Analysis Of Strategic Management: Case Studies Of Apple, Google, And Eastman Kodak

Introduction to Strategic Management

Strategic management refers to the process of creating, implementing and assessing cross-functional results that helps an organization in attaining its goals and objectives. Strategic management concentrates on incorporating management, accounting, marketing, operations and development to accomplish success in the organizational level. This paper analyses the concepts of strategic management and evaluates the manner in which a company has successfully incorporated or has failed to do so. The first section of the paper provides a general idea of strategic management and its contexts. In the second section of the paper, two companies are chosen, Apple and Google both with strong innovation strategies and their practices in the strategic management are being discussed. In the third section of the paper, another company Eastman Kodak is selected. This company shows weak formulation or implementation of innovation strategies and a description of their strategic management and of the organization is provided. In the fourth section of the paper I take lessons from the business strategies of Apple and Google and I formulate recommendations for the implementation of business strategies that can be beneficial for Eastman Kodak.

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Strategic management is the process of forming and implementing initiatives to attain the major aims and objectives of a company by the management team and officials of the company taking into consideration the available resources and on having evaluated the competitive environment in which the company functions (Rothaermel, 2015). The process of strategic management takes place in three phases –strategy formulation, strategy incorporation, and strategy assessment. The first phase involves the development of a mission or vision, recognition of the company’s threats and opportunities, determination of the weak and strong points of the company, establishment of long-term goals, generation of secondary and alternative strategic options, and choosing certain particular strategies to follow (Wheelen & Hunger, 2017). Among the issues that fall under the strategic formulation phase that should be looked after are: deciding on the new business area that one wishes to or can enter, deciding on business areas that should be avoided, deciding on the ways to make useful allocation of resources, choosing between the options of expanding or diversifying the business, deciding if it would be wise to expand the business on an international level, deciding on whether to collaborate or form associations with other businesses, and finding out ways to prevent an aggressive takeover. Strategic formulation includes company decisions that are oriented specifically towards markets, resources, products and technologies for a long period. Strategies aim at identifying long-lasting competitive advantages (Eden & Ackermann, 2013). In fact, to state the obvious, strategic choices have serious and multifunctional implications on a business organization.

Strategic Formulation

The second phase of strategic incorporation or implementation necessitates an organization to establish yearly goals, formulate policies, encourage and motivate employees, and distribute resources for the proper and successful execution of the formulated strategies (Barricket al., 2015). This phase involves the generation of a culture that is supportive of the formulated strategy, development of an effective framework regarding organizational policies, offering guidance in marketing efforts, preparation of budgets, effective utilization and development of technologies, and linking of compensation offered to the employees with the performance of the organization (Gendron, 2014). Strategy implementation is the action-stage in the framework of strategic management. Strategy implementation enables employees as well as managers to place into action the already formulated strategies (Chang, 2016). This particular phase is sometimes considered the toughest of all the phases in strategy management, since it sometimes requires serious commitment and discipline. Moreover, successful implementation of strategies requires skilled managers who can effectively motivate employees.

Strategic assessment or evaluation is the third and final phase involved in strategic management. The company managers require understanding and knowledge of the extent to which the strategies formulated and implemented are being beneficial to the organization. This is where strategic evaluation or assessment comes into play. Assessment or evaluation of the strategies helps managers to gain knowledge of the success and implications of their strategies (Hill, Jones & Schilling, 2014). However, it must be noted that the strategies can be modified since the external and the internal environment within which the company is operating is subject to constant changes. According to (Goetsch & Davis, 2014), there exists three basic and fundamental ways in which strategies can be evaluated, namely –measurement of the company’s performance based on the implemented strategies, identifying the internal and external factors that contain the foundations of the strategies, and taking actions for the improvement and enhancement of strategies

The process of strategic management can be best understood and studied using the above figure. This model provides a clear understanding of the practical approach to the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategies. The three important questions to be asked while developing a strategy are where the organization stands at present, where does it want to see itself in the future and how can it get there (Barney,2014). The identification of the organization’s vision, objectives and the mission are the rational points for starting in the strategic management process since an organization’s present situation might already include particular strategies that might be responsible for directing the company in a particular direction. It must be noted that the process of strategic management is a continuous and dynamic process. Any change in any one of the components of the model may affect and initiate a change in all or any of the other ones. It must also be noted as per the model shown in the figure that an organization’s business ethics and social responsibility has an impact on the other strategic activities shown in the model. Again, the global issues also tend to have a virtual effect on the strategic decision of organizations of all sizes in the current economic situation (Slack, 2015). However, unfortunately, the process of strategic management is not carried out as systematically as shown in the model. Most of the strategists today do not perform strategic management in a neat and systematic manner. Nevertheless, the process of strategic management is better applied in a formal fashion in organizations that are larger and are well established. Moreover, organizations that operate in a complex competitive atmosphere and in environments that are changing rapidly and constantly usually tend to be more formal in dealing with strategic management. To state facts, formal dealing of strategic management process has positive implications on cost, accuracy, comprehensiveness, and successful execution of strategies on a global level.

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Strategic Incorporation or Implementation

Strategic management helps an organization in being practical in the process of giving the company its future. The major benefit of having an effective strategic management system is that it helps organizations to gain a more rational, logical and systematic approach in the development of the strategic choice and its formulation (Serra & Kunc, 2015). One of the major ways to have an effect strategic management system is communication. The more the managers and the employees are engaged in communicating with each other; the more is their degree of dedication in taking the organization successfully forward. It is therefore, important to evaluate and improve the fashion in which the process of strategic management is carried out in an organization. Strategic management is highly beneficial in financial terms. Organizations with good strategic management tend to be more profitable than the ones with a weaker strategic management system. A strong strategic management system ensures enhancement and growth in sales, productivity and profitability (Morden, 2016). Besides financial benefits, strategic management has other benefits as well. Such benefits include recognition, prioritization and utilization of opportunities; identification of problems in management; enhancement of organizational coordination; effective distribution of resources; increase in productivity; motivation of anticipated thinking; enthusiastic and coordinated approach to problem-solving; motivation for positive attitude regarding changes; and induction discipline in the process of management.

Apple is ranked as one among the world’s most innovative companies(Forbes Welcome, 2018). Apple’s innovation strategy revolves around highly developed products with best and unique features and business models that are highly innovative. Apple offers its customers with developed software along with sturdy and high-quality hardware encased in fashionable packaging. Apple is known for creating new spaces in business and for creating new market positions (Pisano, 2015). The company has given the world some of its unique innovations such as the iPod, iPhone and iPad.

However, it must be noted that innovation is not only demonstrated in the company’s products, but also in its business models. Apple keeps bringing up innovative business models and new ways for the creation, retention and deliverance of value (Nylén & Holmström, 2015). For example, the iPod and the iPhone would not have been as effectively innovative as they had been if they had not been associated with iTunes and App Store. Apple is even creative in its value proposition that prioritizes the product essentially as an experience. This helped in motivating and encouraging greater ideas when the leaders of the organization aimed at creating new and better business models. It should be noted, that Apple’s dedication for applying innovation is driven culturally and not by process. Apple has successfully built an innovation system that is effective for promoting creativity among the people, developing unique ideas and launching profitable innovations (, 2018). To this end can be statedthat one of the reasons that Apple has achieved this is because it promotes diversity of culture and holds advantage of innovation process and business collaborations for gaining new opportunities in the market as well as for ensuring growth of the business (Heracleous, 2013). Therefore, it is evident that innovative and unique partnerships form a crucial part of the innovation strategy of Apple.

Strategic Assessment or Evaluation

Like Apple, Google has also established its name among the most innovative companies of the world. They strive for innovation in both their products and their services(, 2018). They have successfully brought innovations in their products, technology and their services. In order to attain such standards in their innovations strategies, Google follows certain principles of innovation. The strategists at Google believe that innovation can be derived from anywhere and even places least expected from. Furthermore, Google gives first priority to the users and perceives money as secondary (Steiber & Alänge, 2013). To state an instant, Google implemented an innovation in order to speed up the search functions by introducing the feature of predictive analysis or instant search, such that the user gets access to search suggestions just after typing a few keywords. Such a feature saves the users’ valuable time. Therefore, it can be stated that Google aims at creating a great and innovative experience for the users and believes that such user-friendly innovations would increase the company’s profitability.

Google believes that aiming to be better by ten times proves beneficial for the purpose of bringing revolutionary, radical and effective innovation which forces one to think in unique patterns. For example, in 2004, Google had innovated a new way of storing, organizing and digitalizing all of the world’s information through their creative venture of Google Books. Until this date, Google has been able to digitalize almost 30 million books (Grant, 2016). Google also demonstrates confidence in their unique insights. They believe that confidence in unique insights results in the emergence of major innovations. Presently, having observed the huge rates of fatal car accidents due to human error, Google aims for a life-changing innovation. They are aiming to build cars that are self-driving and work with artificial intelligence. Their engineers are undertaking experiments with the Stanford’s University’s team of artificial intelligence. Such innovations can only take place if one has enough confidence in their vision.

Google has worked for the strategic development of innovative ecosystems (Gawer & Cusumano, 2014). For example, after creating the Android platform, Google realized that they would not be able to employ all the of the best application developers worldwide. Hence, they made the platform open by default and allowed millions of developers to construct applications for the android users. This helped them create an ecosystem involving users, Google engineers, and both external and internal developers. However, besides everything, Google is of the view that the most important step to an effective development of innovation strategy is the development of a vision and of a statement of mission.

Understanding the Process of Strategic Management

Apple has successfully formed an effective strategic management framework and has successfully implemented almost all of its strategies. The mission statement of Apple demonstrates their dedication to deliver the best experience of computing to users ranging from, students, teachers, professionals and other consumers on a global level through the innovative development of software, hardware and web-based service (, 2018). Apple’s effective strategy management and constant innovation in technology has made it the leading organization in the digital industry and has provided the company with a highly secure financial background. While the company has created many managerial positions, the company was till his death in 2011  majorly led and operated by its founder, Steve Jobs, and now by his successor Tim Cook. The company is greatly admired for its corporate culture that demonstrates a motto of hard work and effective recreation. In the formulation and implementation of a marketing strategy, the company gives importance to the four Ps –product, price, place and promotion (Pisano, 2015). Apple’s strategy for product development is to deliver user-friendly and high-quality products with innovative and unique design. In the pricing context, Apple follows a model of value-based prices, variable pricing strategy and a strategy of fixed price. Such effective management of strategic initiatives has made the company the success that it is.

Google’s strategic management practices has innovation built into it. They offer a variety of products with latest innovations both in hardware and in application software. The strategic management practice of Google works at three different levels –the corporate level, the business level, and the operational level(, 2018). At the corporate level, Google’s major approach is at attaining stability. They have also developed strategies to gain sustainable growth. At the business level, Google’s main strategy is to focus on their users. Strategists at Google aim at constant improvement. They entitle high priority to speed of production and delivery. They also demonstrate a democratic approach towards their strategy management (Grant, 2016). Moreover, they keep striving for improving themselves and their strategies. At the operational and functional level, Google’s strategy is to provide flexible and suitable working facilities for their employees including facilities like working from home. They have also installed innovation laboratories and have encouraged the emergence of start-ups on the individual level. Google’s basic and fundamental strategy is to concentrate on differentiation through the strong data centers all over the world, to develop unique algorithms for page searching options, and to improve themselves incessantly through innovation(, 2018). On the secondary level, their strategy is to focus on their business growth and expansion through mergers and acquisitions, through innovation in their products and services such as social media, g-mail, cloud computing, and mobile computing, through the fast development of new and unique technologies, and through formation of strategic associations to facilitate product collaborations.

Benefits of Strategic Management

The once popular Eastman Kodak that created the best customer experience with a camera and was one of the top innovative companies, began toface slow degradation with their lowering standards of strategy management. Where Kodak failed to uplift their strategy management was at the level of innovation. It is highly necessary that organizations recognize the necessity of innovation in the products and the services that they offer (Johnston & Bate, 2013). There exist two types of innovation –disruptive and sustaining. In this context, Kodak was unable to withstand disruptive innovation. Poor strategy management of Kodak has led the company to bankruptcy.

Kodak lacked innovation in their strategies and products with the developing technology and advancing digital revolution. Kodak failed miserably in their functional strategy (Gershon, 2013). In the financial sector, they concentrated more towards securing its existing profit and revenue rather than paying attention to the market needs. Their major setback came from lacking innovation in their technological development strategies. They held back from developing innovations in their existing technology that would suit the present digital age (Tellis, 2013). They allotted more time than required in performing research functions. They failed to communicate and connect effectively with higher management in the hierarchy. Moreover, they did not contain any effective strategy management body before just recently. Kodak has also failed in their strategic management of the supply chain (Melvin, 2018)). They lacked in information that was specific to products. They had also failed in the formulation an implementation of marketing strategies. For example, Kodak did not agree to sponsor the 1984 Olympics of Los Angeles and gave the opportunity to Fuji. Furthermore, Kodak’s weak strategy management is demonstrated in their blindness towards new and better opportunities. They are extremely slow in the execution of their strategies. They failed to recognize the importance of innovation with the emergence of the digital age hoping to retain the film business (Brown, Bessant & Lamming, 2013). They also failed to implement strategies that could expose them to advances outside their comfort zone.

Apple recognizes technology that is on the rise and are unique, and uses the technological innovation to create a mass appeal in the competitive market (, 2018). They integrate in the best manner their sophisticated hardware and their high- quality software. They work together and smoothly and in case of any trouble, it is directly taken care of by the officials holding higher positions in Apple’s hierarchy. Innovation if it is successful can prove to be beneficial in exposing an intact market and help an organization to gain competitive advantage. It is, therefore, recommended that Kodak works at developing a highly effective strategy management body capable of identifying the unique opportunities in this competitive market of the digital age. Kodak must formulate and incorporate new and unique strategies of innovation to gain their lost market position back.

Case Study: Apple

Google considers profit and revenue to be secondary and gives their users the first priority(, 2018). This has proved to be extremely beneficial for the company’s growth and profit structure. In this context, Kodak must take lessons from Google. They must develop strategies to identify the needs of their customers irrespective of its impact on their revenue. They must collect valuable customer feedbacks and suggestions to gauge the requirements and desires of their customers and then incorporate them in their strategies. This would help in the increase in customer satisfaction and enable the company to retain its customers which in turn would prove to be beneficial for the company’s growth.

At the core of Apple’s success is their strategy of forming innovative partnerships (, 2018). Kodak must engage in strategies involving collaborating with other profitable organizations. This strategy would help them in developing a new and informative outlook. As Google believes that innovations can come from any place, Kodak must realize and broaden their scope to attain a better innovation strategy.

Kodak should also build an efficient strategy management team that is able to take the whole process of strategy management, starting from the stage of formulation to evaluation in a systemic, target-oriented and formal manner. Such approach at strategy management has been practiced by most successful organizations like Apple and Google and has proved to be effectively beneficial.

Innovation does not only apply to services and products. Kodak must improve and innovate their functional strategy as well. They must find out new and innovative areas of marketing strategy. For example, with the rising popularity of the social media, they must develop marketing strategies that could target the wide range of social media users.


The paper concludes that an effective strategy management is extremely important for any organization to gain competitive advantage. It is also seen that an effective strategy management usually occurs in three stages –formulation, incorporation and evaluation. In this context is understood the strategic management practices of two of the most successful organization with unique innovation strategies. The strategy management practices of Kodak have been looked into and the reason of its failure has been seen in their lack of an effective innovation strategy along with their poor strategic management. In addition, it is advised that Kodak incorporated and introduces a better strategy manage system, especially in their functional level taking lessons from successful companies like Apple and Google.

Innovation Strategy of Apple


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