Analysis Of Virtual Teams: Contemporary Business Issues And Management
Guidelines for the assessment
One of the recent works presented in order to examine the various aspects of the global virtual teams. The work is specifically set in the region of Malaysia. The methodology adopted in the work to examine the significance of the virtual team implementation is the combination of primary and secondary research. The primary research was conducted in about 263 of the Malaysian Global Business Services (GBS) industry, and thus renders a comprehensive insight about the aspects. The research sheds light on one of the most important aspect of the virtual team’s effectiveness that is the trust among the team members. The main finding that emerged in the work was that the various team climates such as the knowledge of the team, cohesion and skills in the team, directly influence the overall creativity, collaboration, performance and human relationships within the team.
The work is further aimed at shedding light on the management of varied interests in light of the different cultural backgrounds, ethnicities, language and likewise. The work is further complementary to the source one as it considers that the most important aspect of the management of the virtual teams is the management of conflicts, because such teams lack the interpersonal relationships. The research is comprehensive in a way that is combined of the theoretical aspects as well as backed by the first hand interviews of the 45 participants. The work highlights some of the key techniques such as the emotional regulation and the feedback seeking behaviours on the part of the leaders to effectively manage the conflicts and the resolve the same in the virtual teams.
The work studies one of the major aspects of the virtual teams that is the overall work efficiency through transfer of tacit knowledge among the members of the virtual teams, and to study the relationship between the team task, job engagement, and effect of knowledge transfer. The work is set in context of the Chinese global business operations. The research leads to the conclusion that the tacit knowledge is challenging to transfer and does not lays a positive influence on the efficiency of the team tasks. Thus, one of the major factors that must be considered before the implementation of the virtual teams is that the team members do not willingly want to share the tacit knowledge with each other. As a result, overall team efficiency needs a greater attention from the leaders. The source is effective in light of the significance of tacit knowledge in management of contemporary business issues.
Works on Significance of virtual teams implementation
The work highlights another significant for the successful creation and implementation of the virtual teams that is the roles played by personality and cognitive style which determines the preference for working in virtual teams. The source would be useful in understanding the significance of the member’s affinity with the information and communication technology before the creation of such a team, which further influences the individual preferences to join such a team. The work also highlighted the fact that there is not much literary work done on the lines of the individual preferences in virtual teams. The work concluded that the individuals who are more open to technology best fit in the virtual team set up, take it as a means to explore and therefore knowledge of technology is prime necessity for the virtual teams.
The work is centred mainly on the leadership of the virtual teams and therefore gives a different perspective of the virtual teams, thus the source is different from the last sources. The research interests of the authors include the subjects like innovation management, operation management, human resource management, educational technology and others. The work was aimed to analyse the effect of the leadership styles on the collaboration, competition, avoidance and other aspects while managing the conflicts in the teams through online resources. The theoretical review on the leadership styles, impacts and their suitability back the work. A range of diagrammatic presentations and the tables make the work easy to understand and useful for the bibliography.
The work explores some more significant aspects of the virtual teams that are the language differences, choice of the media and social categorization. The meth9d adopted for the conduct of the work was to employ a research in the various multinational corporations located in the n five European countries. The study of the interviews, observations, and language proficiency of the participants of the research makes it relevant for the bibliography. Research suggests that a combination of verbal and written media should be employed in the virtual teams because both have certain pros and cons in light of the differences in language. Further work lays focus on the fact that members generally emphasize English language proficiency in relation to other differences when conferring challenges to virtual work. Thus, the work concludes that there is a large likelihood of social categorization centred on language.
The authors of the research have the subject areas as the management, business and entrepreneurship and the same are professors in the respective fields in United States. The source is complimentary and similar to the source five and is also focussed on various aspects of leadership. The work is primarily aimed at identification of the crucial leadership capabilities in the different lifecycle stages of a virtual team. The method adopted in the work is the location of various literary works on the virtual team leadership highlighting the leadership capabilities and correlating the same with the various stages of the life cycle of virtual teams. It is concluded in the work that appropriate leadership approach would lead to increased levels of tolerance in terms of the temporal, cultural and geographic diversity as in the members of virtual team.
Manangement of conflicts and varied interests of members
The work is comprehensive and different from other sources in a way that it does not focusses on a single aspect of the virtual teams, rather highlights the key challenges faced, benefits obtained from the implementation of the virtual teams and also suggests a framework to overcome the key obstacles. The work highlights the four stages of team development that is the definition of goals, testing of scope of responsibilities, establishing the ways of communication and performing together in a team. Some of the important aspects highlighted in work are people, relationships, leadership, rewards, governance and technology. The simple literature format makes the work easy to understand and relevant for bibliography.
The work is aimed to study the relationship between the use of the technology affordances and the trust building in the virtual teams. The source is somewhat complimentary to the source one and source two in terms of the key concept of the trust. The primary research of the work is done through the evaluation of the multiple case-study approach. The collection of both qualitative and quantitative data and incorporating the same in work, makes the source detailed and relevant for the study of the topic. The research is addressed to the developers of the technology in way that human behaviour can be carried on in the virtual environment, provided the same is backed by the customised technological capabilities.
The work is mainly centred on the role of the culture in the virtual teams and its impact on the functioning of the virtual teams. The work highlights that the differences in the national cultural values impact the employee relations, team performance and the collaboration dynamics. While the members in the teams perceive the actions and words according to their national cultural values, which further leads to misinterpretations and biases. A systematic literature review over the years backs the above work. The work examines the articles from the varied areas of the sociological factors, business, communication, mass media, and other likewise. Tables presented in work makes the data concise to understand and interpret by the audiences.
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