Analyzing Organizational Behavior Practices: A Reflective Report
Organisational behaviour is the study of way of people to interact within the group in the workplace. This study is applied to create the positive environment for the efficient business organisation. This study is applied on the management of the workers and this theory is used for human resource purpose to maximise the productivity from the individual group members. It is essential to study the theory of organisational behaviour because it provides an understanding of people behaviour as they do in the organisation (Miner, 2015). This theory helps to study the nature of human behaviour to identify the cause and effects of that behaviour. Organisation helps to develop friendly relationship between the members by creating a proper working environment. This theory is beneficial for the organisation to maintain the positive environment (Robbins, and Judge, 2014).
This report is intended to focuses on the theory of organisation behaviour with the different aspects. This is a reflective report in which is based on the collective data for the purpose of problem solving at the workplace. The main purpose of this report is to develop the interpersonal and intrapersonal skills by participating into the group and individual problem solving process. The report is critically evaluating the organisational behaviour practices by relating it with the day to day issues of organisational behaviour. This report will be based on the basic dilemmas and tensions with the aspects of the organisation of work such as motivation, leadership, diversity and communication.
In this report, I will share my experience as working with the XYZ Company as a team leader. As a Team leader, I am responsible to guide the group of employees to complete the project. I have the responsibility of developing and implementing the timeline to reach its end goal. I also have the responsibility to develop a strategy, providing training, communicate clear instructions, and listen to team member’s feedback. I was trying to manage the team resolve the issues of team members, and motivate them to achieve the objective. But Overvie
In 2017, in the month of April, the organization experienced various issues relation to team work and communication gap due to presence of different diversity employees. Besides this, the conflict among employees was at rise due to different thoughts and mentality of people for the particular project. The company was working on the big order that was very important for the future growth and success of the organisation. The meetings were organised for the discussions to complete the order with the best quality but the point of view of employees is different from each other. The organisation was followed the decentralised system in which they take the suggestion from every employee. The employees represented their point of view in front of the others but after few minutes the discussion was became an argue due to different thoughts and mentality of employees. The employees are not able to do the team work with the different point of view which affected the productivity of the organisation. Thus, the organisation failed in completing the order and suffered the heavy loss.
Diversity in the workplace promotes the respect and encouragement to learn the new things due to different background of employee. There are many benefits to having a more diverse workplace and the result of diversity is the innovation of process and products (Martin, 2014). When the different mind came together to achieved a particular goal.
But the differences in age, gender, native language, religion arises the conflicts among the employees (Harvey, and Allard, 2015). The organisation communication style among employees is also the reason of raising the conflict between the employees. Diversity in cultural, spiritual, and political belief can pose a challenge in a diverse workplace. The employees represent their point of view as per the culture, and values which became a biggest issue of the company. There are different factors of diversity due to which the company faced the issue such as gender inequality, different religion and traditions (Yamada, Iwaasa, Ebara, Shimizu, and Mizuno, 2018). As per the resource based theory, a firm has different resources and the people of the organisation use these resources as per the mentality. There is an increasing the diversity means to understand the more about the workforce diversity and mainly because of liberalisation and globalisation of markets. Increasing diversity is beneficial for the company but some where it is a biggest issue for the organisation. The issues between reduces the productivity of the company. Each and every employee faced the problem of conflict due to different thoughts and ideas of the employees. Managing workplace is one of the most difficult and pressing challenge that the team leader has to do to reduce the conflict between the members (Banks, 2015). The different authors have their different point of view regarding the diversity and the reasons behinds the diversity. According to the Saji, theories and techniques of diversity management have been developed and enthusiastically which is supported by a growing number of chief executives by providing training to employees. But according to Wentling and Palma Rivas, diversity occurs from socio-cultural backgrounds in the workplace which became a problem for the company. Each and every employee can pursue his or her aspiration without being hesitated by gender, race, nationality, religion and many other factors. The different thoughts and ideas of authors are also defining the diversity. There are different reasons define by the authors to occurs the diversity in the workplace such as socio-culture, religion, gender gap and many others. There are many organisation have embraced the diversity but the other still considered that the diversity is an issue with the legal requirements. Many of the leaders in the organisation are now beginning to believe that diversity is important bottom-life benefits. But due to the reasons, the issue is arises at the higher level.
My organisation also faced the issue of communication gap, and team work due to diversity in the workplace. The employees argued for the particular project just because of different way to do the work. Negative environment was developed due to increasing the conflict among the employees. The team work was not happened due to this the company suffered with the negative result that was failed order. It is required to resolve the issue which was faced by the company for the future growth and success.
As a team leader, I had the responsibility to solve this problem so that the company gain the success in the future and did not fail in completing the orders. The different techniques help the company in resolving the issue and reduce the conflict among the employees. Motivation, leadership are the main factors which can reduce the issue of conflicts between the members (Renko, Tarabishy, Carsrud, and Brännback, 2015). Changing organisation structure also helps the company in reducing the issue.
As a team leader, I have to take some steps so that the members done their work together with the team spirit to achieve the success in the organisation. The new leadership style was adopted by me in order to encourage the team to do the work together (Holten, and Brenner, 2015). Democratic leadership style helps me to encourage the team spirit among the team members. In this leadership style, the leader heard each and every employee points of view and appreciated them for their decisions. The step taken by me is very useful because the employees started to hear the others for the particular project (McCann, Sparks, and Kohntopp, 2017). Even I am also taking the decision by taking the suggestions from each and every employee and found the best result. It can be said that the issues became benefits for the company because different ideas and thought develop the innovative procedure and product. The adoption of democratic leadership is beneficial for the company because from this members started listen to each other (Mulki, Caemmerer, and Heggde, 2015). After implemented the style, evaluation has been done to identify that feel of people for being treated equally and fairly.
The role of leadership plays an effective role in the resolving the issue of conflicts due to different thoughts and mentality of members. A leader has many functions such as motivation, guidance and many others. Motivation is the main factor that the leader has to perform for team work. Diversity is that the people come from different backgrounds to do particular project. Different thoughts and ideas influence to do the work against the each other or to do the things as per their own point of view. As a leader, I have the responsibility to motivate the employee for the team work. Motivation is the reason for people actions, willingness and goals. The process of influencing a person to do the particular task is called motivation. Motivation is the right decision which is performs by a leader to motivate the team for the team work (Herzberg, 2017). It is considered as one of the most essential reason that inspires a person to move forward to do the work. Motivate the team for the team work reduced the conflict among the members. This process of motivation also helps to enhance the productivity of the company because the ability of to do the things was increased with the support of each other. Different thoughts and ideas developed the new techniques which made the work easier for the company.
To motivate the employees for the team work, the company announced the different incentives for the teams. The technique of providing the incentives and rewards always encouraged the members to do the work more effectively. Rewards and incentives are the methods which satisfied the employees need and encourage them to do more work. The company divided the team as per the same responsibilities of the employees towards the organisation. The incentives were also paid by the company as per the achievement of a team (Pinder, 2014). The company divided the salary into the different segments so that the employees were treated equally and fairly. Each and every team gave their best to earn the incentive due to which they are motivated to do the work in a team. It is a fact that the, team work is more effective as compared to individual work due to different ideas in a particular project. These facts and figures were explained by the leader to employees so that they encourage for the team work (Reeve, 2014).
In order to remove the communication gap, the company has the change the communication style by setting the hierarchy. Hierarchy of hazards control is a system which is used by the company to eliminate the hazards. It is wide concept which is promoted by the numerous safety organisations. This concept has been adopted by the manager in the workplace. The hierarchy is divided into the different components such as elimination, substitutions, engineering controls, administrative controls, and PPE. These components help to eliminate the conflicts issue from the organisation. By following the hierarchy system the communication gap is reduces so that the employee can easily represent their point of view in front of the senior management. Different thoughts and ideas represented by the company in the front of senior management reduce the communication gap among the members.
The company changed their hierarchy system due to which the employees represented their point of view in front of senior management. Each and every employee have the equally right to represented their point of view. Reducing communication gap helps the company in removed the issue of diversity (Guest, 2017). It is fact that the flexible hierarchy encourage the employee to their best towards the organisation with the help of each other (Selden, and Fletcher, 2015). The company also used the method of promotion to eliminate the issue from the workplace. The company started promoting to those senior who did not fight with the any other members and helps the other in every condition. Promotion was remarked as the best strategy to resolve the issue of conflict among the members (Van Knippenberg, and Hogg, 2018). Each and every employee developed their positive relation with the others so that they can promote for the higher position. The employees are promoted and issue of conflict was reduced in the company.
Job design is another method which is used to reduce the issue of conflict among the members. It is a core function of human resource management and related to the specification of contents, methods and relationship of jobs. The aim of job design is to improve job satisfaction, improve quality and to reduce the employee problems. The nature of a person affects the work of an employee. Diversity is an issue in which people have different behaviour and thoughts towards the particular project. The job satisfaction of employees is divided into the different segments. The first segments of job satisfaction are to satisfy the necessary needs of the employees. After the necessary needs, the employees forward to the luxurious life and after that the company follows the path of respect. Respect is the next step which is required to satisfy the employees. Employees get the satisfaction when they are equally treated with the respect. It is required to satisfy the employees by providing those facilities and respect so that the employees give their best in their work (Wagner III, and Hollenbeck, 2014). The employees come from the different background and their point of view is also different which is shown in meetings. The meeting was changed from discussion to an argument and the points represented by the employees were not considered as important. The respect and different thoughts were the reasons from which the employees did not perform the team work. Thus, the company failed in the completion of order (Yamada, Iwaasa, Ebara, Shimizu, and Mizuno, 2018).
In order to resolve the issue the company design the job as per the qualification of the employees so that the employees are satisfied from their job. It is the responsibility of a leader to allocate the task to the employees as per their capability so that they can do easily without any problems. Allocation of work helped the company to reduce the issue of conflict between the members of the company. Employees started to do their work and represented their opinions towards the project but as per their responsibility. The employees did not allowed to talk about the other department functions and responsibility. All the departments represented their own point of view that made the work easier for the employees. The employees were satisfied with their Jobs and which has the positive impact on the productivity. The issue of diversity was reduced from this method; it can be said that the issue was reduced with the employee satisfaction.
From the above analysis, the organisation behaviour theories states that the company is made from a group of members who are coming for a particular task. The main purpose of this report is to analyses the current issues face by the companies in the day to day activities. In this report, the experience was shared about the problem faced by the company. The company faced the issue of rising conflict between the members due to the diversity. In an organisation, people came from different background and religion for a particular task. The company failed in completing the order due to different opinion of the members in a team. Due to different mentality of the people they are not able to perform team work which is not beneficial for the company to achieve the success. It is a fact that the team work is more effective than the individual work. But due to issue of diversity the conflict was raised and the productivity was reduced. As a team leader, I have a responsibility to develop the positive environment so that the employees do their work with the team spirit. It was founded that the motivation is the process which influence the employees to do the team work to do the effective work. Incentive plan of the company motivate the employees and adopting of democratic leadership style encourage the employee to do the work in a team work with the concern of all members. Job design is the method which was adopted by the company to reduce the issue of diversity. The method of job design satisfied the employees with their responsibilities because the leader allocates the task to employee as per their ability. Every group perform their own task as per the assigned responsibilities without interference of others. The issue of diversity was reduced due to less interference of employees in each other work. That is how the company solve the problem which was faced by the company in April 2017. The whole scenario states that the companies face issue but it is important to resolve the problem so that the company will achieve success in future.
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