Approach Of Teachers For Students With Dyslexia

Approach of teachers for students with dyslexia

Dyslexia refers to learning disorder when the people face difficulty in relation to reading owing to the problems that they have in the identification of speech sound. It is also known as reading disability that affects the ability of brain in processing language ( 2018).  The people having reading disability possess normal intelligence and they are endowed with normal vision. The children having dyslexia can become successful in school by taking recourse to tutoring or that of specialized education program. This report talks about the approach that the teachers take in dealing with the students having dyslexia. The report also elaborates regarding the suitability of the recommendations pertaining to dyslexia. The report also involves in critically analysing the policies along with pedagogy issues in relation to dyslexia.

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The teachers adopting the graduated approach in relation to dyslexia can greatly work to the benefit of the people who suffer from dyslexia. The teachers in the class are responsible for the development of the pupil in the class. The formal graduated approach that the teachers undertake can help the pupils in accessing support from the teaching assistants. The graduated approach can help in the aspect of early identification of the students who are suffering from dyslexia. The graduated approach can help in establishing the link in between assessment and that of teaching ( 2018).  The graduated approach proves to be useful in becoming aware about the aspect of language development and the effect of this on the element of literacy development. It is important for the teachers to talk about the graduated approach as it can help them in dealing with the people suffering from dyslexia. The formal assessment of dyslexia suggests that psycho-educational assessment carried out by a qualified psychologist can help in identifying reason for reading, spelling along with the writing difficulty ( 2018).  The formal assessment suggests tests that can be administered over some sessions that can help the children who face the problem of dyslexia.

 The neglect in the early years when he was taken abroad by father brought about signs of psychological trauma in K and he started suffering from developmental delay. The family history of K had difficulty and this brought about the need of health service for K. K participates in weekly intervention programme that can help him in raising the self-esteem and he is helped by the outreach worker that can help him in managing his behaviour. The administering of Core and Supplemental CTOPP that is Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing can help K in dealing with the difficulties pertaining to phonological processing. The diagnostic free writing assessment can help in the detecting of difficulties of K in relation to writing. The formal assessment method of British Picture Vocabulary Scale can help in the identification of the ability of the children and the Neale Analysis of Reading Ability can help in the ability of K pertaining to the spelling problems (Ekins 2015). It is significant for the teachers to talk about the graduated approach as it can emphasize on the ability of phonological awareness, phonological memory, reading accuracy, reading comprehension and reading rate. The significance of the formal assessment lie in the fact that it can help in assessing the knowledge of K in relation to High Frequency Words and it can be useful in decoding the words. The Neale Analysis of the Reading ability ( I) can help in understanding the ability of the children suffering from the brunt of dyslexia in understanding about structure along with meaning of the texts. Neale Analysis of the Reading Ability (II) can help in gauging the ability of the children pertaining to reading rate. The importance of Elision subtest lies in the fact that it can help in measuring the extent to which an individual can say the word and then say whatever would be left after dropping out the designated sounds (Farrell 2010). Blending Words Test can prove to be useful in measuring extent to which a person can combine the sounds for the formation of words. Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing comprises of subtests that can be used for the investigation of phonological processing sound.

Suitability of recommendations

The significance of curriculum assessment lies in the fact that it can prove to be useful in the modification of the curriculum that can cater to the needs of the students having differing abilities. The Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing can help in understanding the difficulties that K face pertaining to phonological processing (Hodkinson 2015). The curriculum assessment with the help of spelling and the writing test can help in bringing to light the difficulties that K face and the way that these problems can be solved. The recommendation can be said to be relevant for K as it can help in providing K with 1: 1 support that can prove to be useful in developing the literary skills of K. The combination of that of teacher training along with LSA support that can prove to be of great use in helping K deal with the aspect of learning disability (Hornby 2016). The personal support that K gets can help him in solving that difficulties that K face pertaining to phonological awareness along with verbal memory.

The dyslexia friendly classroom can help in the implementation of strategies that can help him in increasing the reading fluency. It can greatly be of help for K in dealing with the aspect of decoding along with spelling. The phonological awareness of K can be improved by taking recourse to dyslexia friendly classroom. The multisensory approach in relation to learning can be useful in improving the speed of verbal processing. The concentration of K can be improved with the help of the multi-sensory approach undertaken. The intellectual abilities of K can be sharpened by taking recourse to that of multisensory approach (Imray and Colley 2017). The eye contact being established with K can help in helping K get over the aspect of nervousness that can help in assimilating with the people of the wider society. The structured phonics programme can help in improving the concentration of K. The structured phonics program can help in teaching the sound pattern to K and it can provide students with the opportunity of applying sequences in the event of reading the words that are out of the context. The structured phonics program can help to ensure the fact that the children having dyslexia have been able to acquire foundational skills that can help him in moving into the aspect of reading (Liasidou 2012). The reviewing of the progress of K at that of regular interval can help in evaluation of the improvements made by K in relation to language skills.

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The reading out daily to the adult can greatly help K in increasing the reading speed that can work for the benefit of K. The digital records and the podcasts can be useful for K in learning more words and uttering the words in a fluent manner. The teaching of K in that of continuous cursive script can help K in the developing of kinaesthetic memory in relation to the words. The proof reading of K can help in getting over his weakness in relation to language. The using of the computer for that of word processing can help in improving the spelling of K (Gathercole and Alloway 2007). The teaching of the key board skills can prove to be useful for K and it can help K in getting the auditory feedback in relation to reading along with writing. K being trained on that of appropriate software that can help him in the arena of planning work and in reinforcing the literary skills.

The recommendations can be said to be specific for K as it can help in curing the learning disabilities of K. The recommendations pertaining to phonological awareness along with the multisensory approach can be useful in equipping him with the adequate amount of vocabulary that can help him in coping with that of the oral class work. The structured phonics programme can help him in the arena of word reading along with that of comprehension. It can help in sharpening the ability of K in relation to writing along with spelling (Kelly and Phillips 2016). The teacher having no prior knowledge regarding dyslexia would also be capable of supporting the pupil. The interventions can be easily used by the teacher and made use of for improving the vocabulary and the reading ability of K. The dyslexia friendly class room can be made use of by the teacher very easily for curing the condition of K.

There are other interventions that can be considered for treating the pupils having dyslexia. The diagnosis on the basis of principles of that of Response-to-Intervention can be used that can help the teachers in dealing with the pupils having the problem of dyslexia disorder. The optimal teaching process can be implemented in the class room that can help in examining practices of that of specialist schools for the individuals having dyslexia. The report recommends whole class strategies as it requires less amount of preparation time along with instruction time (Henry 2011).  The recommendations mentioned can help in involving the entire classroom with the least amount of effort on the part of the teacher. The recommendations suggested can help in assessing the level of the understanding of the student very easily that can prove to be instrumental in providing benefits to the pupils in the class having dyslexia.

Working memory refers to cognitive system that has limited capacity that helps in holding the information that is available for the purpose of processing. It can be useful in relation to reasoning and for guiding the behaviour of the individuals. The report can be said to be addressing the element of working memory as it can help the children who have dyslexia in processing information very readily. The report can address working memory as it is capable for manipulating the aspect of stored information that can help in improving the memory of children suffering from dyslexia (Cameron 2016). The phonological awareness of K can be improved with the help of multi-sensory approach that can render effective help in the aspect of processing of information for K. The report is able to utilise the strengths of K like understanding of spoken information and that of problem solving. The subtest of Memory for Digits utilises the problem solving ability of K and the capability of K of being able to process information easily. K is able to express himself by making use of ambitious vocabulary and this has been made use of in the report.

The Code of Practice lays emphasis on taking the decisions that can help in providing assistance to the children having special educational needs. The Code of Practice can help the children who are having disabilities in achieving their best and it can help them in emerging as more confident individuals. The report raises issues that are linked to Code of Practice that helps the children having dyslexia in the arena of identification along with intervention (McArthur et al. 2015).  The assessment tests made use of like Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing along with British Picture Vocabulary Scale can help in the aspect of early intervention and in devising of suitable strategies that can help in benefitting the children having dyslexia. The Neale Analysis of Reading ability can help in improving the understanding of the students in relation to reading.

The 2010 OFSTED report states that the young people should be entitled to additional learning support that can help them in emerging as independent learners. The report highlights on the importance of close tracking along with rigorous monitoring that can prove to be useful in helping the children having the learning disability of dyslexia. The report has given stress on formal assessment tests like that of British Abilities Scale Word reading along with that of Neale Analysis of Reading Ability that can prove to be of great help in closely tracing the children suffering from that of learning disabilities (Tilanus, Segers and Verhoeven 2016). No to Failure report talks about the implications of specialist teacher training in guiding the pupils having dyslexia. It talks about the resources that can help in screening, assessment along with support programmes that can greatly work to the benefit of the pupils suffering from dyslexia. It talks about the importance of specialist teachers who can help the students in understanding structure of the language. The support that K gets in developing literary skills with the help of teacher training can help him in understanding structure pertaining to language.

 The Dyslexia SpLD Trust talks about the collaboration of the voluntary along with community organisations with the help of funding that it receives from that of Department of Education. It can prove to be instrumental in providing reliable information to the parents along with teachers. This Trust has succeeded in improving the practice along with outcomes for the individuals suffering from dyslexia. The Trust has talked about friendly approaches that can help in the assimilation of the students having disabilities in the classroom. Dyslexia Still Matters helps in looking at the children who are suffering from dyslexia and it helps in the exploration of progress which has been made. It has talked about the necessity of responding in a direct manner to that of challenge for supporting the children who have to overcome debilitating effect in relation to dyslexia. It talks about the significance of skilled teaching that can help in countering dyslexia. It has talked about how the policymakers wants to sustain momentum by becoming sure of the fact that that the new arrangements that are being made are flexible that can help in dealing with the menace of disability in the society. It has stated how the children with complex needs should be laid with more attention that can help to deal with the issue of dyslexia in the society.


Dyslexia is indicative of learning disorder that hinders the process of reading along with writing of the children. Formal graduated approach can prove to be useful in helping the students to get support from that of teaching assistants. Graduated approach proves to be useful in the early identification of the students suffering from dyslexia. It can be useful to establish link between that of assessment along with teaching. Curriculum assessment comes to be of use in modifying curriculum so that it can serve needs of students who have various kinds of abilities. Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing can understand difficulties which K face in relation to that of phonological processing. Curriculum assessment can reveal difficulties that the pupils having dyslexia face and the manner of problem solving. Support should be provided to the pupils on individual basis that can pave the path for the development of learning more words for K. Code of Practice can provide aid to special education children and it helps people to achieve best. Formal assessment tests like British Abilities Scale Word can track the children who have the learning disabilities. No to Failure report has talked about specialist teacher training that can guide the pupils who have dyslexia.


Cameron, S., 2016. Best Practices for Teaching Children with Dyslexia: A Presentation for Educators. (2018). SEND Code of Practice (teachers). [online] Dyslexio | Transforming Dyslexia accessibility. Available at: [Accessed 30 Dec. 2018].

Ekins, A., 2015. The Changing Face of Special Educational Needs: Impact and Implications for SENCOs, Teachers and Their Schools. Routledge.

Farrell, M., 2010. Debating special education. Routledge.

Gathercole, S.E. and Alloway, T.P., 2007. Understanding working memory: A classroom guide. Retrieved, 18(02), p.2015. (2018). SEND framework: 2010 review. [online] GOV.UK. Available at: [Accessed 30 Dec. 2018].

Henry, L., 2011. The development of working memory in children. Sage.

Hodkinson, A., 2015. Key issues in special educational needs and inclusion. Sage.

Hornby, G., 2016. Inclusive Special Education. Springer-Verlag New York.

Imray, P. and Colley, A., 2017. Inclusion is dead: Long live inclusion. Routledge.

Kelly, K. and Phillips, S., 2016. Teaching literacy to learners with dyslexia: A multi-sensory approach. Sage.

Liasidou, A., 2012. Inclusive education, politics and policymaking. Bloomsbury Publishing.

McArthur, G., Castles, A., Kohnen, S., Larsen, L., Jones, K., Anandakumar, T. and Banales, E., 2015. Sight word and phonics training in children with dyslexia. Journal of learning disabilities, 48(4), pp.391-407. (2018). [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Dec. 2018].

Tilanus, E.A., Segers, E. and Verhoeven, L., 2016. Responsiveness to intervention in children with dyslexia. Dyslexia, 22(3), pp.214-232.

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