Annotated Bibliography On Transport Industry
Adam, C. (2013). The Age, Signal failures are causing chronic rail delays: Journal of Transport Management, 2(1), 2.
The field of transportation forms a crucial part of the day to day happenings especially in urban centers. It is therefore a great determinant of the flow of processes within the public sector. The effective strategies put in place to govern movement of people and goods have a special way of influencing the economic performance of a region and even a country as a whole. Proper management in the sector is a crucial element. This requires the appropriate human resources, facilities, skills and necessary planning especially during recruitment. This annotated bibliography highlights the vital portion of transportation in the public sector in addition to the related elements outlined above.
Adam, C. (2013). The Age, Signal failures are causing chronic rail delays: Journal of Transport Management, 2(1), 2.
Keywords: Signals, Rail transport, Terminals, Communication, Boosters, Hub.
The article highlights the aspect of signal failures as one of the major impacts on the effectiveness of rail transport. The author cites Melbourne city as one of the localities affected by poor networks. Despite the fact that these occurrences are occasional, the author points out that signal failures lead to poor or total lack of communication between the operators at the designated terminals. When the free flow of information is hampered, the trams and trains cannot move. As a measure to prevent possible collisions, the trains are forced to halt at the terminals until the signals are strong enough and a communication to go ahead is given. Such instances lead to delays which in turn inconvenience the users. When an individual chooses to use an alternative means having paid for the delaying one, the whole process ends up being costly. The author however suggests the development of a more sophisticated infrastructural set with an enhanced communication system. The installation of boosters is noted here as a possible solution which would improve the signal strengths. The main methodological approach in this case is the use of statistical data in addition to sector reports in order to make conclusions on the theme of discussion. The process of data analysis involved the use of qualitative approaches with core objective of ensuring the validity of the data obtained. Each of these approaches were appropriate enough in enabling the author to adequately address the question of research which sought to establish the possible cause of delays in the transport industry in major towns. As a conclusion, the author points out signal failures as one of the possible of these delays.
This journal is effective as it contains information regarding the aspect of transport which is the chosen topic of discussion. It is largely informative in helping the reader have a better understanding regarding the challenge of delays in the transport sector. It is a point worth noting that delays in the transport industry may lead to corresponding delays in other processes within the public sector especially in the field of business. The noted challenge can therefore be used as a point of reference in coming up with the most effective counter measures. This journal could therefore be a crucial point of reference in a researcher’s bid to address some of the challenges in the transport industry and the associated challenges in the public sector as a whole.
Aston, L., Currie, & Pavkova, K. (2016). Does Transit Mode Influence the Transit-Orientation of Urban Development? – An Empirical Study: Journal of transport geography 55, 83- 91.
Keywords: Transit mode, Transit orientation, urban development, accessibility, Congestions, restricted paths.
This article outlines the outcomes of an empirical study of transport networks and its relationship to flow of vehicles. The research methodology involves the use of questionnaires and random interviews to obtain the necessary information. At the same time, the authors relied on the review of relevant texts in a bid to gain tacit responses regarding their research question. The research question seeks to establish the connection between transit mode, orientation and urban development. The authors identify that when the movement of people, roads and trains are restricted to specific paths; it becomes easy to control the traffic in the given area. In order to make this idea more effective, the different modes can be intertwined with each other in a bid to increase accessibility and provide the users with a myriad of options to choose from. The article identifies the almost predictable times when traffic congestion occurs in the city areas mostly in the morning and in the evening. According to the studies, traffic congestions negatively impact the economy of a region and may in adverse cases lead to losses due to low mobility during the designated hours. The discussions in this case therefore suggest a more definite transport system which maximally utilizes the available modes of transport and hence increasing convenience levels. For instance, the findings suggest the availability of bicycle paths, wider roads and accessible rail stations at a universal point where individuals have the opportunity to pick the mode that would be faster, convenient or safer for them. The suggestion here involves the construction of arrival and departure terminals with at least more than one mode exchanged. For instance, a rail station can be built adjacent to a bus station so that when one misses one, they can always jump on to the next option.
This source provides a unique framework from which the model of a research project on transport and economic development can be established. Based on the discussions above, it is possible to derive ideas on some of the ways in which the transport industry can be improved. The idea of a transport model can be implement especially in urban areas. With the inclusion of such projects, the infrastructure in the area gets to improve which in turn enhances regional development. Transport systems and the orientation modes therefore have a special influence on the area of transport and in turn the public sector. This makes the thematic approaches in this article relevant and pivotal for the expansion of the core topic of discussion.
Masood, S., Dani, S., Burns, N. & Backhouse, C. (2016). Transformational leadership and
organizational culture: The situational strength perspective. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers — Part B — Engineering Manufacture, 220(6), 941-949.
Keywords: Leadership, Organizational culture, Social needs, transport designs, industry.
This article seeks to address the various individual needs that have a direct relationship with transport. The article draws upon contextual reviews as one of the leading approaches in data collection. Qualitative analysis is then employed to analyze the obtained data with the aim of responding to the main research question. The research question seeks to establish the relationship between proper leadership, the achievement of individual needs and a general improvement in the transport sector. According to the authors, there are number of social needs which call for an effective transport system for them to be met adequately. He points out the aspects of education, entertainment, travel for business or fun and shopping sprees as some of the daily human activities which would be largely hampered if the transport system was not up to the required standards. For instance, there is need for students to move with ease to the learning institutions. Delays due to slow transport, road accidents and traffic congestions would greatly hamper the fulfillment of such needs. The author therefore proposes a transport system that keenly addresses individual social needs. This is because satisfying these needs has a direct impact on the society and hence the economy of the region. Each of these objectives requires the right form of leadership in addition to stable organizational models and cultures. Initiating and overseeing the completion of projects meant at improving the transport sector therefore require the right personnel. As such, when recruiting leaders and workers to take part in these activities, there is need to consider the right qualifications, experience and eminent dedicated to the core objective of the transport sector. In coming up with the transport designs, the authorities must put in place the necessary safety measures and values aimed at making movement faster and more comfortable.
The article is not only informative but contains discussions which act as crucial responses to the main topic of discussion. The transport sector being a sensitive and large arena requires the incorporation of equally competent measures. The discussions are clear and easy to relate with while the main points are systematically outlined making it easy to gain the flow of ideas.
Premkumar, G. (2015). Role of Inter organizational and Organizational Factors on Adoption of
Keywords: Systems, Inter-organizations, adoption, modes, interlocked systems.
This article draws on empirical data to bring out a vital relationship between the various modes of transport and the effectiveness of this relationship on enhancing regional infrastructure. The main question in this case is; would using interrelation of modes be effective in enhancing the transport sector? On one hand of their discussion, the authors point out the separate advantages of using the various mode of transport. Road transport is considered as cheap, convenient, faster than rail and can be applicable mostly in short distances. The use of bicycles is mentioned by the authors as environmentally friendly and healthier options especially in cases where short distances are involved. Rail and tram transport is then mentioned as the best option when bulky goods are to be transported. The option is however slow and hence may be useful when the passengers intend to cover a longer distance without any mentioned time constraints. The authors however point out the fact that these modes would be way more effective if they were interrelated such that an individual has the luxury of choosing from more than one option. Such strategies need good inter-organizational management due to the fact that each of these modes are managed through parallel strategies. For instance, the current situation in certain urban centers is such that when one misses a train, they have to move for a considerable distance to obtain the next available means such as a bus or a car. Consequently, the authors suggest that an interlocked system would see the people at a better advantage which would consequently enhance the levels of convenience in the transport sector.
Moses, R.G. and Espinosa, J.A. (2015). Human Resource Development in Emerging Economies: The Experience of Chile, Journal of World Business, 50(4), 12-22.
The article is not only useful for this particular discussion but equally contains vital discussions which would be applied in the field of management. The discussions in this article reveal the inevitable need for a job design to help guide the relevant stakeholders in obtaining a perfect balance between the various modes. Working with an interrelated system is probably a more effective approach which enhances the transport sector. The suggestions by the authors are not only clear but can be easily implemented. The study focuses on the transport sector and the vivid manner in which the different modes of transport have been highlighted in this article makes it relevant and useful to the study. The findings here can be used to come up with a strategic plan on improving the transport sector through the application of an interlocked system with references to the various transport modes.
Mills J. and Platts, K. (2013). Implementing Performance Measurement Systems: Business Performance Management, 5(1), 1-24
Keywords: Performance, management, designs, capacity, systems.
This article employs the use of empirical research methods to gain tacit conclusions based on the core topic of discussion. The ideas seek to establish the benefits that come with effective management in the transport sector. To achieve management, the right performance measurement systems have to be implemented. These systems ensure that the work approaches remain effective enough in enhancing the achievement of objectives. The authors argue that each element in the transport fraternity is crucial and unique in its own capacity. The development of a good transport network therefore ought to be such that the system obtains the best out of each mode of transport. They highlight road and rail transport as the two major modes that are often easy to merge hence coming up with a terminal combining two or more of them. According to the authors, placing more than one option in a central point gives the people an option to choose the most convenient mode for them. The authors also highlight some of the challenges that may be associated with poor management in the transport sector. First, there is the issue of increased road accidents which in turn indicates a decline in safety levels for the road users. In cases where the signs are not clear, there have been reported cases of collisions between a train and a bus. These collisions do not only take lives but lead to traffic snarl ups especially when a lot of time has to be taken in order to clear the mess.
The article is useful for the study as the authors summarize their work by offering practical solutions to transport related issues. In the recommendations, incorporation of technology while improving the infrastructure in the urban centers is mentioned as a feasible option. Summarily, effective management within the transport sector plays a crucial role in increasing speed, safety and convenience. The findings here can therefore be used to enhance better performance in the transport management sector through careful selection, recruitment and incorporation of practical management designs.
Adam, C. (2013). The Age, Signal failures are causing chronic rail delays: Journal of Transport Management, 2(1), 2-4
Aston, L., Currie, & Pavkova, K. (2016). Does Transit Mode Influence the Transit-Orientation of Urban Development? – An Empirical Study: Journal of transport geography 55, 83-91
Masood, S., Dani, S., Burns, N. & Backhouse, C. (2016). Transformational leadership and
organizational culture: The situational strength perspective. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers — Part B — Engineering Manufacture, 220(6), 941-949.
Premkumar, G. (2015). Role of Inter organizational and Organizational Factors on Adoption of
Systems: Journal of Transport Management. 26(1), 200-236
Mills J. and Platts, K. (2013). Implementing Performance Measurement Systems: Business Performance Management, 5(1), 1-24