Analyzing The Rivalry Between Apple And Samsung Over Patent Rights
Apple vs Samsung Patent Wars
Describe about An Analysis on Apple and Samsung Rivalry on their Brand Reputation and Image in the Industry?
The title of this research clarifies that the given research is based on analysing the rivalry between Apple and Samsung over the patent rights of their products. The initial proposal has indicated that these two corporate giants are fighting against each other over the patent rights whereby Apple Corporation claims that Samsung has copied various aspects of its iPhone in its galaxy range of mobile phone series. A critical analysis of the case of Apple vs Samsung indicates that these are the two multinational corporations that have achieved significant level of recognition and brand reputation in the industry as being the provided of most innovative and latest smart phones top its customers. This reputation as developed by these companies has actually been taken place over years, but the current analysis of performance between these companies indicate that they are fighting against each other over several issues (Mintz, 2014).
There is stiff level of competition as prevalent across the industry, and the main focus of these smart phone providers is towards meeting out the needs and expectations of their customers for highly advanced smart phones. Amidst such competitive market situation, it has been analysed that these market players have not hesitated in adapting unfair means in order to promote themselves as better. A recent case analysis of Apple and Samsung indicates that Apple management has claimed that the company has done research for years in devising a smart phone that can revolutionise the industry, but its rivals such as Samsung has stolen many of its design and features and created a pirated product similar to that of the Apple’s created iPhone. This has created hatred debates between the management of these two companies whereby the Apple’s management have blamed Samsung for stealing its design and features. Contrary to this, there is no positive response being indicated by the management at Samsung (Apple And Samsung Drop Patent Disputes Against Each Other Outside Of The U.S, 2014).
This particular fight between these two companies has been highly massive and it has been regarded as a huge fight in the history of two such big giants in electronics industry. The most significant effect of this fight is mainly over their brand reputation and image in the industry because whatever the results of this fight, the impact would be faced by both these companies in terms of brand reputation loss and also the loss of significant amount of money over the litigations. This research report is aimed at analysing the viewpoints of common people with respect to their viewpoints on who they thinks to be right in this fight and what will be the impact on their decision making process from the results that would be achieved at the end of this fight. This implies that the researcher has focused towards analysing the impact of the fight between these two companies over patent rights with respect to the brand image of these companies and customer buying behaviour process.
Impact of Patent Wars on Brand Reputation of Both Companies
This section of analysis is now focused towards performing an analysis of the existing literature with respect to the fight that has taken place between Apple and Samsung over patent issues. The analysis of the literature is focused towards critically assessing the key important aspects in respect to the fight between Apple and Samsung over patent issues. According to an article on Apple vs Samsung dispute, it has been identified that the war started between Apple and Samsung over the patent issues in 2010 and it has continued till date. The war started in 2010 when Apple accused Samsung of copying the iPhone when they released Samsung Galaxy series of their phone. The claim as made by Apple indicates that Samsung has violated the patent rights and copied images and designs of its iPhone while making galaxy series of its phones. The patent war has been highly significant in the sense that its impact has been negative over the performance of companies in terms of their brand names and reputation.
The article indicated that the war went till 2012 when Apple won their case against Samsung and the results indicate that Jury has decided that Samsung has copied the design and features of Apple iPhone. In relation to this, Apple was compensated in the form of billions in damages that such act of Samsung had over the performance and brand image of the company. The amount as indicated in this respect has been specific to $890 million after recalculation. This indicates that Samsung was found guilty over copying the features and design of Apple and for this illegal act, Apple was compensated adequately for the same. Although this litigation has been proved in favour of Apple, the question of its impact over the brand image and reputation is crucial. As a result, this research focuses especially towards analysing the impact of such patent case over the brand reputation and image of both these companies.
An analysis of the existing literature indicates that brand reputation and image of the organisation are highly important and crucial to them in serving their customers in a positive manner. According to Anholt (2009) brand reputation and image are crucial to an organisation because these aspects are the major determining factor within its customers in making the selection of their products and service providers. As a result, it is essential that businesses should focus towards creating a positive development of their brand image by aiming at performing their business processes in ethical manner. This would ensure the ethical overall performance of their business activities with a view to achieving higher level of success in their performance. According to Knipp (2009), the company that loses its image in front of their customers usually finds it difficult to perform the management of its business in a positive manner. They witness a decline in their profitability performance mainly because of decline in the sales revenue.
Thus, a brief analysis of the existing literature suggests that businesses are required to make it sure that they give adequate level of attention towards managing their brand reputation in the industry. This would ensure the positive attainment of improved performance by them.
Importance of Brand Reputation and Image
The research questions are crucial in the sense that they guide the researcher in performing the entire research in a positive manner. In respect to the given research on problems between Apple and Samsung case study, there are certain important research questions that are considered important and these are indicated as follows:
- What is the actual litigation between Apple and Samsung?
- What impact does the fight between these companies have over their brand image and reputation?
- Is it likely to affect the performance of any of these companies in terms of their sales or profitability?
These research questions will be addressed from conducting this research in a positive way.
In performing this research in a positive manner, the researcher is required to make appropriate use of research methods and techniques in collecting appropriate data aimed at achieving research goals. This section of analysis now indicates the methodologies and techniques that will be utilised by the researcher in collecting relevant data in this research on analysing the case of Apple vs Samsung. The patent issues and the impact of such issues over their performance would be assessed in detail in this section of analysis. The research methodology considered appropriate based on the nature of this research is the application of survey technique in collecting data. The survey technique would be applied in collecting data from common people about their viewpoint with respect to their perception on Apple’s product and Samsung’s products as a result of such patent issue that has been witnessed. The survey would be performed with questionnaire that would comprise of essential questions based on customer attitude and preference towards Apple or Samsung’s smart phones. In these ways, the application of primary methodology and the survey technique in particular would be considered as a part of analysis in this research.
In performing the collection of data, the researcher will follow a specific process that would comprise of conducting survey with the common people. The most common aspect in performing the collection of data is the selection of target people or respondent, and in respect to the given research, the target sample that has been considered appropriate is mainly the common people because every one is aware of such huge companies such as Apple and Samsung and the fight that has been going on between these companies. As a result, the common or general people in particular are considered in performing surveys with them. The research process that has been considered is mainly to survey the respondents via applying closed ended questionnaire that would comprise of closed ended questions on customer’s perception with regard to accepting products and services of either of these companies as a result of such patent issues within them (Remenyi et al., 1998).
In performing the collection of data, researcher would visit important common places such as Boradmeadows Shopping Centre where people come from across the globe. As a result, it would be easy to collect the viewpoints of people from different nations. Apart from this, other major places that would be considered in performing the survey include Campbellfield- Kamart, Coles and Office works. These common placed would be considered whereby the researcher would directly approach the customers, and they would be initially explained about the purpose of the research. This is followed by providing them the questionnaire and once they complete the entire questionnaire, these questionnaires would be taken back for analysis so that appropriate research conclusion can be reached. In these ways, the collection of data would be carried out in this research (Remenyi et al., 1998).
Research Questions
The collection of data will be performed in this research in a specific manner by way of applying appropriate data collection methods. The data collection methods that would be applied by the researcher would the application of both the primary data collection methods and secondary data collection methods. The primary data mainly involves the collection of data by the researcher by way of interacting with the respondents directly whereas the secondary data involves the collection of data from secondary sources such as academic books, journals and online articles. This research will involve the application of both the primary data collection method and secondary data collection method. The primary data will be collected in the form of surveys that will be performed with the common people in order to analyse their viewpoints with regard to accepting smart phones offered by Apple and Samsung. The impact over their brand image and reputation will be analysed in particular. Apart from the collection of data by applying survey technique, the researcher has also considered the application of secondary data collection method with a view to collect relevant data in this research. The secondary data will be collected in the form of analysing academic journals, books and online articles on the case of Apple vs Samsung (Mujis, 2010).
Apart from collecting data through the application of these primary and secondary data collection methods, an important area to be considered is mainly the analysis of the collected data. It is highly essential that appropriate analytical tool should be considered in order to analyse the data collected through applying different data collection methods. In this context, the data analytical method that will be utilised in analysing the collected data is the application of diagrams and charts. The viewpoints as shared by the respondents will be analysed in detail through the application of diagrams and charts as they would clearly represent the findings as shared by the respondents. In these ways, the collection and analysis of data would be performed in this research in order to accomplish the main aim and objectives of this research in a positive manner (Remenyi et al., 1998).
This research is carried out in order to analyse the rivalry between Apple and Samsung, and the performance of entire research would result into the identification of significant level of findings from the research. As the research is focused towards analysing the case of Apple and Samsung, the research findings would also be related to the issue as persistent in respect to both these companies. The patent issue that has been noted in respect to these companies would be analysed in detail in this research, and based on the analysis, findings would be accomplished with respect to what led to the issues evolved in respect to these companies. Apart from this, the research findings would also indicate about the impact that such issues in respect to Apple and Samsung over the brand image and reputation of both these companies. The ways in which the reputation that has been built by these companies over the years and the adverse impact that such patent issues has over the branding and image performance of these companies would be identified from performing this research. The research finding would help in the identification of perception regarding the brand image and reputation within common people with regard to Samsung and Apple. This would thereby help in a better way in respect to the ways in which performance of Apple and Samsung would get affected as a result (Newman and Benz, 1998).
The accomplishment of major parts of this research would be ensured in the below indicated time frame:
Gantt Chart |
Task Categories |
Start |
End |
Duration |
Feb |
March |
April |
May |
June |
July |
Aug |
Sept |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
Literature Review |
20-2-2015 |
20-5-2015 |
90 days |
Data Collection and Data Analysis |
1/6/2015 |
30-7-2015 |
60 days |
Final Business Research |
1/8/2015 |
30-9-2015 |
60 days |
Ethical values are highly crucial from the point of view of performing the collection of data. The researcher in the context of given research would pay higher level of attention with regard to achieving higher ethical values in the data collection process. This will be ensured by making it sure that the anonymity and confidentiality of respondents are adequately observed by the researcher in the data collection process. Apart from this, there are important ethical values that will be observed from the ethical checklist as indicated below:
1) Will the human subjects be informed of the nature of their involvement in the collection of data and of features of the research that reasonably might be expected to influence willingness to participate? Yes No
2) Will the human subjects be told that they can discontinue their participation at any time? Yes No
3) Will the human subjects in your study be aware that they are the targets of research? Yes No
4) If the subjects are underage, will their guardians be asked to sign the consent form? Yes No N/A
5) Is the confidentiality of the human subject’s identity positively ensured? Yes No
6) In cases where there is a possibility that the human subject’s identity can be deduced by someone other than the researcher, is the subject’s right to withdraw his/her data respected? Yes No
7) Will the researcher fulfil all the promises made to the human subjects including providing the summary of the findings upon request? Yes No
8) Will all necessary measures be taken to protect the physical safety of the human subjects from dangers such as faulty electrical equipment, poor grounding, lack of oxygen, falls, traffic & industrial accidents, possibility of hearing or vision loss etc.? Yes No
9) Will the human subject be debriefed (told the true nature of the study) after the data has been collected? Yes No
10) In cases in which the human subject is dissatisfied or a complaint about the researcher or procedure, will the researcher explain to the human subject that he or she may express this complaint to the Subject Coordinator? Yes No
11) Does the study involve concealment from and/or deception of the human subject? Yes No
12) Will deception be used in order to obtain agreement to participate? Yes No
13) Will the study involve human subjects who are legally or otherwise not in a position to give their valid consent to participate such as children, prison inmates, mental patients? Yes No
14) Will information on your human subjects be obtained from third parties? Yes No
15) Will any coercion be exerted upon subjects to participate? Yes No
16) Will the study involve physical stress to the human subjects such as might result from heat, noise, electric shock, pain, sleep loss, deprivation of food and drink, drugs, alcohol? Yes No
17) Will the study cause any mental discomfort to the human subjects such as fear, anxiety, loss of self-esteem, shame, guilt, embarrassment etc.? Yes No
18) Could publication of the research results possibly interfere with strict confidentiality? Yes No
19) Could publication of the research results possibly harm the human subject – either directly or through identification with his/her membership group? Yes No
20) Are there other aspects of the study that may interfere with the protection of the well-being of the human subjects? Yes No
Anholt, S. (2009), ‘Places: Identity, Image and Reputation’, Palgrave Macmillan.
Apple And Samsung Drop Patent Disputes Against Each Other Outside Of The U.S, (2014) [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 09 February 2015].
Knipp, V.A. (2009), ‘Trust the Brand – Corporate Reputation Management in Private Banking’, Diplomica Verlag.
Mintz, H. (2014). Apple v. Samsung: Patent war reaches key appeals court [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 09 February 2015].
Mujis, D. (2010), ‘Doing Quantitative Research in Education with SPSS’, (2nd ed.), SAGE Publications Ltd.
Newman, I. and Benz, C.R. (1998), ‘Qualitative-quantitative research methodology: exploring the interactive continuum’, SIU Press.
Remenyi, D. et al., (1998), ‘Doing Research in Business and Management’, London: Sage.