Analyzing Communication Skills: Challenges And Solutions
Importance of Communication Skills in Interpersonal Relationships
Using 5 diagnostic tools related to communication, you are to analyse your own communication style across various areas such as verbal communication, active listening, non- verbal, and assertiveness perception. You will be given the individual diagnostics during the tutorials.
The skills of communication play a major role in gaining effective kind of competencies in the individuals. Communication skills help in determining the effectiveness of the different interpersonal relationships between various kind of stakeholders. Proper communication skills are essential in nature in managing the different barriers or issues and this will assist in reducing the issues in an effective and appropriate manner. Proper communication skills are essential in the college students as this will help them in dealing with different circumstances and situations in the future in an effectual manner. In the present scenario, the diversity is one of the major issues for the process of effective business communication and this will be being more competent in nature from social and cultural groups.
Proper determination of the effectiveness of the communication skills is essential in nature as presently I am studying the college and I am trying to be competent in nature as to become more competent in nature in handling the different kinds of situations effectively. I tried to utilize the different five diagnostic tools in accordance to identify the different strengths and weaknesses that is in relation to the different communication skills. The diagnostic tools are being judged by different scores that has been scored by me and the analysis is required to be done as to analyse the involvement of the diagnostic tools in the further stages. In this respective essay, there will be discussion on two major kind of issues related to communication and the different ways to reduce such issues in an appropriate manner as well.
In performing the entire diagnosis, I have tried to use the different five diagnostic tools as this assisted me in identifying the diverse kind of competencies along with analysing the weaknesses as well (Baran & Baran, 2014). It helped me in coming up with accurate along with proper understanding of the competitiveness of the communication in me as well. The first diagnostic tool that is adopted by me is self-perceived communication competence scale. This respective tool helps in determining my competency in communicating with various kind of situations effectively. This respective diagnostic tool helped me in analysing the incompetency along with competency in this respective field. In this respective diagnostic tool, my score is 82.50, this indicates that my score is moderate however it is inclined towards the higher SPCC score that means that I have higher self- perceived communication that is competent with higher self-perceived communication competence (Samovar et al., 2015). From the respective score, I am highly competent in different situations and communicating with the strangers as well. From the score, I can analyse and identify that I have the actual ability communicate in groups and this helps me in managing the different circumstances.
Diagnostic Tools, Strengths, and Weaknesses
Furthermore, the next diagnostic tool is the Nonverbal Immediacy Scale Self Report and the major objective is to analyse the actual kind of positive attitude towards the other person. This diagnostic tool is helpful in analysing the positive attitude towards the process of communication towards the other person in an effectual manner. In this diagnostic tool, I have gained a score of 80 that is referred as the moderate kind of score and this is inclined towards the low scores.
Therefore, it can be concluded that in this diagnostic tool, my score depicts that I am not inclined towards the positive attitude or the feelings that is required to be present in then entire process of the communication. Therefore, it can be analysed that it is one of the major challenges for me in the future in communicating in an effectual manner with the other individuals.
Furthermore, this kind of score is presented regarding me as I feel I am introvert in nature in comparison to the others in the team. While communicating with the other individuals, I try to overthink about a particular situation and this causes huge issues in the process of the communication as well. The lack of the proper and positive attitude in the process of communication is not intentional in nature, however this can create huge barrier in the future as this is not effective in nature. If I am not being able to change the respective behaviour then this will be tough for me to deal with different situations effectively and communicating with others will be difficult as well.
Furthermore, the next diagnostic tool that has been utilized as the part of the process and apprehension of the intercultural communication is the respective tool that helps in determining the competency level in the entire intercultural communication. This respective tool is essential and important in nature as the present scenario is based on globalization, the intercultural communication is essential in nature in communicating with different cultural and social groups. This respective tool helps in determining the fear of the different individuals and in accordance to this tool, I have scored 38 and this helps in indicating that I have high intercultural communication apprehension. The score that has been adopted and gained by me is on the lower score and this is for both long and short term.
The main reason is that during my college days, I have different friends from different cultural groups and this helped and assisted me in interacting with the different group of friends in different languages. This was a huge challenge for me as I felt if I could not communicate with the other members in the team, I would reduce the effectiveness in the skills of communication and I would feel isolated as well. Furthermore, in the long run I felt that in different organizations there are different individuals from various backgrounds and the organizations are place of diverse cultures. Therefore, the lack of the intercultural kind of communication will become a huge barrier for me in communicating with the other stakeholders and this will be difficult in major dealings of the business as well.
Barriers Faced by Students in Communicating Effectively
The next diagnostic tool is the talkaholic scale that helps in determining that this is the entire process of determining the entire level of the high talkers. The more will be the entire score in this respective diagnostic tool, the more will be the higher talker and this will be the same vice versa. In the present scenario, in the current business world, the person who are high talkers are being preferred more in comparison to the others who are the less talkers.
As per the respective scale, I have tried to score 24 that helps in denoting that I have scored moderate score and I have proper control on the talking in different situations. However, as per the score that has been gained by me, it helps me in analysing that I do not have the entire control in each situation and this is one of the difficult issues for me and this will be difficult for me to keep quiet in every aspect of the situation. From the respective tool, the communication skill is more inclined towards the positive note and this diagnostic tool has helped me in analysing that I have the entire ability to handle the various situations effectively and I can lead the different roles in the future in organization.
Lastly, the final diagnostic tool that has been utilised by me is the Tolerance for Disagreement and this respective tool helps in determining the extent in which this includes that the individuals who has the capability to tolerate the other individuals who disagrees with the opinion of the other individuals. In the respective current scenario of the business, this kind of respective diagnostic tool is relevant in nature as the tolerance is one of the major factors that has to be analysed as this helps in creating positive and favourable kind of environment in the process of the business proceedings (Wood, 2015). As per the respective diagnostic tool, I scored 61 and the score that is above 46 helps in indicating that the different individuals have high tolerance for the disagreement.
Furthermore, this is one of the major areas that has to be analysed effectively as this helps me in gaining more tolerance towards the opposite view of the other person in order to make the communication more effective in nature and this involves the different kinds of stakeholders as well. The more level of tolerance I have, I will be gaining more kind and level of tolerance in comparison to the other individuals in the organization in the entire process of the communication (Lapinski et al., 2015).
Solutions for Effective Communication
Therefore, from the five respective diagnostic tools along with previous kind of analysis, this can be concluded that the major issues that is related to the process of skills of communication of mine are the lack of the public speaking that is being introvert in nature along with lack of the intercultural communication skills that is not embedded in me in an effective manner (Vertino, 2014).
The lack of intercultural communication issues increases ineffectiveness in handling the different situations in the business both from cultural along with social background. These two issues are the major kind of barriers in relation to the skills of communication that cause different issues in managing the different activities related to the business activities (Dougherty, Stammer & Valente, 2018).
Furthermore, there are different incidents that has been faced by me that helps in denoting that these are the two identified issues along with challenges that are faced by me in the real business world scenario. One of the major issues that has been occurred with me was when I was in the college and I was being made the leader of a specific group as to represent the entire class in an effective manner. However, the major problem that was faced by me was that the entire presentation was to be provided in front of the entire team and teachers in the classroom.
In the respective scenario, the major challenge that was faced by me was that of communicating with the different team members and there were different cultural differences in it as well (Berkenkotter & Huckin, 2016). I tried to manage the same, however there were issues that was faced by me as I could not handle the situation effectively and it had led to issues wherein I was not in a position to communicate with the team mates as there was differences in the opinion of the individuals in the team.
Furthermore, the last challenge that was faced by me was relating to the speaking about the entire presentation in the public that was barrier for me as I was not confident enough to speak in the public as I was introvert in nature. I have scored low in the diagnostic tool for speaking low in public and this was huge issue for me in managing the entire situation effectively (Shah et al., 2017). The emergence of such issues that caused reduction in the performance of the team in the college. However, I participated in different kind of activities in the college group, however there was introvert and other cultural barriers that caused huge issues in the management and from such incidents, I tried to handle different kinds of issues related to the same and this helped me in overcoming such issues effectively as well (Parks & Faw, 2014).
There are different authors who tried to provide different kind of views along with different solutions in overcoming the two respective issues in an effective manner. Therefore, the authors have tried in reviewing along with determining the probable kind of solutions that can help in reducing the challenges and solve the issues in an effective manner as well.
Sabee, (2016) has commented that one of the effective methods of overcoming the challenges of being an introvert is to open up through conducting the different kind of debates along with analysing through the peers as well. The respective method is beneficial for the different students as this helps them in interacting with the peers and solve the different kind of situations in an effective and appropriate manner. The ability to speak in the public will help and assist the different students in gaining confidence and solving the different problems in an effectual manner. Therefore, Rhodes et al., (2015) has commented that the different students who are having fear of speaking in the public will help and assist them in gaining more argumentative skills after they public speak and they counter different questions that are thrown by the audiences and this will enhance their public speaking skills as well (Braithwaite & Schrodt, 2014). Therefore, participating in different types of debates will enhance in gaining more competitive argumentative skills and this will provide the individuals the power to speak among the others and they can be able to counter the various questions as well (Pitts & Harwood, 2015).
As per Petrov-Kiurski et al., (2018), the speech problem is the other issue that is major reason for the individuals as they face difficulty in speaking in the public. This is caused mainly due to the major reason wherein there are different kind of circumstances and instances wherein it has been found out that there are different students who are fear of speaking in public as they feel there is a problem of speech in the same.
Therefore, according to the respective authors, McChesney, (2015) it is essential in nature to commence the course of speech and development of the same among the individuals who face such issues. According to the different authors, it is essential in nature to initiate the skills of speech and this helps in reducing the overall anxiety among the different individuals. Therefore, this is essential in nature to initiate the speech skills in order to improve the same and solve the different situations in an effective manner (Lu & Samaratunge, 2016).
According to Pavord & Donnelly, (2015), it has been recommended that the students who are having speech problem skills and they do not feel free to communicate in front of the entire public, it is essential in nature to improve the skills while speaking in public and the reflective thinking will help in solving the issues and this will help in handling the issues in an appropriate manner (de Vries, 2015). The student is required to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of their speaking skills and they should prepare themselves in such a manner that will help them in managing the situation in an effective manner. The public speaking is essential in nature that can be adopted by the speakers as this will help in handling the situations in a positive and effective manner. Furthermore, Lindlof & Taylor, (2017) has commented that the emotional intelligence will help along with enable the different students in improving the skills of public speaking. This is the reason that the emotional intelligence will assist the students in determining the audiences’ mindset along with communicating in an appropriate manner (Fussell & Kreuz, 2014).
As per Hargie, (2016), cross cultural communication is the major issues for the different students as this will help them in managing the different situations who are facing cultural issues in communicating with the students. According to the author, the language differences causes different difficulties in improving the issues and the skills will help in improving the intercultural communication as well. It has been seen that the major miscommunication takes place when there is huge language barrier along with differences and the language differences cause huge demotivation among the students as well (Hall & Davis, 2017).
Proper training is required to be provided to the students as to handle such circumstances in an effective manner and this will improve the entire situation effectively as well. the language barriers have to be reduced effectively as this will assist in manging such issues effectively as well. Proper and brief knowledge is essential in nature in order to reduce such situations in an effective manner (Berger, 2016).
According to Lane, (2016), listening skills are essential in nature as this helps in handling the different issues in an effective manner. The major challenge that is faced in the entire process of intercultural communication is the lack of proper skills of listening to the other party (Cunningham et al., 2014). It is essential in nature to remove the barriers of listening among different kind of individuals. It has been seen that there are different kind of individuals from various cultures and there is lack of listening issues in the respective process and this creates huge barrier in the process of communication that is the process of transformation. It is essential in nature in improving the listening skills of the students as this is effective in nature and this will help in improving the entire process in more effective manner (Habermas, 2015).
The different authors have commented that the listening skills of the students helps in analysing the situation and they can revert to the situation in appropriate manner as well. According to the different authors, it can be analysed that the miscommunication can be reduced in the entire process of communication as this helps in assisting the listening skills among the various students effectively as well (Knapp, Vangelisti & Caughlin, 2014). Therefore, the authors have commented that in order to improve the skills of listening, this helps in reducing the challenge in the intercultural kind of communication and I will be focusing more into the listening skills as this is important tools that includes the improvement in the learning skills in the process of communication (Forbes, 2015).
In the past sections, the two major communication issues have been identified and this is required to be reduced in an effective manner as well. The proper and accurate action plan is required to be conducted in order to improve the communication skills along with overcoming such issues in an effective manner. The speech learning course has to be adopted by me in an effective manner as to improve the situation and this enrolment of mine in this course will help in enhancing the situation effectively. I have noticed that there are various speech training courses along with speech training courses available in Australia as this will help in improving the skills on my own without much difficulty.
Furthermore, there are different kind of crash courses available that will help me in improving the skills and solve the same in an effective manner. These kinds of courses will help me in building huge confidence during the different kind of programmes related to public speaking. Proper enrolment in different master degree programme will assist me in enhancing my public speaking skills and solve the issues in an effective manner as well. I have tried to plan the different kind of activities that will be adopted by me in managing the different kind of situations in an effective manner.
I will try to maintain the journal entries as this will record the different kind of activities that are performed by me in order to improve the situation effectively. In order to improve the skills of communication, this is essential in nature to analyse the advantages of maintaining the journal that will provide a view on understanding the different kind of advantages that will be gained by me through different kinds of activities in an effectual manner. I will try to understand the different kinds of identification of the shortcomings in an effectual manner that will help me in rectifying the mistakes that is committed by me and solve such issues effectively as well.
I will start reading more story books along with magazines and newspaper as to improve the skills in improving the intercultural communication in an appropriate manner. The effective kind of readings will help me in managing the different situations effectively and this will help in being expert in public speaking along with being extrovert as well. These kinds of English books will assist in reducing the different kind of barriers of different languages in an appropriate manner as well. In the entire process of improvement, this is essential in nature to understand the importance of the self-reflection by involving myself into different kind of practices effectively as well.
Particulars |
1st month |
2nd month |
3rd month |
4th month |
5th month |
6th month |
Journal Books along with different magazines |
Courses of learning speech |
Educating myself in speech linguistics and help myself in overcoming the barriers |
Intercultural books |
Process of Self-reflection |
Interactions that are practical in nature |
Figure 1: Gannt Chart of Action Plan
(Source: )
Therefore, it can be concluded that there are two major challenges that is related to communication that has been identified in the essay. Furthermore, with the help and assistance from the different diagnostic tools that has helped me in analysing the analysis of the negative and positive factors in relation to the skills of communication. Proper analysis of the different outcomes has helped in identifying the different aspects of the process of communication. The essay has helped in providing views that has been given by the different authors in relation to the different issues and solve the issues in an effective manner as well. The action plan has been created for the next six months as this helps me in managing the different situations in an appropriate manner.
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