Analyzing Professional Skills For Business | Hope Valley And Net Ball Club Case Study
Offline vs Online Transaction Systems
Analyse Professional Skills for Business.
The business analyst also makes certain system analysis with the change and increase in advance and innovative technology in an organizational management. Every company management requires an expert advice to control and analyze the situation of business. After all, the payment mode and the purchase of tickets are taken into several consideration assumptions. In the strategy of an offline basement in the first diagram, the organizational management has to incur a huge cost overhead and large investment in maintaining and manipulating the overall managerial system. This enhanced particular interface model which will be assisting the device is modulated by the interface specification of an organizational management scheme. For the adoption and implementation of payment mode generation system in the strategic and operational process of Hope Valley and Net Ball club and also for the detailed specifications of the sphere functionality, the estimated required steps that are to be followed are highlighted below by the researcher:
- The system of payment mode is needed to be discussed where the inheritance system will be providing the advance real time.[1]
- The choice of filtering which generally include the flag priority, documentation type, arrival data of the financial year, the creators of column, desk and many more.
- With the payment mode of the whole segmentation the entire navigation is to be hyperlinked.
- The payment mode profile of preference is to be chalked out according to the choice of the customer and the user.
- Proper authentication is needed for the acceptance assessment.
- Operational specification: The company management employees require the basic knowledge of handling and manipulating the payment mode system. The organization management requires an appropriate training to the staff’s members and to appoint highly educated staff members within organizational management’s structures.[2]
- Performance specification: The majority assessment for the execution purpose in the strategic segments that is needed to have enough space for managing the payment scheme module. The company management has to face huge pressure while appointing and recruiting IT professionals and IT specialists in the scenario phase of second diagram.
- Lifecycle requirement: The maintainability and portability is sorely needed to take the proper execution within the payment mode system in an organizational management. Accompanied by the customer enhancement is also required by the lieu of the online payment mode system.
- Interface specification: The user interface is very user friendly in a module segmentation system.[3] This enhanced particular interface model which will be assisting the device is modulated by the interface specification of an organizational management scheme. Accompanied by the customer enhancement is also required by the lieu of the online payment mode system.
Figure 1: As Is business model for the club
Figure 2: To Be business model for the club
The first diagram mentioned above, it has been sorely demonstrated and constructed that the Hope Valley and Net Ball club have a strong sales force that is maintained and manipulated to attract the consumer manually.[4] The diagram is associated with the “TO BE” process using the concept of BPMN illustrations. The diagram is made by the researcher itself. It depicts the purchase of match tickets with counter folio management. The customers will stand at the Hope Valley and Net Ball club of South Australia ticket counter and purchase the relevant tickets with respect to the preference match. The customer will give the match details to the ticket holder representative by giving the brief details of time and date of the match. After confirming the details of ticket consideration the ticket holder representative will issue the related tickets to the customers by accepting the money from the respective consumer. After accepting the match referral payment, the respective tickets gets generated and order will complete. This is the overall scenario of the first figure made by the researcher.
The second diagram mentioned above has been duly prepared by the researcher itself. It identifies the personalization and customization segments of an advance application system. The overall diagrammatic representation is associated with the purchase of Hope Valley and Net Ball club match tickets. It is totally inherited with a personalised and a customised version maintained and manipulated with a base concept of online website booking system. The customer while at home only; can book respective match tickets by the help of the middleman authentication. This system entire works electronically through a generation interface technological system. The customer will search the respective match tickets in internet by the help of some reference websites or any third party authentication. It requires several details which include customer name, customer address, place, match data, match timings and etc. After filling the details of the match; the customer will view the complimentary mode of the tickets; after making confirmation mail the customer will finalise the ticket date and time and continuous to move towards the payment mode option. This is the most important form of booking online complimentary tickets. The payment mode option mode contains the important data and information like bank name, customer name, amount, and password. After giving the respective details and submission confirmation; the customers will be able to download the tickets.
The Importance of Organizational and Training Teams in Management
In the above scenario, the researcher has manifested and estimated the diagrammatic representations with reference to the strategy of Hope Valley and Net Ball club. There are utmost comparison module regarding the two diagram presented above. The researcher has segregated the concept of division with an offline and online module criterion.[5] In the figure of “AS IS” business process diagram the online purchase of match tickets are too traditional and critical. The customer has to make a long way of pavement in purchasing of match tickets while standing across the offline ticket counter. It lacks time complexion and efficiency. The management of organizational structures suffers from maximum deficiency. All the things are related with the offline module scheme whereas the invoice bill is generated in offline paper format. In second diagram, it is fully optimized with the core fundamental of online transactions. [6]It serves a genuine complexity of services. It implies advance and innovative service technological system application demonstrations. It works fully online ad there is no compulsion of risk in buying of match tickets. The organizational management structures has maintained and manipulated a core strategy of buying performance of customers. The match tickets portfolio are to be managed by online criteria; just to avoid the harassment of the customers and the management. The customers have also acquired an option of choosing and selecting desirable seats according to their requirements.[7] The ticket generation is also performed manually. It saves much time and efficiency of an individual. It also generates the online generation of payment option by which maximum customers can upgrade its requirements and enhance its demand and supply services.
Organizational team and Training team also plays a vital role in shaping the generalization of a management structure. It totally depends upon the situation that what types of services does the management wants. In the above scenario, the two scenarios has been reflected and highlighted. In both the situations, the organizational team and the training team need to acquire tough procedures to cope up with different fundamentals. The concept of organizational team and training team also impacted the entire business and organizational enterprise. In the above scenario, the two diagrammatic representations are totally different; as both the diagram depicts the online and offline strategic operational base. In the strategy of an offline basement in the first diagram, the organizational management has to incur a huge cost overhead and large investment in maintaining and manipulating the overall managerial system. It need a large infrastructural space, large number of employees and many more; whereas in the concept of an online strategic ticket management the organizational management has to spends a very low cost investment. It needs an online network infrastructure build by organizational department and an IT specialist. It is very easy to work in an efficient manner and saves much time complexion.
On the basis of above scenario, the researcher has given certain recommendations which generally include:
- It is strictly recommended to minimize the cost overhead and maximize the expansion of an organizational structural management to overcome future challenges.
- It is very easy to maintain and manipulate the organizational structural segmentation management to articulate the understanding of customer behavior and attitudes.
- To maintain and understand the latest and advanced technology in an online booking system helps and assist the customers to impoverished the efficiency and flexibility of an overall system application.
- There is an immense gap between the above mentioned two diagrams. is a need of emergence to appoint highly qualified employees and a professional IT specialists to articulate between different organizational structures segments.
Requirements Category |
Descriptions |
Must |
The adoption and the implementation of the payment mode option that must be used in the Hope Valley and Net Ball club match; results in the increment of the organizational management. |
Should |
The organizational management also needs to improve their quality and quantity of ultimate consumers because the company revenue will minimize on that basis and will give organization sustainability. |
Could |
The payment mode system could provide the organizational management in the single selling of products and services and will impoverishes the study of feasibility whereas they will be accomplishing the response of consumer. Besides this the internal barriers will also be removed at a glance. |
Wont |
There will be no decrement in the payment operation system process and also in the consumer basement. |
The payment mode execution system is creating and enhancing the traditional complexion by giving an advanced assistance to all the related customers. The automation generation of data and information that appears previously in the strategic structures of an organizational management. Every industry whether it s small scale or large scale it has three basic motives which generally includes sales maximization, customer satisfaction and profit maximization. In this scenario, the researcher has estimated and manifested that the metric of system is generalized into payment mode option criterion.[8] After all, the payment mode and the purchase of tickets are taken into several consideration assumptions. This enhanced and advanced system gives organizational planning and support accessed data with the prior assistance of the opportunities of the business processes that will be held in the future.
Hope Valley and Net Ball Club Case Study
Figure 1: System designs for two must stories
The above diagram is sorely related to the system design foe the two must stories of an organizational management. The purpose of the design is to enhance the business process for the club. The system is all about presenting a latest process of booking tickets and reserving the seats in the stadium. From the above design it has been see that the customer can logging to a third party website or the clubs website to check the availability of the seats for the selected match along with the date and time. Then based on the selection the user can recheck for the confirmation of the ticket and once the confirmation is made, then the user can select the online payment option in which the third party software for payment can be integrated. Based on the option selected the customer can make the payment and confirm the ticket[9]. Once the payment is made a confirmation message and email will be generated and sent it to the users email id along with the invoice that is been generated.
The received will have the online ticket that was generated and can be taken out the print and can be presented before entering the stadium. The organizational management is able to raise their customer segmentation basement. The company management has to face huge pressure while appointing and recruiting IT professionals and IT specialists in the scenario phase of second diagram.The customer will give the match details to the ticket holder representative by giving the brief details of time and date of the match. After confirming the details of ticket consideration the ticket holder representative will issue the related tickets to the customers by accepting the money from the respective consumer. It lacks time complexion and efficiency. The management of organizational structures suffers from maximum deficiency.
In the above scenario, the two scenarios has been reflected and highlighted. In both the situations, the organizational team and the training team need to acquire tough procedures to cope up with different fundamentals. Once the payment is made a confirmation message and email will be generated and sent it to the users email id along with the invoice that is been generated. Every company management must requires an expert advice to control and analyze the situation of business.
Acceptance Criteria
Most of the multinational companies use the advance and modern technology for the generation of system vulnerability and varieties of online services. They systematically use the services of module segmentation that takes place in every department of an organizational management. Payment mode system criterion
This facility is used in the current business situation in a unique system implementation and adoption in entire related information. With the facility of payment mode transitions the work portfolio made comparable and maximum customers get attracted which results an organizational management to increase its revenue scheme.
The job of a business analyst in this assignment is to assess the detail of the organizational management which generally includes reports, policies, diagrams, graphs and models. The person is accountable for bringing out the process of integration and need of alteration method (if necessary) in an organizational management structure. Every company management requires an expert advice to control and analyze the situation of business[10]. The researcher has highlighted and highlighted several aspects and responsibilities of a business analyst which are as follows:
- Strategy Planning: Every business analyst provides the work portfolio management of strategic planning criterion. Planning of several of planning is sorely required in an organizational management.
- Determination of best practices and current methods of the organizational management.
- The business analyst must possess the quality of maintaining and manipulating the process design of the company management.
- The business analyst also makes certain system analysis with the change and increase in advance and innovative technology in an organizational management.
- The work portfolio of a business analyst in an organizational management is to monitor the operational and strategic planning criterion to deploy the modeling techniques.
- It is strongly recommended that the work portfolio management of the above diagram must be maintained by all organizational management.
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