Annotated Bibliography: Waste-to-Energy Conversion Methods

Challenges in waste-to-energy conversion

Present annotated bibliography is targeted towards the conversion of different types of waste into useful form of energy. Articles related to different methods utilized to convert the waste into energy are discussed in detail. Different types of waste (municipal waste, kitchen waste, agriculture waste, animal dung, waste water etc.) has been studied and discussed. Different challenges which come during the conversion of waste into energy like, lack of awareness, lack of resources, government policies are discussed. Extraction of nano particles and nano fibres from the waste are also discussed. Effect of the temperature, pressure, reaction time and residence time on the nanoparticle size and surface area are discussed. Different techniques like X-ray photon spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), N2 Isothermal adsorption and Raman spectroscopy are also discussed to study the physical structure, morphology, composition analysis, chemical state analysis etc. Utilization of thermal-chemical process to analyse the power consumption required by the different process are also discussed. 

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Barrera, C. S. and Cornish, K., 2017, ‘Processing and mechanical properties of natural rubber/waste-derived nano filler composites compared to macro and micro filler composites’, Industrial Crops & Products, vol. 107, pp. 217-231.

Barrera and Cornish in 2017 targeted their study to analyse the mechanical properties of the nanocomposites derived from waste. They utilized guayule and hevea natural rubber with small sized nano particle in it as carbon black replacement. They measure tensile strength and tear strength to compare the capability of the new created composites with the carbon black (CB). They analysed morphology, swelling behaviour and cluster behaviour of the composites. They also evaluated power consumption during mixing of these composites. This article is useful to my research topic as it indicates new way using the solid waste. They found that composites developed by them can help in reduction of the overall manufacturing cost. They found that composites of solid waste reinforced with hevea and guayule rubber have good mechanical properties compared to carbon black (CB) material. This article is not the base of research but it gives me the relevant information related to the composites which can be utilized with solid waste to improve their mechanical properties.

Baladincz, P. and Hancsok, J., 2015, ‘Fuel from waste animal fats’, Chemical Engineering Journal, vol. 282, pp. 152-160.

Baladincz and Hancsok in 2015 conducted their analysis on the fuel extraction from the waster animal fats. They utilized brown greases a type of waste feedstock to find the new possibilities of these waste in the fuel industry. They conducted experiments to produce bio gas by isomerisation and hydrogenation. Both the experiments are conducted around a temperature of 340ºC and pressure of 50bar in a 100 cm3 tubular reactor. Before analysing the waste feedstock they purified them with acid solution. This article is useful to my research topic as they have shown that waste can be utilized to produce the fuel which has not been done before. They found decrement in the yield due to high sulphur conversion to hydrogen sulphide. They found that triglyceride conversion completed in the waste feedstock at mildest reaction also. They found that increment in the pressure decreases the yield due to hydrocracking reactions. They notice that due to increment in the desulphurisation, sulphur content of the gas decreases with temperature increment. The noticed decrement in the viscosity of the products with increment in the temperature may be due to conversion of triglyceride. They noticed isomerisation process helps in improving the cold flow properties. They concluded that waste animal fat can be utilized to extract the fuel or bio component. They concluded these waste products are cheap and possesses zero iLUC value (indirect land use change value). This article is not the base of research but it gives me the idea about the use of animal fats as a source of renewable energy.

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Extraction of nano particles and nano fibres from waste

Mueller, N. C., Buha, J., Wang, J., Uleich, A., and Nowack, B., 2013, ‘Modeling the flows of engineered nanomaterials during waste handling’, Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, vol. 15, pp. 251-259.

Mueller et al. in 2013 conducted numerical modelling of the flow of the nanoparticle during the waste handling. They considered four different engineered nanomaterials (ENM) nano – TiO2, nano – ZnO, nano – Ag and carbon nano tube (CNT). The model developed by them is based on the flow of mass/material from one box to another and combines WIP (waste incineration plant) and sludge incineration. In their model they considered three scenarios based on the removal rate, realistic scenario and min-scenario for highest removal condition a d worst scenario for lowest removal condition. They utilized two types of flow coefficients in their model one based on the physical properties (substance specific) and second based on waste incineration system (model-specific). This article is related to my research topic as it uses a numerical methodology to analyse the use of waste. They found that nano – TiO2, nano – ZnO and nano – Ag ENMs are flow as bottom ash in case of WIP. They found different distribution for carbon nanotubes (CNT) compared to other nanoparticles. This article is not the base of research but it talks about the modelling process which can be helpful in deciding my objectives.

Marculescu, C., 2012, ‘Comparative analysis on waste to energy conversion chains using thermal-chemical processes’, Energy Procedia, vol. 18, pp. 604-611.

Marculescu in 2012 conducted comparative analysis of the waste to energy conversion chains with the help of thermal chemical processes for power generation applications. They utilized three different processes to analyse waste to energy conversion, gasification, direct combustion and pyrolysis. They utilized calcination oven and a tubular made of stainless steel. They utilized heterogeneous waste consisting of waste from food, packaging and agriculture. This article is useful to my research topic as it denotes a different way of analysing the power generation with the help of thermal-chemical processes. To determine the combustible material content they conducted the combustion process. To calculate energy consumption they calculated devolatilization, drying and gasification with unity raw waste flow rate. They conducted proximate and elemental analysis on the three different heterogeneous wastes and found that all these waste contains similar characteristics when compared with different woods. They found maximum tar yield between 500-550ºC temperature limits. They concluded that for complete carbonization of waste 30-45 minutes of minimum time is required. This article is not the base of research but it gives me the relevant information related to the topic.

Mechanical properties of waste-derived composites

Maroufi, S., Mayyas, M. and Sahajwalla, V., 2017, ‘Waste Materials Conversion into Mesoporous Silicon Carbide Nanocermics: Nanofibre/Particle Mixture’, Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 157, pp. 213-221.

Maroufi, Mayyas and Sahajwalla, in 2017 presented an economic way of using two waste material (E-waste glass and waste tyre) to extract nano size silicon carbide particle and composite mixture from it. They conducted, XRD, XRF, XPS (X-ray photoelectron spectrometer), SEM (scanning electron microscopy) and TEM analysis on the waste material. This article is useful to my research topic as they discuss different techniques to analyse different techniques to extract nanoparticles from waste material. XRD, TEM and SEM analyses were conducted to analyse the physical structure and morphology, XRD analysis was conducted for chemical composition analysis, XPS analysis was conducted for chemical state analysis. They found 10-50 nm size nanometric particle and 5 microns size nanofibres. They further analysed the silicon carbide and found that 2 nm size pores with 67.3 m2.g-1 specific surface area. After further increasing the analysis time from 150 to 270 minutes they found that surface area of decreases. This article is not the base of my research but it gives me the information regarding the methods which can be utilized to study sold waste.

Ramos, A., Monteiro, E., Silva, V. and Rouboa, A., 2018, ‘Co-gasification and recent developments on waste-to-energy conversion: A review’, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 81, pp. 380-398.

Ramos et al. in 2018 conducted review study on co-gasification and other techniques, used to convert the waste material into energy. They analysed effect of different operating conditions like, gasifier type, gasifying agent, bed materials, temperature, pressure, particle size and resident time. This article is helpful to my research topic as it discusses the different techniques which can be utilized to convert waste into useful energy. From their analysis they found that gasification is the best techniques to covert the solid waste into useful energy. They also concluded that pre-processing helps in increasing the conversion rate and profitability. They found drying as the best pre-treatment technique. They found that high bed temperature improves the combustion and syngas yield. They found that fluidized beds are utmost appropriate biomass reactors under different operating conditions. They concluded that co-gasification can enrich the quality of final product. They finally concluded that conversion of wastage into useful energy can help the human by reducing the use of conventional source of energies and fuels. This article is not the base of my research but it gives me the relevant information related to the topic.

Fuel extraction from waste animal fats

Quek, A. and Balasubramanian, R., 2014, ‘Life cycle assessment (LCA) of energy and energy carriers from waste matter – a review’, Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 79, pp. 18-31.

Quek and Balasubramanian 2014 conducted review study on the life cycle assessment (LCA) of waste matter energy carriers. They studied different processes of life cycle assessment for different energy residue and sources of waste. They analysed waste from agricultural industry, from kitchen cooking oil, manure of animal, wood waste and solid waste from municipal. They targeted their study towards the impact of these wastes into impact on human health, greenhouse gas emission, their conversion to biofuels and their utilization. This article is helpful to my research topic as it discusses about the impact of waste on the environment and human health. They found that solid wastes utilization reduces the emission of greenhouse gases like carbon di – oxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) when compared with fossil fuels. They found that utilization of waste increases impacts on the human health due to emission of heavy metals and bioenergy crops. They concluded that utilization of hydrothermal can reduces the impact on the environment and human health. This article is not the basis of my research but it is helpful in sense of providing the supplementary information to decide my research objectives.

Dhar, H., Kumar, S., and Kumar, R., in 2017, ‘A Review on Organic 1 Waste to Energy Systems in India’, Bioresource Technology, vol. 245(Part A), pp. 1229-1237.

Dhar, H., Kumar, S., and Kumar, R., in 2017 conducted review study on the systems utilized in India that converts organic waste into kind of useful energy. They targeted their study toward the use of municipal solid waste (MSW), animal dung, waste water and waste from agriculture. This article is useful to my research topic as it indicates that the lack of awareness and types of waste produced can also impact the solid waste utilization industry. From their analysis they found that municipal solid waste found in India is recyclable and compostable, it includes biodegradable (40 % to 60%), recyclable (10 % to 30%) and inert gas materials (30 % to 50%). They also concluded that anaerobic digestion (AD) is the commonly utilized waste to energy (WtE) techniques. They also concluded that different city and areas results in different types of waste generation. They also concluded that lack of awareness of the utilization of waste into useful kind of energy is the main reason behind the successful implementation of these projects and plants in India. This article is not the basis of my research but it is helpful to provide relevant information regarding the solid waste challenges.

Numerical modelling of the flow of nanoparticles during waste handling

Malinauskaite, J., Jouhara, H., Czajczynska, D., Stanchev, P., Katsou, E., Rostkowski, P., Thorne, R. J., Colon, J., Ponsa, S., Al-Mansour, F., Anguilano, Krzyzynska, L. R., Lopez, I. C., Vlasopoulos, A. and Spencer, N., 2017, ‘Municipal solid waste management and waste-to-energy in the context of a circular economy and energy recycling in Europe’, Energy, vol. 141, pp. 2013-2044.

Malinauskaite et al. in 2017 conducted their study on the economic and energy impact of utilization of municipal solid waste and energy conversion. They conducted the management of the municipal solid waste utilization policies in the Europe. This article is useful to my research topic as it discusses that the policies taken and implemented by the ministry or government can also impact the solid waste energy conversion. They found that in the Europe waste is considered as nuisance not as a source of renewable energy. They concluded that cooperation between the ministry policies and the management authorities of waste utilization can result in better utilization of the waste to energy conversion potential. They also concluded that long-term goals, strategies and direction are required for achieving the set targets. This article is not the basis of my research but it is helpful in sense of providing the supplementary information to decide challenges in solid waste utilization.

Maroufi, S., Mayyas, M. and Sahajwalla, V., in 2017, ‘Nano-carbons from waste tyre rubber: An insight into structure and morphology’, Waste Management, vol. 69., pp. 110-116.

Maroufi, Mayyas and Sahajwalla, in 2017 conducted their study on the structure and morphology analysis of the nano – carbons obtained from the waste tyre rubber (WTR). They conducted these analysis on high temperature conditions (1550ºC) compared to the earlier low temperature of 900ºC in pyrolysis. They analysed morphology and structure of these nano – carbons with the help of different methods like, X-ray photon spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), N2 Isothermal adsorption and Raman spectroscopy. To extract the nano – carbons from the waste tyre rubber they first cuts them into small wires, then produced large granulators and lastly they converted them into powder by pulverization. This article is useful to my research topic as it discusses the extraction of structure and morphology of nano – carbons from the waste. They found that with increment in the reaction time structures of the produced nano – carbons becomes uniform. They also noticed that surface area of these nano – carbons increases with increment in the residence time. This article is not the basis of my research but it is helpful to decide my research objectives.

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