Antenna Technologies, Wireless Network Protocols, And Software-Defined Wireless Networks
Yagi Antenna
Yagi Antenna – It could be defined as a directional based antenna that would consists of driven elements that would include folded dipole or dipole with some additional elements. These might include a reflector along with some directors. This antenna would be able to radiate in a unidirectional manner. This form of antenna is mainly used in point-t0-point form of communications (Wu et al., 2014).
Strengths – These antennas have a beam width of nearly 50 degree to 70 degree. This would be helpful for receiving lower signals of strength. The higher gain within the yagi antennas would be able to provide a good coverage. The cost of yagi antenna is less as compared to log periodic antennas.
Weakness – The range of frequency or bandwidth is limited to a certain extent. In the cases when the yagi antennas would be moved from the limited range of frequencies, the strength of the signals would be degraded.
Horn Antenna – This kind of antenna would be used for the reception and transmission of microwave signals. The flared portion of the antenna could be rectangular, square or conical in shape. The maximum amount of response and radiation would correspond with the axis of the horn. The different forms of horn antenna are pyramidal horn, conical horn and sectoral horn.
Strengths – The horn antennas are mainly used as a form of active element within dish antenna. This antenna helps in delivering the directivity of the signal. Higher amount of gain would be achieved with the help of reflective dish that makes use of horn antenna (Pan et al., 2013).
Weakness – The gain within horn antennas is limited in the range of 20 dB. The length of the horn should be excessive in order to increase the gain of the horn, which might lead to problems.
Cellular Antennas – These antennas are used on a wide basis in order to capture the signals based on mobile phones and various kinds of cellular devices. The connectivity of cellular devices is mainly dependent on the strength of cellular antennas. The primary difference between cellular antennas and mobile based Wi-Fi is based on the bandwidth connectivity within these technologies (Cihangir et al., 2013).
Strengths – These form of cellular antennas are widely used as they cover a wide range of network. The fast form of connectivity of these devices is provided with good form of coverage. The connectivity provided within the range of cellular antenna is provided in a secure format.
Horn Antenna
Weakness – The cost of implementation of cellular antennas is high. There is also a higher chance of interface within this form of connectivity as the communication medium is based on wireless.
Based on the recent form of antenna technologies, it could be discussed that the medium of communication with the help of wireless networking could be implemented with the help of cellular based antennas as they help in enabling an efficient mode of communication.
The three different form of wireless network protocols are LTE,
LTE – It is a form of wireless based broadband technology that is mainly designed for supporting access to roaming internet to the cellphones and various other handheld devices. As the LTE technology offers severe form of significant improvements over various other standards of communication, hence it would refer to as the 4G technology. This form of technology is regarded as one of the fastest form of wireless networks (Dahlman, Parkvall & Skold, 2013).
Strengths – The LTE network makes use of IP network architecture. These technologies were meant in order to improve the lower rates of data and issues based on roaming with the older protocols.
Weakness – Some of the older mobile devices are not used for accessing the LTE features of network. As this form of network is unique, hence it would require the installation of the technology within equipment. Hence it would require the stabilization of the network within devices.
The security challenges faced by LTE network is based on the openness of the network protocols that would increase the exposure of threats to applications, devices and networks.
Wi-Fi – This is a form of wireless networking protocol that would allow the devices for communicating without the use of wires. The Wi-Fi technology would be able to represent a LAN protocol that would be based on 802.11 IEEE standard of network. The Wi-Fi is one of the popular means of communication of data in a wireless manner that is bound within a certain location (Bennis et al., 2013).
Strengths – Wi-Fi helps in the convenience of the mobility of wireless form of communication. The expanse of the Wi-Fi network, cost management and the process of installation can be performed in an efficient manner.
Weakness – This form of wireless mode of communication could be hacked in an easy manner. A simple leak within the access to password would lead to gain access to important credentials within the data of an individual. Hence the security of the Wi-Fi networks are not fully secure. The range of the networks are not as high (Duarte et al., 2014).
Cellular Antennas
The security challenges faced by Wi-Fi networks are based on Denial of Service, Interception of Data, Phishing attacks and many others.
Bluetooth – This is a form of technology based on radio communication that would help in enabling short distance and low-paper wireless based networking that would occur within computers, phones and various other forms of network connected devices (Wang et al., 2013). The technology of Bluetooth was designed in order to support networking within portable network connected devices that would run on the use of batteries. Bluetooth technology could be used in a wide number of devices such as smartphones, wireless keyboards, wireless speakers and computers.
Strengths – The main strengths of Bluetooth enabled technologies is that they are cheaper and have an easier process of installation. The technology helps in the convenience of the connection of different mobile devices. This is also an efficient form of wireless mode of communication.
Weakness – As the communication mode of Bluetooth technologies is based on wireless hence they have severe chances to get hacked. Cell phones are prone to get infected by viruses if the bluetooth technologies get hacked (Heydon, 2013).
The security challenges in relation with Bluetooth technologies is based on authentication procedures based on the mobile devices. The aspect of confidentiality and authorization of devices is also considered as a challenge as this form of networks face challenges within the breaches of privacy.
Reflection for Paper 1 “An Architecture for Software Defined Wireless Networking”
Based on the insights gained from the case studies it could be discussed that the Software Defined Wireless Networking (SDN) could be defined as a form of separation between the data and control planes. From the study, I have understood that the SDN would be a great help to the network operators for performing the infrastructural work within the network in an efficient processes. The SDN helps in deploying various kinds of services with the enabling of key features that would include virtualization. They would also be able to maintain the increasing level of capacity within the network for the purpose of gathering and handling of large amount of data (Bernardos et al., 2014). Based on research on SDN architecture from the article, I have understood that the SDN architecture could help for improving the existing network based services of mobile networks and thus providing greater efficiency within the networks. Based on the future perspectives of research, I have gained an idea about the widespread form of adoption of the SDN functionalities within the current working processes of networks, which would help in improving the processes of connectivity within the wireless networks.
Wireless Network Protocols
Reflection for Paper 2 “Software Defined Wireless Networks: A Survey of Issues and Solutions”
From the another case scenario, I have understood about the ways in which the wireless networks including mobile networks would face the upcoming challenges within the infrastructure of the network. In respect to the case scenario, it could be seen that the operators of mobile network are planning to design newer form of standards for the major purpose of simplifying the tasks of management within the network. The newer paradigms help in easy form of control within the network segments and thus also supports for easy deployment of newly set standards. Based on the case study, it could be focused that SDN is a form of revolutionary technology that would be able to make processes within the network in a flexible and agile manner. The article also depicts that the SDN also has the capability to deploy the services of mobile network based on network function virtualization (NFV) infrastructure (Rangisetti & Tamma, 2017). This would be highly essential for enabling faster and elastic deployment of core services within the network. The case study also emphasizes on another evolving network platform that is known as Mobile Edge Computing (MEC). From the gained insights from the article, it could be discussed that MEC would be able to bring the implementation of cloud computing and IT services that would be able to offer the network based on end-users. From the case study, various forms of challenges and vital issues within the design of SDN based wireless networks. SDN is also an important tool within the design of the advanced form of 5G networks.
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