Applications Of 3D Printing Technology: A Case Study Report For A Medium-size Manufacturing Organization

Applications of 3D Printing Technology

Discuss about the Internet Technologies for 3D Printing Technology.

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The 3D Printing Technology contains materials which is control by computer to produce a physical object. The 3D object is created with a very thin layer of material by joining them all together. In 1980 the technology started with a cost-effective prototype that design a product and test it before the final product was manufacture. The paper is based on the case study of a medium-size manufacturing organization whose head office is based on Melbourne, Victoria in an industrial suburb (Xing, Zheng & Duan, 2015).  As a head of the ICT of the organization which was establish 10 years ago certain plans are made to expand the business of the 3D Printing Technology. The organization has clients from both corporate and retail sectors whose branches are within the Victoria. They have now started their business operation online. The prospect of the plan is to create product of 3D printing cheaply and effectively. In this way the organization would be able to increase their infrastructure in other locations of Oceania region and Australia. With the expansion of the business the main concern goes in to the authentication, security and other technological problem (Mishra, 2014).  As the Head of the organization it was requested by the CEO to investigate about the use of 3D Printing Technology and its application. They CEO wanted to know whether the 3D Printing Technology is an efficient and effective way for the business to expand. Thus, a report will be drafted to the Executive Management in a meeting where some specific recommendation will be made with the evaluation done on the paper.

3D printers deposit layers of material mostly plastic material, it build a 3D object from a computer data file through which any kind of things can be print (McMenamin et al., 2014). 3D printing has its own limitations. The five different types of applications of 3D Printing Technology are elaborated below.

Most of the teenager have a good chances of breaking at least one bone due to some incident or accidentally. They might definitely have intractable, painful and itching experience. As studied further, it was found that the Turkish student Deniz Karasahin had created a 3D printed cast that contain an ultrasonic variation for healing and the Cortex Cast by Jake Evil. Both of them uses innovative ways to utilize the 3D Printing Technology (Grice et al., 2015). For decades the cast use took months to set a bone, limb off are seal from light and air and it became extremely dirty and sweat-soaked that a file being case on them by CDC.  With the use of 3D printing doctors could scan the user’s arm and fix the limb in place. Through the gaps in the material, sun and air get into the arm easily (Cesaretti et al., 2014).  It could be easily washed and also it does not get dirty. It is rigid, non-permeable material that could fix the limb in place. It this material an ultrasonic transducer can also be attached for 20 minutes in a day. This will accelerate the healing by 80%. Thus, there is no need of casting the limb for long and are less likely that the limb get re-injure.

Case study of a medium-size manufacturing organization

Recently, this technology is mainly utilized by the US army in order to develop 3d printed warheads for exercising proper control on the behaviour of various types of explosives. It is world conditions (Chan et al., 2017). This generally have created proper implications on the enforceability of firearms regulations all around the world.

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In the recent years researchers were making amazing advancements with prostheses which are very expensive though. The mechanical prosthetics cost $10 out of $1000 as the nature is being specialized and it could be customize for the user. This technology  is considered as one of the ideal use case for 3d printing.

It has been seen that more than only 79 people were receiving organ transplantation while 18 dies while in the waiting list. Those who receive the transplants may need another one due to the failure in the immune system in which the foreign tissues are integrated. For reducing the risk, patients need immune-suppressant drugs for the entire lives which make them susceptible to infections (Radenkovic, Solouk & Seifalian, 2016).Thus, here the use of 3D printing techniques lay down the structures of collagen. Collagen is the protein scaffolding were the cells are hold together. A hollow shell is made on the organ by doctor which then seeded with the stem cells that make the living tissue ready for the transplantation. The recipient has clone the stem cells and actually make the organ polluted with the own tissues. This eliminate most of the rejection issues and make viable the organ. For kidneys, hearts, lungs and livers eventually uses these technology to resolve the shortage of organ and it can open a life-extending therapies for it (Miko?ajewska et al., 2014). After a middle age the heart failure risk occurs which could replace pre-emptively with a younger copy in every 40 years. With the 3D printed replicas the organs that were affected with the metastasized cancer would be replace. The most recent advances include the vascularize tissue with the 3D printing functioning capillaries.

It is quite hard to build an Organs with complicated structures which are hard to print in 3D with the current technology. However, in the food procedures the 3D printing technology can be use having a greater tolerance towards the error mostly the meat. Everybody likes meat as it is yummy, delicious and juicy but on the other hand it is quite expensive and even environmentally unfriendly (Chia & Wu, 2015).  The same technique is used in 3D printing for the manufacture to 3D print the burgers, steaks and bacon the collagen. It then seed them with the stem cells. With plant protein and nutrient syrup the stem cell get fed. It could grow the living tissue with a smaller footprint resource. In the coming year, 3D printing would be able to provide cheaper, greener and ethical meat which is a powerful tool to feed the world. Culinary possibilities has open up which was impossible with the traditional agriculture. It include mixed meat, extinct or endangered meats with delicious animals that are not cultivated normally. Thus from this it is clear that the future industry is going to have a powerful force of 3D printing.

Evaluation and recommendations

For the next five years the organization can use 3D Printing Technology to expand their business (Moon et al., 2014). The 3D Printing Technology that are mentioned above of which three of the application would be proposed for the organization. Those three application are discuss in the paragraph below:

The 3D Printing Casts help the manufacturing industry to make application like Osteoid.  With the use of Customized Super-Casts technology, the business can expand with an amazing benefits gaining various 3D printed cast designs. From an interactive standpoint the organization has started to focus on the user experience. It is classical that the organization see personalized notes on the traditional cast that are written in marker (Choi & Kim, 2015).  The organization could then realize that this is the big part that they are missing about the user experience. Then it was later could later aid in evaluating the 3D printing for the user experiences. The 3D printing cast provide a unique experience to the user. In the meanwhile it was benefiting from the innovative structure to improve the healing and comfort.

The Customized Super-Casts has the ability to scan an arm and make the fitting possible and is also very accessible. The 3D Printed material has waterproof and durability qualities for the medical purpose (Shi & Huang, 2017). The casts are portable and light weighted. It has a better look and style. It allow enough air to get into the arm easily and is easily breathable. The casts are easily washable and does not easily get dirty.  The 3D printed casts cost is less than the effort made in the development of the cast which has an ultimate effect for bone healing. As the popularity increases for the 3D printed cast, it is most likely that the price may decrease in the near future.

Translating the text from the CAST app to a supportive structure is difficult. The RHINO CAD software were used to translate the text to cast surface through different methods. Also the design team was inform to finalized some way to use the panelling tools and manipulate the control points that was identified on the original scan through break point (West et al., 2018). It worked well as easier to create denser letter group around the break. Here more airier section and support was needed which was less crucial. It was made flexible to customize the cast density that allows a lighter, breathable and comfortable structure. The concept of cast include social media in the medical application. Breaking the arm and taking it as fun for social experience that is not ethical.  

Limitations and benefits of 3D Printing Technology

The 3D bio-printer can print human organs which can radically change the medicine world which can expand the business further (Yang et al., 2018). The lack of transplantation tissues leads to death. Heart is the easiest organ to bio-print and the organization can start bio-printing as an advance technology to increase the infrastructure of the business.

With 3D bioprinting organ donors could replace easily. It prevent from cell rejection. It replaces animals and drug volunteers in test labs. It decreases the waiting time.

It became difficult to create Blood vessels through Bioprinting. Liability is questioned for the printed object failure. Implants produced are disputed. Have various ethical concerns. It consumes energy in large amount.

Heart is a least complicated organs in the human body as compare to the biochemistry of liver and kidneys which is more complicated. Heart is the easiest organ to bio-print. The organization then provided a method called bio-printed cell scaffolds. The bio-printer would print a structure of biodegradable scaffold of the heart (Zhang et al., 2015). It is a type of skeleton for cells. The cells of Heart could be printed to Scaffold which would link and interact with the heart structure. When the cell mature with full structure of the heart it break down the scaffold that keep ready a fully functioning transplantation of heart. The heart that was damage uses scaffold to bio-print the small patch of the heart muscles that are working.

The food technician of the organization have been working on 3D printed meat. They will grow the meat from the beef stem cells whose initial prototype look and taste like a real burger. The organization hired 25 new scientists, managers and technicians to create reasonably priced, mass-producible and tastier version of meat (Kothman & Faber, 2016). From the tissue of the cow muscle the stem cells is extracted and the process begins. The nutrients and growth-promoting chemicals are cultured which then multiply to more than a millions of muscle with strong cells. It is then put in the smaller dishes in coalesce form into the small-strip muscle with some centimetre long and some millimetres thick. Finally, with the use of 3D printing technology and bio-cartridge, the strips are coloured, mixed and layered together with fat. The pink substance result in season grilled master

It contains all the necessary ingredients for continuous growth of muscle cells. The muscle cells further get propagated into muscle fibres in an aseptic conditions.

The 3D printed meat are built layer by layer. Material that are used in growing cells are much expensive.

It has a risk of contamination. With routine cell and tissues appearance of Lab-Grown Meat are made possible. Issues mainly comes with complications in economic and moral. The price are made affordable for the 3D meat printing (Zhao et al., 2015).  Massive production has been achieve for 3D meat printing. The ethical barrier was made important for the non-meat eaters as they do not accept the 3D meat.    


Every single day a new technology comes up with newer development. From the study it has concluded the people has taken 3D Printing Technology as a disruptive technology that can make the live better by creating artificial limbs, living organ and many more. The new discovery have enough reason to accept and ignore. With deep understanding of the advance technology, enough beneficial points can be find it them which have greater chances in expanding the business. The bone healing had used the latest form of cast which had the 3D Printing effect in combination with the ultrasound technology. The benefits of bone healing process keeps hold on the worldwide acceptance in the field of Orthopaedics. Today the organization is producing computer and printers for all the businesses in Victoria. Therefore, in the next five years, the organization has plan to explore the business to other states of Oceania region and Australia. It has also decided to expand the e-commerce activities. Therefore, there is more chances that the business can expand rapidly within these year. The application that has been proposed to the organization has got advantages and disadvantages which has been discussed in each of the application that are mentioned above. The proposed 3D Printing Technology had some risk that were discussed with proper solution. Thus, in the next paragraph specific recommendations will be made for the Executive Manager were the issue that the organization face with the application will be addressed.

In the next five year, the Living Organs manufacturing team would be able to bio-print the heart for human transplants. They also plan for other organ transplantation too in the near future. The patients usually waits for the organs until it is available. In every 30 seconds, a patients die due to some diseases which could be easily treated with the transplantation of cell or organ. However, with the use of 3D printer, the organization is suggested to provide custom organ to the patients within a week so that they do not have to wait in the waiting list.

For the Customized Super-Casts, it is recommended to provide with more advance feature so that the cost get reduces as quickly as with increase in the number of people to get the product. 

For the Lab-Grown Meat, it is recommended that to take care of the unhygienic way of preparing it, as those who use it may not be aware of how it is being prepared. Therefore, unhygienic way of making it should be strictly avoided by the organization.


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