Analyzing The Transformational Leadership Of TransLink
Introduction to TransLink
Discuss about the Automotive and Transportation Innovation.
The advent of industrialization was kick started by the development of the Steam Engine. This resulted in the migration of the human population from the feudal lands to the towns and cities. The major cities,, eventually became metropolitan avenues and millions of people now reside in such metropolitan cities all over the world. Transportation became a pressing topic in the cities. The majority of the people living in the cities being employed need a proper and efficient means of transportation in order to move freely across the different parts of the city. The TransLink company is an organization based in Canada which provides public transit facilities to meet the ever growing demands and needs of the Metro Vancouver residents. The project attempts to analyze the functioning of the TransLink Organization on the parameter of the Transformational Leadership exhibited by the leaders of the Organization. The Transformational Leadership skills are analyzed by observing the aspects of the Organizational behavior regarding Governance, Budget financing and monitoring report. The Balanced Scorecard is also derived from the analysis. The strategies for improving the performance of the company are also mentioned. The Company can look into other avenues to increase its area of operation and create a global presence in the long run.
The Translink company which is was previously called the South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority is the statutory body which operates transportation facilities across the city of Vancouver in Canada (Proctor, Varma & Roorda, 2016). The organization’s main base is located in New Westminister. The TransLink organization was established in 1998 (“About Us”, 2018).
The transformational leadership is a leadership type wherein the leader in collaboration with the subordinates identifies the aspects wherein the organization can change as well as envision a trajectory for the organization to follow. The leader of the organization leads by inspiration and constantly motivates the subordinate to achieve the personal goals as well as the organizational goals (Irshad & Hashmi, 2014). The leader is a role model in such type of leadership, the leader is able to boost the morale of the subordinates by making the subordinates feel a sense of belongingness in the Organization, and the leader is able to join the self-identity of the employees of the organization with the collective identity of the organization. The leader understands the potential of the employees and assigns tasks to the employees in such a manner, which improves the performance of the employees (Alapo, 2014). The prime feature of Transformational leadership is that the leaders lead by example and uplift the subordinates at all stages. The subordinates are motivated intrinsically to perform to the best of their potential. The transformational leadership skills are essential for any organization to extract the best performance from the employees. The employees feel rejuvenated and motivated under the supervision of the Leader and in such an enthusiastic environment, the employees aim to perform to the best of their potential.
Transformational Leadership in Organizations
The TransLink organization has a well-established hierarchy of relations which help in the decision making process to be effective and objective. There is a great amount of transparency in the hiring process of the employees of the organization. Some dedicated and committed leaders who help the organization to plan and manage the operational and trasportantion network of the organization in a very efficient and practical manner head the senior executive team of TransLink. The TransLink Organization incorporates the Transformational Leadership skills into the Governance of the organization by prioritizing the objectives of the Organization. The leadership of the Organization does this by deciding about the standards to apply as well as the resources to be deployed. The Organizational Leadership works in order to ensure the Good Governance of the Organization (Holley & Shearing, 2017). This is done by strengthening the decision making process which is to take such decisions which not only benefit the Organization in the short period but have far reaching benefits as well. Good decisions can be taken when experienced and visionary people are deployed at the decision-making bodies. The TransLink Organization therefore, hires those people who are experienced and who have expertise in their relevant areas of operation. The hiring process is a completely transparent process with Transparency being an important aspect of ensuring Good Governance. The Leadership style also affects the Budget of the Organization. The TransLink Organization also incorporates the Transformational Leadership skills in the aspect of Budget Planning and managing the finances. This is done by the experienced leaders who emphasize on the aspect of transforming the business by leadership and dedication (Christensen, Raynor & McDonald, 2016). The Organizations where budget and financial spending are viewed as merely transactional tasks are not able to survive for long in the highly competitive Global world. Rather, those Organizations whose Leaders exhibit Transformational Leadership are able to not just survive but establish themselves as one of the leading brands of the world (Freeborough & Patterson, 2016). TransLink has managed to establish itself on the Global stage mainly due to the fact that the Leaders of the Organization are Visionary Leaders and they take Financial Decisions by priroritising investments and keeping the Organizational goals in view (Carswell, Sasso & Ross, 2017). The TransLink Organization also emphasizes on the monitoring of its services and behavior of the employees. Doing this enables the organization to achieve the required growth rate and maintain the profits in the revenues (Ibrahim et al., 2015). The Monitoring by the Leaders of the Organization positively effects the performance of the Organization. The TransLink Organization gives utmost importance to uphold the Organizational Culture at all times. Doing this helps in maintaining the work ethics and a disciplined environment for the employees as well as the Leaders to work in a very efficient way. The Balanced Scorecard, which is an analyzing tool to determine the performance of an Organization, is derived for this company by incorporating the above-mentioned parameters such as Governance, Budget planning and monitoring report of the organization. The analysis is satisfactory and it can be said that the TransLink Organization has a satisfactory Balanced Scorecard, which is decent enough to keep it steady in the competitive market. The Balanced Scorecard acts as a parameter for judging the performance of the Organizational Leadership as well as the employees of the Organization (Wu, 2014).
TransLink’s Governance
The TransLink Organization has promoted itself as a result based leadership system. The Transfromational Leadership skills exhibited by the Leaders of the Organization are reflected in the good decisions, which are taken by the Leaders. The decisions are taken with an intention to improve the functioning and the performance of the Organization as well as to balance the interests of the stakeholders (Khajehpour et al., 2016). The Organizational Leadership of TransLink Organization emphasizes on identifying the relevant stakeholders and the investors, analyze the perspectives of the stakeholders and then attempt to win their commitment. This is possible when the expert people are placed at the helm of affairs in the Organization. It is for this reason that the TransLink Organization lays so much importance on hiring efficient and expert people, people who can think out of the box. The most important aspect of TransLink has been to have an environment where in every employee feels a belongingness towards the Organization so much that the Self Goals become aligned with the Organizational Goals of the Organization (Sedikides , Hoorens & Dufner, 2015). The TransLink Organization also emphasizes on establishing clarity in the roles and responsibilities of the employees. Doing this enables the decision making process to be easier, accountability is established as all the employees become accountable to some superior authority and there is less confusion amongst the employees as every employee knows who are his/ her senior and whom to report to. The hierarchical structure of the Organization becomes clear and there are less chances of conflict once this practice is followed (Ross & Squires, 2015). The Organizational Leadership of TransLink
The skills of any individual can be improved by learning and sharing the experiences with others. The TransitLink Organization can improve the performance of the employees as well as the Leaders by holding joint sessions with the experienced employees of different Organizations. The intellectual discussions can include the sharing of Leadership strategies as well as sharing of Knowledge and Skills which can benefit both the Organization as well as the number of Organization which participate in the Joint Think Tank. The exchange of ideas and knowledge act as important learning curves for the employees and they can utilize these experiences and knowledge to improve their performance as well as increase their daily performance to optimal levels (Custer et al., 2015). The TransitLink Organization can improve their Organizational outcome and generate more revenues by expanding to the other metropolitan cities of Canada as well as the United States of America (Petrunic & Petrunic, 2015).
Budget Financing and Management
Doing this will require capital investments involving huge amounts of money but in the long run, this will be a profitable venture provided the fact that the population of the world is increasing at a constant rate, especially in the United States of America where the estimated figures reveal that the number of people will further increase at a 0.7% growth rate (“U.S. Population (2018) – Worldometers”, 2018). The more the population of a country, the more chances of people using a viable source of travel and communication. The TransLink Organization already has about 1.3 million people employed in its various services. The Organization can increase the number of employees and seek to increase the area of operation and expand its services in the future. Doing that will make the Organization gain a foothold in the world economy and establish itself as a Global Brand. The TransLink Organization can also invest in the new and innovative Hyperloop transportation services by engaging in a partnership with the SpaceX Organization founded by Elon Musk. Hyperloop transportation seeks to revolutionize the terrestrial transportation experience of the common people by transporting passengers in an open space tube, which will travel in vacuum and therefore, deliver the passengers in a fast and easier way across vast areas. The travel time will greatly be reduced by the introduction of the Hyperloop services and Hyperloop Services can be a game changer in the future (“Hyperloop”, 2018). The TransitLink Organization must look into the probabilities and possibilities of doing business with the SpaceX Organization so that they are one step ahead of their rivals. Innovation being an essential aspect of Leadership therefore the Organizational Leadership of TransitLink must seek to exploit this opportunity. The TransLink Organization can benefit immensely from this venture and they must look forward to innovation and creatively expanding their business to keep the customers satisfied and attracted to their services and facilities. This will auger well for the Organization in the long run.
From the above analysis, it can be observed that the TransLink Organization has a very well organized structure of functioning. The roles and responsibilities of the higher authorities are well mentioned and there exists proper allocation of duties and responsibilities to the members of the Organization. A group of exuberant leadership who believe in leading from the front and motivating the employees intrinsically leads the people employed in the Organization. The transformational leadership qualities are an essential feature due to which the TransLink Organization has been able to achieve such profits over the years. The Leadership is managing the resources in a very efficient manner and the Budget allocation is being done in a very proficient manner. The Organization has an impressive Balanced Scorecard, which is reflected in the work culture of the Organization. Although, the company is performing to the best of its potential, still there are areas where the Organization can improve upon. The TransLink Organization can increase its revenues by engaging with the more innovative technologies, which are being developed in the world. The Organization can enter into agreements, deals with other Organizations, and secure the future. Innovation being important aspect in Leadership as well as for the future.
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