Analyzing Consumer Behavior Based On Personality Theory

Marketing Consumer Behavior and Ethnocentrism

Respondent Analysis

Discuss about the Marketing Consumer Behavior and Ethnocentrism.

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The purpose of this paper is to analyze the consumer behavior of three respondents, respondent 2, 3 and respondent 4 on the basis of personality theory. The personality of an individual plays an important role in defining their consumer behavior. Furthermore, their consumer behavior will also be analyzed on the basis of theories of personality.

Analyzing the consumer behavior on the basis of trait theory, it can be said that this consumer is an extrovert and can get upset very easily. She feels sympathetic towards other person and she does have a liking for experiencing new things (Claiborne & Sirgy, 2015). According to her, she is an efficient and careful person in her life. She will prefer a product which is similar to her personality. As she likes to explore new things, she will prefer the product which is exciting and comes with better quality features. She is an extremely careful person, which is why she gave the maximum preference to the evaluation criteria, weight. Then she gave preference to other evaluation criteria like price, warranty of the product etc. She wants a laptop which can work efficiently, as she can.  As she is an extrovert, she does not give much importance to the price of the product. The Dell XPS 13 laptop fulfill all the requirements of her, and the characteristics of the product match the personality of her. This product is lightweight, and it comes with a variety of features, which enables her to experience new things (Mittal, 2015).

Marketers analyze the personality of the consumer to establish the connection between the personality of the consumer and their brand choice.  The response form this customer reveals that he is an extrovert and he suffers from neuroticism (Zeugner-Roth, Žabkar & Diamantopoulos, 2015). He is quite open to experience new things in his life, however, he is not careful and efficient in his activities. This consumer chose the third laptop which is Dell Inspiron 17 5000 which matches his personality.  He gave maximum preference to the evaluation criteria of memory, hard drive and video card of the laptop. Screen and processor of the laptop come next in his preference. This laptop is chosen by him so that he could experience new things (Vlaev & Dolan, 2015).  The hard drive of the laptop and the memory will help him to experience new things.  As he is an extrovert, he does not give much importance to the price of the laptop. A laptop with high memory will be able to serve his interests and perform efficiently (Murphy & Dweck, 2016). He can certainly identify himself with the brand and the product on the basis of his personality. Analysis of consumer behavior allows the marketers to understand the shopping behavior of the consumers.

Personality Traits and Consumer Behavior

A consumer will choose a product which suits his or her own personality, and they can form a bond with the brand. She is neither introvert nor an extrovert, but she also suffers from neuroticism. She is sympathetic to others and she is not open to the idea of having new experiences. She is a careful and efficient person, which reflects in her consumer behavior (Ahmad & Thyagaraj, 2015). This respondent also chose the option three, which is the Dell Inspiron 17 5000. She has given maximum preference to the warranty of the product and to its price (Quintelier, 2014). She made a careful decision while purchasing the laptop, and she chooses the product with maximum warranty. She bought the laptop of highest price so that she can get maximum performance from the laptop. This laptop comes with high memory as well, allowing it to work efficiently. She chose an efficient product based on her personality, as she likes to do things efficiently.

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The demographics of a consumer plays an important role in defining the behavior of the consumer. The consumer is a female, whose age is 26 and she is a flight attendant. As she is a flight attendant so a laptop is needed for her work. The qualification of this consumer is Bachelor degree and she belongs to a de facto marital status (Rucker & Galinsky, 2016). She is an Australian consumer having a family income of 129,500 dollars in last year. Along with this, the income of the consumer, last year is 60,500 dollar and she takes its own decision for purchasing a laptop from the market. As the consumer belonging to the Australian country so the culture also influences her to buy a particular type of laptop. Customer lifestyles and behavior are dependent on the group of members present in the society. Thus the cultures play an important role in purchasing the type of laptop she wanted.  Depending on the consumer behavior Dell XPS 13 laptop is the right choice for the customer to purchase it from the market. The laptop consists of 8th Generation Intel Core Processor, 8GB memory, 256 GB hard disk, a screen size of 13.3 inches and has a warranty of up to 2 years. The laptop is lightweight and has a price of 1689 dollars and that is affordable for the Australian consumer.

A male consumer chooses to buy Dell Inspiration 17 5000, depending on his demographic factors. The customer has chosen in this category have an age of 38 and he is a fashion designer by his occupation. He is an American consumer and according to the marital status, he is divorced. The highest level of education of this customer is Bachelor and he takes his own decision for purchasing the laptop from the market (Carr, Davis & Katz, 2014). Although he is a divorced man so the family income and individual income in the last year is same and it is around 99,100 dollar. As he is an American customer and having a middle-aged person so his choice will be very sophisticated. Along with this the culture also plays an important role in purchasing a product from the market. As the person is a working person so according to his behavior he gives a high priority on hard disk and graphics card. For this reason, the consumer chooses Dell Inspiration 17 5000 as this laptop constitutes 8th Generation Intel Core Processor with 1 TB Hard Drive and 530 Graphics with 4G GDDR5 graphics memory. The screen size of this laptop is 17.3 inches and has a warranty of 4 years. Depending on the consumer needs this laptop is the best as it price is only 1739 dollar and that is affordable to the customer (Hursh & Roma, 2016).

The Role of Demographics in Shaping Consumer Behavior

The age of this female consumer lies around 51 years, based on the demographic factors. Depending on the age the consumer does not make its own decision for purchasing the laptop from the market. Her husband and children take the decision for purchasing the product. This consumer is a housewife and her highest qualification level is Year 12. So depending on the consumer behavior she chooses a very simple type of laptop with an affordable price (Gruber & Schlegelmilch, 2014). The consumer belongs to New Zealand and the income of the family last year was 126,900 dollar. According to the family income and consumer behavior, they choose Dell Inspiration 17 5000 having 1 TB Hard Drive, 8th Generation Intel Core Processor and 530 Graphics card. The laptop is 17.3 inches in size and having a 4 years warranty which is quite good for any other product. The price of the laptop is 1739 dollar which is quite affordable for the family and hence the customer chose this laptop.

A marketer can attract more customers towards the brand using theories of learning and memory. Marketers of Dell XPS 13 laptop can also use these theories to increase the volume of sales of the product. To increase the desired response to the product, they can apply the strategy of operant conditioning to their potential customers (Lantos, 2015). They can advertise the features of the product, especially its light weight top the consumers.  They can also advertise other features of the laptop using this approach. However, they will be able to attract more customers who want a laptop which will perform efficiently and it will be lightweight. To increase the consumption of the product they can provide any gifts to the consumers, which will act as a positive reinforcement for the consumers. The memory of the consumers can fade quite easily, however, by regular promotion they can influence their memory, thus increasing the sales of the product. They can position their products in the market in a particular way, to increase the memorability of the product. Increase in the memorability of the product will increase attract more customers towards the product, thus increasing the volume of sales for the product in the market.


This paper concludes that the personality and demographics of a consumer affect their behavior in a significant manner. A person with openness to new things will buy a new product more readily than others. It can be also concluded from the paper that marketers can use the strategy of operant conditioning to increase the volume of sales for Dell XPS 13 laptop.


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