the products in the bag

        for product in bag:

            output += + ‘t’

        print(output, ‘n’) 

    # if there are any non bagged items present

    if (len(non_bagged_items) > 0):

        output = ‘Non-bagged items: ‘ 

        # display non bagged items to the user

        for item in non_bagged_items:

            output += item + ‘t’


Assignment 1 – FedUni Checkout

Student name:                                                                    Student ID:



Fit type (regular/slim)




Collar (round / vneck)

Wash Type



Category (men/women)


Product Code





Assessment Criteria




Identification of properties of a typical supermarket Product.

10 * 0.5 = 5 marks


Application of abstraction to identify key properties of a typical supermarket Product as well as creation of a suitable Class Diagram.

4 marks


Identification of the key properties of a CheckoutRegister as well as creation of a suitable Class Diagram which uses those properties, plus the four method signatures provided.

4 marks


Creation of an activity flowchart which clearly indicates how the program should operate, using the correct symbols for elements such as start/end points, processes and decisions/branches

10 marks


Programming of the product checkout simulation so that it:

i)      Creates a small number of Product instances that may be purchased,

ii)     Accepts simulated ‘scanning’ of a Product to identify it (including refusal to identify products which do not exist),

iii)   Adds a scanned Product to the CheckoutRegister’s list of products being purchased,

iv)   Allows the checkout of multiple products,

v)    Accepts ‘virtual money’ to pay for those products (you must pay enough to cover the cost of the items checked out), and

vi)   Prints a final receipt of the products purchased, along with the total cost, total paid and any change given.

5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 30 marks.









Analysis and documentation via code comments of the two functions provided.

(8 * 0.5) + (16 * 0.5) = 12 marks


Incorporation of the two functions provided into your main submission so that the program does not crash when an illegal money value is provided, and also virtually ‘bags up’ the products purchased.


Assignment total (out of 65 marks)

Contribution to grade (out of 20 marks)

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