Assessment Of International Marketing Opportunities – ASQA Standards For RTOs
Principles of ASQA Standards for RTOs
Based on Clauses 1.8 – 1.12 from the Australian Standards Quality Assurance’s (ASQA) Standards for Registered Training Organizations (RTO) 2015, the learner would be assessed based on the following principles:
Fairness – (1) the individual learner’s needs are considered in the assessment process, (2) where appropriate, reasonable adjustments are applied by the RTO to take into account the individual leaner’s needs and, (3) the RTO informs the leaner about the assessment process, and provides the learner with the opportunity to challenge the result of the assessment and be reassessed if necessary.
Flexibility – assessment is flexible to the individual learner by; (1) reflecting the learner’s needs, (2) assessing competencies held by the learner no matter how or where they have been acquired and, (3) the unit of competency and associated assessment requirements, and the individual.
Validity – (1) requires that assessment against the unit/s of competency and the associated assessment requirements covers the broad range of skills and knowledge, (2) assessment of knowledge and skills is integrated with their practical application, (3) assessment to be based on evidence that demonstrates that a leaner could demonstrate these skills and knowledge in other similar situations and, (4) judgement of competence is based on evidence of learner performance that is aligned to the unit/s of competency and associated assessment requirements.
Reliability – evidence presented for assessment is consistently interpreted and assessment results are comparable irrespective of the assessor conducting the assessment
Rules of Evidence
Validity – the assessor is assured that the learner has the skills, knowledge and attributes, as described in the module of unit of competency and associated assessment requirements.
Sufficiency – the assessor is assured that the quality, quantity and relevance of the assessment evidence enables a judgement to be made of a learner’s competency.
Authenticity – the assessor is assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the learner’s own work. This would mean that any form of plagiarism or copying of other’s work may not be permitted and would be deemed strictly as a ‘Not Yet Competent’ grading.
Currency – the assessor is assured that the assessment evidence demonstrates current competency. This requires the assessment evidence to be from the present or the very recent past.
Resources required for this Assessment
- All documents must be created using Microsoft Office suites i.e., MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint
- Upon completion, ensure that you have completed your coversheet details, i.e. your name, student ID and signature. If these details are not present, the assessment would need to be resubmitted again.
- The document is then required to be converted to PDF and uploaded to the student learning management system for assessment.
- Refer the notes on eLearning to answer the tasks or any additional material will be provided by Trainer.
Instructions for Students
Please read the following instructions carefully
- This assessment is to be completed according to the instructions given by your assessor.
- Students are allowed to take this assessment home.
- Feedback on each task will be provided to enable you to determine how your work could be improved. You will be provided with feedback on your work within 2 weeks of the assessment due date.
- Should you not answer the questions correctly, you will be given feedback on the results and your gaps in knowledge. You will be given another opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to be deemed competent for this unit of competency.
- If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor.
- Please refer to the College re-assessment and re-enrolment policy for more information.
Procedures and Specifications of the Assessment
Task 1
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:
- Define international marketing
- Identify international trade patterns
- Explain international trade policies and agreements
- Identify legislative requirements
Rules of Evidence
Task 2
Using an Australian company, identify two markets which would most likely be a market that they could expand their e-commerce business to. Using the Australian Trade and Investment Commission (AUSTRADE), learners are to conduct an initial assessment of a market analyses to support a proposed international market to be selected (bullet points) that address on the following elements:
- Estimate the impact of patterns, policies and agreements on the business opportunities
- Identify the political, legal, economic, cultural factors for each country identified
- Estimate the impact of these factors on the business (as much as possible given limited access to the Australian company’s information).
- Estimate the ease of entering and trading in each market.
- Analyse the political and financial stability and the risk of corruption of each country identified.
- Analyse the main legal and regulatory requirements and trade barriers for each country identified.
- Rate the acceptability of the risks, regulatory requirements and trade barriers.
- Consider the impact of risk factors in light of international business cycles and economic conditions
- Summarize current market trends including key industry areas, significant trade partnerships, and consumer characteristics (such as preferences, segmentation, purchasing patterns, etc.)
- Identify any new or emerging opportunities to enter, shape or influence the market.
- Estimate the contribution these opportunities could present to the business (as much as possible given limited access to the Australian company’s financial information).
- Discuss the fit of these opportunities with direction and goals of the business
Task 1
1.Before considering international marketing, an organization must ensure that there is business viability to pursue a marketing opportunity in order to achieve its return on investment (ROI). Provide a brief explanation on the following:
i.Monetary cost Monetary cost refers to as the amount of the liquid funds that a product or service costs a consumer to make a purchase. In accounting words, it is the value of the expenditure for the raw material, equipment’s, labour, products, services and supplies. An organisation needs to maintain good financial value which can be used by them in the expansion of business in the international market and bearing monetary cost (Trotman & Carson, 2018).
ii.Time cost The time cost is the relationship between the project’s time taken to completion and its related cost. The amount that is incurred in the project according to the time is essential to be analysed by the organisation. The time cost includes the direct and indirect cost, in which direct cost includes the cost that is directly related to the project which includes salaries, travel, materials and equipment (Trotman & Carson, 2018). On the other hand, the indirect costs are overhead costs that are directly linked with the specific project activities like office space, administrative staff and taxes.
iii.Risk factors The risk factor which is majorly faced by the organisation is the changing needs and preference of the customers. The rise in the number of customers purchasing the products from the overseas market is compelling reflects that the customers are looking for the new products and online facility to make the purchase. This highlights the risk to the company if they don’t get involve their offering to fulfil the needs of the customers that is a wide range of new products and online presence then they won’t be able to compete in the international competitive market.
iv.Competition in internal market Competition in the internal market can be aggressive for the business because the rise in the globalization helps the company to expand the business. This has been found that competition can take place in terms of the market share and profit.
Instructions for Students
v.Current market share The market share includes the percentage of the market that is accounted for by a specific entity by the company in the market. It is essential for the company to capture the market share by increasing their operations among the market (Armstrong, Adam, Denize and Kotler, 2014).
vi.Estimated impact of marketing opportunity The marketing opportunity has an impact on the sales of the company due to which every organisation perform the activities that can help them to grab the attention of the customers. The impact on the marketing opportunity remains on the sales of the company as the discount and offers with the new product can be displayed by the company through marketing. This marketing will help to make the existing and new customer visit the store. This helps the company to learn the ways to deal with competitors in Australia and international market if they expand the business.
2.When determining an organization’s strategic position, the most common strategy tool is the SWOT analysis – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Provide a brief discussion on how the use of this analysis tool would enable the organization to aid its business expansion decision.
Strengths In the company, company strengths are to consistently track their customers with the help of the business analytics tool. The tool supports them to track the shopping bills of customer and ensure that their shelves are stocked with the products that are demanded by customers. Further, this shows that the company is able to manage market perceptions. These strengths of the company support the business expansion decision because they can analyse their strength and make them strong to convert into the competitive advantage (Baker, 2014).
ii.Weaknesses In case the company has a limited presence in the global market comparing it with the competitors. In addition, the presence of online brands has stopped the growth of the business. This weakness shows that the expansion of the business in the international market offers a chance to the company to convert their weakness into a strength. This shows that the strategic tool of SWOT analysis helps the company to analyse the weak points of business operations on which they are supposed to work.
iii.Opportunities Organisations have the opportunities of acquiring the companies in the present economy. In addition, the company can follow the franchising model strategy which helps them to increase their market share in the international market. The international expansion can be supported by the opportunities as this shows numerous ways through which the company can increase the market share in other markets.
Procedures and Specifications of the Assessment
iv.Threats The threat of the competition is one of the major threats which are faced by the organisation. In addition, the change in the preference of the customers can also affect the operations of the company in the market (Chernev, 2018). Thus, this analysis of the threat supports the company so that they can analyse the needs of the customers in the international market because expanding their business.
3.Changes in your business environment can create great opportunities for your organization – and cause significant threats. Discuss how the use of PEST analysis is able to identify ‘Big Picture’ opportunities and threats.
i.Politics Political factors include the factor related to the change in the rules and regulations that can affect operations. For example, the Federal Government in Australia has brought the launch of the competition policy which prevents the independent players in reducing the competition. According to the government, the market dominance makes the small retailer suffer in the industry. This shows that the company need to make use of this tool which helps them to understand the political threats in the international market (Frynas and Mellahi, 2015).
ii.Economic The economic factors include GDP, inflation rate, purchasing power and many others that can affect the country. According to the trading economics, the GDP in Australia is expected to be approx. 1450.00 USD billion by the end of the quarter. This will increase the purchasing power and ultimately leads to the rise in the sales of the company which is an opportunity for the company. Thus, the analysis of the economy is essential for the company while expanding the business because this helps them to understand that they will be able to earn the profit or not.
iii.Social The social factors are creating an impact on the Australian industries because there is a change in the preferences of the customers with the change in the trends and lifestyle. This change brings the threat which shows that the tool helps in analysing the customer buying behaviour in the international market (Grant, 2016).
iv.Technological The technology plays a vital role for the company as for making use of technology in business. The upgrade or change in the technology can work can an opportunity for the company which can be analysed by the company when they make use of the tool in the internal market.
4.Without setting clear performance goals, employees may feel aimless about prioritizing and completing their work and disengaged in their jobs, and teams can become mired in confusion, misunderstandings, and conflict. Provide a brief discussion on the use of the SMART model as a goal-setting tool.
i.Specific The technology plays a vital role for the company as for making use of technology in business. The upgrade or change in the technology can work can an opportunity for the company which can be analysed by the company when they make use of the tool in the internal market.
ii.Measurable The goal of the company needs to be measurable that can help the organisation in tracking the progress and motivating the employees to say focused on the goals which are formed by the company (Kotler, 2015). This majorly includes questions like how much, how many and how will. This tool supports the company to measure the goals so that they can motivate the employees to meet the obligations towards the goals.
iii.Achievable The company should set the performance goals that are realistic and attainable to be successful in the market. When an organisation set the achievable goals then they will be able to determine the previously overlooked opportunities or resources that can help the company to achieve it. Thus, the use of the model supports the employees to the goals that they can achieve.
iv.Relevant The company make use of the SMART tool to set the relevant tool that can easily get align to the organisation goals and other relevant goals. This will help the employees to work accordingly and they can contribute effectively to meet the goals. Further, in most of the cases, the goals of employees and company remain related which get links to the relevancy.
v.Timed The company knows that there is a certain time in which they like to complete the goals that are set by them. The use of the SMART goals allows the criteria that help to prevent the everyday task from taking the priority over the long-term goals.
5.The nature and extent of goals for international market should take into consideration of several factors. Briefly discuss on the following:
i.The differing needs of consumers
The needs of the customers vary a lot in the international market because every country has some values, trends, lifestyle and other factors which bring the changes in the demand of the customers. In the current competitive, the needs of the customers are wide due to which the company need to makes their goals in a manner so that they can meet the needs of customers (Hollensen, 2015).
ii.Existing competition The needs of the customers vary a lot in the international market because every country has some values, trends, lifestyle and other factors which bring the changes in the demand of the customers. In the current competitive, the needs of the customers are wide due to which the company need to makes their goals in a manner so that they can meet the needs of customers.
iii.Trade barriers/ protectionist arrangements The trade barriers might be faced by the company when they take the step to expand the business in the international market. These trade barriers are related to the change in rules and regulations with the obligation of the laws. Thus, while forming the goals they should consider the trade barriers in the industry (Lovelock and Patterson, 2015).
Armstrong, G., Adam, S., Denize, S. and Kotler, P. (2014) Principles of marketing. 6th edition. Welbourne: Pearson Australia.
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Baker, M. J. (2014) Marketing strategy and management. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
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Chernev, A. (2018) Strategic marketing management. Chicago:Cerebellum Press.
Frynas, J.G. and Mellahi, K. (2015) Global strategic management. USA: Oxford University Press.
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Grant, R.M. (2016) Contemporary strategy analysis: Text and cases edition. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
Hollensen, S. (2015) Marketing management: A relationship approach. India: Pearson Education Limited.
Kotler, P. (2015) Framework for marketing management. India: Pearson Education.
Lovelock, C. and Patterson, P. (2015). Services marketing. Australia: Pearson.
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