Answers To ICT Questions
1: Definition of ICT
ICT is referred as information communication technology that enables the unified communication. The main objective of the ICT is to implement the system which is helpful to make the communication between the telecommunication devices and the computers (Cancian, Rabelo and von Wangenheim, 2015: 634-659). The field of ICT is broad as it covers the method of creation, modification and manipulation of the data electronically. There is no universal definition for the ICT however, it can be defined as the process that allows the business organizations and other manufacturing companies to interact with the digital world and handle all the inter-organizational processes digitally. In case of BAE system , the organization aims to provide the technology driven services to the other companies and organization. This can be called as the ICT driven services. The services provided by the BAE includes the providing of information technology solutions to the e-business companies and providing high end technical solutions to the organization working with aerospace system. In this case, it can be said that the services provided by the BAE system is driven by ICT and the company is using advanced technologies and the networking components for providing the service which is also an application of ICT.
The office space has been expanded , so it has become obvious to establish more offices in different locations. In this situation it is requires that all the systems, computers and peripherals are connected with each other in the organization (Yu, 2016:80). The main goal is to find the proper networking technique and the topology for the implementation of the whole process. In this case, the computers and the system in one office can be connected through the LAN. On the other hand the communication between the systems between the two different offices in the organization can be done through MAN (Metropolitan Area Network). The communication through the MAN can be generated through the use of optical cable. The topology in this case can be star topology as it allows the idea of centralization where the communication between the devices and the peripherals will be controlled by the centralized hub. In some cases, the concept of hybrid network can also be used as it allows the use of both start topology and the bus topology which increases the effectiveness and flexibility of the communication.
1. According to the data-information-knowledge-wisdom the primary goal to inherit the information is to collect the data. The relevant data can be considered as information. The information makes the organization knowledgeable about the situation and the organization can gain wisdom which is the familiarization about the system. It is necessary for the BAE’s aircraft section to process relevant data in order to avoid confusion and the ambiguity during the design process (Tvrdíková, 2016:475). It can be said that the collection of data from different sources can be a complex process. The proper analysis of the collected data will form the information that will help the organization in the decisions making process regarding the manufacturing of the aircrafts. The proper analysis of the data will help the BAE to assemble and compile the components of the aircrafts.
2: Choice of networking
2. BAE needs single repository system for the CAD/CAM data. The company has decided to replace the old system regarding this with the enterprise wise knowledge management system. In this context Siemens’s Team Centre product life cycle will be used for the managing of the information and the centralization of the data.
Figure 1: Process of data warehousing
Source: (Simonova,2016:274)
4. The legacy system that supports the CAD has different issues that raised the problems like issues in the information processing and the problems regarding the assembling of the components of the aircraft (Wokocha et al.,2016:175). The replacement of the legacy system with the advanced technology has enable the company to save the cost as the organization can provide compatible solutions maintaining the quality through the handling of the few legacy files and the data.
5. The value of ICT in the management of the BAE is effective. The use of the advanced ICT infrastructure has helped the organization to manage data in more effective way. On the other hand the proper management of the data enables the organization to provide the quality services along with the saving of the cost.
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is a trend where the employees are encouraged to bring their system or tools in the office and use them for doing the official work. There are certain advantages and disadvantages of using the own device at the workplace (Aversano, Grasso and Tortorella, 2016:171-188). The main advantage using this technique is that the organization can reduce the overhead cost for maintaining the infrastructures (Shamsuzzoha et al.,2016:180). However, there are certain threats for the organization regarding the usage of the own devices at the office. The employees can transfer the confidential information of the organization through their devices (Jameel, Abdul-Karem and Mahmood, 2017:1). The organization cannot monitor the system. In this case, certain security threats for the organization and company can be happened. Apart from that the systems of the employees may not have the latest technologies those are needed to be used for the office work. In that case, the quality of the product or service can be degraded.
1. Importance of the customer relationship management:
The main objective of the customer relationship management is to collect the information regrading the customer and analysis the information to get the relevant knowledge about the demand of the consumers (Guo et al., 2015:183). The better understanding of the demands of the customers in the ever changing market situation will help the organizations to understand the types of products or services needed to be provided to acquire the market. Apart from that different customer relationship management techniques will help to enhance the flow of communication between the consumers and the organizations. The consumers can reach to the organization for any information. The overall betterment of the service will help the organizations to engage the existing consumers to use the products and services along with that the organizations can create a new consumer base based on the good will of the company.
3: ICT Infrastructure requirements
2. Takealot is an e-commerce website which is using the Facebook for the customer relationship management. The initiative is effective as the promotion through the social media will help the brand to reach to the large number of people (Nunberger, 2017:1). There are photos of the products along with the shopping options in the Facebook page. This will help the consumers in the easy access of the products and buying options. However, there is a chance of improvisation of the page by adding more items for sell.
3. There are certain ethical norms which are needed to be followed during the customer relationship management. The organization should provide right information regarding the products to the consumers. Apart from that the products are needed to be soled in the right price. The bill should be provided to the consumers after purchasing where the breakup of the cost of the product is needed to be mentioned.
Business intelligence is the process which is driven by the technology for the processing and the analysis of the data for the decision making in the business process. The importance of the business intelligence is that it helps the organization to indicate the changes in the market through the analysis and help to make the effective decision for improvement of the business along with the services or products. In this context the example of the BAE can be taken. The right processing of the business information along is helping the organization in the compilation of the products and indicates the need for the replacement of the old system with the new one.
There are various technologies those can be used for the improvement of the business operations. Two of them are mobile technology and green IT. The use of the mobile technology helps to make the business operations flexible and less time consuming. The flow of the communication is improved in the organization with the use of mobile technology (Sambhanthan, Potdar and Chang, 2017:1-16). Apart from that the use of the mobile technology in the organization also allows bring your own device trend. The analysis of the data and the information gathering apart from making the communication between the different system in the organization have become easy with the usage of the mobile technology.
The implementation of the green IT will help the organizations to deliver the products and the services in more sustainable way. The main objective of the green technology is to maintain the sustainability of the environment while developing the projects and the products. The technology can be useful in the implementation of the green technology (Francis and Willard,2016:41). One of the usage of the green technology is the use of technology to reduce the emission of the carbon from the burning of the fuel from the engine. It has been seen the usage of the green IT will help to deliver the high quality sustainable products which will eventually enhance the goodwill of the company.
Aversano, L., Grasso, C. and Tortorella, M., 2016. Managing the alignment between business processes and software systems. Information and Software Technology, 72, pp.171-188.
Cancian, M.H., Rabelo, R. and von Wangenheim, C.G., 2015. Collaborative business processes for enhancing partnerships among software services providers. Enterprise Information Systems, 9(5-6), pp.634-659.
Francis, M.M. And Willard, M., 2016. Unlocking The Potential Of Information And Communication Technology For Business Sustainability By Small, Micro And Medium Enterprises In Vhembe District, South Africa. Ict, Society, And Human Beings 2016, p.41.
Guo, A., Li, Y., Zuo, Z. and Chen, G., 2015. Influence of organizational elements on manufacturing firms’ service-enhancement: An empirical study based on Chinese ICT industry. Technology in Society, 43, pp.183-190.
Jameel, A., Abdul-Karem, M. and Mahmood, N., 2017. A Review of the Impact of ICT on Business Firms.
Nunberger, I., 2017. Business incubation and startups in the ICT sector. Retrieved on, 1.
Sambhanthan, A., Potdar, V. and Chang, E., 2017. Business Sustainability Conceptualization. In Applied Computing and Information Technology (pp. 1-16). Springer, Cham.
Shamsuzzoha, A., Toscano, C., Carneiro, L.M., Kumar, V. and Helo, P., 2016. ICT-based solution approach for collaborative delivery of customised products. Production Planning & Control, 27(4), pp.280-298.
Simonova, S., 2016, July. Identification of IT-service metrics for a business process when planning a transition to outsourcing. In Information and Digital Technologies (IDT), 2016 International Conference on (pp. 274-279). IEEE.
Tvrdíková, M., 2016. Increasing the business potential of companies by ensuring continuity of the development of their information systems by current information technologies. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 17(3), pp.475-489.
Wokocha, K.D.K., Wolugbom, K.R., Appah, C. and Olorunfummi, E., 2016. Information And Communication Technology (ICT) Challenges Encountered In Teaching Business Education In Rivers State Tertiary Institutions. Academic Research International, 7(1), pp.175-182.
Yu, C.C., 2016. A value-centric business model framework for managing open data applications. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 26(1-2), pp.80-115.