Application Of Agile Methodology In Online Ticket Booking System
Features of the Online Ticket Booking System
During the development of the project appropriate project methodology is needed to be maintained. The selection of the methodology is dependent on the type of the project. Right methodology is needed to be selected on the basis of the project requirements and domain (Margaria, 2018). It has been seen that during the development of the software projects, agile methodology can be helpful to be followed. In this paper the relevance of the application of agile methodology in the online ticket booking system has been discussed (Silva, Hak & Winckler,2016). In this context, the relevance of the agile methodology with the project management body of knowledge has mentioned. The role of the project manager is important for the proper compilation of the project. Apart from that maintaining the quality of the project is a concerned factor for the development team.
The project is about the development of the online movie ticket booking system. It is an online system where the users can book their tickets through making the online payment. This will increase the efficiency of the organization, who are adopting the system. Apart from that managing of the transaction information and money can be easier from the organization’s end. There are several features of this online ticket booking system (Liechti, Pasquier, Prévost & Gremaud,2016). The users has to register themselves at the first stage. After that, they can book the tickets along with choosing the seating options. The seat can be chosen on the basis of the availability. After the selection of the seat the booking can be confirmed and the payment can be made through the online transaction. The online transaction can be done through a secured platform where the information regarding the payment can be secured.
The selected methodology for the development of the online ticket booking system is the agile methodology. The justification of selecting this methodology is that this methodology is flexible enough to manage the dynamic changes in the project. The requirements during the development of the software can be changed or modified (Benduhn, Thüm, Schaefer & Saake,2017). In this case, the application of the agile methodology is justified. The development life cycle will be carried out in a sprint. On the basis of the feedback and the performance of the each sprint, the next step will be carried out.
PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge) can be considered as the guideline of the project management methodology. There are certain steps for the project development life cycle those are needed to be included in an ideal methodology (Bass, 2016). There are five steps describe for the project development life cycle according to PMBOK. These are- initialization of the project, planning of the project, executing of the project, monitoring and control and closing of the project (Kim, Park & Yeo, 2018). The approach of the agile methodology is different from the rest of the methodologies as it followed the prototype approach. However, the approach of the agile methodology follows the steps mentioned in the PMBOK.
Selection of Agile Methodology for the Development
The application of the agile project management methodology for the development of the online movie ticket booking system will follow certain steps. The approach followed in the agile methodology is different from the rest of the project management methodology (Brambilla, Cabot & Wimmer,2017). However, the steps which will be followed in the agile methodology can be mapped into the steps described in the project management body of knowledge. In this context, the processes followed in the agile methodology during the development has been discussed.
Figure 1: Agile Project Management Process
Source: (Snyxius Technologies, 2019).
During the initialization, the gathering of the requirements will be done for the online ticket booking system. The requirements will be collected from the possible stakeholders and the user perspective would be considered in this case. Apart from that the technical requirements are noted in this stage. The gathering of the requirements is important as it would be helpful to mitigate the possibility of the project scope creep (Jubilson, Prathap, Khanna, Dhanavanthini, Dani & Gunasekaran, 2015). Project scope creep can be defined as the major changes in the requirements during the development of the project. Though, the agile methodology is flexible to change, however, it is only applicable to the minor changes. The basic idea about the project base remains static.
Figure 2: Process Followed in Agile Methodology
Source: ( 2019).
Making the 1st sprint:
The planning is done on the basis of the gathered information and the requirements. On the basis of the documented requirements, the execution of the 1st sprint for the online movie ticket booking system will be done. This is the prototype of the final system. The experts will use this prototype in order to find the areas for improvements and modifications. On the basis of their feedback certain modification will be done.
While making the online ticket booking system, initially, there was one admin end who can manage the transaction data and can collect the ticket money. However, later it has been decided that there should be one more admin end for the better management of the information (Erdem, Demirörs & Rabhi, 2018). Apart from that it is expected that there will be some problems regarding the availability of the seat. The system is not calculating the right number of available seats on the basis of the booking statistics. So, the number of available seats showing to the users is wrong.
PMBOK and Agile Methodology
Managing the modified requirements:
During the testing of the 1st sprint, some of the modifications can be required. In this case, the modifications will be the addition of the requirements. The additional requirements and their justifications can be evaluated in the meeting with the stakeholders (Madeyski & Kawalerowicz,2017). Apart from that the project management team can held up daily meeting regarding the progress of the project.
There are some of the loopholes in the system identified. The main objective of the 2nd sprint is to modify those loopholes in a proper way for the online ticket booking system.
Making of the 2nd sprint:
On the basis of the feedback and the additional modifications, the execution of the second sprint will be done. In this case, the second sprint may be considered as the final prototype if it meets all the desired requirements. The final system will be developed on the basis of this prototype.
In the second sprint the users can see the right number of available seats. On the other hand, two admin ends will be implemented for the better management of the project. It can be said that all the functionalities required for the system have been implemented in a clear way through this prototype.
Monitoring and control:
The monitoring and the control process of the final system is done by the users. The feedback is taken from them in order to evaluate the performance of the online ticket booking system. The final system of the online ticket booking portal is released for the users. The users here are the organizations who are going to adopt this system (de Souza,do Prado, de Souza, Pereira & Pires, 2018). The end users are both the organizations and the people who are booking tickets through this online booking system. The feedback of these two types of end users are important as it will indicate the effectiveness of the system. The system will be able to work properly from both the user end and the admin end.
The generation of the ticket will be done in a proper way along with the generation of the e-bill. Apart from that the users can see the right number of seats available.
Closing of the project:
As the online ticket booking system will meeting all the desired requirements, the closing of the project can be decided by the development team.
The discussion is regarding the implementation of the online ticket booking system. The selected methodology for the development of this system is the agile methodology. It has been seen that the use of the agile methodology will support the way for the development of the project through sprint. Apart from that it will provide a way for the modification of the requirements and the functionalities. It can be said from that discussion that the project regarding the online movie ticket booking system is successful as it has followed all the requirements of stakeholders. Apart from that the methodology which will be used in the development of the project has followed all the steps mentioned in the PMBOK. It can be concluded from the above discussion that the development of the project will follow the right methodology and delivers the desired outcome.
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