Application And Benefits Of Activity-Based Costing In Construction Industry: TBR Infra Pvt Ltd Case Study
TBR Infra PVT Ltd.
Activity-Based Costing (ABC) has been significance since the 1980s since it stays away from cost twists and gives a method see which traditional cost accounting can’t give. Activity-Based Costing is based on a “stream see” in progress speculation in that ABC gets two-arranged costing, i.e., assets are doled out to exercises and exercises are doled out to cost objects (Cardos, I.R. 2010) [4].
The construction market is very competitive in today’s world. There are a number of competitors in the market today and hence, in order to survive in the market, a close eye has to be kept on the costs [Askarany, D.; Smith, M.; Yazdifar, H. (2007), 1]. The people that estimate the cost of each project is known as the estimator and then, he determines the direct material and the direct costs. The gross margin is used to cover the entire amount of the overhead and the profits. Instead, ABC could be used for the purposes of allocating the costs of the resources in the project. There are times when the estimators miscalculate these costs and this leads to a loss. Hence, ABC technique could be applied which would ensure better profitability for the company Askarany, D.; Yazdifar, H. (2007) [2].
Having pioneered a vibrant proposition into enterprise building four decades ago, TBR Infra Pvt.Ltd today commands unexcelled expertise in infrastructure building, entwined with rich technical prowess in the construction of roads, multi-lane highways, airport runways, bridges, housing projects, business multiplexes and so on. Imbibing passion into the philosophy of excellence, a vision of vitalizing the nation’s strength, TBR Infra Pvt.Ltd has restructured engineering professionalism in India, founding a prospective road map for a brilliant tomorrow. Going forward TBR intends to become one of India’s finest and greenest diversified infrastructure company delivering outstanding value to our multiple stakeholders – clients, employees, shareholders, partners and the local communities in which we work Bjornenak, T.; Falconer, M. (2002), [3].
The essential principles of ABC are:
Principle 1: Activities devour resources.
Principle 2: Activities have a reason.
Principle 3: Customer, products, or channels cause diverse levels of movement. Fayek, A. R. (2010) [5].
Fig 1: Function of principles of ABC
The technique of activity based costing is capable of converting the different pieces of information channel other than the cost information. The quality of the information such as the number of the inspection failures is an example. The technique of activity based costing converts the information which is non-financial in nature into something which is important such as the costing information. It could be stated that this technique helps in utilizing the non-financial information Friedl, G.; Hammer, C.; Pedell, B.; Kupper H.U. (2009) [6]. This is the information which can be converted into dollar values which affects the human behavior other than the information. With regard to the implementation of activity based costing, the managers could get an accurate information with regard to the cost on each one of the work division or for each of the building Groot T. (2009) [7]. This could be seen as being viewed as a map from the use of activity based costing. There has been research which tells is the actual construction of the projects. In such of the case studies, a researcher would participate in as a consultant in an active way. The researcher would be able to teach the engineers a much more detailed procedure for the purposes of implementing the technique and also encourages them to test the procedure on their very own projects. A general contractor would direct the hire work along with the direct hire projects that would be selected and also be tested Holland, N and Hobson, D (2009) [8].
Importance of Managers and Management Accountants When Implementing ABC/ABM
This technique in the construction industry captures all of the activities that are involved and also allocates the costs based upon the level of the activity. This helps in the assessment of the profitability of the entire project. This technique also provides an insight into the costs of performing the activities in the construction industry. The basis for allocation of the overheads is reflective of the behavior of cost. Hence, the implementation of the activity based costing system would only benefit the contractors Johnson, T. and Kaplan, R. (2007) [9].
The success and the failure of any company is dependent upon the ability of the company to complete the project within the scheduled period of time and also within the budget that has been assigned. Any construction company will have to complete the work within the given stipulated time frame. Any delay in the project would result in hindering of the progress of the company and that would mean a loss for the company. In respect of the machinery and equipment, the main reason of the cost overrun affects the clients as well as the contractors. And hence, the company under review also faces many challenges. In the industry of construction, any project focusses on the optimum utilization of the resources and also ensures a speedy completion of the project. In this industry, the construction companies are seen as being the primary company for each and every project. The activity based management is the workforce of the organization Koskela, L (2012) [10]. It is viewed as being the field of the organization activity along with the professional practice that covers such functions connected with remaining, career development and the development of the company as a whole.
But there is another fact that the construction industry of being viewed as the primary entity for each and every company or project. Activity based costing is not structured enough in the construction industry but the need and the requirement of the same about the need and the importance of such planning is growing by each day. The biggest issue with the same lies in the fact of an acute shortage of the skilled along with the trained manpower.
The resource levelling in the technique of activity based costing aims at the minimization of the resource usage which aims at moving the non-critical activities within the float. The timeliness of the project depends upon the resource requirements that is less in some of the cases or on some of the days whereas, the same would be more on few of the days. The main aim of the resource levelling is able to reduce the demands of the peak resources for the minimization of the peaks and also the valleys in these demands (Dorota Kuchta & Aleksandra, N (2011) [11]. Hence, planning is something which is of an utmost importance in construction. Planning helps in the purchase of the materials. There shall be no wastages, the time taken to reduce in the time of construction is reduced and the construction is able to be distributed into many phases.
Analyzing the Role of Activity Based Costing in Construction Projects
Research Design
We have examined the construction sites in Delhi. Planning of the considerable number of activities will be done and booking will be finished relying on the quantity of activities in Software. In the investigation to limit the general project length in the construction projects by activity based and spread sheet are utilized to get ready ideal planning for the powerful use of the project based on data collected from lodging project.
Data Collection: Data will be collected from lodging construction project in Delhi based on private structures comprising different kinds of blocks.
Secondary data: Secondary data will be collected on the basis of assumption related to completion of the project, duration, quantity of work done.
Sampling: Sample that was taken into consideration of the examination was construction sites in Delhi in the time duration from 26th March 2017 to 5th June 2018.
As we see in the graph that the timing is 35 days and considering the cost of the duration increased by 7.5%, The date at which the project was started was 26th March 2017 and was assumed to be completed on 20th April 2018 but apart from the assumptions it got finished on 5th June 2018. When the whole project was planned it was thought that it will be finished in somehow 366 days but due to the inconveniences it took some more days to complete. We can simple legitimate the activity and utilize when it is in the traditional system of cost. After observing the graph we can conclude that by if we set the activities as per required the project time can be reduced and the project can be completed in time assumed. After the completion of the legitimate reverse allocation, and with the assistance of the date book the starting and the ending date of the project can be known easily. If the chart is clearly read and followed everyday activity and the completing time can be easily monitored, Apart from using the software, it is more preferable to use the critical path method which is far way more useful. When relying on the grant chart, there are possibilities of mistakes as the chart depicts the planning and not the genuine work done or the delay in the project on daily basis. Changing the parameters and repetitive scheduling of the project will result in hampering the cost of the project and also the exact cost may not be able to be monitored correctly. The prices of the project is been considered by DSR (District Schedule Rate) and as needs be contingent on the detail of work the rate are cited.
Table 1 Cash Flow Report
Q1 |
0 |
0 |
Q2 |
1200000 |
1500000 |
Q3 |
3100000 |
1700000 |
Q4 |
6000000 |
3000000 |
Q1 |
6900000 |
700000 |
The Cash stream report gives a thought regarding the assets designated for each quarter. From the chart it is obvious than at what time the work is going to be completed the reserve required are more when contrasted with starting stage of work
Fig 2 Cash Flow Report
The Fig 2 depicts allotment of work and standard work. It demonstrates that actual work was less yet due to postpone the total work hours expanded
Table 2 BaseLine Cost Report
42000 |
19000 |
Fig. 3 BaseLine Cost Report
Base line work gives a thought regarding the task status and it work to be finished. At first the baseline work will be low as the advance of work is enduring. As the task advances the actual work and baseline work ought to be alike.
The Figure 3 demonstrates the base line work done quarterly for whole venture the undertaking work is most extreme amid last quarter in 2013
The research aimed to set up how clients evaluated their system of designating head office overheads to ventures. These reactions are abridged in Table 3
Table 3 Efficient of the present system of choosing overheads
Response |
Respondent’s Number |
Respondent’s Percentage |
Poor |
12 |
12 |
Satisfactory |
35 |
35 |
Good |
23 |
23 |
Very good |
30 |
30 |
Fig: 4 Effectiveness of the current system of allocating overheads
The majority of clients of costing systems were inspired with their system, as just 12% of showed that they thought its adequacy was poor. This is in opposition to the discoveries of Cokins (2002), that managers were not happy with their current systems. In any case, Cokins (2002) neglects to clarify the explanations behind a few companies still utilizing costing systems.
Table 4 Allocation of indirect project overheads
Basis of allocation |
Respondents |
Percentage |
Value of section |
14 |
14 |
Direct labor |
23 |
23 |
ABC system |
34 |
34 |
Other |
24 |
24 |
Machine hours |
5 |
5 |
Fig 5: Allocation of indirect project overheads
More contractors (23 respondents) utilized costing systems to apportion circuitous venture overheads to the work areas than the individuals who utilized the ABC system (34% of respondents). These discussions are reliable with findings in the literature that most companies utilize costing based OAR to allot aberrant overheads to cost objects.
As watched the time period of the project can be shortened through ABC and through appropriate planning. Based on Traditional Data and software date the different parameters, for example, cost, duration is been thought about and in like manner therapeutic measures can be taken. The Traditional Cost of Project is Rs.1,89,96,293.25/ – and the arranged cost of project is Rs. 1, 76, 80,368.12/ – in this manner the distinction in cost is Rs.13,15,925.14/ – and this distinction happened because of absence of planning. The cost of the project expanded by 7.6% when contrasted with traditional method and this expanded to cost and lessened the benefit of project. For each project the activities will change and this change ought to be thought about site and in addition in software. Real planning and on location planning contrasts this ought not to be appeared in software thus sometimes the genuine duration is hard to figure. On each site however the examination is done, at present on each site activities arranged and executed can’t be same, the distinction in activities just can be limited.
The reason as to why activity based costing is better than the other costing techniques is the fact that it gives an insight into the costs that are being incurred. It serves as a basis for the allocation of the costs which is more realistic. It uses some multiple basis for the purposes of allocating the overheads. It enables the analyses of the profitability of the various projects. It gives an accurate projecting of the costs. It leads to an elimination of the activities that are considered to be waste. It helps in determining the accurate cost of the project and also leads to an elimination of the activities that are waste. This leads to an increase in the amounts of profits.
There are some of the other benefits as well which include the competitive pricing of the projects, the controlling of the costs of the project. Also, there is a better understanding of the drivers of cost. There is a quality improvement, there is also an accurate measurement of each project. There is an accurate estimation of the total cost of the project. This suggests that the contractors would go for the adoption of the technique of activity based costing.
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