Applying Documentation Standards In The Workplace

Legislation and Ethical Requirements in Developing Business Documents

Discuss About The Apply To Documentation Standards Workplace?

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Self-regulation refers to an organization’s internal terms, conditions and policies which employees and all stakeholders are expected to abide by while working for or with the organization. These policies must be linked and abide by government regulations but will usually have a unique set of rules which employees must follow. Government regulations will usually cover a broader spectrum of laws governing businesses and industries from different sectors. All self-regulations must adhere to government regulations so as to be classified as legal and abiding.

What legislation and ethical requirements should be considered when developing business documents such as reports, proposals application forms etc.?

The development of policies and other organization documentation must be created by following a strict code of conduct in which ensures the organization abides by ethical norms laws and regulations. Some important requirements include honesty and integrity, authority respect and courtesy,  equality and diversity, use of physical force, orders and instructions, duties and responsibilities, confidentiality, fitness for work and conduct management.

Explain the difference between verification and validation in relation to developing documentation; give an example of a technique that can be used for each

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Verification and validation are terms which are commonly confused due to their having similar sounds but the two terms differ considerably; Verification refers to counterchecking existing records and aligning the recorded information to physical held proof. An example of verification is counterchecking the accuracy of document copies with the originals ensuring the information is correct and corresponds. Validation refers to checking or counter checking the validity of something based on its acceptance. An example of situations involving validation is checking document acceptability while opening a bank account or other legal paperwork which require specific documents to be presented. In the absence of the sanctioned documents, the use of alternative documents will need to be validated before the application can be approved or accepted.

What are the responsibilities of professional developers of documentation that cause ethical conflicts? Specifically, discuss what to do when asked to withhold negative information diminish or -de-emphasize negative information fabricate good information or exaggerate the value or importance of good information

Professional developers of documentation are required to collect information and perform an analysis listing all the pros and cones linked to the concern. This information must list all concerns related to the case after which the professional developers of documentation must meet the client and inform them regarding the case. It is critical to maintaining high ethics by offering accurate information related to the case to avoid misleading the client before preparing documentation. This is especially important regarding questionable concerns which must be resolved before the documentation is finalized and presented to the concerned party. Failure to address such concerns leads to ethical conflict between clients and documentation professionals due to vulnerabilities failing to have been addressed or covered

Verification and Validation in Documentation Development

Many agree that document developers have a responsibility to display information in a way that helps readers to think. Discuss the Principles of design as they are applied to documentation from this perspective. Discuss each of the principles and the benefits and liabilities of each

Visibility plays a critical role towards accurate understanding thus all venerability must be highlighted to attract reader attention. Currently, mainly vulnerabilities related to terms and condition a printed in the very small font to avoid being noticed and later raised a concern to develop. This is unethical and should not be practiced as it loses consider a trust

Developing readable documentation is an important component of the field of document development and design Explain how the following contribute to producing readable documentation: formatting content organization, budget, staffing requirements, reviews and approvals and user testing

Clarity plays important points towards securing an individual’s attention while viewing a document. This makes it vital to utilize bright colours, large font headings, and content and bullet points to enhance attention.  This makes the documents design budget need to focus on highlighting aspects which help the document stand out and communicate the message briefly instantly to the viewer. Detailed clarifications and be provided later if clarification is requested. Tests must also be conducted to identify document clarify and readability simplicity.

Discuss the role of user testing in creating usable documentation. As you are formulating your answer consider the following questions when should user testing occur in the documentation process? What are the minimal and ideal standards for establishing a user test that would produce significant results? Why is user testing important? What can writers learn from user testing?

During the formatting process, the clarity of the document must be tested among target test subjects to help identify important areas which may require modification.  The areas should then be refined to improve clarity and communications of the desired message. Failure to test documents before mass production can lead to the serious quality flaw, wastage of funds and inability of the document to communicate the message to the reader.

Usability testing of print and online draft document is becoming more common in the workplace. Discuss the practical and theoretical arguments for incorporating usability testing into document development Give examples of document attributes that technical communicators might want to test with real users

The amount of content and advertisements being published by the print and digital media is on the rise. This is resulting in many people today overlooking advertisements opting to each for the information when needed. This makes it crucial to keep messages brief and very clear to ensure they transmit the message to the viewer at a glance and capture the individual’s interest. Long messages are simply not entertained by viewers today.

Responsibilities of Professional Developers of Documentation that Cause Ethical Conflicts

Discuss ways in which macros can be used in developing documentation. What challenges exist in ensuring these macros are adopted by users? Further, what are the pros and cons of using macros with regards to accessible?

With time classified as a major constraint among people today, it has become critical for the documents to communicate messages instantly. This has problem has escalated further due to mobile technologies which people focus on more than their surroundings. This has made it critical to communicate the message instantly and look for clarification later. Using Macros which get straight to the point which is critical towards grabbing users attention after which clarification offered later.

Discuss the role technology plays in creating distributing, maintaining, and storing documentation. In your answer explore not only the advantages technological tools provide a developer but also the impediments technology imposes on them in terms of developing and designing standards business documents

The majority of people today have adopted technology for store and communications of information. Digital technology has therefore become a primary requirement in towards distribution, maintaining and storing documentations. The advantage is the easy organisation and safe keeping as well as the ability for people to access the documents across the globe via cloud storage services thus reducing the need to carry hard copies always.

Define and discuss style and its role and importance in technical / business writing both professional and instructionally and the resources used to standardise organisational style. Include a brief discussion about the differences between style and grammar.

Grammar and writing style play an important role towards documents understand ability making it important to use simple and clear language while preparing documents. Technical and business writing therefore requires for simplified language to be used thus ensuring all readers understand the message being communicated. Complex terms and heavy vocabulary would avoid in business writing.

Your manager has decided due to the extensive number of documents that are being created monthly some of the current software and hardware requires upgrading to keep up Examine. Using the document development process as your guide explain how you would develop a template for management reports that need to be submitted monthly include a brief explanation of all steps within this process.

Excessive documentation can become overwhelming to manage thus making it important to design management reports which highlight targets and achievements briefly. Further clarification can sorted if required. Rather than have different reports each month for a simple process a single chart type document can be designed and filled each month helping compare previous performance, current achievements and future targets. Info graphics documentation is also growing popular as is delivers visual management reports which make translations easier and faster in today’s fast pace market.

The Principles of Design in Documentation: Benefits and Liabilities

What are some things that need to be considered when developing documentation within an organisation in terms of budgets, staffing requirements project management etc.?

Important factors associated to developing documentation within organisations today is related to their maintained. Designing and development is a onetime cost and effort but maintained is a continuous process. This makes it important to simply documentation management processes to avoid the maintenance or documentation consuming too much time and effort thus hampering productivity. This requires for document design and reporting to be simplified and maximize reporting but also maintain performance.

While designing and developing a template for external use (outside of the organisation). What are the important you need to keep in mind and why?

Clarity and accuracy is the most important aspect linked to designing documents for external use outside the organisation. This is due to this information being shared with external stake holders who may not entertain information flaws and misleading information which could attract a negative reputation for the business.

Why is it important to consider purpose audience and information requirement when designing and developing business documents?

The purpose audience or target audience is critical to consider while development business documents as it helps determine the type of document and platform to be used to develop the document. In addition to identifying the type of document and target audience is also helps document developers project the outreach of the document. This helps project the number of reachable users thus helping estimate other important statistics.

What is the importance of explanatory notes basic instructions and so forth? When developing tolls such as templates and macros? What are the consequences if these were not available?

Explanatory instructions and notes play an important role towards offering guidance to readers related to document use and requirement. This is especially important for form documents which require an individual to fill details for registration. Offering explanatory pop ups help guide the individual to filling the document correctly.

Explain the importance of training on the use of newly implemented templates and macros in your workplace. What factors need to be considered?

Offering proper training for the use of new templates and especially for digital documents used by an organisation help reduce mistakes and errors users may experience. When even the templates are changed a guide or tutorials should also be offered and personal trained to offer assistance to the users. This helps reduce errors experienced while using the template thus helping improve efficacy and the user’s experience.

What strategies are employed within your organisation to circulate name store and monitor master files and print copies of documentation such as templates and macros?

Maintaining master copy accuracy is critical towards ensuring document accuracy thus it’s critical to monitor print copies to ensure they display the same information as the master copy. To reduce the risk of misprinting copies are orders in batches of 100 which are samples randomly to countercheck the master copy’s accuracy. This minimized the risk of misprinting or documents and helps identification of flaws. Document printing is also labels in printing batch series which help with quality control monitoring and reporting.

What are the key policies and procedures relating to document production in your workplace? Provide a brief explanation of what each of them covers if you are currently not working what key policies and procedures do you recommend?

Document production policies follow a strict quality control procedure due to the documentation needing to accurate and deliver clarity to the reader. To ensure quality and accuracy documentation follows a three step verification process which counter checks different components of the accuracy and validity before being proof ready by the organisation legal solicitor. Only after all points and loop holes have been covered will policies or documents be sanctioned for publishing.

What additional resources and sources of expertise (external to your organization) can you explore in the process of document production?

Legal advisory services are an important external source of expertise the organization must involve towards important document preparation. Other important expertise related to document development and publishing include professional formatting and layout which is outsourced due to the number of professional documents being published for external stakeholders is limited (Hackos, 2007). For internal communication documentation, simple templates are utilized (Skills, 2014).


Hackos, J. T. (2007). Information Development: Managing Your Documentation Projects, Portfolio, and People. Indianapolis: John Wiley & Sons.

Skills, T. (2014). Getting Results Series Designing and Producing Business Documents: Office 2013 Integration Skills. Tilde Publishing.

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