Application Of Artificial Intelligence In Higher Education Management And Teaching


RMIT is a university that is located in Australia an despite their supremacy as an academic institute, wants to implement the Artificial Intelligence for the better management of data that are to be stored in the data base of the organization. The major reason behind this implementation of ArtificialIntelligence is that the higher authority of the RMIT University thinks that the data processing can be performed with higher efficiency with the help of the implementation of Artificial Intelligence (Rickel and Johnson 2015). For implementation of the Artificial Intelligence certain methodologies are required for completing the implementation process of the Artificial Intelligence in the platform of database management system and this is the sole reason that implementation of Artificial Intelligence is considered to be important in perspective of the RMIT data management platform. The methodologies of implementing the Artificial Intelligence acts as the major hindrance in the processing of the data management by the RMIT University. This report will include the application of Artificial Intelligence in the field of management of the knowledge centre. This report will also provide the application of Artificial Intelligence in the field of teaching (Rickel and Johnson 2015). This incurs the fact that the data management is performed with utmost efficiency. This report will also provide the processing of Artificial Intelligence in the field of learning process of the RMIT. This report willalso help in implementation of the Artificial Intelligence in the field of data centre of the RMIT University. This report will also provide recommendations that are requiredfor proper implementation of Artificial Intelligence.

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With the advancement of technology, the change is visible to almost every domain. The educational sector is not so different. The presence of artificial intelligence in education is not so new concept now (Beck, Stern and Haugsjaa 2014). It is providing an excellent opportunity to completely transform the sector. There are numerous application that is possible to derive with the AI system. However, three of the most important aspects of the education system is learning, teaching and management. All these three aspect of the education system is likely to be benefitted from the application of the AI system and the change is already making the presence in those areas.

When thinking about the management, the task that needs to be considered is the classroom management which includes creating proper curriculum for the classes, keeping track of the student performance, attendance of students and also the attendance of the teachers.

Now over the years all these things were being managed semi automatically (Schank and Edelson 2015). Now with the introduction of AI, the technology will shift this approach as the technology has the ability to fully automate these tasks and bring more perfection in the execution as well.

Some leading university around the world has already implemented the AI the campus, though majority of the application is in pilot phase. However a high School in china has already implanted AI for keeping track of the student attendance through facial recognition (Luckin, Holmes and Griffiths 2016 ). The system verifies the image of the student face with the photo stored in the database and provides real time and accurate attendance. This helps in intelligent monitoring of student attendance.

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AI also helps to keep track of the teacher attendance in the similar way. Making curriculum and assign teacher for the each of the classes is an important management task which needs perfection (Schank and Jona 2014). Ai along with the machine learning analyse the performance of the students against a set pattern of curriculum which helps to create a perfect learning outcome that increases students adaptability with the course. It is not a simple task at all. However the introduction of AI for classroom management will really increase the productivity in this aspect.  

The AI opens a lot of opportunity for the teaching and for the teacher as well. It provides a wide range of option for the teachers to reach and teach the concept to the students.

Often the teacher does not have the proper time or the opportunity to teach the concept and deliver the content so that each and every student in the class grasp the concept equally (Conati, Porayska-Pomsta and Mavrikis 2018). This is obvious as different students learn differently due to difference in intelligence and learning style. Now the AI based applications such as Knewton, ALEKES learns the learning pattern and an insight into that help to create and deliver content that is personalised and tailored as per the need of the student.  

The AI based app also help the teachers to grade the students. It let the teachers to submit all the assignments to the AI based grading system. The system calculates all the marks in quick time, thus providing the teacher more option to focus on things like content creation, lecture delivery and other useful stuff (Luckin, Holmes, Griffiths 2016). The AI based applications are also smart enough that checks the plagiarism of the assignments more accurately than the traditional plagiarism checking software. Hence the AI based applications, while doing this things on behalf of the teacher making the job easier for them and also helping them in focusing on activities that involves pure teaching and learning.

It is true that the teacher might not made himself or herself available all the time. Even if the teacher extends his or help for the students beyond the classroom, still it is not possible to achieve. The application of AI based tutor is a new addition in this directions. The Watson by IBM is a smart approach while transforming the role of teacher with AI (Punie, dos Santos and Mitic 2016). The Watson education by IBM has made revolutionary achievement in this direction.

The AI system is also proving beneficial for the teacher to improve the performance of their student as well. The Tacoma Public School District has already successfully implemented this technology (Aletdinova and Bakaev 2016). The AI based school application by Microsoft has been used by the school. It basically integrates tools such as Office Graph API, Cognitive Services and Media Analytics with the machine learning. It provides a deep insight into the performance of the student and those performance is then displayed visually. The introduction of the AI in the classroom program has significantly improved the performance of the student. According to the authority, the AI powered analytics has increased the graduation rates from 55% to 82.6% over six years.


The AI is also helping students to learn whenever, whatever and however they want to learn. Combining these three aspect was never been so easy (Arai and Matsuzaki 2014). The technology has made this thing possible, whereas the AI has taken this approach to a completely new level.

Students often finds it difficult to learn topics that is being taught in the classroom as they often get lost between other students and as a result they often find it difficult to follow along the teacher and what is being taught (Arai and Matsuzaki 2014). The AI is providing new means to the student to overcome this problem. One application that is worth mentioning in this content is the Mika by Carnegie Learning. It provides one to one attentions to every students and over the times it learns the learning patterns of the student and deliver the content in such a way that the students learns the best without any difficulties. It also shows the daily progress of the students so that it is easy for the students to understand which areas they are improving and areas that needs improvement (Rybakova and Fomina 2015). Some similar applications are Thinkster Math, netex learning.

Students often lost interest in the class as they does not understand what is being taught in the class. One of the major reason is the language barrier. Presentation translator by Microsoft is an excellent choice to eliminate this barrier (Rybakova and Fomina 2015). It makes use of the Azure Cognitive Services, AI-powered speech recognition system. It helps the students to interpret things that is being said in the native language, thus providing the students enough flexibility to learn things in the language they wants and what they finds best.

With the help of AI, students will be able to learn beyond classroom. AI is making the learning engaging and attractive as it is taking the teaching and learning outside the traditional classroom and thus providing new opportunities not for the students, but for the teachers as well (Arai and Matsuzaki 2014). Thus making the teaching and learning more effective and engaging than ever.

Educating the employee’s acts as one of the major implementation step that will help in procuring the methodology that must be taken in order to complete the business processing of the Artificial Intelligence in the prospect of data management system (Punie, dos Santos and Mitic 2016). This acts as the major step that helps in efficient functioning of the platform that is created with the help of Artificial Intelligence.

International organizations namely Facebook and other social networking platforms includes the fact that the data management is performed with the terminology of the perceptive software, with the help of the Artificial Intelligence helps in efficient usage of the configuration that is present in the processing of the data management (Aletdinova and Bakaev 2016). This is the main reason that the usage of Artificial Intelligence is implemented. Deep learning algorithms are used for transforming the processing of the resources that are used in the processing of the data management. The cost that is required for the transcription of the low algorithm in the database is very low but the cost that will be incurred for the operator is comparatively high and this is the sole reason that the total cost that is incurred in the projection of the database is very high. The organizations that implement the processing of Artificial intelligence RMIT University must implement cognitive windows in the processing of the database as they need to build the entire project in the terminology of the Artificial Intelligence (Aletdinova and Bakaev 2016). This is the reason the developing team must be set in order to procure the project management with the help of the Artificial Intelligence. Providing strategies to the cognitive window is one of the major reason for the increased efficiency of the process.


For performing the pilot project, understanding of the requirement of the project must be understood. This is important as the data processing of the data base is calculated with the help of the low mean algorithm that helps in calculation of the data management procedure in the platform that is used by that of the platform of Artificial Intelligence (Arai and Matsuzaki 2014). After the procedure that is implemented and internal as well as the external methodology of the Artificial Intelligence provision.  After performing the pilot test the framework of the Artificial Intelligence platform is created and this acts as one of the major step for completion of the project of RMIT University.

For the implementation of efficient matrix, the main thing that is taken into consideration is that the problems that are present in the platform is are plotted in the 2×2 matrix and this acts as oneof the major reason that implements the processing of data management (Arai and Matsuzaki 2014). In case the data is plotted in 2X2 matrix and the problems are plotted with higher accuracy, the requirement of the system is plotted with highest efficiency and this is the sole reason that the problems that are present in the course of the project completion gets plotted and t gets easier for the operating team ti mitigate the problems. External gap analysis is performed in order to complete the processing of data that are stored in the data base of the system.

In this stage the risks that are calculated in the matrix stage gets mitigated by following methodologies that are required for the completion of the project (Rybakova and Fomina 2015). This is the sole reason that the data base that is present in the platform of artificial intelligence stays protected for the imposters who try to gain unauthenticated access to the data that are stored in the data base that uses Artificial Intelligence.  

Recommendations that must be implemented in the course of the data management process of Artificial Intelligence are as follows: –

  • Usage of black box must be banned and this is the sole reason that the algorithmic system must be used in terminology of the education society of RMIT University (Rybakova and Fomina 2015). This helps in understanding the licensing of the product.
  • Proper Licensing is one of the most important requirement that must be fulfilled in order to complete the processing of the data management with higher legalization (Punie, dos Santos and Mitic 2016). This is one of the main reason that the data management will be done with proper legalization.
  • Pre-release of the platform must be done and after pre releasing the platform, several tests must be performed in order to complete the processing with proper accuracy (Punie, dos Santos and Mitic 2016). In case the platform of the artificial intelligence is tested initially, the processing of the data management will be performed with higher accuracy and this is the sole reason that the pre testing pf the software is essential.
  • After launching the platform, RMIT University must continue to monitor the same as this will ensure the processing of the data management of the major terminology and this will act as a cushioning and this is the reason that proper monitoring is required (Arai and Matsuzaki 2014). In case the processing is not performed with proper monitoring it can be understood that the management of the system might not be performing well and the accuracy level might be lacking   


From the above discussion it can be concluded that the artificial intelligence is a new emerging technology in the world which will help the human of the futures by acting with them also as a human. This idea of artificial intelligence always surprised the humans with the new inventions, innovations and with new ideas. The main interesting part of the artificial intelligence is that it is not developed to its utmost point but it is developing day by day. This means many new features of the artificial intelligence are about to come. With this there is also a concern about the future of the artificial intelligence. Many scientist believes that in the optimal development stage of the artificial intelligence this will be able to do a same task better than the human. If the artificial intelligence system is able to do better in some specific domains then this implementation can be used in such cases where the human is unable to reach to perform the same task. This artificial intelligence can help in various domains like in a research field where the AI system will able to do the same research with more perfection. Also, this artificial intelligence system can be used in the space research system. But for most of the cases this artificial intelligence implementations are hypothetical but from the present implementations is has already shown its capabilities to the world. Beside many advantages the artificial intelligence have many disadvantages. It can be also used for the destruction purpose. So, the human needs to aware about that this technology must not be used for some bad purposes. Artificial intelligence can be good or can be bad. It depends on the humans how they implement this technology.

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Schank, R.C. and Jona, M.Y., 2014. Issues for psychology, AI, and education: A review of Newell’s Unified Theories of Cognition. Artificial Intelligence in Perspective, p.375.

Conati, C., Porayska-Pomsta, K. and Mavrikis, M., 2018. AI in Education needs interpretable machine learning: Lessons from Open Learner Modelling. arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.00154.

Luckin, R., Holmes, W., Griffiths, M. and Forcier, L.B., 2016. Intelligence unleashed: An argument for AI in education.

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