Assessment Exploring Mission And Vision Statements, Strategic Planning, PEST Analysis, Workplace Safety, Intellectual Property Risk Management, Organizational Values And More

Differences between Mission and Vision Statements

In this assessment task, you are required to provide answers to the questions asked. You may use additional documents as required.

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1.Read and understand the questions clearly.

2.Provide answers to the questions asked.

3.Give examples from your own experience as far as possible.

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4.Submit all documents required in the specifications below to your assessor. Ensure you keep a copy of all work submitted for your records.


You must:

  • meet with your assessor to clarify any confusion
  • provide answers to all the questions
  • submit your notes and any additional documents.
  • If you utilise material from published authors make certain that you cite and reference appropriately. If you do not know how to reference discuss this with your assessor. Plagiarism is unacceptable.
  • consult and communicate effectively with relevant stakeholders to:

-confirm or revise the organisation’s mission, vision and values

-validate findings of research and analysis

-get input to and endorsement of strategic plans

-brief relevant parties about the plan

  • analyse organisation’s internal and external environment to formulate strategic plans including:

-background and research relevant to the plan

-legislation, regulations and codes of practice, including for intellectual property

-objectives, strategies and priorities

-roles and responsibilities

-performance indicators


-consideration of co-operative ventures

-cost-benefit and risk analysis

  • seek advice from appropriate experts wherever necessary
  • monitor and evaluate the implementation of the plan and make refinements as appropriate
  • review effectiveness of planning processes and identify opportunities for improvement.

Adjustment for distance-based learners

  • No variation of the task is required.
  • Documentation can be submitted electronically or posted in the mail.

Answer the following questions:

You are required to answer the questions given below. You may either use the space being provided for your answers or attach separate answer sheets as required.

1.What is the difference between a Mission Statement and a Vision Statement?

A statement that defines the company or organization business, objective of that business, and the approaches to reach that objective is called mission statement. And the statement that defines the future position of the company or organization which is desired by them is known as vision statement. This statements defines the company goals, purposes and values.

2.What are the features of an effective vision statement? (List 4)

The features of a good and effective vision statement are as follows:

1.The vision statement should not be too long or too short, it must be short , compact but effective as well. A good vision statement is about 35 words or two or three sentence long.

2.If a vision statement is clear with everyone then it will unite the organization member and provide a stable and proper goal.

3.The vision statement will provide an abstract goal which was challenging as well.

4.An effective vision states the purpose of the organization and also describe the organization intends which they want to achieve in future.

5.A great vision statement always focused on future and sets a desirable goals.

3.What specialist services could you utilise when developing a strategic plan? (List 4)

The specialist service one can utilise while developing a strategic plan are as follows:

  1. The conditions of the market that has a impact on the growth and also on service demand.

2.The service level targets which are very necessary to define and meet the the customer satisfaction goals.

3.Planning for the finance of the organization.

4.Strategic planning for the development of the staff which was done by training and workshops.

4.What is a PEST Analysis?

      The tool which is used to assess the market before the launch of a particular product or a business at a given time frame is called PEST analysis. It stand for Political, Economical, Social and Technological factors. Any business decisions is taken after these factor factors are analysed by an organization. This PEST analysis helps a organization in many ways and improve efficiency. It is also similar to swot analysis which stands for Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats.

Features of Effective Vision Statements

5.Provide 5 examples of each of the 4 PEST factors.

The examples of pest are as follows:

       Political: Changes in government policy

       Economical: changes in growth rates

       Social:  Changes in social trends

      Technology: Technological advancements

6.Describe the following principles

(a)Equal employment opportunity

(b)Codes of practice

(c)National privacy principles

Equal employment opportunity: It is practice where employers do not engage in employment activities which is not allowed or prohibited by the law. It is illegal for any employers to distinguish between the other employees on the basis of sex, religion, national origin, colour, age and race. This equal employment opportunity ensure that every employees or job applicants have an equal and same opportunity to grab a job or engage in the employment market.

 Codes of practice: A practical guide which helps to achieve the standards of health and safety which was required under the legislation is called code of practice. Code of practice provide a effective guidance to the duty holder to manage the safety risks and work health.

National privacy principles:  There are ten national privacy principles which are described in schedule 3 of the Privacy Act 1998 which any organization need to handle the individuals personal information. The ten national privacy principles are collection of personal information, use and disclosure of information, quality and security of information, openness, access and correction, identifiers, anonymity, transformer data flows and sensitive information like health, racial or any criminal records.

7.In the state that you live in what is the name of the Act that employees and employers must adhere to regarding workplace safety?

 The name of the act that employees and employers must adhere to regarding workplace safety is Australia work health and safety act 2011.

8.What are WHS compliance codes?  List 2 compliance codes that may apply to your workplace.

In 2011 Australia develop a single set of WHS law for the safe work Australia which has to be implemented across Australia. TheCommunicating occupational health and safety across languages and Demolition apllies to the current wo

9.Outline a strategy that you could implement to interest people / employees the companies risk management process.  Be sure to detail how you would maintain the currency of information provided

The strategy of implement interest on the people of the community and the employes are very aggressive. It is very aggressively marketed at the nature of the company.  the risk management process is to be explained to very individual working at the premises in the workplace of the company. it’s very important to know the aspects of the risk management process.

10.You are to detail how you would identify an intervention point for expert risk management advice.  Be sure to provide examples of when you would seek expert advice, and who you would contact to receive such advice.

The intervention point of the company for the risk management systems is, when the company officials think the lower position of the company are not working properly and not working upto mark in their positions. than the higher company officials should step in inorder to find in a solution for the risk management process. The management advice should be considered, without any distraction and should act positively.

11.Describe the steps you would take when implementing a risk management action plan.

the steps required to take in implementation of the risk management systems plans are as follows:-

  • identify the risk : the company needs to identify the risk related to management systems in the company.
  • analyze the risk : once the risks related to the management are identified by the company by the officials than the next challenge will be analyze the risk.
  • evaluate the risk :  the magnitude of the risk is the measured in this process and the risk is measured more precisely in this process.
  • monitor and review the risk : each and every risk is monitor and review the risk analyzed.

12.Outline what should be included in an Intellectual Property Risk Management strategy

the five main risks that affects the business are discussed as follows:

  • financial risk.
  • operational risk.
  • managerial risk.
  • employee risk.
  • work health risk.

13.What are the 5 main risk types that face businesses

14.Following from the previous question, you are to provide an example of a risk and a risk management strategy for each risk type.

Risk Type Example Risk Risk management strategy

Strategic the correct strategy towards the work approach should be very important the strategy should be a global risk consideration.

Compliance the rules, regulations and norms of the company should match which the government norms and rules the risk involved is exceed the rule and norms of the limit provided.

Operational the work operated is in the correct manner. all the work management is in the correct way.

Financial the capital invested in the company. the risk managed is to not invest in unwanted property.

Reputational the brand value of the company to produce quality products in order to stay in top companie

15.Why are values important to organisations

Values are important within  the form because they help an organization to build up work cultures and approach which helps the  company to operate in the ma

16.Describe how you would determine the company values for a new enterprise.

The company values will be determined on the basis of the work culture and vision which the company has in order to operate within the market.

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