Architecture And Component Analysis For EHR System

Architecture Overview Diagram

EIA stands for Enterprise information Architecture is considered to be an essential part of enterprise architecture. It is designed in such a way that is can provide a framework for sharing of data in various departments of a firm by making use of cost effective techniques (Adenuga, Kekwaletswe and Coleman, 2015). The information system of EIA is designed in such a way that it can take care of various issues of privacy and security which contains right kind of information. At present various government bodies round the globe are addressing issues due to transparency, accountability of the citizen, business and community (Adler-Milstein, Bates and Jha, 2013). This particular report deals with EIA RA is mainly focused for developing Electronic health record system which can easily help the various government and citizen.

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In the coming pages of the report an idea has been provided regarding EIA RA (Enterpris

Information Architecture Reference Architecture). This particular not only works in systematic way but it is also associated with various kinds of true methods and pattern which can be used for design of information system. A conceptual architecture, logical architecture, relationship and interaction diagram of various component has been provided. After that an operation model, challenges, possible strategies for overcoming problem along with recommendation has been provided.

Enterprise Information Architecture Reference Architecture for EHR system 

The benefits of EIA RA (Enterprise Information Architecture Reference Architecture) used for development of record related to electronic health are:

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Integration of various enterprise:  The ultimate goal of electronic health record system can be easily achieved by the help of EIA RA. In this architecture various components of enterprise are checked or ensured (Bender and Sartipi, 2013). Integration of various approaches in done at various levels. The first layer is all about interconnection of various machines and devices. The second layer is all about business integration which comprises of controlling of business function and various processes associated with it.

Data domains of enterprises – The approach made by EIA RA is considered to be very helpful for providing accurate kind of response by making use of single source and providing accurate information through a single source and accurate kind of information to the eHealth department of the organization (Da Xu, 2014). Various kinds of services like metadata services, operational data and lastly content data is considered to be unstructured to the single central system by making use of single approach related to domain of data. Integration helps in achieve central kind of services along with management of enterprise.

Logical View Diagram

The needs of electronic health system are planned by the government of Australia. It is considered to be a vital part of EIA RA. Conceptualism used by this architecture focus on characterization by the help of idea and logic which is introduced from various electronic health record (DOLCINI and Sernani, 2013). The development of electronic health record health record has been presented by overview diagram which is provided report. A diagram has been provided regarding which consist of electronic health record system has been provided. Building block generally serves as a foundation which can be used for development of electronic health record.

The diagram draw below provides an idea regarding health record system and various associated features of it (Duftschmid et al. 2013). This merely focus on the fact that an individual entity serves as basic for various parts client and providers of health. With references to diagram government can be considered as a primary layer in building blocks and it works like important role in electronic health record and its development.

Figure 1: Basic building blocks for EHR system

(Source: Created by author)

Figure 2: Architecture Overview Diagram for EHR system

(Source: Created by author)

Functionality though feasible technically is given by the help of logical structure which can be used for delivering system for development of health record. The diagram below provides an idea regarding the various aspects regarding logical view of electronic system which is being development (Lake et al. 2014). Groups of engineer and modelers are nothing but a logical group which is intended with logical view diagrams which is needed for proper development of components of the system.

Data warehouse is generally used for broadcasting and providing required value of data for the operation of whole system. The diagram draw below is inclusive of budget, design, related data, requirements which is used by data warehouse for development of electronic health system (Mandl et al. 2014). Primary aim of logical diagram is competition of objective for healthcare and providers of patient for upgradation of healthcare system.

Figure 3: Logical View Diagram for EHR system

(Source: Created by author)


Figure 4: Component Relationship Diagram for EHR system

(Source: Created by author)

The relation between different parts, entities and interfaces can be easily provided health record system (Marceglia et al. 2015). Various components provided in the figure are generally inspected by developer for understanding and gathering of gathering of functionality and proper kind of working methods. Various messages have been shown in sequential for component interaction diagram which focus on use of components of interaction which is used for achieving desire goals.

Component Relationship Diagram


Figure 5: Component Interaction Diagram for EHR system

(Source: Created by author)

Various kinds of components have been distributed in geographical nodes which can be easily understandable by component interaction diagram (Mudaly et al. 2013). The components of system are further classified as functional and non-functional requirement. The classification can be used further in development of electronic health record system.  This mainly breaks up the requirement of customer for development of various health system. The main reason behind health system is development of proper front office, head office and event for disaster recovery. 

Figure 6: Operational Model for EHR system

(Source: Created by author)

The report that has been discussed above helps in understanding the various types of challenges that are faced by the EIA RA while developing the new health record system some of the challenges are listed below:

The first challenge that is faced by the EHR system is the budget which is followed by the second challenge that is the deployment of the HER system (Soceanu, Egner and Moldoveanu, 2013). Another major challenge faced by the EHR system is the security and privacy of the data that are to be stored in the system. Only the central barrier is responsible for the management of the EHR system but rest of the barriers are prone to various types of risks like the breach of security.

Another major barrier to the deployment of the EHR system is the learning about the new system by the personnel’s who would be responsible for handling the new system. It is very much important to understand and learn the new system. Proper learning and understanding would greatly help the EHR system perform in an efficient as well as effective way (Soceanu, Egner and Moldoveanu, 2013).  Besides this lack of understanding and learning might lead to several types of problems. 

Unfamiliarity with the new EHR system can also act as one of the major barrier as this can lead to various challenges. This might include the system not being liked by the stakeholders involved.

Interoperability of the enterprises along with the necessities which are helpful in measuring the quality of the clinics associated with the involvement of the patients with the new EHR system might lead to various types of challenges. The slow response of the new system might lead the maintenance of the quality report face various types of challenges (Soceanu, Egner and Moldoveanu, 2013). This can be better understood by the use of an example that is the EHR system might not respond in a proper way if the data that has been inputted is not that much accurate

Component Interaction Diagram

In many cases there might occur a situation when a single patient receives treatment at two different locations and the treatment might be different and provided by the same EHR system. So, the services that are provided by the EHR system and are having a patient-centered nature which is responsible for imposing a challenging and ultimately hinders the deployment of the new EHR system

The challenges which has been discussed above can be overcome if the following strategies are followed and the strategies includes: 

It should be assured that there exists adequate number of components as well as resources which would be mainly helping in the process of developing the new EHR system (Vest and Kash, 2016). This is also very much essential for the purpose of maintaining the effectiveness and efficiency of the system.

There is a need of involvement of the executive management along with the implementation of various effective and efficient control in order to mitigate the various types of challenges that might be faced by the EHR system.

The vendor along with the scopes should be chosen in an appropriate way which is very much necessary and can benefit the process of deployment of the new EHR system (Yang et al. 2015).

In order to mitigate the current risks and the risks which would be arising the future while deploying the new EHR system there is need of preparation as well as pre-preparation which is very much essential


From the above discussion it can be easily concluded that this report is all about Enterprise Information Architecture Reference Architecture. Government requires an eHealth services and EHR system on national platform. After that some particular capabilities of system building block along with an architecture has been provided. The report gives an idea regarding the conceptual non-technical idea of eHealth system. The logical diagram in the report has been drawn from the conceptual diagram. So, this focus on the idea that information system is further divided into several components and so a component model has been provided in the report. After that various challenges and possible strategies has been discussed in the report. In the above pages of the report a conceptual and logical architecture has been provided. After that a diagram of relationship component of the system has been provided. A diagram of interaction component of the information system has been provided. An operation model has been provided in the above pages of the report. Various challenges and strategies has been discussed in details.

Related Literature

Below are few of the recommendations which can help in the deployment of an EHR system which is much more effective and efficient. The following are recommendations for the new EHR system:

Identification of project manager: There is a need of efficient and effective project manager in order to guide the process of deployment and managing the project of developing the new EHR system.

EHR awareness: The awareness about the EHR is very much essential because this would encourage the patients as well as the personnel’s associated with providing healthcare to participate actively in the deployment of the system and use it at a wider basis.

Management of the leadership: Once the deployment of eth new EHR system is done there is a need of proper leadership which would help in achieving the various goals and objectives of the new EHR system.

Selection and utilization of the correct resources: The primary requirement of the new system is the correct resources which is very much essential for the development of the new efficient and effective EHR system.

Lastly comes the providing of the trainings to various staffs which is very much essential for the development of the new EHR system. This would greatly help in using the new system and would help everyone in handling the new system and tackle all the issues that might occur. 


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