Artificial Intelligence And Threats To Humanity

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Describe about the Artificial Intelligence and Threats to Humanity.

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the present era has become a discussed topic in every circle of life. It has thereby helped man to ease their life. In order to know how AI has helped man to make different hard tasks and activities simple, one must first need to know the exact idea of Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence is the term provided to the intelligence that the modern machines mainly computers, chargers, mobile phones, scanners, barcode readers and many others display. This intelligence is the capacity of the machines to recognize any adverse situations or challenges and deal with it in cognitive mode so that it can bring out a result that would achieve the goal. The purpose of the development of Artificial intelligence is that it performs a much difficult and laborious work of a human in seconds assessing the situation in to a number of categories (Nilsson, 2014). These categories are then often then judged on the level of certain basic human traits, which might include proper reasoning, language assessing, voice recognition, presence of knowledge, planning, learning and perception. The machine thereby using this trait makes a thorough output that is entirely based on the intelligence. This intelligence is usually developed by the researchers and is set into machines through various databases and evidential inputs that will help them to to perform the required task without any complication. More the number of software dealing with cognitive behaviour is installed the better is the delivering capability of the machine using artificial intelligence.

The AI being used in various fields has made work in every sphere, as it is less time consuming and more accurate. Human sought to depend on a number of machines using artificial intelligence for their financial security as well as help them to get a correct estimate or assessment of the planning or the task, which he requires (Cohen & Feigenbaum, 2014). However, a large aspect of Ai has found to have produced a large number of negative impacts which one tend to discuss in the entire essay.

In various fields extensive use of AI has found to be extremely harmful for the lack of proper super sensing ability and lack of conscience. Today’s Ai is often termed to be the weak Ai mainly because of the narrow objectives that they often perform without the basic knowledge of common sense. Let us first begin with a very simple example. The well renowned phone that creates a lot of hype very time it is released is the apple iphone range. The Artificial intelligence installed into it that makes suggestion for help to the owner every time it is asked to. By the extreme use of the search engines that they provide thereby finding information from all over the world within a moment has made lives of people very easy. However, there has been a side effect of this aspect. Persons have lost their urge to gain knowledge through books and students visit hardly libraries. As a result, the habit of gaining a large amount of knowledge thoroughly through book reading has been totally halted in the present generation (Wenger, 2014). They have become lazy largely as their work, which requires and extensive concentration and time to fulfill, is easily conducted by the search engines. Google and siri now have further extended their hold over the human life by developing the voice commands. This has been an additional feather on the hat for the consumers. Nowadays-easy access to the search engines by the student of various age groups have opted for this instead of their main tutor and often tend to miss schools and colleges. They have a particular idea that the entire knowledge provided by the teachers and the professors at school can be easily accessed through internet (Tyagi, 2016). This in turn has affected the quality of the students and has made them lazy. This has in turn taken away hardworking ability and made them dumb.

Impacts of AI in different fields

Artificial Intelligence has not been developed to such an extent where intelligent thinking and presence of human mind qualities a can be inserted into such arena. They have developed the feature of carrying out a task being commanded by the owner  but have not developed the idea of how to perform within a safe and safety measures that needs to be incorporated in the task. Researchers have found out that in self-driving cars, which are automatically controlled by Artificial intelligence has many drawbacks. If the driver asks the car to carry him to a particular place fast , it might happen that the car in doing so make make accidents and break rules and create a havoc which according to itself is not a matter of concern since these criteria might not have input into the system (Coan, 2014). Again, if the driver asks to take a shortcut to a particular destination then it might enter into someone garden or into a grassland area to perform the task. Until all the proper evidence based data and different case based inputs are not entered into the database of the machines using AI, they should be strictly avoided and not to be sold. This is solely because it might create accidents taking away lives and happiness. Even control of traffics lights through an artificial intelligence system may not read out every adversaries and the problematic situation that might arise after a particular situation and may not be able to give out proper commands in the system, which again might create accidents or might create confusions (Milano, O’Sullivan & Gavanelli, 2014).

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Elon Mask and Stephen Hawking have also expressed their concern over the negative impacts that the use of AI might have over the human population. Robotics is a study that is mainly governed with the implementation of the Artificial Intelligence. Robots are even today a very fascinating concept that people over the world think of.  They have developed an expectation  to own one , one day in households. Scientists have often inculcated a feeling that they are easy to handle and often may act as a personal chauffer. However, the matter is not that easy as it apparently seems to the world. Robots have been incorporated with artificial intelligence but have no judgmental properties and also lack conscience and ethics of performing a work (Barrat, 2013). While performing a typical order that involves simple step by step procedure for proper completion might be completed by the robot in  a way that is not acceptable in  terms of ethics. A funny case was reported when a robot collected all the puppies of the neighborhood when the owner got excited and exclaimed of having sweet puppies for herself on seeing the videos of puppies on social media (Tan, 2016).

Artificial intelligence can also be lethal if applied to the concept of launching missiles and war weapons for assessing the entire condition of the political situation. The entire system should always be governed by a polished human brain that can control the onset of the weapons thinking of the necessities and consequences of the war weapons on humanity (Ashrafian, 2015).

Different types of applications have been developed where artificial importance has been incorporated to play important roles. Different social media has developed speech recognition for logging into the application and uses face and onto identification suggesting names that can be used for tagging them are indeed a breach in personal space of an individual. Many banking sectors and security organization, which uses speech recognition, fingerprinting scanning or photo identification for maintaining their safety, can face a threat to the technologies mentioned above (Skulimowski, 2014).  Various attackers have taken out different dishonest ways to manipulate with the ways of the safety of the sectors and the entire nation would be at risk.

From the above points mentioned , it is clear that researchers should only apply AI when all the negative aspects could be nullified thereby making a safe environment for the population making life a bliss.


Ashrafian, H. (2015). Artificial intelligence and robot responsibilities: innovating beyond rights. Science and engineering ethics, 21(2), 317-326.

Barrat, J. (2013). Our final invention: Artificial intelligence and the end of the human era. Macmillan.

Coan, R. W. (2014). Science, Technology, Knowledge-Based Innovation: Too Much of a Good Thing?. Washington Academy of Sciences. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, 100(1), 37.

Cohen, P. R., & Feigenbaum, E. A. (Eds.). (2014). The handbook of artificial intelligence (Vol. 3). Butterworth-Heinemann.

Milano, M., O’Sullivan, B., & Gavanelli, M. (2014). Sustainable policy making: A strategic challenge for artificial intelligence. AI Magazine, 35(3), 22-35.

Nilsson, N. J. (2014). Principles of artificial intelligence. Morgan Kaufmann.

Skulimowski, A. M. (2014). Future Prospects of Human Interaction with Artificial Autonomous Systems. In Adaptive and Intelligent Systems (pp. 131-141). Springer International Publishing.

Tan, T. B. (2016). Artificial intelligence: policy implications for small states.

Tyagi, A. (2016). Artificial Intelligence: Boon or Bane?. Available at SSRN 2836438.

Wenger, E. (2014). Artificial intelligence and tutoring systems: computational and cognitive approaches to the communication of knowledge. Morgan Kaufmann.

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