Applying Organizational Behavior Theories To Address Gender Equality In The Workplace

Co-workers and supervisors play a major role in developing a bias-free environment for parental leave

1. Co-workers and supervisors play a major role in the development of the healthy work place that will help in developing a bias free environment. As stated by Hideg et al., (2018), in a bias free environment, it becomes easier for employees to apply for long leaves for their parents will purposes on maternity leave. These leaves has been promoted in workplace in order to ensure security and safety to the women employees as well as fathers who will be supporting the children when necessary. These leaves can be considered as a boost for the parents in supporting those children during various stages of their life. When there will be support from co-workers and supervisors employees will be willing to utilise the period until leaves. However, most of the time these parental leaves are not being opted by the parents as they consider that which such a long leave there can be great impact in their working life. Hence, various factors have an impact in the long leaves that are being taken by parents. As mentioned by Martin et al. (2018), establishing a healthy and bias free working environment can have a great impact in the organisational behaviour of the organisation. Hence, with the supportive model there will be enough knowledge provided that will help to understand the ways a bias free environment can be utilised by the employees for preferring long leaves for the children. When there will be coordination and support from the other employees it will make easier to handle families as well as work environment. Support from working environment or workplace is one of the major factor that will help in developing a bias free environment.

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According to the supportive model of organisational behaviour, it emphasizes on motivating and inspiring leaders. According to Paustian-Underdahl et al. (2019), the leaders have control over the authority as well as incentives and rewards schemes that are being provided to the employees. With the support of the leaders and supervisors, the employees can easily choose to prefer long leaves for the children. When they will be support from supervisors the parents can easily find other ways of communicating with the employees and delivering their work ensuring effectiveness in working space as well as in personal family life. For instances which support of supervisors and co-workers employees can also choose to work from home. Moreover when they will be support from co-workers and supervisors leaves can be easily approved based on family issues. However, it is also necessary that the employees must not use the privilege in a wrong way. As stated by Ding et al. (2016), they must apply for leave whenever defined it is difficult to manage workplace and family. Unethical use of parental leaves can lead to providing no leaves or strict action taken by the organisation.

The triple bottom line framework supports sustainability in organizations

2. The triple bottom line is a framework where in three parts social environmental and financial aspects are being considered. It is being adopted by organisation to ensure and evaluate the performance of the business values. According to Wise (2016), the triple bottom line help in the development of sustainability in an organisation considering various social and environmental performance that will help in adding financial performance. With the framework, an organisation understands the importance of human capital and ensure that they are being provided with fair and beneficial business practices that will help in the development of the organisation. The parental leaves are hence, being provided in order to provide the employee satisfaction that the organisation will help them in times of difficulties in handling family. This framework will ensure that it seeks to provide benefits to various constituencies without exploiting or endangering any of the groups. It can be also considered as the market where in finished goods are being provided with original procedure of raw material. As stated by Rofcanin, Heras & Bakker (2017), this is also being taken up by various organisations in order to provide employees motivation and satisfaction that will help in development of the sustainability of the organisation as well as benefit the employees. This framework in establishing sustainability in the organisation will also ensure that with the parents leave policies there must not be any impact on the environment. According to Gou & Xie (2017), the leaves that are being branded to the employees must not hamper the working process of the organisation. Hence, considering every factor like social an environmental factor this policy is being established for providing benefits to employees for the children and family.

As stated by Ulker & Guven (2011), in establishing this policy various organisations takes up various ways of implementation of the policy. For instances organisations plan for providing their employees with one or two days’ work from home facilities. This helps in providing time to every employee as well as help him or her to spend time with your family. Often employees are being provided with encashment of leaves when they do not opt for such leaves. This ensures that the employees misuse the leaves. With is the prophet that is being obtained by the organisation is not hampered highly. Moreover, the organisation also can provide job satisfaction to its employees ensuring that there is high profit in the organisation. As mentioned Kossek, Su & Wu (2017), use of triple bottom line the policies can be easily implemented in the organisation ensuring that there is no impact on the goals of sustainability of the organisation. It also ensures to maintain the economic condition of the organisation stable providing its employees all the facilities that will help in effective development of the employee performance.

Organizations must consider various factors before implementing parental leave policies

3. In earlier period, organisations have been providing maternity leave only to mothers. However with the passage of time organisations brought in changes due to the legal rights that has been provided to fathers. As stated by Nelson et al., (2015), iimplementation of various legal policies states that a father is also as much responsible as a mother for taking care of their children. Hence, considering these legal factors organisations have ensured that both father and mother is being provided with adequate leaves of facilities that will help in development of the child. How were the leaves that are been provided to the father all the male employees of the organisation depends on various factors. These factors can be based on family background of the male employee. Various challenges that are being faced by the employees as well as the organisation in the implementation of such policies. The management has to ensure that they do not create a biasness among their employees providing such facilities. Hence, the organisation has to consider various factors before implementation of such plans.

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For instances the organisation can provide leaves to father as well as a mother employee understanding the criticalness of the family background based on evidence. Such as in case of any health issues the employee can be asked for any medical report of the family member. In spite of providing work from home facilities every month the organisation can also choose to enable, the employees collect their work from home facilities and use it when required. This can be also considered for the leaves. In spite of using the leaves within a particular period, the organisation can ensure it to carry forward for the next month or help them in cash by the end of the year. According to Hussain, Rigoni & Orij (2018), this will be a great motivation for the employees as well as it will help in supporting a healthy environment in the organisation. Use of various models such as triple bottom line organisational theories can also help in finding better strategies of implementation of the policies. As stated by Ding et al. (2016), the organisation should also look into the working efficiency of the employees before implementation of such policies. This will help in development of the working environment as well as making it easier for the management to implement policies or rules. The organisation can also choose to provide their employees with bonus for the children in special occasions or after delivery of the child. As mentioned James (2017), hence, these factors will help in development of the relationship with the employees and the management ensuring to provide the employees job satisfaction.


Chumg, H. F., Seaton, J., Cooke, L., & Ding, W. Y. (2016). Factors affecting employees’ knowledge-sharing behaviour in the virtual organisation from the perspectives of well-being and organisational behaviour.

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Hussain, N., Rigoni, U., & Orij, R. P. (2018). Corporate governance and sustainability performance: Analysis of triple bottom line performance.

James, P. S. (2017). Organisational Behaviour, 1e. Pearson Education India.

Kossek, E. E., Su, R., & Wu, L. (2017). “Opting out” or “pushed out”? Integrating perspectives on women’s career equality for gender inclusion and interventions.

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Paustian-Underdahl, S. C., Eaton, A. A., Mandeville, A., & Little, L. M. (2019). Pushed out or opting out? Integrating perspectives on gender differences in withdrawal attitudes during pregnancy.

Rofcanin, Y., Las Heras, M., & Bakker, A. B. (2017). Family supportive supervisor behaviors and organizational culture: Effects on work engagement and performance.

Ulker, A., & Guven, C. (2011). Determinants of maternity leave duration in Australia: evidence from the HILDA survey.

Wise, N. (2016). Outlining triple bottom line contexts in urban tourism regeneration.

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