Assessment Description And Answer
1: In order of priority, identify which tasks you yourself will undertake and which tasks you will delegate
I think the highest priority should be given to the patients who have fallen down after the post operation and the visitor who has fainted on the floor of Mr. Smith. This should be taken care of by the nurse in charge. I think after that comes the case of Mrs. Chew and the Mrs. Chew the nursing assistant as the person is senior and has experience than the enrolled nurse should be sent to the deal with intravenous IV problems of Mrs. Chew (Broyles, 2006). In my opinion, The enrolled nurse should be given proper instruction about the antibiotics that MR Espasito will have and is to be sent to Mr. Espasito. The word clerk will be delegated the responsibility of discussing with the consultant about the error in the medicine. At last proper authorities should be informed about the problems that occurred in the staff toilet.
2: Document your rationales in detail
According to the case study, it is a very complex situation in the hospital. Most of the patients are going through problems which need to be attended properly by the nurse. The human resource which is present in the hospital at that moment is not sufficient for providing the nursing care. The human resources who are available at the moment are the ward clerk an enrolled nurse who is still the novice and an Assistant of nursing. This is a very tricky and complex situation the nurse has to stay calm and t analyze the situation properly before making the decisions (Buttigieg, Rathert & Eiff, 2015). Since the nurse is taking charge she has to delegate the work as per the strength of the human resources. The nursing assistant will take care of Mrs. Chews intravenous IV infusion as it can cause serious damage to the physiology of the patient. Mrs chew is also running late on the antibiotics she will take care of that because the proper medication is very much essential for the patient.
Nursing care of Mrs. Chew will be done after the delegation of the work to the other human resources present. The enrolled nurse will be delegated the duty to go and look after Mr,s Smith visitor and she will be instructed to check the vital statistics and the patient should be admitted to the emergency as soon as possible with the highest priority. After that, the enrolled nurse will be sent to Mr. Esposito with proper information of the medication which should be delivered to MR Esposito so that after that the cardiac cauterization can be performed in a proper way.
The elderly female who has gone through surgery should be taken care of by the nurse who is in charge because post-surgery patients are under the most critical situations (Daniels, Grendell & Wilkins, 2010). The vital statistics of the elderly person should be checked properly. As the word clerk maintains the documentation of the patients’ statistics and medication the word clerk should be delegated the job to go the surgeon to discuss the error that occurred with the medication the previous week. After all this case is resolved then the competent authority should be informed so that they can take measures about the problematic toilet and repair it as soon as possible. In this complex situation, rational thinking is very much important and this is the rationale the nurse in charge will use when she is dealing with the complex and critical situation (Zyblock, 2010).
Activity 2: ASSESSMENT
- Identify factors that determine which healthcare professionals are required to be involved in a healthcare team?
There are various members of the different category present in the group. So it cannot be mentioned about a particular one important member of the healthcare team. Every member is crucial to the team.
- Who should lead the healthcare, team?
It depends upon the hospital or the nursing home. Sometimes it is found the case manager lead the team or sometimes it is found that the team manager of the hospital leads the team. But it is better than the case manager with experience should lead the team (Fonseca, 2012).
- Who is the most important member of the healthcare team?
A healthcare team is comprised of the doctor, nurse, and the other specialized doctor. So it can be mentioned that the all the member of the team should be nicely be considered as an important member (Patlak, Balogh & Nass, 2011).
Case Study 4
- What are the key issues in this situation?
One of the important issues in this condition is the neglect of the service of the newly engaged staff from the physiotherapy. Apart from that, there is a lack of consensus between the nurse and the newly engaged staff of physiotherapy. Apart from that, the newly engaged staff seems not to interest in his or her job (Gillespie, 2010). Through the case study, it is seen that the staff often neglect the important job of her. The novice staff holds the carelessness mentality towards performing her duty. Overall, the newly engaged staff from the physiotherapy department seems not to interest to deliver his service to the patients. Through the character of the newly engaged staff, it can be assumed that the staffs are not willing to work anymore in the hospital.
- What strategies would you employ to address this situation?
As a team leader in the hospital, it is very important to address the problem very seriously. It is a very sensitive issue as it occurs in the hospital. The behavior and the actions of the newly engaged staff are not appropriate for both the colleague and the patients.
- To solve such problem, the team leader needs to communicate with the concerned staff and gather the information about the staff’s past history.
- Apart from that, the team leader needs to take the proper actions against the accused staff. If the team leader needs to be, he or she can convey the problem to the higher authority of the hospital (Haugen & Musser, 2012).
- As the health of the patients is concerned, so the team leader should not compromise anything for particular one staff in the hospital.
- Apart from that, as the team leader of the group staff, he or she needs to inform the matter to the doctor and the other important medical staff about the matter.
- If need be, he or she should communicate with them to seek for help in the matter. In addition, the team leader of the group may consult with the legal section of the hospital to meet the situation.
- Apart from that, the team leader may signal to the other staff members of the group to take the suitable actions against the accused staff. As the functions of the nursing are very important so they need extra care for this situation (Hunnicutt, 2010).
Overall the proper actions may bring the appropriate result in dealing with the matter. The team leader should take a close look at this serious case.
Module 3
1. What further questions will you need to ask the nurse?
Before arriving, the patient at the ward it is very important to ask a few questions about the patient.
Q: What is the requirement to meet the problem of the old man?
Q: How long the patient has been suffering from the disease?
Q: Is there any previous history of such disease?
The above questions about the patients give the proper idea about the patient.
2. List specifically what further assessments you would complete when the patient arrives onto the ward
Through the audio of the problem, it can be found that the old man has been suffering from the gastric ulcer, urinal problem, pneumonia, and weight loss. At the age of 92, it is natural to suffer from such a disease. But to improve the situation, the proper care and treatment must be provided (Lande, 2011). To meet the need of the patients, the further assessment is required to solve the problem.
- When the patient arrives at the ward, it is important to know the past history of the weight loss of the patient. Whether he or she could have suffered from the serious disease or not. It is important to see whether the patients’ have suffered from the malnutrition or not.
- As the patient is suffering from pneumonia, so the patients should be taken care of the improvement of pneumonia. In general, to cure pneumonia, the patients should be given the antibiotics. Sometimes the doctor uses the special treatment for pneumonia. Apart from that, the nurse should be aware of the vaccine of pneumonia. It is very essential to treat the patient with such a vaccine. Sometimes, the yearly vaccine is needed to prevent pneumonia (Lock & Strong, 2012).
- At the older age, it is common for the older person to be experienced with the disease like urinal problem. As the concerned old person is suffering from the urinal problem, so he must be taken care of such treatment. As soon as the patient arrives at the ward, he must be given the antibacterial medication. Apart from that, the senior doctor supervises the critical issue very seriously. As this is very sensitive for the older person. In this case, the special vaccine is used to meet the problem (McIntyre, Stiegmann & Eiseman, 2004).
- As the patient is admitted with the various disease. Among the other diseases, the gastric ulcer is crucial to deal with. There are some of the symptoms of the disease. Such symptoms are the loss of appetite and vomiting and so on. To meet the problem of the gastric ulcer, the doctor should use the C14 breath test as well as the endoscopy test for the disease (Parks, 2009).
Patient Allocation model
In the clinical nursing practice, the patient allocation model which consists of the team nursing is very much important for the overall monitor and maintenances of the safety of the patient in a proper healthcare setting. According to the case study, 22 patients are present in the hospital at the present. Surgery of 14 patients is done in the morning and the 8 patients will go through the surgery. There are presently two registered nurse one enrolled nurse three nursing assistant and the nursing unit managers duty is being done by another registered nurse. In this circumstances, the best theory which should be used by the nurse is the team of nursing which is one of the best patient allocation theory in nursing care management (Miller, 2011).
Module 4
The team nursing requires excellent leadership skills and the communication skills to coordinate according to the situation. Among the members present the nursing unit manager is the senior most and she may play the role of leader in the team. The patients who have undergone surgery should be taken care of in a proper way. The delegation of the work should be done by the NUM. One registered nurse as she is experienced will take charge of the 14 patients who have gone through the surgery in the morning. The registered nurse will be assisted by the enrolled nurse and two of the nursing assistant who is present at the moment (Nagpal, Day, Eckmann, Boies & Driver, 2017). The collaboration and cooperation should be in the prime level among the assistant the enrolled nurse and the registered nurse. Time management and situation analysis is the most important technique which is to be done properly by the nurses.
The patients who will go to the surgery will be attended by the other registered nurse supported by the two nursing assistant who will fulfill the requirements of the patients before the surgery. The reporting person will be the nursing manager. In a team nursing model, it has proper coordination among the teams.
According to the case study, the registered nurse has to do a proper assessment of the Patient who will go to the surgery. The vital parameters of the patients should be checked properly before the surgery which includes heart rate, blood pressure, and the blood sugar level. The patients who had surgery proper monitoring should be monitored any proper way. If any patient has any complication then proper nursing care should be provided to that patient. Time management and coordination among the patient should be done properly which will help the patient to recover properly. Good communication and teamwork should be maintained among the team members for the optimization of the output (ORCHARD, 2010).
Broyles, B. (2006). Clinical decision making. Clifton Park, NY: Thomson Delmar Learning.
Buttigieg, S., Rathert, C., & Eiff, W. (2015). International best practices in health care management. Bingley, U.K.: Emerald.
Daniels, R., Grendell, R., & Wilkins, F. (2010). Nursing fundamentals. Australia: Delmar Learning.
Fonseca, C. (2012). Nursing Care Indicators to Nursing Homes. Journal Of Nursing & Care, 01(03). doi: 10.4172/2167-1168.1000107
Gillespie, M. (2010). Using the Situated Clinical Decision-Making framework to guide analysis of nurses’ clinical decision-making. Nurse Education In Practice, 10(6), 333-340. doi: 10.1016/j.nepr.2010.02.003
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Hunnicutt, S. (2010). Universal health care. Detroit: Greenhaven Press.
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Lock, A., & Strong, T. (2012). Discursive perspectives in therapeutic practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
McIntyre, R., Stiegmann, G., & Eiseman, B. (2004). Surgical decision making. Philadelphia, Pa.: Saunders.
Miller, D. (2011). Health care. Detroit, Mich.: Lucent Books.
Nagpal, A., Day, M., Eckmann, M., Boies, B., & Driver, L. (2017). Ramamurthy’s decision making in pain management. Delhi: Jaypee Brothers, Medical Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
ORCHARD, C. (2010). Persistent isolationist or collaborator? The nurse’s role in interprofessional collaborative practice. Journal Of Nursing Management, 18(3), 248-257. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2834.2010.01072.x
Parks, P. (2009). Health care. San Diego, CA: ReferencePoint Press.
Patlak, M., Balogh, E., & Nass, S. (2011). Patient-centered cancer treatment planning. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press.
Zyblock, D. (2010). Nursing Presence in Contemporary Nursing Practice. Nursing Forum, 45(2), 120-124. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-6198.2010.00173.x