Applying Corporate Governance Principles To Evaluate Legal And Social Responsibilities Of Boards
Ownership Structure
The sector of the ownership model can be stated as one of the important factor which drives the factor of working of the organization. in most of the cases the structure which is taken into consideration are aligned to the requirement of the organization. The organization in the context of the working always follow a specific pattern of working which can be beneficial in the sector of gaining of competitive advantage (Filatotchev & Nakajima, 2014). In this context it can be stated that each of the organization have to comply with different legal constraints which would be beneficial in the working. The social aspect is one of the factor which can be stated very much crucial.
The report directly focusses on three organisations and a discussion is undertaken relating to the organisation structure which the organisation indulge into the concept. The legal constraint which is related to the working is also discussed so that they compile with the standard and work accordingly.
There is a different ownership structure which can be implemented within the working of the organisation. The ownership structure which is implemented into the organisation which is focused on the report is stated below:
Organisation |
Ownership structure |
Chorus |
Partnership |
Main Freights |
Cooperative |
Tainui Group Holdings Maori company |
Sole partnership |
The implementation of the ownership is directly dependent on the working of the organisation and the factor which is aligned to the sector of the need of the organisation. In most of the areas, it can be stated that organisation tend to include the ownership structure depending upon the different criteria which would be directly helpful in the interaction area and the domain of implementation (Tricker & Tricker, 2015). The structure should be dependent on the models which are assigned to the working of the project and the operation which is included in the working.
There are different models which can be incorporated into the sector of working of the organisation. The different organisation and the model which are included in the working are explained below:
Organisation |
Model |
Chorus |
Management model |
Main Freights |
Operational model |
Tainui Group Holdings Maori company |
Collective model |
The main sector of the working is related to the organisation is related to the board members who actively participate in different functionality. In most of the cases, it is seen that staff coordinators are not included in the sector of working. The framework of the business can be stated to be very much crucial in the different sector of opportunity which is related to the concept. Management model focus on the sector of internal operation and in most of the cases working with the parameters helps the organisation to achieve different functionality of the organisation (Aguilera et al., 2015). The management model is implemented into the model of the operation of the chorus organisation due to the factor of the involvement of the strategy which directly focuses on the gaining of competitive advantage.
The overall working of the organisation is done by the board. The main working which is related to the concept is related to the govern, managing and performing the different functions of the organisation. The model can be stated to be very much crucial in the gaining competitive advantage due to the factor that proper orientation of the working is achieved. In most of the cases, it can be stated that the operational model can be one of the most effective models which is related to the execution of the working (Spiller et al., 2011). A different form of competitive advantage can be gained in the sector of working, and it directly indulges the requirement of the stakeholders. The performance of the different operation can be very well managed which directly impact the sector of operation. The alignment of the different operation is directly linked to the sector of the requirement of the organisation so that there is no problem faced within the working. Relating to the operational management, it can be stated that indulgence of the sector of the working is linked to the redesigning and production sector which is focused by the organisation.
Governance and Leadership Model
In this type of model, it can be stated that the staff and the board together work as a single time. The main sector of working is directly linked to the sector of the operation and the decision making. In the model, it can be stated that the decision making in the process can be considered as a collective process. This directly helps in the sector of gaining positive decision making so that there is a different competitive advantage which can be gained from the sector of working. The sector of operation which is seen in the sector is related to either or both the management and the operation functions. The employee in the sector of the collective model also has a role to play which can impact the operation of the organisation and the sector of the indulgence of the working. The main motive which is related to the working of the organisation is linked to the exploring of the working of a Maori organisation. The main three models which are focused in the sector is related to the practitioners, essential and leader which can also be related to corporate governance of the organisation.
Each of the models which is stated in the context can be stated to be very much crucial in the sector of the working of the organisation. The alignment of each of the model is directly linked to the requirement of the organisation and the standard of work which is linked to the employee and customer engagement. There is a different sector of implementation which can be taken into consideration, and it should be required in reaching to the objective of the organisation and the scope of the project which should be taken one of the primary factors which is linked to the working.
There is a different form of law which can be enforced in the sector of the sector of the working of the organisation. In this context, it can be stated that there is a various sector of implementation and operation which should be done abiding the policy and the laws. Some of the laws which can be stated here are listed below:
- Tax code: The organisation in the context of the working there are a different form of tax policy which should be focused by the organisation. In most of the cases, it can be seen that the sector of working should involve the sector of tax payment so that there is no problem seen in the operation. There are different forms of division which are related to the taxes which are income tax, estimated tax and employment tax.
- Labour law: In the sector of the labour laws it can be stated that there is a various sector of implementation of the law which directly focuses on the employee who is engaged in the sector of working. The labour laws always have a predefined structure which is linked to the working of each of the organization, and it should be focused that the working of the organisation is linked to the sector of operation. The sector of the wages and hour which is related to the engagement of the employee is one of the factors which can be stated in the domain of the interaction. In the sector of the labour law, it can be stated that the corporate governance can be one of the vital components which can drive the success factor of the organisation due to the factor of indulgence of working of policies.
- Antitrust law: The factor of the trust of the customer is one of the factor which should be linked to the sector of working in the context. Most of the organisation it can be stated that there is various law relating to the trust factor which is included in the working of the organisation.
The treaty of Waitangi mainly involves three principles which mainly include the sector of partnership, protection and participation. These concepts are directly linked with the underpin relation between the government and the Maori which falls under the treaty of Waitangi. The main factor which is related to the context is that all the organisation would be compiling with the same standard of operation which would be very much beneficial in the sector of working for the organisation. The alignment of the treaty can be considered to be very much crucial in the sector of indulgence of the working and how the formation of the different standard can be achieved.
In the context, it can be stated that Maoris is directly included in the sector of the decision making of the organisation and giving proper input into the organisation (Davies, 2016). In the working with the treaty, it can be stated that they have complied with the standard of operation and the different policies which are seen in the treaty.
Legislation/ Compliance
One of the factors which can be stated in the domain is related to the propagation of the services should be done in the Maori language which would be accepted by the local people. The concept would be beneficial in the sector of a gathering of competitive advantage within the working of the concept. Hence it would be increasing the sector of interaction so that the community can engage themselves in the sector.
The legal and social responsibilities of the boards are as follows:
- The boards of directors are responsible for overseeing the management and governance of Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) (Evelyn, 2011).The appointment of the directors is approved by the stakeholders of the companies. The key responsibilities of the directors are to make sure that an appropriate governance structure is being used by the company to operate the functionalities of the company.
- The governance structure must ensure that the financial and reasonable growth structure has been implemented to achieve accurate risk management approach while taking into account the stakeholder’s interest, creditors, employees, consumers and the general public.
- It is the responsibility of the board to approve CSR strategies, budget, plan and corporate policies properly.
- Yes, the board is concerned about the ethics and social sustainability for three of the organizations, and they have implemented different codes and policies accordingly. It has been realised that sustainability can make the positive business case and to overcome certain common challenges these factors are required to be implemented successfully.
Most of the actions are undertaken by the board of committee, but to monitor the performance management and continue sustainability regarding business strategies the CSR strategies that are to be adopted varies a lot in the chorus, main freights and Tainui Group Holdings Maori company. Three of the companies have undertaken different ethical aspects. Chorus is much focused on the professionalism of the organisational team members. On the other hand, Main Freight maintains the ethical responsibilities regarding maintaining honesty within the organisation. Again, the Tainui Group Holdings Maori company is much focused on developing the professionalism of the company associates. In the context of the ethical behaviour sector, it can be stated that the corporate governance has a very vital role to play which would be direct including supervising of the business management and the shareholder reporting on the stewardship.
Three of the companies are concerned about ecological sustainability. In the context of societal expectations for long-term ecological sustainability ecological sustainability is very much crucial. It is also indicated that the investors are intended to include social, governance and environmental issues in the investment analysis as well as decision making processes. This is becoming clear that companies which embrace their roles as a professional corporate citizen can successfully increase their close relationship between the consumers, investors, government and employees. Sustainability is referred to as a backbone for any business, and this is always true for some largely obvious reasons.
Main freights, Tainui Group Holdings Maori company and Chorus all the companies are focused on ecological sustainability. Main freights are a logistics company which has adopted different technologies and environmental factors to keep the environment safe from emitted harmful gases. This organisation has started using lower harmful gas emitting vehicles to their companies. On the other hand, Tainui Group Holdings Maori company Technology Company is an IT company has an eco-friendly building. The electricity and other technologies operated by the company are designed on solar power energy. It has been found that solar energy will reduce the rate of harmful emission that may negatively impact the environment.
Last but not the least Chorus the telephone service providing company uses which have to deal with different radiation and frequency. However, the company always keeps in mind that the rate of emitted emission is limited and not affecting any of the living creatures or green. Three of the companies use different models for maintaining ecological sustainability.
In the context of societal expectations which is related to financial sustainability, both the legal and social responsibilities play important roles. Recently, three of the companies are putting their focus on long-term financial performance of the business organisation. For the listed company’s financial regulations are an introduction as more emphasised over the environment as well as social disclosure needs. The prediction which concerns the future of the business conditions affects the company, organisation or even the country. The financial forecast helps to identify trends in the external, as well as internal historical information and the projects that are trends in, provide decision makers with the information regarding the financial status of the companies. Not only this but also in order to completely understand the financial position of the company the companies need to understand at least three different statements in both past and future. To understand the value of the companies, the investors need to look at the financial position and all possible changes those can be implemented in the companies. However, financial ratio analysis is another way that can be used by the business organizations in two different ways.
The companies use different approaches to forecast financial status. To understand the financial status for measuring the profit and loss statement chorus uses the balance sheet. On the other hand, Tainui Group Holdings Maori company use the cash flow statement to forecast the financial status regarding profit and loss measurement (Katene, 2010). However, Main Freight uses the Normal balance sheet to calculate and measure the financial forecasting. This budget will help to update the regularly preferably finance record each month.
The legal and social responsibilities are in the direction of improvement considering three of the context regarding ecological sustainability, financial sustainability and ethical sustainability. Due to lack of concern as these companies are facing some challenges which needed to be mitigated. The list of recommendations on the findings and analysis are enlisted in the below section:
Practice transparency: The information age is much than an academic moniker. In today’s state of the world this approach is accurate. If it is found that any person is becoming capable of disseminating data regarding the company and their confidential practices over the internet services, then the hope become lesser to hide those data from the unauthenticated users. Instead of diverting attention and obfuscate the users the form the business way other options about the business practices should be adopted. It will help to improve the overall legal and social responsibilities. This would be linked to the corporate governance sector so that practice transparency can be easily achieved within the working.
A sustainable decision on order and service purchasing: Before buying any product or avail any services, it is the responsibility of the company executives to make sustainable decisions. To evaluate the responsibilities of the company, sustainability is referred to as the most common areas which the consumers and the outsiders need to observe. Spending a little additional capital will improve the legal and social responsibilities. Active communication is referred to as another important thing that will help to bring the consumers and the service providers in one line. The overall observation power of the companies will also improve a lot after making a sustainable improvement in decision making.
Support to the local community: The local community is needed to be supported accordingly. Beyond taking participation in the different engagements and other community events, this is much important for the users to directly support the community business people and the company as well. The users should purchase goods from the local suppliers while needed especially when large numbers of business come from the local area. If the local community is professionally supported, then the local and social responsibilities will be improved.
Encourage to innovation: On whatever innovation the owners of the companies are focused on should encourage the innovation (Filatotchev & Stahl, 2015). The employees and other stakeholders should create a user friendly environment where all the stakeholders will be able to share their view with the rest. Encouragement in innovation will also improve the corporate social responsibilities of the companies.
Playing an active role in the community: Dual mindset will help to improve the corporate social responsibilities. The decisions those are having global impact must play a much proactive role in the community. The employees are required to look for the opportunities so that they can take participation in the community events. It will also benefit the public relationship with local activities, soft marketing and public relationship.
The firm values always get influenced with the ownership structure. The corporate governance deals with different issues on how the finance suppliers assume themselves as it will help them to get positive ROI. There is a positive relationship between the ownership structure and performance of the organisation. Different control variables are also there which are required to be considered by the project manager and the company associates to improve the overall performance of the organisation. The strategic and operational activities also improve with the application of the ownership structure.
Different governance models are there such as operational model, collective model, management model and traditional model etc. However, for this specific practice, the governance model which will be recommended is an operational model. After analysing the practice of this model, it is defined that this model will help to govern the performance of the organisation and every individual.
The report can be concluding on a note that the sector of the indulgence of the working of the organisation can be stated to be including certain factor which directly helps the competitive advantage area. It can be stated here that there is a different sector of indulgence which can be focused so that there is proper utilisation of the different resources. The law in the sector of working can be seen as a parameter which directly decides the factor which should be included in the working of the project. Hence at the end, it can be stated that there is a various significant factor which is related to the working and how the various factor plays a crucial role in the working of the project.
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