Argument On The Competency Of Male And Female Leaders In Business

Perception of Male Leaders vs Female Leaders in the Corporate World


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Argument on the competency as a business leader?

General belief is that the male leader can perform better than the female leaders. The general perception stress on the matter that male leader can control and manage his team due to certain advantage but the female leaders don’t have such qualities to control and manage a business. The man does not have any kind of physical casualties or fear of abuse. They have more endurance and potential than the women. Throughout the world the male child always get the benefit in case of education, health, or any other matters. So many of the cases it is presumed that the male can provide better and accurate position to a business. Women are considered to be inferior human entity to them in all aspect. So, therefore, it is presumed that they are lack of potentiality for the benefit the company. This paper attempts to specify the argument in relation to efficiency of man and women in the field of corporate leadership. The essay attempts to judge both the negative as well as positive side of the women in the era of business leadership. The paper attempts to identify the position of a woman in the business entity. The issue in this paper is to identify the situation of a woman in the corporation and along with the paper want to explore the concept of leadership in an impartial aspect. The researcher wants to find the actual qualities of leadership out the purview of gender biasness.

The debate in the matter of gender supremacy is immaterial in the modern era. In past, it was presumed thatmaleswere in the superior position but in modern era, women are initiating to put their representation inmany aspects of business rather than mere householddealings. In my estimation, both man and woman have the possibility to be enormous leaders but the issue of superior leader does not recline in the gender of the person solely, but on his or her naturalpersonality. In this paper, we candiscover the character that creates men and women leaders before cantering on other issues that are unconnected to sexual category. 

According to the opinion of Alice H. Eaglyand Linda L. Carli (Eagly and Carli, 2003) the man and woman both can make equal amount of money from a business deal. But the style of performance is obviously different. The man acts in more aggressive way while the women are blessed with more sensibility. The women have the quality of sensibility better than man. For this exceptional quality she can control and manage employees in much more good ways. Primary it was assumed thatmale leaders have some distinguishing individuality that creates them more advanced and enhanced leaders than a female candidate(Pullen and Vachhani, 2014). We can feature this information that men are usually bodily stronger than females. This is indisputablebecause a male has obviously more power mass in comparison to a woman. So in this case if the leadership is based on the physical power the male members may win the argument(Sidani, Konrad and Karam, 2015). But when we talk about the business leadership the strategy making power is important. In this class the woman and man has no difference. Male leaders are also identified to have improvedcapability to frame strategies in stipulations of warfare and they appear to control their team better. It was presumed that men are born to lead to the leader ship quality is within them from born.  But it has to be kept in mind that the women has the power to understand the problem with more emotional influence which can help them to achieve the confidence of the subordinates employees in the company and she can manage the position in better way(Welty Peachey and Burton, 2010).

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Negatives and Positives of Women’s Competency in Business Leadership

According to the view of RonitKark(Kark, 2004) the women more and more enter into the field of business leadership roles which are conventionally occupied and dominated by the men. With the growingdispersal of transformational managementhypothesis, there is risingattention in the association between sexual category and transformational management. A wide collection of feminist speculations that have came out in the most recent decadepresenttheoretical analysis, which can supplementaconsideration of the position of sex in the managerialbackground and the learning of management.Women are the most excellent leaders on the era 21st century because they are the spine of growth. Women are the most excellent suitable managers because they are additionally transformational in compare to the man. The female leaders also possess an elevated leadership excellence as they are concerned about their group and pay attention to what they wanted to convey (Kark, Waismel-Manor and Shamir, 2012). In some management roles, female leaders face obstruction that their male counter parts do not experienced. In different roles male are treated as the good leader as because of the physical stamina and strength. The team mates obey them as because of the more strict nature. The situation are not always favourable for the women the business context where male gets the advantage as identified by Alice H. Eagly (Eagly, 2007). The men are less sentimental and sometime can take strict action which helps the organisation to reach to a goal.

According to the view of James S. Pounder (Pounder and Coleman, 2002) the rising contact of women in the employees has reserved the management style of a female leader on the managerial agenda. The argument believes that the style of leadership is different but the efficiency is better than man to some extent. On the other hand, women have established to be superior leaders in a rising number of instances. This can be observed as in the context of many big corporations which provide the power to the women to be the leaders of the corporation. The female leaders have a more womanly approach to management which is extra responsive towards the requirements of corporation.Although we have argued about the efficiency of male and female leader in this context but it must be kept in mind that the ability of leadership does not depends on the capacity of leadership. In opposition is can be confirmed that more sentimental waves in the decision making process creates lots of discrepancies. The employees some time exploit the women due to soft approaches. In that occasion, a male leader can provide a strict approach to the situation as identified by Blaker, N. M (Blaker et al., 2013).

Different research shows that both male and female leader is equally efficient to become great leaders. The opinion is that management and leadership has tiny importance to do with sexual category and a large to do with a personality and innate of the leader’stemperament. This is presumed that to become a good leader the quality matters not the sexual category (Eagly and Carli, 2003). Men and women equally have the character of self-assurance, answerability, time administration and allocation skills, public dealings and high-quality communication ability, positive viewpoint, high assurance, originality and novelty, advancedimaginative and a lot of other individuality of a good manager. So, therefore, the inquiry of sexual category should not occur since being man or woman does not assured the aptitude to guide or lead well. 


It can be concluded thatthe past has exposed that men constructenhanced leaders but this is aout dated argumentin modern era. In the old era women were differentiate and discriminated in all the things and not permissible to guide. But today, civilization is further unbiasedand broad minded and more female candidates areoperating the wheel and establishing the fact that women are able to be superior leaders. On the other hand, the concept of leadership to me is not based on gender but based on the inner qualities, leaders’ optimisticindividuality which makes community respect the leader and desire to chase in their path. All business institutions needs more and more best leadersin spite ofthe gender biasness. The man and women are in same footing and equally efficient in every aspect. The female leader can make better sensible decisions in all the aspect. So in this regards, we can conclude that leadership depends on the unique feature of a human being not on the gender. With proper opportunity and guidance both can perform and provide their best.


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  • Eagly, A. (2007). Female Leadership Advantage And Disadvantage: Resolving The Contradictions.Psychology of Women Quarterly, 31(1), pp.1-12.
  • Eagly, A. and Carli, L. (2003). The female leadership advantage: An evaluation of the evidence. The Leadership Quarterly, 14(6), pp.807-834.
  • Kark, R. (2004). The transformational leader: who is (s)he? A feminist perspective. Journal of OrgChangeMgmt, 17(2), pp.160-176.
  • Kark, R., Waismel-Manor, R. and Shamir, B. (2012). Does valuing androgyny and femininity lead to a female advantage? The relationship between gender-role, transformational leadership and identification. The Leadership Quarterly, 23(3), pp.620-640.
  • Post, C. (2013). Female Leadership Advantage in Teams: A Situational Perspective. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2013(1), pp.14184-14184.
  • Post, C. (2015). When is female leadership an advantage? Coordination requirements, team cohesion, and team interaction norms. J. Organiz. Behav.,p.n/a-n/a.
  • Pounder, J. and Coleman, M. (2002). Women – better leaders than men? In general and educational management it still “all depends”. Leadership & Org Development J, 23(3), pp.122-133.
  • Pullen, A. and Vachhani, S. (2014). “‘The Female Advantage’? Feminine Leadership, Feminine Ethics”.Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014(1), pp.15724-15724.
  • Sidani, Y., Konrad, A. and Karam, C. (2015). From female leadership advantage to female leadership deficit. Career Dev Int, 20(3), pp.273-292.
  • Welty Peachey, J. and Burton, L. (2010). Male or Female Athletic Director? Exploring Perceptions of Leader Effectiveness and a (Potential) Female Leadership Advantage with Intercollegiate Athletic Directors. Sex Roles, 64(5-6), pp.416-425.

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