Application Plan For Care Governance And Quality Manager Role At Blue Care
Background information on Blue Care
BlueCare is one of the leading health care organizations in Australia that provides community and residential care as well as retirement living for aged and elderly people. The organization works towards supporting elderly people to retain their independence as much as possible. The organization has a network of 260 centers in Queensland, Australia that supports the choice of care for elderly patients living with disabilities and special needs. The organization is also a part of Uniting care Queensland and the health and community service provider for the Uniting Church. The organization started in 1953 and has since then become one of the leading providers of community care, aged care and retirement living for elderly people in Australia. Blue Care provides support to elderly patients at their homes, in their communities as well as in the centers, clinics, retirement living villages and residential aged care facilities owned by Blue Care. The organization employs more than 10,500 staffs and volunteers who are engaged in the providence of professional and compassionate care for the clients and care users (, 2018;, 2018).
In its operations for more than 65 years, the organization through its commitment to empower the care users have made it one of the most proficient and efficient care providers and work towards the improvement of the wellbeing of the individuals, their families and the communities. The organization firmly adheres to the Christian values of the Uniting Church through which the organization focuses on the emotional, physical and spiritual needs of the people regardless of their religious, ethnic, socioeconomic or cultural backgrounds. The organization is primarily funded by the Commonwealth and State Governments of Australia, however such funds are rarely adequate to cover all the expenses associated with care, and the deficit is covered through financial support from various communities as well as from individual donors and a team of dedicated volunteers (, 2018;, 2018)..
The vision of the organization is to be recognized as a leader in participatory care in Australia that fosters good health and a good quality of care for both the clients and their communities. The mission of the organization is to help to improve the health and wellbeing of the care users as well as their families and communities and reach out to the elderly people in need of support and assistance, foster justice, fairness and equality for them and provide care for them with compassion, wisdom and innovation (, 2018;, 2018)..
Alignment of selection criteria with leadership theories and health leadership frameworks
The organization is based on the values of compassion (through empathy and understanding towards the care users and involving hope, inspiration and holistic care for them), respect (through a focus on diversity, uniqueness, honor and contribution of the members), justice (by helping in the development of a just, fair and sustainable community), cooperation (by appreciating the importance of contributions, teamwork and partnership of each individual) and leadership (by fostering a culture of innovation and learning) (, 2018)..
Because of the incessant efforts of the organization and its members, Blue care have been awarded with several accolades such as Queensland Business Leaders Hall of Fame, Organization Award for the 2014 ACSA Queensland Aged Care Awards, Queensland Government 2010 Reconciliation Award for Business, 2010 Fleet Safety award, Queensland Premier’s Award as a 2009 ‘Queensland Great’ and 2009 Q150 Icon (, 2018;, 2018)..
b. An explanation about how the key selection criterion for the job role compared to leadership theories, formal health leadership frameworks and strategic management approaches.
The position of Care Governance and Quality Manager for Blue Care involves managing the ongoing developmental projects and programs and implementing the quality framework across the organization and thus to ensure the maintenance of quality care for the service users, including adherence and compliance to the regulatory protocols and requirements as well as supporting a continuous improvement for the services (, 2018). The position also will collaborate with similar positions the child and family services for uniting care Community and Uniting Care Health. The selection criterion for the job therefore have been created based on some important and significant leadership theories, formal health leadership frameworks and strategic management approaches which have been briefly outlined below:
While learning about various leadership theories, I was able to understand the necessity of a theoretical approach towards understanding the concepts and ideas behind leadership. I was able to compare the knowledge I was able to acquire on leadership theories with the selection criterion and job profile for the above mentioned position at Blue care. The important aspects that I was able to relate were how the selection criterion were strategically aligned to important leadership theories such as Likert’s Leadership Style, Lewin’s Leadership Style, Leader-Member-Exchange (LMX) Theory and Path Goal Theory of Leadership theory.
The Likert’s consultative and partipative leadership styles involve the leaders supporting the leaders consulting with the employees on strategic decisions or foster maximum engagement and involvement from the employees and co-workers in the decision making process (Ghasabeh et al., 2015). Here the power of the leadership is distributed down the hierarchy. This leadership style is one of the key selection criterions for the job position as it involves collaboration, consultation and participation with other professionals to develop service plans. ( Landis et al., 2014) This criteria can also be related to the democratic leadership described under Lewin’s Leadership style also involves a collaborative approach in the decision making process and implementing consensus within the group (Fallatah & Laschinger, 2016).
Responses to two selection criteria based on academic literature
LMX is a transactional leadership style in which the leaders maintain their position by using strategic agreements with the team members (Conway, 2015). This style also involves sharing of the leadership power down the hierarchy and delegating important responsibilities to different members, which is one of the aspects of the job position being discussed (Martin et al., 2016).
The Achievement-oriented leadership style under Path Goal Leadership theory implies that the leader can motivate the members by setting strong goals which can push the performance ahead and ensure continuous improvement in the working process (Lumbasi et al., 2015). This is another aspect of the selection criteria as the position involves supporting continuous improvement practices order to maintain the best quality of service for the clients. The theory also implies that the leaders should be able to guide the members on the right path, helping them to follow the necessary practice and protocols (Nuamah, 2018). This also can be related to the selection criteria since the position entails the maintenance of the organizational policies and codes (Yang & Lim, 2016).
While learning about health leadership frameworks, I was introduced to the Health LEADS Health Leadership Framework. According to Health LEADS Australia, a health leadership framework supports the development of leadership qualities that can help individuals to lead one, engage others, achieve desirable outcomes, drive innovation and shape the system and helps in the development of a health care system that is sustainable, effective and equitable (Shannon & Farthing, 2017). The framework recommends the involvement of the leaders to engage with others in a way that can improve the health and wellbeing of people and can support the improvement of care quality (Waddell et al., 2017). The framework also outlines the influences of managerial functions and organizational goals on leadership style and how both of them can overlap (Shannon & Sebastian, 2018). Thus a leader can both perform as a manager and motivator, helping in the collaboration of efforts towards a common outcome and improve communication within the team. The selection criterion for the above mentioned job position also involves the use of such leadership qualities to improve teamwork and communication and improve sustainability of the team as well as the organization. Individuals working in this position would have to lead teams and work towards the empowerment of the members, involving them in the decision making process and strategic plans, develop relations and network with other professionals in similar positions and work synergistically towards the delivery of quality care for the service users (Shannon & Farthing, 2017). The position also requires the ability to maintain the organizational policies as well the values and goals of organization, upholding the prescribed code of conduct and regulatory policies to ensure both safety and quality of care. Such criterion has been addressed by the Health LEADS Australia Health Leadership Framework (Waddell et al., 2017).
Proposed career pathway
The framework further outlines the key capabilities to exhibit the leadership qualities prescribed by them such as self awareness, character strength and seeking opportunities for self development to show the quality of leading oneself; valuing diversity and showing cultural responsiveness, communicating with respect and honesty and strengthening colleagues as well as consumers to exhibit the ability of engaging others; influence and communicate decisions, being goal oriented and focused, evaluating progress and showing accountability for the results to exhibit the ability to achieve desired outcomes; championing the need for innovation and improvement, developing a support for improvement and helping in the spread of innovative ideas to show the capacity to drive innovation; understanding and applying systems thinking, engaging partners with the consumers and communities and developing alliances to show the ability to shape the system. Such abilities are also needed for the above mentioned job position, as the position will involve self awareness, personal development strategies, uphold the organizational values such as respect and diversity, empower members and consumers, being focused on the goals, evaluating progress, support creativity and innovation and developing various alliances (Shannon & Farthing, 2017). This clearly shows how the selection criterion was strategically aligned to the Leadership Framework.
Through the academic discourse I was also able to develop knowledge about strategic management approaches and how they can be used for developing operational plans for the employees and how the approaches can guide an organization towards development. In the Industry or Organizational Approach of strategic management, the managerial actions are influenced by economic theory and mainly used to manage resource allocation and also to ensure self discipline (Ginter et al., 2018). These aspects are also required for the job position as it involves the ability to effectively guide a team and work towards continuous improvement, maintenance of best standards of quality and safety and uphold the values, mission and goals of the organization (Kash et al., 2014). The position also requires a collaborative approach of strategic management through which the leaders can involve collaboration and distributed decision making in the organization, delegate duties to the members and also develop new networks and alliances with other professionals (Chen et al., 2015). A design Approach of strategic management can also be ascribed for the job position since it is involved in the designing of a quality framework that can ensure best quality and safety of the service which can be followed across Clue Care (Weaver et al., 2016). This shows how the selection criterion also addressed various strategic management approaches in its design. Other strategic managing approaches that were also implied on the selection criterion are sustainable management approach, professional development approach and continuous quality improvement approach. These approaches ensures that the business remain viable on the long term and is able to continuously develop its own capabilities (Vogelmeier et al., 2017).
For the job position being discussed here, ensuring organizational sustainability is a vital selection criterion, since it can ensure the long term viability of the organizational process. In my opinion, Organizational Sustainability is an indispensible consideration for anyone on managerial or leadership position (Epstein, 2018). Only when the long term viability of an organization has been planned, can the organization take strategic decisions and directions to ensure its viability. Managers or leaders working in such positions would need to engage in several activities such as developing, monitoring and working towards service delivery as well the organizational budgets and staffing targets (Baumgartner & Rauter, 2017). I strongly believe that these criterion are important as it helps to effectively manage the service delivery system and thereby supporting it’s further development. Thus I developed my skills in the monitoring and development of service delivery models, and develop budgets and staffing reports.
The position would involve leading as well as coordinating the members to prepare records, submissions, reports and correspondence in accordance to the Blue Care policies, governmental standards and relevant contracts. During my academic studies I was able to learn the various strategies and methods of preparing reports, records and submissions. These skills were further developed through years of practice where I was able to develop various reports, records and submissions. I believe that such abilities will allow me to undertake such tasks with mush ease. According to authors, coordination with the team members is essential to ensure effective operations and performance of the organization (Boiral & Henri, 2017).
The personnel at this position would have to ensure that the organizational resources are used with responsibility as well as the effective and efficient waste disposal. Additionally, the position would have to liaise with other staff to identify opportunities of further development of service (Domingues et al., 2017). Through my professional career I was also able to develop these abilities which can help me to fulfill these responsibilities. Authors pointed out that management of the organizational resources and ability to effectively allocate resources is necessary to ensure long term viability and sustainability of the organization. I was also able to develop these abilities and show abilities to strategically allocate resources to ensure its effective usage (Strauss et al., 2017). According to some authors, effective disposal of waste is an important consideration for an organization since it helps to incorporate environmental sensitivity and awareness in the organizational process. I am keenly sensitive to environmental issues and supporting environmental sensitivity has always been an important criterion for me, due to which I believe that I am well suited for this job position.
To ensure continuous quality improvement and compliance in the operations of the organization the job position requires individuals to be able to use continuous quality improvement systems, facilitate the implementation and following of legislative policies, regulations, codes, standards and practice (Cartwright, 2018). Also individuals would have to ensure adherence to the organizational policies, administrative procedures and documentation standards. It has been pointed out that by supporting adherence to legislative policies, company protocols and codes and standards of practice, a manager can bring about organizational development and orient the employee towards the collective organizational goals. I have always been able to help others understand the regulatory framework and also was able to implement such ideas in my own professional practice to maintain various policies and protocols (Olvera et al., 2018). Work health and Safety is another aspect that needs to be addressed by this position, as the personnel have to ensure the health and safety of the employees as well as the customers. It has been argued that in any public health organization, safety is a basic concern which needs to be adequately addressed to ensure the prevention as well as preparedness for any adverse events (Gardner et al., 2018). I have studied the health and safety policies of several organizations and the governmental regulations associated with it. Using such knowledge I would be able to ensure the safety and health of the members and care users at Blue Care.
I also was able to develop my knowledge on safe workplace practices which are applicable for Blue Cross which also would support me to fulfill my responsibilities in the job position. I am highly confident that through my knowledge and practical application sense, I would be a highly suited candidate for the job. It has been argued that work environment is an aspect through which managers can foster the development of a culture that is based on strong as well as shared values. One of the best strategies to implement safety therefore is to impart it as a part of the work or organizational culture (Cartwright, 2018).
Another important requirement for this position is in risk management, in which the personnel will be involved in the identification, reporting, monitoring and evaluation of all relevant risks in accordance to the organizational policies. This strategy not only helps to reduce risks such as environmental and clinical risks in an organization as well as helps to manage risks and increase preparedness for them. This also helps to adhere to organizational policies that are focused on safety (Strauss et al., 2017). I have experience in risk management as well, as I have been monitoring, evaluating and identifying risk at the workplace, and have been using my theoretical knowledge to strengthen my practical acumen which I am sure would be beneficial for the job position.
My aspiration is to position myself in a leadership role in healthcare because I feel I have the necessary skills to play that role adequately and use my knowledge and abilities to provide care for people and supporting their health and wellbeing. My strengths are that I am perseverant, goal oriented, hard working and resilient. The always try hard to achieve the goals and milestones I set for myself. I also ensure that I am able to carry out the various responsibilities that I have. My experience in the professional field has also taught me how knowledge can be gained every day through experience and how such can be used towards professional development. I also work hard in order to achieve my goals, giving my best effort towards it. I also understand that failures are always possible, and that one needs to be resilient to learn from them and try not to repeat them. Through continuous improvement strategies it can also be ensured that an individual to continually develop their abilities and skills, which I focused on developing. However, one of my key weaknesses is that I sometimes fail to effectively manage my time and I often end up bringing work to home (Strauss et al., 2017). Due to this I can sometime work for extensive hours which affects the amount of time I can spend with my family. Another weakness I have is that I do not feel comfortable until things are in their right place, and can sometime feel that I can get overbearing on people at times to ensure exactly there (Gardner et al., 2018;, 2018).
I plan to enroll in ancillary courses in healthcare leadership through which I can further hone my leadership skills and understand more about leadership approaches applicable in the healthcare domain. I would also like to develop knowledge about aged care including understanding of the most common health concerns among them. I plan to attend workshops on healthcare management as well as various press conferences through which I can gather further knowledge and understanding about the subject. I further plan to develop my knowledge and skills by constant studying of journals and academic literature, keeping me informed about the best practices which I can use for this job position (, 2018).
The Royal Commission has several influences on Aged Care and Safety standards in Australia. The Commission on Aged care and safety was founded in 2018 by the governor general of the commonwealth of Australia. The commission was setup to inquire on several matters such as 1) the quality of services in aged care and to what extent it meets the customer’s needs 2) what are the best strategies to deliver aged care for people with disabilities and helping elderly patients with dementia 3) addressing the future challenges and opportunities of care services in the context of changing demographics and remoteness of the region 4) ensuring safety and quality of care in aged care service for care users, their families and communities 5) ensuring person centricity of the care provided empowering the care users through better choice, control and independence of care provided and 6) ensuring the care is delivered in a sustainable manner through innovative care models and using technology. Through these aspects the commission has ensured that the aged care service remains responsive, reliable, safe and affordable while providing quality service and support to aged people and their families and communities to live a better and fuller life. The framework of the commission in such aspects seems to align with the mission and values of Aged Care services, and thus it shows how the commission has influenced the service. I can prepare myself to the framework by developing my knowledge further about it and the responsibilities that it entails (, 2018;, 2018).
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