Annotated Bibliography On 3D Printing And Additive Manufacturing
Additive manufacturing has been one of the most groundbreaking innovations that human civilization has seen in the field of manufacturing. The basic principle or method that is the core of 3D printing s making of an object that is 3 dimensional in structure from a single chunk of material. The possibilities are endless as far as the form that could be taken by such material with the 3D printer. The basic mechanism of these 3D printers is additive in nature and has a very simple and least sophisticated process.
The object is made by using base-up through the additive mechanism and with time, it is added through different layers of related materials. Present study deals with discussion of annotated bibliography about 3D printing. Understanding of the theory, principals and applications of 3D printing discussed in the study would assist users to know the process of using additive manufacturing in effective way. The target audience of the study is the researchers intend to innovate 3d printing in future days and the people from different sectors using 3D printing.
In this article, regarding the main theory, 3D printing has been theorized and Charles Hull stated utilized using the principles of stereo lithography as, a pioneer, and technicians behind the technical achievement of these printers, is discussed. He laid this principle in his one of the most path breaking ad patented study in the year 1984. It involves a mechanism of developing and generating various 3D figures and object through the implementation of its cross-sectional matching pattern. This is what makes the software of 3D printer so much versatile.
Any object which has to be printed using the software and machine will first be broken into many layers which will then be made individually and adding into the existing layer beneath. This means that design will be made in such a way that it is overlapping one another along its cross-sectional area.
The article demonstrates that the design is made which should be compatible with the 3D printer. The design model or the basic layout s generated by the use of various 3D design software and 3D scanners. This is also done keeping in mind the capability of the 3D printer. After these initial stage, an STL file is generated by running it with the software that has been used for converting the design. After the successful generation of STL file, the model or an object is all ready to be generated. This ends the initial designing part that is required for any 3D printer. The STL file that is generated in the software help the printer print the model accordingly and in the layer. The most favorable material is plastic despite there has been a much newer alternative that has been realized in 3D printing.
The article describes that the 3d printing uses different types of technology to do its operation. The most common one is the Material Extrusion. This method employs the use of a spool filament, which is then fed and put in the extrusion head, and then at the desired temperature, it is pushed out from the printer thus creating the design. Another one is the process of VAT polymerization, in which a photo-polymer resin, which is kept in the vat, is cured selectively by using a light source. Stereo lithography uses galvanometers and mirrors to aim the resin that does the printing. Along with the printers and various applications, it is very much important for any firms to educate the society about the application and technological impact of 3D printing technology.
Designing for 3D Printing
In this article, digital light processing employs a digital light projector that creates layer upon layer to achieve the 3d printing is discussed. Powder Bed Fusion is another technology that is employed in 3d printing, which uses a thermal energy to achieve its objective. Yet another one is Selective Laser Sintering, this uses a carbon dioxide beam to complete a prototype.
Material Jetting uses the same principle as a standard inkjet printer in which multiple layers are put one after the other to create a solid 3 structure. In Drop on Demand technology, two processes work together in tandem. One deposit and the other one binds layer by layer. As the advancement is being made in the various aspect of 3D printing technology, the sector has seen enormous growth as well as any new customers who are all attracted toward the various application of this innovative and versatile technology.
The article demonstrates that the budget of any 3D printer is on the higher side since its inception, but the rate has gone down in the last one and a half decade of its commercialization. The primary reason is the versatile nature of these printers that has been realized and has presented this printer as more of a hubby related rather than a niche machine. Other than the original and more brander 3D printer, there has been a rise of many printers in the market that are much more affordable to even the most capital concerned population.
The rapid prototyping method and its application with the 3D printing software have enabled this sector to produce more and more viable printers for the new customers’ base. It has to be noted her that additive process is quite different from subtractive method fundamentally, where the subtractive method involves the care and supervised the removal of material by means of drilling and sculpting, the additive process involves constructing through addition. Regarding the materials that are involved in 3D printing, although plastic was the model material in the initial years of 3D printing, later years there was a rise in other materials too such as metals of different characteristics and many derivatives of organic compounds ( compounds containing carbon).
In the automobile industry, Urbee (car made using the 3d printer) has already made its appearance in 2010. There have been many automobile projects going on that is made using the 3D printing technology. A car, bike or a flight requires money, material, and huge resources. If with the help of 3D printing technology, we can create smaller models and then go on to develop the larger ones than many manufacturing issues can be avoided. In the aviation industry, Airbus has been made using the technology of 3D printing. This February, a California startup, Hackrod organized a crowd-funding platform so that people could develop customized cars and automobiles using 3d printing technology. Thus, not only custom-made jewels but custom-made cars will really be possible too.
The article demonstrates that in the construction industry, where detailing plays such a major part, this is clearly a breakthrough. It is going to change the face of the construction industry. The construction industry generally not so much advanced as compared to its other contemporaries. The entire building or parts of it can be created on a smaller scale, thus leading to far efficient buildings, saving time, effort and money. Thus, it will lead to companies having reduced the communication gap between the clients, as prototypes will clarify the business dealings. Constructing a building requires a lot of materials, once a building has been built no change can be brought. However, now this problem will be solved. Houses and construction sites have been made using the 3D printing mechanism. With more and more companies coming into the 3d manufacturing in the construction industry, the cost is reducing considerably.
Various 3D Printing Technologies
The importance of 3D printing has been realized in the manufacturing of prosthetic to a great deal in the recent time. This additive technology has enabled the prosthetic sector to deliver top-performing prosthetic for war veteran as well as a normal citizen. The use of MRI volumetric images along with CT has proven a boon for integrating the 3D printer with its various software that many times are made for specifically designing and manufacturing prosthetic. The rapid prototyping using the 3D printing mechanism has a potential for path-breaking innovations in prosthetic development. The use of CAD has also been encouraged by much 3D technology expert in the proper and performance effective manufacturing of prosthetic and other medical and surgical equipment.
The article demonstrates that the most important advantage of 3d printing is speed, as models that would have required months or days at a time can now be easily printed in a matter of minutes. The huge difference that 3d creates in terms of money is really amazing. Just as the steam engine had come and revolutionized the world, the 3d printing will create the same impact. Another benefit is businessmen now will be taking fewer risks in projects, as the projects can be viewed in a miniature scale much more efficiently than never before. From the point of view of the clients, in a business 3d printing is really a boon. They can easily communicate their problems after viewing the prototype in 3d.
The article explains thay that though 3d printing has many advantages to its name like every other thing on this planet, there are some disadvantages. It might lead to a reduction in manufacturing jobs. Unemployment is already a big issue in this fast-paced technological world, 3d printing will aggravate it further. The prototypes that are created are of limited size, the size of the printer determines the size of the prototype. Generally, prototypes or models can be constructed using different materials but in case of 3d printing that has been limited to only 100 various material, so apart from the others are still not available.
The annotated bibliography would encourage the intended audiences thinking critically regarding the use of 3D printing and rethink for further research. It provides a method deciding whether a source would assist to their research. In addition, it assists to information the audiences to understand relevance, accuracy as well as quality of the sources.
Ambrosi, A. and Pumera, M., 2016. 3D-printing technologies for electrochemical applications. Chemical Society Reviews, 45(10), pp.2740-2755.
Azimi, P., Fazli, T. and Stephens, B., 2017. Predicting concentrations of ultrafine particles and volatile organic compounds resulting from desktop 3D printer operation and the impact of potential control strategies. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 21(S1), pp.S107-S119.
Colosi, C., Shin, S.R., Manoharan, V., Massa, S., Costantini, M., Barbetta, A., Dokmeci, M.R., Dentini, M. and Khademhosseini, A., 2016. Microfluidic bioprinting of heterogeneous 3D tissue constructs using low?viscosity bioink. Advanced Materials, 28(4), pp.677-684.
Do, A.V., Khorsand, B., Geary, S.M. and Salem, A.K., 2015. 3D printing of scaffolds for tissue regeneration applications. Advanced healthcare materials, 4(12), pp.1742-1762.
Elbashti, M.E., Aswehlee, A.M., Sumita, Y.I., Hattori, M., Taniguchi, H., Hattori, M. and Taniguchi, H., 2018. The Role of Portable Documentation Format in Three-Dimensional Interactive Visualization in Maxillofacial Prosthetics. International Journal of Prosthodontics, 31(4).
Garrett, B., 2014. 3D printing: new economic paradigms and strategic shifts. Global Policy, 5(1), pp.70-75.
Mayer, J., Borges, P.V. and Simske, S.J., 2018. Introduction. In Fundamentals and Applications of Hardcopy Communication (pp. 1-5). Springer, Cham.
McMenamin, P.G., Quayle, M.R., McHenry, C.R. and Adams, J.W., 2014. The production of anatomical teaching resources using three?dimensional (3D) printing technology. Anatomical sciences education, 7(6), pp.479-486.
Schubert, C., Van Langeveld, M.C. and Donoso, L.A., 2014. Innovations in 3D printing: a 3D overview from optics to organs. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 98(2), pp.159-161.
Tay, Y.W.D., Panda, B., Paul, S.C., Noor Mohamed, N.A., Tan, M.J. and Leong, K.F., 2017. 3D printing trends in building and construction industry: a review. Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 12(3), pp.261-276.