Analyzing A Problem And Suggesting Complex Solutions Of Kingwood Lincoln In Corby Northamptonshire
Literature Review
Analysing a Problem and Suggesting Complex Solutions of Kingwood Lincoln in Corby Northamptonsire?
The study has described the research into the significance of the nature to
KINGWOOD LINCOLN in NORTHAMPTONSIRE communities, while experienced during the publicly available green spaces. Open space undertaken it for English Nature, in 2003 it was carried out over the spring and summer for using a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methodology. The study provides by English Nature, it was set within the background of national and regional policy England-Joseph, J. (1998). The study and modified the methodology was developed by the researchers for better reflection. For the researchers it is one of the research cornerstones centre’s philosophies. The interviewing members of public are involved in research during the number of focus group discussions which is held in different part of the Kingwood Lincoln Northamptonsire. Thus, the focus group research conversant the development of a questionnaire used for data congregation from the broader sample of member of the public, they visiting a number of different ”green” parts widely circulated around the Kingwood Lincoln in northamptonsire Goodman, W. and Freund, E. (1968).
There are a number of last initiatives in the Kingwood Lincoln in Northamptonsire region to which this study is applicable and a context had provided by them for the development of the project. If this study will be useful or can influence to other initiative then it will help to more demonstrate the social value of nature. There are some investigations included and these are as follows:
- There is finding this study and their work.
- EMDA find the regional household survey, the regional assembly and the learning and skill council uses ‘Euroqual, indicators which calculate people’s sense and how good they feel.
- For communities areas in the Kingwood Lincoln in Northamptonsire there are three new deals where social regeneration and economic are taking place.
The literature review is in the direction of increasing support for the creation, development and existence of green space. This document explores economic, social, health and environment benefits of the development of green space. If the detail has been separated into sub- sections there are overlaps between areas of centre. A green space can include natural play space for children, urban agriculture, rooftop and balcony gardens, community, community compost sites, cycling routes and community orchards Parke, R. and Clarke-Stewart, A. (2011).
Green area still in urban areas where more limited space can develop many things. Some of the option is explores by this document, including stories and examples different communities. There are some some activities and creations are included:
- Community orchards
- Natural play space
- Collective gardening and community
- Recreational fields
- Urban agriculture
- Traffic calming and street reclaiming
- Rooftop gardens
- Reclaiming city boulevards
- Community gathering spaces
At the end of this document there is a list of resources. Green space in urban area is densely populated in the comparison of West Broadway neighbourhood. The urban area is beneficial on many levels including economic, health, environmental, social and safety levels. Considering these benefits now enable residents, businesses and community organisation, as well as urban areas, to enthusiastically and effectively incorporate and improve green space in the community Peña Reyes, M. (2002).
The green space community is providing for all people and a child, the study and methodology was developed by the researches for best reflection. There we can see some positive and negative effect. There are a number of last proposal in the kingwood Lincoln in Northamptonshire area to which this study is applicable and context had provided by them for the development of the project Peña Reyes, M. (2002). This document explores economic, social, health and environment benefits of the green space development. There are many activities and creation. The urban area is beneficial on many levels but these benefits now enable resident, community organization and business as well as urban area.
Critical Community Development
During its sustainable communities and green spaces invited the huge lottery fund provided support for nearly 3,500 projects and it spread across the UK. Every parts of the UK had their own programme. Commonly projects supported through GSSC, which have invested in a good future for places and for people. In result, now there are new community green spaces, walking and cycling, playing field, children’s play project, initiatives to decrease use of the world’s scarce resources and many more. Many are situated in the disadvantaged communities Pruetz, R. (2012).
Generally trend in the literature reviewed is just before increasing support of the improvement, creation and existence of green space. The social, health, economic and environmental benefits of urban green space development is explores by this document. Lack of urban green spaces can negatively affect on mental health and also mental fatigue Pruetz, R. (2012). This study provides by English Nature, it was set within the background of regional and national policy. Many new researches focus on the relationship between health and green space at both a community and personal health.
Community Investigation
This research has been conducted to analysis to investigate the relation between the amounts of green space in the lives of peoples live in Kingwood Lincoln in Northamptonshire and to find the problems and suggesting the complex situation. In Northamptonshire there was lack of greenery so the residents have to face several health problems and many other problems in their daily life Rajagopal, B. (2003). This research has been analysed for different age and socioeconomic group. In this research study researcher consists a 100 respondent who are the residents of Kingwood Lincoln in Corby Northamptonshire are registered for general practices, researcher asked several questions on green spaces and perceived general health. As the percentage of green spaces in Kingwood Lincoln within a kilometre and two kilometre radius around the postal code organize was calculated for each household. In this research study, researcher went toward the respondent and asks various questions. Researcher gets the positive response that helps to analysis the study and gave deep knowledge about the problems of residents and also their solutions Richards, G. and Hall, D. (2000).
In this research researcher conduct 100 respondents. Researcher asked several questions. Researcher asked the importance of green space in their live and with the lack of greenery how their life are suffers and what kind of health problems they are faces in their daily life. Many people gave their response said that due to the lack of greenery level of pollution is high and because of that in Kingwood Lincoln peoples are suffering from various health problems Schaffer, H. (1996). In this research conducts some question to the respondent and preserve the green space and sustain it. This research helps to understand the problems related to the green space. It provides a vital knowledge about this study. In this research study researcher conducts 100 respondents where 85 percent of people gave their response Simonds, J. and Starke, B. (2006). Therefore the important information collected from the respondent helps the researcher in this study and for the green space sustainability several policies are implementing. These policies are as follows:
- Plans and policies for natural land:
The Historical Context
To identify the measure to enhance, preserve and manage the natural land in a form consistent with the intension for which the land is acquired then update the information of city on the environment assets of the3land and identify the potential, opportunities and issues for the outgoing management of the land. Incorporate the opportunities for the public asses and recreation. Include the opportunities for the community who participate in the preparation of the management plan and recognize the opportunities for the community partnership in the implementation of the plan Visscher, J. (1998).
- To encourage the private public owners of natural lands to keep the natural feature and function of the land through the design with natural principal where any kind of development is planned to minimize the impact on the natural quality of the land.
In this research of the study, researcher has to face several issues during research. They are mentioned bellow:
- Time limitation- Time limitation was one of the problem that researcher had to face. Time takes big matter in any research because the quality of the research depends upon the time. Because of the time limitation researcher could not find deep knowledge about this study Wainryb, C., Smetana, J. and Turiel, E. (2008).
- Resident’s busy schedule- Busy schedule of Kingwood Lincoln’s resident is another reason of this research. In kingwood Lincoln every individual has a busy lifestyle. So, the research had to face problem to conduct the knowledge about this research. Because of their busy schedule they could not gave proper time to researcher.
- Technical issues- In this research there are some lack of technicality. Researcher could not use the proper techniques in this research because of that they had to face some problems Francis.Ward Thompson, C. and Travlou, P. (2007).
- Lack of proper planning- To conduct a research it need a proper planning as research based on it. But in this research there were lack of planning and because of that researcher faced problems.
To make a social changes in community researcher had to face several challenges. These are as follows.
- Problems in gathering people- To conduct this research, researcher had to face several challenges and this is the one. In Kingwood Lincoln peoples have a busy life style therefore researcher had to face problem.
- Communication- In a research communication is an essential tool because it helps to connect researcher and respondent. Researcher had to face communication challenge during research.
- Understanding- to make social changes in community researcher and respondent has to be a strong understanding. In this research, there is a lack of understanding between the researcher and respondents.
- Individual Behaviour- This is another challenge that a researcher faced during his research because different peoples has different behaviour. Individual’s behaviour provides impact on research process.
In this research there are 100 respondent conducted who are the resident of Kingwood Lincoln. 85 percent of people give their response. The respondent also feels the need of green space as they are suffering from health problems. This analysis has been conducted through the telephone service. In this research there were various questions are conducted to the respondent and they are as follows.
Table1. Gender respondent
Frequency |
Percent |
Valid Percent |
Valid Male |
60 |
60% |
60% |
Female |
40 |
40% |
40% |
Total |
100 |
100% |
100% |
This above table shows that in this research there are 60% of male and 40% female respondent. It shows males and females both are conscious about their health and green space.
Table 2: Age of respondents
Frequency |
Percent |
Valid percent |
Valid 20-25 |
10 |
10% |
10% |
26-30 |
15 |
15% |
15% |
31-35 |
25 |
25% |
25% |
36-40 |
35 |
35% |
35% |
40 above |
15 |
15% |
15% |
Total |
100 |
100% |
100% |
This analysis has been conducted to know the awareness about the green spaces in Kingwood Lincoln’s residents. Researcher conducts different age group because different age group has a different point of views. Majority of respondent are 36-40 (35%) years and 31-35 (25%) both of this age group.
Table 3: Do you agree that an innovative strategy is required to develop green space in Kingwood Lincoln?
Option |
No. Of respondent |
Total Respondent |
Response % |
Strongly Agree |
35 |
100 |
35% |
Agree |
20 |
100 |
20% |
Neutral |
25 |
100 |
25% |
Disagree |
15 |
100 |
15% |
Strongly Disagree |
5 |
100 |
5% |
The purpose behind this analysis is to adopt innovative strategies to develop the green space in the Kingwood Lincoln. In this analysis researcher asked this question to the respondent through telephone. 35% of respondent strongly agree that tan innovative strategies needed to implement on Kingwood Lincoln. They think that environment development community should work properly whereas 20% of people only agree on the other hand 15 percent of respondent disagree with this.
Table 4: Does the Environmental Development Communities work properly to develop the green space in Kingwood Lincoln?
Option |
No. Of Respondent |
Total Respondent |
Response% |
Yes |
30 |
100 |
30% |
No |
50 |
100 |
50% |
Not Sure |
20 |
100 |
20% |
The purpose behind this research is to know how Environment development community is doing their job. 30 % pot of 100 respondent think that development communities are not doing proper. The maximum 50% of people do not think that environment development community do not work properly whereas 20% of respondents are not sure about this.
Table 5: Does the lack of green space in Kingwood Lincoln affect the resident’s health?
Option |
No. Of Respondent |
Total Respondent |
Response% |
Yes |
60 |
100 |
60% |
No |
10 |
100 |
10% |
Not Sure |
30 |
100 |
30% |
In this analysis researcher asked to respondent about their health related problems due to the lack of green space. In this research there were 100 respondent conducted by researcher. 60% of respondent said yes. They think that it provides impact on their health 10% of people said no they do not agree with this. On the other hand 30% of people are not sure about this.
Sustainable Community
The overall study shows that lack of green space in Kingwood Lincoln provide effect on their livelihood.
- A New Urban Design
According to the () a successful place is where peoples get attracted to live, visit, work and invest. In new urban design great parks, squares and streets make for a good quality of life. But now a day in urban areas are surrounded by buildings, pollutions, motor vehicles therefore the people have to suffer from health issues. In Kingwood Lincoln there is a need of new urban design where is the efficiency of greenery. There will be park in every place. Trees should be planted at the edge of the road. There will be space between two buildings and garden will present in every colony. This work will confirm the link between the green space and resident’s health.
As per picture Kingwood Lincoln’s new urban design should be like this. The area should be surrounded by greenery.
Social challenges- The resident of the Kingwood has to face several problems due to the lack of green space. They are suffering from health problems and them also suffering from different issues. They have to face pollutions, mental problems and many more. The lack of green space provides affect on mental status. The suffered from many mental problems like depression, aggressiveness etc. In working man the effect of this can be finding easily. They are mostly suffered from depression. Older and children are suffered from asthma and many more disease. They also did bed wet. This also effect on children’s mental status they become irritated. The resident is also suffered from several skin diseases. The overall research conducts that it affect on mental, and physical status on their life.
- Mechanism of kingwood estate- The resident of the people is doing several plans and activities. They are planting trees at the edge of the road and they are making garden near to the society. They present to cut trees. The environment development community makes different policies for this. Every resident should plant trees and should not damage any trees or plant. Every year they occur an event in Kingwood and in this event they give knowledge relevant to the green space and that day they plant trees near to the houses, schools, offices and near to the road. The people who damage this property community also punish them. The provide awareness about green space to the children. They also campaigning in favour of green space. These activities provide deep knowledge about green space.
Intervention 1: The Kingswood Action Plan
The Kingswood action plan needs the government to implement his plans. The town planners, among others, decide between spaces and activities, they deal with the physical layout of communities, for making life comfortable, profitable and enjoyable they make proposals and start policies designed Andalo, D. (2007). Combined effort between government, physical planners and members of the public is essential for effective implementation and physical planning in any planned society. Sustainable development is probable when plan are implemented and done. There is the meaning of physical planning is just about organising things in the resolution. People would regret and agonize, when they don’t organize. Governments at different levels they need to get their planning during increase visions while it is their responsibility to do physical planning in different organized society with the help of professional physical planners. All disorganised society is reflections of the people they don’t know where they people are going Brent, J. (2009). There are only just 30% of the urban centres are planned and where this plans are available they are hardly enforced. This study reviews the statutes, policies and regulations that planning in common and urban green planning in mainly in order to recognize the areas that need development in so as to make sure sustainable development of our society.
The first planning policy efforts start with the establishment of coastal urban construction and settlement of the railway in the colonial times( Egan, J. 2004). There existed new colonial policies that unstable the high potential land in the middle highland for the select commercial and settlement which use by the kingwood Lincoln . Market, local authorities and towns were set up in the highlands while units of administrative and trading centre to support the settler economy. It slept out the need to accurate development imbalances created by first recognize the role of urban, policies, local and rural development in the national economy and redistribute development and recentralized and planning.
In 1965, the African socialism and its request to planning in Corby were adopted. This paper gave the main policy for the development in different sectors of the economy in the society. Its need to correct development imbalances created the first policy and reorganisation and ruler development in the national economy and redistributed developing and planning. In 1978 a strategy of human settlement for ruler and urban development was developed. All frameworks were provided by it for the management of urban growth as well as the area of physical development in ruler and urban areas to develop a coherent system of settlement of human. It emphasized the growth and service centre policies. In 2012, the witnessed of country shift of policy with a change in the dispensation of political. The strategy of economic recovery for employment and wealth creation policy document was published in 2003. It recognized the policy actions necessary to urge the recovery of the economy and theses are as follows:
First economic growth through measure to improve the revenues collection, expenditure restructuring and the policy of monetary that supports success of the economic growth without putting cost of stability into jeopar.
- Strengthening conditions of government.
- Investment in human capital particularly of the poor.
Kingwood Lincoln experiences the available of green spaces. It sets a background for regional and national policy. The kingwood Lincoln in North atmosphere region the study is applicable in the green nature of the environment. It also helps to demonstrate the social value of nature. It explores the social, environment and economic benefits to the development of green space. It also involves many activities such as recreational fields, urban culture, rooftop garden, traffic claiming and street claiming, community orchards. The project focuses on the relationship between health and the green space of both the community and health. Overall it effectively incorporates and improves the community the green space. In new urban design great parks, squares and streets make for a good quality of life. But now a day in urban areas are surrounded by buildings, pollutions, motor vehicles consequently the people have to suffer from health issues. The government of Kingswood Lincoln have needed to implement his plans. They planned some policies for make life easy or comfortable. Combine efforts between government and the members of the public is essential for effective implementation and physical planning in any planned society. The local of the people is doing several plans and activities. Understanding, Problems in gathering people, Communication, Individual Behaviour these are the several challenges which are faced by the community researchers.
Community Investigation
From this research the overall views come out that in Kingwood Lincoln, peoples are suffering from several health problems due to the lack of the greenery. Its provide effects on their daily life. Because of that in Kingwood Lincoln the pollution level reach in high level and residents has to face mental and physical problems( Carter, I. 2007). It mostly effects on the children’s health they feel problems in breathing, and they also become irritated and get depressed. The interviewing members of public are involved in research during the number of focus group discussions which is held in different part of the Kingwood Lincoln Northamptonshire.
The overall impact on the resident is bad they need a better solution of it. In Kingwood Lincoln required a green space it will provide good impact on their social mental and physical condition of an individual. It will provide good impact on the social condition of Kingwood Lincoln. The people become aware about the greenery near their society. It will also provide good impact on their mental condition. Through the green space they will feel good and relaxed. The people will never feel depressed. For this they have to make a proper plan to create new urban design.
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