Analyzing And Evaluating HRM Policies And Processes At IBM Corporation


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The mentioned report analyse and evaluates the Human Resource Management i.e. HRM polices along with its processes within IBM Corporation. HRM is usually deliberated to ‘consist of the large number of practices which are widely used within the organization in order to control and manage employees working in the organization. Even though, definitions of what an HRM policies and practises includes are recruitment, staff performance and engagement of employees in the work, operational safety and health measures, diversity, retention and industrial relations. In this report, all the above mentioned functions are analysed and evaluated within IBM Corporation. All the information included in the report are extracted from the company website and employee welcome set of records. IBM is an American multinational company based on technology which is headquartered in Armonk, New York, United States in 1911 with operations in more than 170 countries (Briscoe, Tarique & Schuler 2012).

According to Dowling and Schuler recruitment denotes to Dowling and Schuler (1990), define recruitment as “searching for and obtaining potential job candidates in sufficient numbers and quality that the organisation can select the most appropriate people to fill its job needs”. IBM is named as Big Blues and it is one of the world’s largest employers with approximate 380,000 employees (Helander 2014).

  • Reception: It aims at developing a favourable image on the applicant’s right from the stage of reception in the company.
  • Screening Interview: It is planned by the company to reduce the cost incurred by the organization by permitting only those candidates who are actually eligible and they are allowed to participate in the next stages of recruitment.
  • Application Blank: It is a form which include information such as experience, marital status, qualification, recommendations and references.
  • Selection test: IBM conducts large number of employment tests which include Intelligence tests, aptitude tests, personality tests and simulation tests.
  • Selection Interview: The HR managers takes the oral presentation of the employees and matches with the job requirements.
  • Medical Examination: In include some physical qualities such as sound vision and hearing, clear tone, unusual stamina and other necessary medical tests.
  • Reference checks: Here, the company asks for 2-3 references required to be submitted on their application forms.
  • Hiring decision: It is the final decision made by the manager that decides whether to hire the candidate or reject the candidate (IBM 2018)

Employee engagement is a crucial segment which has assisted large number of organizations for large number of years but there is a call between several concepts which goes beyond the company’s loyalty, discretionary effort and advocacy. Engaged and endowed workers are very critical in terms of customer loyalty. The innovative employee practices design approach from IBM companies behavioural science and analytics, IBM design Thinking techniques, mobile and social technologies, and digital change consulting. IBM assists its employees to enhance themselves in the dynamic environment and face the market challenges which is beneficial for the company. The company follows the five major practises which include Personalization, Transparency, Simplicity, Authenticity and Responsiveness.

“We’re elated to announce grants of IBM technology and data to three groups of scientists who are working at the forefront of climate change and environmental research.” Said by Jen, Vice president of IBM. IBM also aims at identifying the potential employees who are further trained. The women working at IBM are given special support to manage their work so that they can widen their network and develop skills and knowledge in their respective field. The employees who perform very well are rewarded so that it will create a level of motivation and sense of belongingness towards their job and the company (Stone & Stone 2013).

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Employee Engagement

IBM has a good culture and the commitment of the company towards employee health, wellbeing and safety dates has proved to be history for the company. Safety is a concern of person responsibility for every company. IBM aims at incorporating employees’ wellbeing at any cost and this is reflected in their vision as well which state, “Performance is optimized through healthy choices, people, workplaces, families and communities.”  The main aim of IBM is to build a strong global workforce where workers will be safe, healthy and mentally resilient. It also involves work-related health, industrial cleanliness, security, health welfares and wellness professionals.

The employees working at IBM characterize an endowed and diverse workforce. Gaining the entire potential of the diversity of the company priority which is important to the competitive success. A principle factor at the workplace diversity programs in the IBM Company is its long standing commitment that aims at providing an equal opportunity to its each employees (Storey 2014).

Work life balance is always encouraged but it is not always well prescribed. The market size of the company makes it very complex to learn things and train at entry level segments which is not always available. Compensation in the company is not always lined up with other many top companies majorly for early careers and often employees have to impend quitting to gain a retention bonus.

IBM is dedicated to principles of corporate ethics and lawful conduct. The main policy of the company is to be ethical and lawful in all the areas to maintain its dignity. Employees must comply with the guidelines created by the company and avoidance of any guidelines causes dismiss of the employee form the company (Brewster 2017).

Thus, from the above report it can be evaluated that IBM is a well-known company which follows the HRM policies very minutely to maintain the company dignity. Additionally, the company aims at safeguarding the employee interest as major priority and the employees working there are happily satisfies with the work environment.

The theoretical background Human Resource Management has a major role in the recent competitive workplace. The style, standards and the management of human resource system is totally based on the policies of the employment including a collection of policies which are designed to increase organizational incorporation, employee obligation, and elasticity and work quality. Hence, HR can be well-defined as a strategic and harmonious method which helps to manage organization’s assets i.e. the employees who work in the organization and they combine together to the completion of its mission and vision (Snape & Redman 2010).

Health, Wellbeing, and Safety

According to Armstrong (2006), the principle purpose of human resource management is to deliver that an organization can gain success and growth by the help of people (Armstrong 2006). There are huge number of researchers and investigators who stated HRM in various ways and methods. Few of the meanings are widely used in the organizations. Some says that the HRM policies and practises helps to make necessary contributions that aims at building the organization by staffing right amount of human capital who can work effectively and offer in achieving the success of the business strategies.

Descriptions of human resource can be further divided into two major stages i.e. generalist and distinctive. Under the category of generalists, it consists of concepts, ideas and views which are proposed by the perspective of HRM. Here, Human Resource Management conceal all the employees under employment at a distinct organization. Similarly, under the category of distinctive, it mainly focuses on the abilities of employees, their knowledge, attitude and experiences. Many definitions proposed state that HRM is one the major factor for any organizations. Few definitions emphasis on solving the issues related to the policies of the HRM and some definitions denotes that the main role of HRM is to focus on the overall performance of the organizations (Armstrong & Taylor2014).

Under the category of today’s market conditions, every organizations must follow the practises and policies of HRM because it helps to boost the performance of the employees which include safety, wellbeing, engagement and commitment.  If this does not take place, the organization will not be able to survive in tough situations in the market for longer period of time and it cannot take any competitive advantages (Lamba & Choudhary 2013). According to Chan, Burns and Yung (2000), the effects of the HRM on the performance of the organization is basically affected by the environment. Organizations who conduct the activities can easily be managed and controlled by decreasing the uncertainty which is aroused because of the factors residing in the environment and they must be avoided strictly. There are majorly three sources of an organization i.e. human resources, financial resources and physical resources. The highest important of human resource from all the mentioned resources can affect the efficiency of the organization directly. All the resources are interlinked with each other and they are combined together in order to regulate the efficiency of the organization. The performance of the organization is highly affected by the human resources. There are numerous companies which are on the lead position in the market because of the successful and effective use of human resource that aims at increasing the productivity and performance in any market environment (Cascio 2018).


According to Sparrow, Schuler and Jackson (1991), HRM practices helps an organization to be more competitive and create an advantages and become more updated and innovative. HRM practises can develop knowledge, motivation, synergy and commitment of the employees working in an organization. It also standardize the positive attitude and image of the employer-employee relationships which can motivate the employees on order to be more inventive. Today, organizations are fighting continuously to compete in the global and dynamic environment. So, to achieve maximum advantages and boost the overall performance of the organization, it needs to follow HRM policies and practises (Sparrow & Cooper 2014). In current era, there are many multi-national corporations who believe that companies can get success only if it has effective policies of HRM. HRM policies affect the abilities of an employee by improving and enhancing their capabilities. HRM policies and practises helps to impress the performance of the employees by the supply of organizational arrangements which encourage contribution among employees and allow them to boost how their jobs are accomplished. HRM practises are considered as a collection of inwardly coherent policies which are implemented with an aim to deliver the human capital to complete the main aim of its business (Tarique & Schuler 1991). The correlation between HRM and the performance of the organization indicates that HRM policies create effectiveness by attracting, identifying, keeping employees with knowledge, skills and capabilities and obtaining them to behaviour that will assist the objectives of the organization.

In such way, according to Acquaal (2004), he stated that the effectiveness of HRM policies and practises is dependent on how it comprehends the accurate attitude and behaviour in employees. Meanwhile, there are few researchers who suggested that evaluations of performance of an employees must be dependent on the financial indicators (Acquaal 2017). In recent days, there are numerous researchers who admitted that profit is not the only factor which is appropriate to uphold the excitement of the employees and be attentive towards the major factors of the business. Similarly, Stanton and Nankervis argued that organizational performance can be enhanced by increasing the productivity and elasticity of the employment by segmenting overall employees’ performance results with detailed strategic business and HRM responsibilities. In such ways, the management of an individual employee performance along with their integrated contributions to entire effectiveness has probably become the important HRM functions in every organizations (Tooksoon 2011). It is very crucial that an organization holds HRM policies which aims at making the finest use of its employees. This era has led to a growing interest in the influence of HRM on the performance of the organization and huge studies have establish a favourable relationship among the suspected high performance work practises and several procedures of company performance (Boxall & Purcell 2011).

Thus, from the above literature reviews, it can be summarized that in this competitive market, HRM is supposed to contribute to the performance of the organization and today there are many organizations who believe that the completion of the strategic process majorly depends on the functions of HRM. The effects of HRM on the performance of the organization highly affects the overall performance of the employees in terms of employee engagement, safety and commitment (Armstrong 2011). Hence, an improved employee’s involvement also needs an improved training of gratitude by the employees.


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