Analyzing Dove Shampoo Marketing Strategy & Recommendations
Overview of Dove Shampoo
The brand was introduced in 1955 in the UK. Dove is owned by Unilever and it is a personal care brand, which manufactured their products in various countries across the globe like Argentina, Canada, Germany, India, US and many more. The products of Dove are sold in around 80 countries including both the segments i.e. Men and Women.
At Europe, the dove hair care range was introduced in 1998 and 2003 in North America (Gareri et al, 2011). This hair range consists of highly conditioned formula which give the moisture assurance of Dove to the customer.
Dove shampoo protect and care the hair of the individuals and repair accumulated damage. The company has also launched a new Zero Damage System repair formula, which helps the consumers by protecting their hair from any type of damage. For this, the company also launched various range in their shampoo product which includes ‘daily therapy’ shampoo and conditioner, ‘dry therapy’ shampoo and conditioner, ‘breakage therapy’ shampoo, conditioner, serum and hair mask.
The dove shampoo prevents the hair from greying and frizzing as it contains various anti-aging and anti-frizzing elements which nourish the hair from all sides. (Taylor, Johnston and Whitehead, 2016). However, the company also has various rivalries in the international markets.
They also made a tagline, which states – “More beautiful hair with every wash”.
Dove has established itself as a dominant player in the market from 2007 onwards. The strength of brand always is in terms of its positioning strategy and the connection with the feminine aspects (Deighton and Kornfeld, 2009).
Dove shampoo has been divided into various segments so that the consumer can be given wide varieties of alternatives according to their needs. These segments are Dove intense repair, Dove Hair Fall Rescue, Dryness therapy shampoo, Dove daily shine shampoo and Dove Dandruff care (Al and Khan, 2014). According to Dove, every individual has different hair, which needs different resolutions. Dove intense repairs and hair fall rescue solve the actual cause of split-ends-damage. Its ¼ Moisture Milk and Fiber Actives go deep inside to heal impairment so that the split-ends are vanished without losing hair-length. The dove daily shine shampoo includes several patented micro moisture serum that prevents the hair of the user beside continuous aggressions that root dullness. In the portion of Dove dandruff care, with the combination of ZPTO and micro moisture serum, Dove help in controlling dandruff without drying the user’s hair (Boyapati et al, 2013).
Critical Analysis
This diversification in their product portion helps the company in making a competitive edge in the personal hair care industry. In addition, Dove also used three pricing strategies for there shampoo product. These include competitive pricing, penetrate pricing and geographic pricing. In a competitive pricing strategy, the company change their products prices in alignment with the competitors pricing strategy. For example, if Pantene and Clinic Plus change their base prices of the shampoo products, Dove will also change the price as per the fluctuations. Dove also uses penetration pricing strategy for entering a new segment so that to attract more numbers of customers (Sekhar and Padmaja, 2015). Other strategies are related to the geographical pricing which is based on the variable pricing method as the trade price is calculated conferring to the market distance and transportation incurred.
The promotional strategy in relation with Dove Hair Care products is based on their advertising objectives, which includes making the customer hair shiny and clean, imparting a feeling of freshness due to its mixed fragrance, providing exclusive shampoo for every type of hair and effectively communicates brand promise.
To endorse the dove shampoo, the corporation set out to show the beauty myth that only models are “beautiful” by using “real women” to promote the campaign.
This range of dove products is more common among high class and upper middle class individuals (Thakor, 2012). However, they target women of all the ages. In these recent years, there are number of changes comes in the dove shampoo segment. The prices of their shampoo segment also rise with the increase in the production from Hindustan Unilever.
In the market, the major strength of this product is the strong brand image of the company within the consumer mind. From a long period of time, the company is investing in making the high quality products and most of their shampoos contain micro moisture serum which makes the hair soft and controllable. However, there is tight competition in the industry and various competitors are doing aggressive promotions to gain the market share.
Considering the market communication, Dove is successfully attracting women toward their products and this is enhancing their brand value in the market. They also use stylish packaging that attracts their customers towards the particular products. This shows that the brand essentials of the products stimulate females to realize their potential personal beauty. In addition, the company is continuously trying to enhance their productivity in an effective manner by including more features to their brand elements. Dove is also using social media as a platform for the purpose of marketing communication. The corporation involves various social media platforms including Facebook and twitter to flash their product communications to the worldwide platform. The distribution process of the Dove also made in a systematic process which uses vertical marketing system (Patel and Patel, 2015).
Market Communication of Dove Shampoo
Once dove shampoo also launched a marketing campaign, which focuses exclusively on women with curly hair. The company also uses a distinct titles name for this campaign i.e. “Love Yours Curls”. The main objective of this campaign is to change the thinking of the women who always perceive their curly hair in a negative way. Therefore, the company try to build self-confidence and also promotes positive social context in terms of curly hair so that the women can feel better and not be depressed. In addition, the ultimate objective of this campaign was to change the perception of the women and girls towards their curly hair and the brand – “Dove”.
In addition, Dove shampoo strives in all the categories. They also use social marketing concept so that to spread the information about the healthy perception and self-esteem in the women. In most of their advertisement, the company uses women with stretch marks, tattoos and celebrities. They also want to aware the consumer about their health in both emotional and physical manner and also believe them that they need not be a model or thin to be beautiful.
In terms of promotion, Dove has a strong brand awareness in the consumer market and this is all because of their continuous advertising, branding and effective marketing policies. These advertisements and campaigns help in increasing the visibility of a brand and thus create positive impact on the minds of consumers. They use many different channels to market their products such as television, radio, internet, billboards and newspapers (Reynar, Phillips and Heumann, 2010). They have also learned from their last failed advertisement related to the racist commercial and now they do all respective research before launching a new campaign such as competitors’ research, local markets research, etc.
The company has made their presence at every place i.e. drugs store, supermarkets and even online platforms. Dove formulates their marketing strategy based on four following aspects – Market penetration, Market development, service/program development and diversification. For penetrating newly, market segments, Dove takeout various campaigns such as free sampling and sales promotion. In terms of market development, Dove makes their customer aware about the product knowledge and information on a continuous basis (Mangold and Faulds, 2009). For product diversification, the company always goes with their past approach as to make their product line more extensive and specialised for diverse skin types and people. This makes attracts more people towards the products of the brands.
Marketing Campaigns by Dove Shampoo
Most of the customers recommend the brand to the other after successful consumption and this creates word of mouth advertising. This can be termed as one of the effective strategies as it would reflect positively on the revenue aspect of the company.
In last, on the basis of market research and the various customer surveys, it can be said that Dove is one of the best hair care product present in the market. Their effective advertising campaign and effective marketing strategy are the main reasons for the success of the company and this also provides them with a competitive edge in the market.
Although the level of sales volume of Dove is bit high than the other shampoo brands, Dove has some solid rivalries in the market which affects their operations and sales and thus reduce their business efficacy overall. Dove also faced mix reviews from the public in terms of quality, which the company need to focus on one side (Brown, Boon and Pitt, 2017). In terms of quality recommendations, Dove needs to focus on their brand and product innovation so that their level of sales can be increased and they can shift time to reach the maturation stage of their product lifecycle. Their business strategy helps them in their aggressive global expansion and now they have presence in 80 countries. This makes the requirement that Dove must induce the capability and willingness to encourage innovative thinking across the world and push their best ideas in the form of high quality products.
The company should also focus on the men hair care products and manufacture shampoo according to their needs. One of their competitor i.e. Garnier already started to make shampoo and face wash for Men and this can give them a competitive edge in the market. Therefore, they should extend their focus to the target male of the society so the beauty or hair care will be no more the consideration of female. Accordingly, they should reframe their media plan objectives and target newfound audience of bachelors in a family. It is also important that they should make a frequency so that to establish Dove Men+Care as a substantial brand within the highly competitive product market (Van and Das, 2015).
Dove shampoo can be also promoted to the market in order to appeal the females in the society. They should learn from the failure of the previous campaigns and thus should plan accordingly so that the sentiments of the society will not hurt anymore. Their marketing and research team need to make strong awareness in their team so that all their advertisements and promotional activities can be made effectively.
Competitor’s Strategies
The pricing policy of Dove is although adequate to the middle and higher-class community but the company needs to also focus and evaluate their pricing policies in terms of lower-middle class consumers. This will help them in increasing their target base in the potential market and thus the market share will also be increased. The company need to also ensure about the social responsibility in the society as this will help them establish themselves in the customer mind and thus they will always be loyal to the brand (Brakus, Schmitt and Zarantonello, 2009).
With the introductions of new products to the men hair care product, the company should focus on the diversification aspects as they can bring many new more types of shampoo other than daily shine and dryness scalp and Anti-dandruff therapy (Trüeb, 2007).
Overall, the brand enjoys a good reputation in the minds of the consumer and most of the customer feels it as a value for money as their products deliver them great benefits as well as satisfaction. The brand has a strong consumer base but at the same time, this segment also includes those customers who are price sensitive and not loyal in the true sense. Hence, company needs to ensure that they are making constant efforts to retain their customers it already has and also turns the switcher segment of customers into the hard-core loyal (Gensler, Dekimpe and Skiera, 2007)
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