Analyzing Business Strategies & Operational Plan For Human Resource Requirements
Analyzing the External Environment of a Business for Human Resource Requirements
It is important to analyze business strategies and operational plan of an organization in order to determine the human resource requirements of the organization. This is necessary because the human resource of the organization should be well aware with the resources that the company needs. This will help them to plan for future needs of the company in relation to workforce and employees. Thus strategic planning and operational plan shows the future gals of the organization and the resource the company will require meeting these goals. However it is not that easy for an organization to analyze the strategic or operational plans. The human resource professionals have to keep close check on the goals of the company by attending the meeting while they are forecasting their future needs. Moreover, they can also study the annual reports of the company that states their future objectives and the human capital requirements.
External environment of the business has various impacts on the HR professionals to decide the human capital requirement of the organization. The external environment of the business consists of various attributes such as socio-cultural aspects, technological aspects, economic and legal aspects. Social aspects of the external environment can be analyzed by the HR by analyzing the immigration and birth rate of the country. This is because it hampers the potential labor force of the business. On the other hand the technological growth can be analyzed by use of computers in more number of works. This will help the HR professionals to realize that there is a downsizing the labor force. Economic issues can be checked by analyzing the demand and supply conditions of the business. This will help them to know the extra human capital requirement of the business. Lastly, the legal factors such as law against discrimination will help the HR to hire employees accordingly.
Senior managers and line managers are the right person that a human resource professional. The HR professionals of the company have to meet these seniors to get clear about the policies of the company. For communicating with the senior managers successfully the HR professionals can take up a 360 degree feedback from the senior managers on the requirements of the company in relation to human capital. Moreover, the feedback can also focus on the asking questions about operational needs of the company through the feedback forms. Moreover, they can also take up meetings with the senior managers to know the position of the company and its financial capabilities. This will help the HR professionals to identify the requirements of the company such as the labor, supply and demand and others. Moreover, it will help them know the financial condition of the company to support those changes.
Involving Senior and Line Managers for Human Resource Requirements
It is important that the company develops options for offering the human resource services by complying with the legislative requirements. The first option that the manager can develop for proper delivery of human resources services is by analyzing the cost benefit analysis of an option or a plan. This is because the analysis will help the managers and the company to understand the usefulness of the plan. This can be done after a delivery option is chosen and the company can analyze it before evaluating it. While analyzing it is necessary that the company focuses on the risk level of an option. Moreover, while developing the option it is also necessary that the company abide by the legislative policy such as discrimination policy, government business regulation and others.
The stakeholders of the company such as the customers, managers and other have to be involved in the human resource strategies that the company is planning. This is because they form the important part of the business and know the requirement of the company minutely. The customers are the external stakeholders of the company which helps in the growth of the business. Thus effective mode of communication should occur between the stakeholders and company so that the stakeholders are assured that effective initiatives are being taken on the right ground. Thus for developing effective communication about human resource strategies the company can use direct communication such as branch visits, training, staff meetings and others or indirect performance such as newsletters, memos and others.
The next important task is to communicate, negotiate and implement the service provided between the human resource, service provider and client. To do this the company can also follow the service agreements tool which has certain steps. Service agreements method follow certain steps such as discussing the service, proposing the service, testing the potential and many others. In this stage the situation comes where they have to take decision about whether the proposal can be implemented or not. Is it is yes then the action plan is made to implement the proposal.
The way by which the company will rectify the performance of the human resource team is by carrying out a performance improvement plan. The performance improvement plan is a type of a document that the company uses to measure the performance of the staffs and to help him to improve for the task he/she is not performing well. It will help the human resource employees to overcome its weakness and make them stay in the continuous improvement cycle. The problem that is seen in the performance of the employees can be rectified by following these processes such as coaching, on the job training and others.
Developing Human Resource Service Delivery Options
A company should have a planned and developed service delivery system for delivering the human resource services. However, the company has to plan certain process to deal with the entire process of service delivery. Thus there are various processes the company can develop to deal with the service delivery process. For storing information, determining client need the company can take up a feedback obtaining system in which it can obtain feedback of the customers. Secondly, for analyzing the feedback the company can hire experts that have an expertise of the type of service that HR is delivering.]
The best way to integrate ethical behavior into the system is by making the required persons understand the importance of ethical behavior in the system. This is because they are the one that will have to follow those ethical principles in the organization. Thus, for the purpose the companies can also issues policies in the annual report stating the policies related to ethical behavior. This will help them to communicate everything to the required people in the business.
Goals |
Operational plan |
To help the company get better service quality |
Hire more computers for the company |
To get the best trained professionals |
Hire better professionals for training |
Reach the goals in the next six months |
Help the trainers to offer best training using the new set of computers |
The gaps in this operational plan may arise in case the company faces financial issues while buying the computers and hiring good professionals. Thus this gap can only be covered if there is a proper budget plan made along with the operational pans. The budget plan will address all the required financials of the company.
To consult with the managers about gathering data from the clients by means of feedback is necessary in order to keep them happy. This can be done by taking up god feedback from the clients. The feedback will be done by means of questionnaire that will be distributed to the clients by mailing them. The clients will send the completed feedback form back to the company and then necessary steps will be taken.
The result of the feedback or the survey that will be collected from the clients willbe distributed among the stakeholders of the company. This will be done after the result has been gathered and summarized a presentation will be prepared with graphs and diagrams to show the satisfaction rate of the clients for various services. Then it will be discussed with the stakeholders by arranging a meeting. The presentation will be displayed in the meeting so that it can be easily understood by each one of them.
The findings from the survey will be summarized in a report format initially so that it can be easily read and interpreted by anyone in the company. The format of the report will be consisting the entire questions and its answer. Below each question, the response will be discussed so that they get a clear understanding.
The ethical behavior that the HR team will set for the customer service department is that they will not be rude or arguing with the customers. Customer should be their main motive to reach. To ensure that the customer service staff abides with this ethic, the company will carry out quality edit every weak and the person behaving badly with the customers will be called separately. The staff will then be given a training session on the behavior they should maintain while dealing with the customers. This information that the company will take after realizing the poor performance of the customer service team will be shared to the staff through separate feedback scores to each one of them.
In future if the stated goals are met made and if there is a lack of new computer and computer training professionals in the company then the company will start a negotiation with more trainers and the computer dealers. In case of financial problems the company can deal with the computer dealers by negotiating with them about the cost of the computer. This will help them to reduce the cost and make the computers affordable. On the other hand the company will hire professionals that are efficient and can be hired in less cost. This will help the company to deal with the goal by overcoming the financial problems.
For any variations in the company the members have to take approval from the stakeholders. Thus for the purpose the tea will choose a leader that will be responsible of taking approval from the stakeholders of the company on the changes that are being planned. The procedure that the leader will follow will be making a change plan for the company, its scope, its result and distribute them to the stakeholders by mailing them. The approval will be given by the stakeholders on the same plan that has been given through the mail.