Assessing Project Scope: Written Responses And Evidence Portfolio

Task 1 – Written responses

1. A stakeholder is defined as an individual or a group of people who has significant interest in a part or stake of an organization or a project. Some of the most common stakeholders involved in any project are project manager, finance manager, project supervisor and others.

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There are several methods to identify the stakeholders in the product of which the most effective and commonly used is stakeholder engagement matrix. A stakeholder engagement matrix is developed keeping in consideration the requirements of the project. Based on the project requirements, the stakeholders are identified and their interests and influences in the project are determined. Finally, these stakeholders are arranged in order of influence and their roles and responsibilities in the project are defined accordingly.

2. One major challenge in communication faced during a project is the use of different languages by the team members due to separate backgrounds. This is often noted in projects when team members are appointed from different cultural backgrounds. This problem is generally solved when a common language like English is fixed and the team members are asked to interact with each other in the common language only.

Planning for communication is generally done when the project is of large scale and a large number of team members are involved. In these cases, if there is no suitable communication plan, the team members will not communicate with each other as much as required and hence, proper communication plan is being developed. In this communication plan, the roles of the stakeholders and team members are generally defined and their communication requirements and methods are specified accordingly. Information management plan is developed to ensure that the project team members pass on the right information to the other team members at the most appropriate times such that the project is executed in the right manner. Thus, communication management plan and information management significantly help in overcoming the challenges of communication in the project.

3. The closure phase of a project mainly refers to the final activities that are undertaken before the project is finally completed. Hence, this phase mainly involves review of the project and finalizing the activities like payment of wages, sign off and others before official closing of the project. In addition to tasks mentioned, there are also communication management and information management tasks that are conducted in the closure phase. During the review process, it is determined whether the communication process has been streamlined as per the plan developed earlier. If there is any gap in communication during the project, it will be evident in the project report as there will be several missing information and other relevant details. In addition to the communication, information management process is also a part of the project closure. In this phase, each and every detail mentioned in the project progress reports is collated into the final project report and then forwarded for the final analysis. The project manager analyzes these pieces of information, provides approval regarding the final output of the project and signs off the project.

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Part A: Planning Information and Communication Processes

A1: Managing Communication Plan

a: Findings from the Project

This project is based on the design and installation of a modular kitchen as a part of the plan for renovating an existing kitchen. During this project, the existing equipments in the kitchen will be moved into a new space where a temporary kitchen will be set up for the convenience of the client. The kitchen will then be repaired and new cooking equipments and systems like modular chimney, oven, refrigerators, utensil holders and others will be set up. The key deliverables of the project are shown in the following table.

Task Name

Kitchen renovation plan

   Planning and Designing phase

      Developing preliminary design

      Selecting contractor

      Design package consideration

      Risk and safety management plan

      Architectural and MEP planning

      Budget planning

      Milestone 1: Completion of project Planning and Designing phase

   Kitchen demolition phase

      Kitchen site analysis

      Secure all demolition equipments

      Demolition team hiring

      Structural preparation

      Utilities turning off

      Packing existing kitchen for reuse

      Secure waste containers

      Milestone 2: Completion of Kitchen demolition phase

   kitchen construction phase

      Material procurement

      Quantity estimation

      Mechanical installation

      Electricity installation

      Plumbing and painting

      Cabinetry and counters


      Final interior decoration

      Installing all electronic appliances (fridge, stove, dishwasher, microwave)

      Milestone 3: Completion of kitchen construction phase

   Testing and clean up phase

      Appliance testing

      Unused material removal

      Trash removal

      Stakeholder signoff

The major milestones of the project are also shown in the following table.


Task Name






   Milestone 1: Completion of project Planning and Designing phase

0 days

Fri 2/16/18

Fri 2/16/18



   Milestone 2: Completion of Kitchen demolition phase

0 days

Mon 2/26/18

Mon 2/26/18



   Milestone 3: Completion of kitchen construction phase

0 days

Mon 3/19/18

Mon 3/19/18



   Milestone 4: Completion of Testing and clean up phase

0 days

Mon 3/26/18

Mon 3/26/18



Description of All Project Stakeholders




Need for Communication

House owner


To invest necessary capital for the successful renovation of the kitchen

Project progress update and funding requirements

Project manager


To complete the renovation plan within $50,000 and 5 weeks

Project progress update and change requirements



To keep themselves engage to the job roles for the successful completion of the renovation plan

Project milestones and requirements



Supply good quality materials and appliances to meet the expectation of the clients

Resource requirements

In this project, the main communication method between the client and the renovation company is face to face. During planning of the project, the client will meet with the contractor to discuss about the possible execution of the project along with feasibility testing and other major factors. However, when the project is ongoing, the project manager i.e. the contractor will not always be available on site but will remain connected through email and telephone. In any requirement, the contractor can be contacted by calling through the phone number or sending an email to the official email address of the contractor.

Task 2 – Portfolio of Evidence

Some of the major communication processes required in the project are described as follows.

Communication Process


Written Status Report

Updating the status of the project to the project manager

Project Plan Update

Requesting changes in the project management plan

Project Team Meeting

Discuss the progress of the project

Exception Reports

Report the exceptions in the project

Milestone Reports

Updating the reaching of milestones in the project

Informal Project Communication

This type of communication is generally performed outside the project boundaries but the discussion is based on the project only. This is mainly done to provide idea to one or more of the team members in the project but these ideas are not officially registered within the project progress report.

Feedback Mechanisms

In case of communication issues, the related project team member must report to the project manager to look into the issue and take suitable actions.

Task b: Project Communications Plan

Target Audience

Communication Needs




House owner

Project progress update and funding requirements

Project Manager

Face to Face Communication


Project manager

Project progress update and change requirements


Project update document



Project milestones and requirements

Project Manager

Design blueprint

Before start of project


Resource requirements

Project Manager

List of resources

Before start of project


Design of the modular kitchen

House Owner

Face to Face

During project planning

Communication Management Procedure is defined as a systematic path through which the communication between two relevant parties or stakeholders of a project is to be conducted. There are several communication management procedures that are discussed below.

Standards – Many large scale organizations follow standardized communication procure in order to ensure the communications that are done between the stakeholders remain are professional and up to the requirements. As the standards are already being developed by the company, it is important for the stakeholders to abide by the standards and also report to the project management authority in case the standards need to be changed or updated.

Escalation Processes – In some cases, during the project, any project member may detect any major issue or problem that can give significant negative impact on the project. Hence, the occurrence of such problems may be harmful and the relevant stakeholder or team leader must be informed about the issue. This is done through an escalation process in which the team members escalate an issue in the project to the project manager or any other relevant staff. The same process will be used in this particular chosen case project as well.

Version Control – Version control refers to the process in which the changes in the project report document are recorded for future review and reference.

Process to Update the Communications Management Plan – Often in projects, there are requirements to update the communications management plan due to various changes like change in personnel, project structure, project requirements and others. In this case, all the involved personnel in the project should be called for a face to face meeting. In this meeting, every team member and stakeholder should be acknowledged regarding the changes in the project and the communications management plan.

Flow Charts for Communications – A flow chart for communication for the selected case project is shown as follows.

Project Scope Management Plan

Communication Constraints and Policies – Communication constraints in a project mainly occur due to several reasons like language barrier, lack of remote communication device and others. For this kitchen renovation project, communication constraint may occur due to lack of direct involvement of the house owner in the project. There might be a case when the house owner wants the plan in a specific way but is unable to communicate directly with the labors as they work under the project contractor instead. Again, the project contractor and the supplier may not always be present at the site of the project and any communication need will be affected.

Roles and Responsibilities – The roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders in the kitchen renovation project regarding communication management are shown in the following table.


Role in for Communication

House owner

Explain the modifications and renovation requirements

Project manager

Design and work instructions


Report project progress


Supply confirmation and billing

Communication Review – The communication will be done by the project manager (contractor) for this project to ensure the communication standards and guidelines have been met.

Timelines – The milestone timeline for the project is shown as follows.


Task Name





   Milestone 1: Completion of project Planning and Designing phase

0 days

Fri 2/16/18

Fri 2/16/18


   Milestone 2: Completion of Kitchen demolition phase

0 days

Mon 2/26/18

Mon 2/26/18


   Milestone 3: Completion of kitchen construction phase

0 days

Mon 3/19/18

Mon 3/19/18


   Milestone 4: Completion of Testing and clean up phase

0 days

Mon 3/26/18

Mon 3/26/18

Software and Technology Used – For the purpose of communication in this project, in addition to face to face communication, email and mobile phones will be used for remote communication.

For project management information system, cloud computing is an efficient approach for storing, searching and retrieval of information related to the project. Cloud provides virtual storage interface through which any data management process is very easy and efficient. With certain amount of implementation cost, there is no maintenance requirements and this cloud computing is very much suitable for both medium and large scale projects. For small scale projects like kitchen renovation, information can be recorded and stored in simple paper documents only.

B1: Portfolio of Information

Information Type

Application to the Project

Feedback Received

Modular kitchen design

Design of the project output

Design is satisfactory and as per the requirement

Funding requirement

Funds for purchasing resources

Funds provided accordingly

Project completion

Completion of the modular kitchen

The modular kitchen is as expected

Project Status Report

Project Attribute



The project is within the scope only


The project is delayed by 2 days margin


The cost has not exceeded the budget of the project


Expected quality has been achieved

Risk Performance

All risks have been duly mitigated during the project

At the end of each week, the project manager conducted a team meeting in which the project progress had been discussed by all the tem members.

Validation process can be executed using a checklist of various milestones in the project. Once a milestone is successfully completed, each data entry in that phase is checked and validated before entered in the final project report.

C1: Question Answer

1. Finalizing of records require in depth review of the project report to ensure each detail mentioned in it contains true and relevant information. After finalization of the records, it is required to archive the records. In case of paper documents, the records can be archived in paper folders and stored for future reference. In case of online documents, the records can be collected within one folder and stored in cloud for future reference. This process reflects that the owner of the information has the right to store the information and use it in future based on his requirements. The control requirement refers to the need to control the flow, documentation and storage of the information.

Communication Management Plan

For this kitchen renovation project, records will be developed in paper documents. This paper documents will be stored by the house owner for future reference and a photocopy of the record will be kept by the project manager i.e. the contractor for kitchen renovation.

2. In the kitchen renovation project, information and communication management have been executed according to plan within the limitations set by the initial roadmap.

The information and communication management procedures in this project can be called as effective because there has been no communication gap or issue during the entire course of the project. All the stakeholders had clearly understood the requirements of the project and hence, they worked effectively as well as communicated with each other throughout the course of the project.


Description of Problem / Opportunity

Recommended Action for Next Time

Lesson Learnt Raised By


Language Barrier

Ensure one personnel knows multiple languages and can talk to all the team members and stakeholders of the project



Remote Communication

Ensure the stakeholders have each other’s phone numbers and email addresses



Incomplete Data Records

Complete and review weekly progress report on regular basis



Inaccurate Data

Verify data before entry



Paper Document Destroyed

Prepare online copy of report and store in cloud



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