Analyzing The Impact Of Social Media Campaigns On Increased Sales Of Domino’s Pizza

Literature Review

Social media has become a basic necessity for every individual around the world. It is also considered as the powerful tool for every business if used wisely and has been creating a huge opportunity for the businesses around the world with the power of sharing and creativity. There are various benefits of using social media in business such as it can help in generating revenue, development of brand, research, networking, recruitment, etc (Medium, 2018). Dominos is a Pizza chain restaurant that has been founded since 1960 and is headquartered in Michigan. The chain of Domino’s Pizza became the largest seller of pizza in February 2018 globally in terms of sales (Anon, 2018).

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The top notch pizza brand Domino’s has been using the social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to promote its brand value and increase the sales since a decade now. This strategy has proved to be worthy in increasing its online sales in a drastic manner which is a case to be followed by other brands in the segment. It has turned its image using social media even during the crises period and continued to increase the online sales with its social media strategies like Tweet treat (Business 2 Community, 2018).  The aim of the research report is to analyze the social media campaigns and its impact on the increased sales of Domino’s pizza by using the secondary data resources.

Literature review:

The operations of Domino’s Pizza started in 1960 which only offered the service of carry-out or delivery and now it has become one of the most renowned brands for pizza as well as largest chain of pizza around the world that has approximately 5700 branches which covers 58 different countries. According to John (2010), it is important for every business including pizza chains to have a strong as well as effective presence on social media in this technology based world in order to increase sales of business. As stated by CEO of the company, Dominos always bring innovative and Creative ideas to stay ahead in the world of business and always focus on adopting as per the requirements of customers as well as always keep thriving to be one of the most known pizzerias around the world.

Hence, the company focused on adapting to the trend of social media for marketing as well which helped to increase the sales of company. Social media applications such as Instagram, facebook, YouTube as well as Twitter were used by the company to create a helpful approach which helped customers connect (Burton and Soboleva, 2011).

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Impact of Social Media Campaigns on Domino’s Pizza Sales

On the other end, it was argued by Pitt (2017), the network of social media was not only used for marketing but it was also used for focusing on the reviews and feedback of customers which helped in understanding on the level of customer’s satisfaction. The company allowed various questions or queries related to incorrect toppings or insufficient cheese or sauces as well as various other problems related to delivery issues were asked by the customers on the platform of social media. It was also stated by Shareen (2015), that Dominos has turned into an ecommerce company which sells different types of pizzas.

The team of Dominos social media always responded quickly over the comments of customers and always focused on satisfying them due to which the positive reviews on social media by the customers helped the company to increase their sales. According to the Forbes 2018, approximately 50% of the Company’s sale is placed with the help of mobile devices by using various apps which are developed for Android, Iphone, and Twitter as well as the special “one tap” feature that helps the customer to place an order without re-entering any information (Faisal, 2016).

It was stated by Dennis (2012), the initiative of Dominos for launching the idea of “Think Oven” in late 2010 helped the company to know the opinions of customers. The company focused on encouraging the customers or participants to provide their ideas as well as suggestions on social media such as facebook, twitter, etc and also provided rewards to those ideas which can be implemented in the company to increase their sales. According to Dennis Maloney, CDO of Dominos, the social media has a great impact on company sales and hence they focus on developing a strong relationship with the marketing organization as well as IT organization, as in this world of technology it is important for these groups to work in lock step.

As stated by cannon (2016), Domino is the brand which can be described as savvier when discussion is made about social media and its impact on the business of dominos pizza. The company has gained its business value by effective use of social media on right time. There are various strong competitors of the company such as Pizza Hut but using the trend of social media has helped the company to gain the market share and beat the competitors (Gilliland and Gilliland, 2018).

Successful Social Media Campaigns by Domino’s Pizza

 It is important to note that various campaigns announced by Dominos have been great success as the focus was on the satisfaction of customers by delivering the best possible service to them. According to Nikki Gilliland (2017), various campaigns such as “Any ware campaign” which helps customer to order from anywhere, “Pizza turnaround” helps the company to regain its customers, “the power of emojis” campaign of dominos which helped the customers to easily order by hash tagging “easy order or by using the emojis of pizza slice.

It is clearly stated in the article by Mccosker (2015) that social media can be used in business as it can add value to the brand as well as increase the business sale and revenue. On the other end, He, Zha & Li (2013) stated that social media campaigns and its effective uses not only helps in developing brand value, but it also helps in turning around the company’s image during its difficult times as it has helped in the business of Domino’s Pizza.

As a result, according to the financial reports of Domino’s 2017, the total revenue of the company is approximately $624.2m and this increased sale of business is due to the strong presence over the social media and digital activity. The marketing of social media campaigns is receiving strong impression of customers and this strategy of the company has been very effective (He, Zha and Li, 2013). According to the reports by company, approximately 50% of the company sales are due to strong campaigns on social media and their activeness on the digital marketing.

Identified Research Question:

The current research study aims to analyze the impact of social media campaigns on the increased sales of Domino’s Pizza. It helps us to analyze how various campaigns with the help of social media and digital marketing is helping the company to survive and beat the competitors in the market.

  • Does social media proficiency affect the sales of Domino’s pizza?
  • Research Methodology:


The approach of qualitative assessment will be used in this research project. The information and data would be collected from various secondary resources such as websites, journals, articles, etc. Detailed description of this research plan has been given below that provides information such as the key data sources that would be used  and the data as collected, its methods as well as methodology of the research has been presented followed by the targeted timeline of the project.

Data Collection Approach:

During the first phase, the focus has been made on identifying the sources with the help of which data can be collected as well as can be used for formulating the secondary data which can be used for analysis. The information such as financial data relieved by the company or organization is the most important set of resources that is used for this research report. The detailed description of various types of resources is as follow:


Information Provided

Social media sentiments and social media performance of Domino’s in comparison to other pizza brand

Increased sales of the brand due to technological innovation

10 deliciously creative Domino’s Pizza marketing campaigns

Creative ideas of dominos over social media and advertisements which helped to increase its sale

How digital marketing helped the company to gain the market share

Financial report of the company

Company’s background and its innovative ideas

It gives information about how social media platforms like twitter help in using various marketing strategies for business

Platform of social media as a strong and powerful tool for business to communicate effectively with their customers.

Different Sources to be used for raw secondary data:

Additionally, the focus is also made on obtaining information from various sources such as feedback of customers and their reviews on social media accounts of the company about the delivery and satisfaction level of customers. The data would also be collected from various food delivery companies such as Swiggy, Uber eats, etc.

Project Timeline 

Work Breakdown Structure

The work breakdown structure helps the team to map the project more effectively by keeping in mind the resources availability such as efforts by students, time as well as the stakeholders’ involvement. Below is the detailed structure which helps in understanding the activities that are supposed to be performed in the entire project.



Identifying the area of Research

6 days

Supervisor’s approval

3 days

Identification of secondary raw data

2 days

Transforming the data in organized way in order to use it

3 days

Qualitative assessment of data and its finalization

7 days

Proper documentation of the results

2 days

Preparation of final report

3 days

Submission of the project and feedback

4 days

Gantt chart:

The below Gantt chart gives a clear picture of various activities that have been represented in this project according to its time frame in the form of a table. As per the calculation, the research assignment has been finished in a time line of 30 days.


Anon, (2018). [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Dec. 2018].

Burton, S. and Soboleva, A. (2011). Interactive or reactive? Marketing with Twitter. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 28(7), pp.491-499.

Business 2 Community. (2018). Social Media FaceOff: Dominos vs Pizza Hut. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Dec. 2018]. (2018). Whoops! – Domino’s Pizza – Order Online for Pizza Delivery & Takeaway. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Dec. 2018].

Faisal, A. (2016). Marketing Strategies in Online/Digital Marketing. Account and Financial Management Journal.

Gilliland, N. and Gilliland, N. (2018). 10 deliciously creative Domino’s Pizza marketing campaigns – Econsultancy. [online] Econsultancy. Available at: [Accessed 25 Dec. 2018].

He, W., Zha, S. and Li, L. (2013). Social media competitive analysis and text mining: A case study in the pizza industry. International Journal of Information Management, 33(3), pp.464-472.

Medium. (2018). How Digital Marketing Crowned Domino’s the King of Pizza. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Dec. 2018]. (2018). Domino’s Pizza – Investors – Annual Reports. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Dec. 2018].

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