Assessing The Competitve Advantage Of E-commerce, Customer Attraction Through Social Media, And Trust Building Strategies For Internet Shopping
E-commerce Marketing
1. Assessing in which way organisations obtain competitive advantage by utilizing e-commerce?
2. Analyse in which way organisations attract customers through social media to buy their products online and to promote sales.?
3. Critically analyse the strategies that organisations use to build and maintain trust in consumers towards internet shopping ?
E-commerce can be defined as online shopping that is increasing in order to spread product all over the places. Document would cover ecommerce advantages and competitive environment in market. There is analysis of market scenario that how customer would be attracted to products over website. It will uncover many strategies about online shopping and through social media it can be spread out. E-commerce proposes online shopping to global platform. There are various effects discussed of using ecommerce as marketing tool.
Ecommerce marketing is started with development of website and hosted on server. Ecommerce is different from e-business. Ecommerce comes only when transaction process is considered. Electronic commerce consider as product transfer on fund exchange. Online market has taken place all over and now retail products are also available on websites like amazon, Snap deal. Retail products are popular in small places and not reachable to everyone. Online websites are the only key to launch product at global market. There are many reasons that stop customers to purchase products online. Ecommerce have different genre and can be utilized as fund transfer, mobile business, supply chain management, online transaction process, and inventory management system. Best example of retail product launching over internet is amazon because several products that are not globally known nowadays are in demand all over the places. However, those products are not from any popular brands but by proposing them on online platform.
Marketing is very vast term in business but it is most important while escorting retail shoppers to online business website. Ecommerce marketing guides shoppers to develop their business over internet because at the end of 2015, 95 percent people would be on mobile ecommerce. Small business enterprises are the entities which are benefited mostly by utilizing this concept. Ecommerce can be utilized as marketing tool but first of there are some steps taken before it. E-business website development is the essential requirement for launching product or takes any other website subscription. Customer landing on website is the most difficult task because data traffic and business depends on it. There are many factors that decide website popularity and customer attraction. In further discussion we would discuss various factors utilized for online marketing.
Ecommerce as Marketing Tool
Search engine optimization is a technique by that developer increases website popularity and in any search engine website link would be on top rank. In every ecommerce organization there is a team that customizes pages according to customers and in day how many customers would land on website would increase its rating over internet and on search engine. SEO also include
Fig 1: Ecommerce Concept
The figure above clearly pictured that how online shopping includes business to business strategy to be applied. Online payment is the popular and burning concept utilized all over world. It also plays major role while utilizing mobile commerce because nobody wants to waste time in queues for shopping. Ecommerce concept gives chance to make payment from any place any time.
This technique is used to change and modify website navigation model so that customers can be reached to the website. For this purpose an expert is hired and according to him some changes are made in existing website therefore, more traffic could be drawn on website. A single campaign includes may aspects related to website reputation and popularity. The PPC expert handles these kinds of different campaign simultaneously.
This is most common practice that utilized by publishing different newsletters, articles, offers for attracting people to website. Online advertisement is also part of this approach. Advertising through social media is one of the approaches for popularity gain.
Organizations utilize ecommerce to gain high profit and making more business. Online market changing the economy and the way business is conducted. E-commerce emphasize on companies to expand their business to chase with other. Online shopping give chance to compare price with retail market without going anywhere and retail shopper take more charges but this does not apply in ecommerce. Product bundling is one of the strategies that includes from packaging to placing order. Market is full of consumers and they are ready to purchase different types of products. However, day by day new products are taking place in market so that consumers also have variety to select. Product popularity depends on number of customers using it.
Social media plays vital role in ecommerce and there are many ways of utilizing it as marketing tool. Customer’s social medial accounts are tracked and data mining techniques applied for finding product interest. Webpages are displayed with those product picture and links so that they can directly reach to product website. Supply chain management is also a feature that can be involved by using ecommerce. This includes product supply from its packaging as well.
Search Engine Optimization
Fig 2: E-business Elements
E-business contains ecommerce in it and there are various elements like search engine optimization, order management, global trading and shipping. In further discussion we would uncover social media use in sales.
Social Media & E-commerce:
Sales and marketing are the two pillars in any organization to promote their products in market places. Global market and interact with other people could be done by engaging with social media. Social media is most popular among young people that include a large number of customers.
Social media can be used as marketing tool as above picture clearly mentioned that from any social media websites engaged people can be targeted easily for landing on online shopping websites. Marketing team in any organization manages these accounts and drop advertisements on consumers accounts. Some of the websites directly show there products on social media and customers can like or buy products from there only. There are websites those provide payment option as well on advertisement therefore, it can easily optimized.
Customers are very much fond of retail shopping because products are available directly in their hand and they make payment. This is popular because for a long time people do used to it. Online shopping is not an old concept and consumers are purchasing products from online stores. But as we know that consumers trust on retail market is main reason of lacking online stores. Customers can be attracted by different experiments like cash on delivery is top most feature of online shopping which cannot be provided by retail shoppers. Try and buy is other way of attracting customers and payment system is the key of ecommerce. Transaction process has been made flexible in online shopping because from unknown vendor delivered product can be suspicious. But online websites tie up with local distributer services and they do shipping process. Customers even can track their product from placing order to shipping as well. Confirmation emails and messages provided in every process completion in online shopping concept (Schwartz.2015). Major benefit is that people do not need to move from their place or home while they can see product list and nowadays several offers and coupons available on purchasing from online stores. Once product is selected then people can take that product in their virtual cart provided in personal account. Customers are provided their personal login id and password for privacy and security. Once person is a part of online portal they can order and select products. They can place order from any place any time and their product item would be sent to them. Ecommerce solves all fund transfer and transaction process. Online shopping has some trust issues but now including ecommerce strategies all are being clarify. It is day by day influencing people to engage with these online stores.
Ecommerce is a part of internet business or electronic business and popular among people. The report has covered important elements of marketing in online websites and how it can be popularized. The document can be concluded by framing concept that online shopping is an alternative way to get products at home directly. There are opportunities for retail market as well so that they can launch their product. Report has covered ecommerce advantages therefore; benefits could be uncovered for further use. It can be easily filter that how ecommerce would be used as marketing tool. There are different techniques are discussed which make ecommerce a marketing tool. It can be concluded that online shopping is platform where retailers and consumer meet for exchanging products and payments while ecommerce acts as gateway through this interaction has been completed. The terms are very well specified and defined for giving clear vision to document and readers as well.
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