Annotated Bibliography: Importance Of Slack Communication Tool In Organizations
First Research Article
1. This research article was written by three authors, Dennerlein, S., Gutounig, Goldgruber, E., and Schweiger. All three authors work at the University of FH JOANNEUM in the department of media and design. They also work collaboratively with the Wissens management forum in Austria. The targeted audience for this research article is organizational managers, project managers, as well as team human resource managers. The authors of the article found that integration of slack as a communication tool is effective in management as it promotes easy communication among team members as well as the management. The study authors, therefore, believe the integration of slack as a tool of communication is suitable for effective team management and employee supervision. Just as Sarkisian & Kagel (2018), the authors of this article elaborates the importance of Slack communication though in a different context of business organization. This article is effective for my research based on its content on slack integration in an organization
2. The research article above was written by two authors Simon A. Sarkisians together with Andrew Kagel. Both Simon A. Sarkisians and Andrew Kagel work at the department of emergency at Medicine Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Centre Fort wood in Texas in the United States of America. The audience of this research article is professional health managers and heads of an emergency medicine residency program in the United States as well as other parts of the world. The authors of the article explain the importance of the Slack communication tool integrated into the medical emergency department as most of the students responded positively to the use of Slack. The main purpose of this study is to elaborate to health managers how the department can attain efficiency through the use of Slack and use the same system for medical emergency residence recruitment. The downside of this article is that the authors do not provide an elaborate explanation of how the tool can be integrated into the residence recruitment program. However, this study will be suitable in my research regarding the use of the slack tool in adverse departments.
3. The article was submitted to Copenhagen University, department of media, cognition, and communication by Wong. He was a master’s student in the university and currently working in the same university within the same department. The research article targeted employees and organizational managers as the intended audience. The author in his study investigated the effect of effective communication culture in an organization and found that the effective communication culture in an organization is suitable for the growth and success of any organization. The author also, in his study, found that the use of Slack communication within an organization promotes teamwork and creates friendly relationships among employees. The findings of the study correlate to the study findings of Dennerlein et al. (2016) and that of Sarkisian & Kagel (2018) on the importance of Slack communication in an organization. This research directly relates to my study of Slack communication and will greatly contribute to the theoretical framework of the research.
Second Research Article
4. The authors of the article Miriam Gofine and Sunday Clark are affiliated with the division of emergency medicine of Weil Cornell Medicine Centre, New York, in the United States of America. The targeted or the intended audience of this research article is medical researchers and practitioners. The two authors of this study, after intense investigation and analysis, found that integration of Slack as a tool of communication is suitable for coordination among students and researchers in the field of medicine. The authors further found that integration of Slack in the academic medical center is critical not only for communication but also for the maintained documents and research team management. This study relates to the study of Sarkisian & Kagel (2018). Both authors found a positive response regarding the use of Slack communication in the medical setting. Since my research investigates the effectiveness of Slack communication, I find this study useful and will help me establish a background.
5. Perkel, J.M., the author of the above article, is a scientist and an editor with nature news. The author focuses on the importance of integrating Slack communication tools in a laboratory and how it can help scientists. The intended audience of this article is, therefore, scientists and lab specialists. The author of through his investigations found eight ways in which integration of Slack communication is suitable to scientists and its effectiveness in a laboratory setting. The author of the article in his school of thought stated that it is critical for scientists to adopt Slack as the most appropriate method of communication. The author’s ideas and opinions regarding the integration of Slack communication conform to those of Gofine & Clark in 2017. Even though the author does not provide an in-depth analysis of the content of the article is crucial to establish the theoretical framework for my study.
6. The above research article was written by four authors, Xi Zhang and Yao Meng work at the Tianjin university college of management and economics. Patricia De Pablos work at the University of Oviedo Spain in the department of business and administration. The last author of the article is the corresponding author and works at the University of Wuhan in China in the department of information management. Evidently, the content of the research article is intended for teachers and curriculum developers who are persuaded to include IT tools of communication within the education system to enable learners to engage in collaborative learning. The study authors found that there successful learning occurs when learners are able to effectively collaborate with their teachers as well as with fellow students. The authors, therefore, argue that the integration of Slack as a collaborative communication tool is useful in learning. The article corresponds with the findings of Wong (2018), thus important for the interpretation of data and discussion for my study.
Third Research Article
7. Three authors worked collaboratively to deliver the content of the above article. The first author Mel Bunce works with the University of London in the United Kingdom, the second author Kate Wright is also from the United Kingdom and works with the University of Edinburg and finally the third author the article is Martin Scott also from the UK and work with the University of East Anglia. The article is about the use of Slack communication in newsrooms, and the intended audience is journalists. Authors of the article came to a finding that Slack as a communication tool contributes a lot to the work process and culture. For this reason, the authors, in their view, concluded that news organizations with collaborative journalists through Slack communication perform better than others. This study finding conforms to the findings of Sarkisian & Kagel (2018) and Zhang et al. (2017), and I find the study content useful as it provides an extended view concerning Slack as a digital communication tool.
8. This research article was written by Lacey Fulton, a professor at the University of Clarion Pennsylvania, in the United States of America. The intended audience for the content of the article are teachers and members of the information society. The author of the article investigated how Slack, as a digital tool of communication, facilitates collaboration between students and communication group members in an online class. The author’s point of view that communication is a factor in ensuring learners’ success and the best way to achieve maximum collaboration of learners through communication is the integration of Slack. The author evaluated and assesses the usefulness of Slack communication within a learning system and came into similar findings to those of Zhang et al. (2017). The content of the article of well-organized and the discussion is more elaborate and provides concepts and information regarding Slack as a digital tool of communication, which are useful for my research.
9. The two authors of this article, Timothy Cyders, and Audra Hilterbran, work in the department of communication at the University of Ohio. The notable intended audiences of the study content are students and education facilitators. The article contends on the effectiveness of collaborated communication in a learning setting. Timothy and Audra found that Slack as an integrated tool of communication is critical in team-based learning and is suitable to solve problems related to classroom learning dynamics. According to the study conclusion, educational facilitators should integrate Slack within education systems in order to enable collaborated and team learning among students. The findings of this study are relevant and conform to the findings of other previous studies such that of Fulton (2018). The authors of the article used simple and direct language, making the article suitable for my research study.
Fourth Research Article
10. The author of the article Heather A. Johnson is a professional healthcare provider. The author has extensive knowledge of reading communication in healthcare and works with the national institute of health unites states of America. Assessment of this study article reveals individuals working with teams to complete a project with several components as the intended audience. The author of the article found that there is a need for a collaborative and effective tool of communication while handling a project with several components. In his point of view, the author states that Slack is one of the most effective tools of communication that managers supervising a project with a number of components can use to attain the project objective. Just as Cyders & Hilterbran (2016), the author of this article identified various communication challenges that might affect project completion and provided Slack as the solution to such problems. The author of the article establishes a foundation for the study of Slack communication integration in project management, and this is useful as it provides an insight into my research.
Bunce, M., Wright, K., & Scott, M. (2018). ‘Our newsroom in the cloud’: Slack, virtual newsrooms, and journalistic practice. new media & society, 20(9), 3381-3399.retrived from:
Cyders, T., & Hilterbran, A. (2016). Classroom integration of the slack team collaboration tool. In Capstone Design Conference. Retrievd from:
Dennerlein, S., Gutounig, R., Goldgruber, E., & Schweiger, S. (2016, September). Web 2.0 Messaging Tools for Knowledge Management? Exploring the Potentials of Slack. In European Conference on Knowledge Management (p. 225). Academic Conferences International Limited. Retrieved from: 3715bd60fe7aa3d54fb52867099c1c95.pdf
Fulton, L. (2018, March). Slack in Education: A Case Study of Alternative Communication for Groupwork in Graduate Level Online Education. In Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 1458-1463). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Available at:
Gofine, M., & Clark, S. (2017). Integration of Slack, a cloud-based team collaboration application, into research coordination. BMJ Health & Care Informatics, 24(2), 252-254. Available at:
Johnson, H. A. (2018). Slack. Journal of the Medical Library Association: JMLA, 106(1), 148. Retrieved from:
Perkel, J. M. (2017). How scientists use Slack. Nature News, 541(7635), 123.v retrieved from:
Sarkisian, S. A., & Kagel, A. (2018). The use of slack for medical residency development and recruiting. BMJ Health & Care Informatics, 25(3), 194-195. Retrieved form:
Wong, Y. M. S. (2018). Virtual sensemaking and self-presentation on Slack: Exploring the effects of Enterprise Social Network (ESN) on workplace culture and socialisation. University of Copnhagen MA Cognition and Communication Master’s thesis.
Zhang, X., Meng, Y., de Pablos, P. O., & Sun, Y. (2017). Learning analytics in collaborative learning supported by Slack: From the perspective of engagement. Computers in Human Behavior. Retrieved from:!