Analysis Of Snickers Advertisement: Concepts And Communication Objectives
Exposure, Attention, and Perception Concepts in Snickers Advertisement
Analysis of Possible Target Market
The commercial advertisement which have been considered in analyzing the target market is Snickers: “Hungry Betty White” (2010) which was the campaign with Betty White (and Abe Vidoga) during the 2010 super bowl. The possible target market of the respective product will be all age groups inclusive of both men and women. Specially, the market is trying to target the youngsters particularly the males and it is connecting with the audiences of the previous generation which will help them in connecting with more customers easily (Einstein, Addams & Roosevelt, 2016). The chocolate bar of Snickers is perceived with nutritional values which promises great taste and it follows the mid premium pricing policy for the high-end products that has helped them in managing the overall scenario effectively.
The possible communication targets of Snickers bars are based on the shopping motives of the individuals who are present in the market. It is the Diversion aspect which has been utilized by Snickers wherein it is highlighting the ability of the shoppers to present the different opportunities to the shopper in escaping from the daily life routine and try some kind of escapism and recreation. Furthermore, social and communication motives feature the potential of the different shoppers in providing them with pleasant backgrounds and advertisements which attract them. There is the inclusion of Idea Shopping which helps in keeping with new trends and fashions as to seek new products along with innovations.
There are different communication objectives which helped in creating 60% awareness of Snickers tub Ice Cream as to become the target market leader in the confectionary brand ice-cream within the next 18 months. The proposed target market for the campaign is males between the age group of 16-34 years of age group.
As per the Maslow’s Hierarchy Needs Theory, the main aspect is to analyse the growth needs of the different individuals which will help them in motivating and improving morale. In case of the advertisement of Snickers, it has been seen that the Physiological Needs are being highlighted. It basically highlights the hunger needs of the individuals as these are the biological requirements and Snickers have introduced the bar in such a form which will be helpful in meeting demands of human body and the hunger needs will be satisfied. Maslow’s physiological Needs are the most essential aspects as all the other needs are secondary if these needs are not being met properly.
Learning and Attitudes in Snickers Advertisement
Furthermore, from the tagline “You’re not you when you’re hungry,” it can be analysed that the different primary needs such as hunger is required to be met as it can give rise to anger and therefore as the tagline suggests that the person will not be the same when he/she is hungry. It has become the best-selling candy bar as it actually meets the different hunger requirements of the individuals.
a. Use and Perception of Colors
As per the particular advertisement, the use and perception of color are essential and plays a significant role as it created a tremendous psychological impact on the people. For example- The purpose of Black and Red Color is very useful in communicating to the consumers the quality images to the customers. For many years, the usage of Red color has been done by MARS has innovated to grow brand as the primary motive is to deliver quality and value to the customers (, 2019).
From the instance, it can be identified that the colors are associated with meaning that it is culture-specific and hence the people from a different culture can associate with the overall meaning to the same kind of color. The Red Color in Mars along with Yellow color have perceived meanings which is inclusive of warmth, intense and passionate that will drive the interests of the customers (Blackman, 2017).
b. Ambiguity and Participation
In the previous packaging of the MARS Chocolate, there was the presence of Weasel Words that contributed to the overall confusion of the ambiguous meaning which was provided to be useful; however, it did not attract the customers. However, in the current packaging of the MARS Chocolate, there is no such ambiguity; however, there is participation which is concerned with maintaining and attracting the attention of the customers.
It can be identified that these are the messages that work wherein it might be incomplete, and for this reason, the audiences are encouraged as to attend the message and the customers can complete the message which is known as law of closure in which it suggests that customers enjoy filling up such gaps for themselves. From the above example, it can be analysed that the brand is known to the customers through positive word of mouth aspect and the customers try to remember the message through storing the same in memory (Olson et al., 2017).
a. Classical conditioning (associationist learning)
In the particular advertisement, it is termed as the Classical Conditioning to a certain extent as after watching the advertisement of the MARS Chocolate, there can be a certain percentage of individuals who will feel hungry, and they can imagine the taste of the chocolate at once (Prsa, Galiñanes & Huber, 2018). It has been argued that marketing of a product does not create needs; instead, it helps in encouraging the want among the customers for the specific product as there is an association between the acquisition of the different products and services along with satisfaction which has been derived from the same. In the case of MARS, it is similar to the customers as the advertisement is the unconditioned stimulus which triggers hunger among the customers instantly.
Action and Post-purchase behavior in Snickers Advertisement
b. Operant conditioning (instrumental learning)
The advertisement related to MARS Chocolate is termed as the operant conditioning to a certain extent as well because in the particular aspect, the primary motive of the company was regarding product innovation of the chocolate with new flavors along with packaging. The main fear in the modernization of the respective product is related to the preferences of the customers in the market. As the customers have preferred the previous MARS chocolate to a great extent, therefore it is a type of uncertainty which can create a massive effect on the overall profitability of the product negatively or positively (Choi et al., 2018).
In the particular advertisement, the main issue will be faced by the advertiser as the innovation can be successful only if the customers prefer the taste and packaging and the advertising of the new variant of the product attracts the customers. There can be the inclusion of both positive and negative reinforcement which is termed as the offering of praise after the desired behavior is applied. On the other hand, there can be no such offering of praise after the application of the desired behavior.
c. Attitude to the advertisement and the product (good/service) being offered with Katz Functional Approach
As per the Katz Functional Approach, it can be analyzed that the attitudes of the individuals are determined with the help of the functions which are served to them by the products. The people try to hold the given kind of attitude in such a manner which will help achieve the primary goals. Katz attempts to distinguish the four different types of psychological functions wherein the different positions meet.
In the Instrumental Aspect, the MARS Chocolate has tried to develop favourable attitudes towards the different aspects which will reward them. The advertisement has been done in which MARS is trying to change their packaging along with the taste of the chocolate by bringing innovation which will work in their favor (Eaton, Libey & Fetz, 2016).
As per the Knowledge Aspect, the advertisements help in providing a meaningful message to the customers regarding the innovation in the taste and packaging of the product. Due to the same, it assisted in bringing clarity and order to the different complexities (Eelen, 2018).
In the case of the Value-Expressive Aspect, it can be seen that there is an expression of the fundamental values along with the reinforcement of self-image. In the particular advertisement, the chief innovation has been done on the taste of the chocolate, and the cover of the chocolate has been for attracting a greater number of customers towards the same (Chernev, 2018).
Target Market and Communication Targets of Snickers
Lastly, in the Ego-Defensive Aspect, these serve as the mechanisms which helped in developing the attitude of superiority in comparison to the other chocolate brands. There is the inclusion of the other chocolate brands such as Dairy Milk which offers similar products with variations; therefore, due to the loss in productivity and sales, the MARS Chocolate has introduced innovative taste and packaging of the chocolate.
Reflection on Own Purchasing Decision and Behavior
While I purchased the MARS Chocolate, firstly I tried to recognize the need for consuming the chocolate. Furthermore, I decided to gather different information regarding the taste of the chocolate as it is one of the most important criteria I feel before purchasing any product or service. After the evaluation of the product, I tried to analyze and evaluate the taste of the product and compare it with the other chocolate brands to judge the taste.
After consuming the product MARS Chocolate, I felt that the price of the product is little high as it contained the similar ingredients as of the other chocolate brands and it could have been a little lower as to gain more competitive advantage. Lastly, after the consumption of the chocolate, I tried to analyze whether the chocolate contained all the pieces of stuff which I was looking for. From the respective decision-making process of the buying behavior of the customers, it can be analyzed that I liked the brand MARS Chocolate as I loved the new packaging of the product along with the taste of the product as it is healthy and it has less fat ingredients in the new pack.
In the case of Rossiter, Percy & Donovan model, the main concern is on the type of motivation and the decision-making aspects which helps the marketers in reaching out to the target group customers.
As per Low-Involvement, Negative Motivation, it can be seen that the marketers should not worry regarding the preferences of customers. They should try to keep up with their profitability in the market.
As per Low-Involvement, Positive Motivations, there should be the inclusion of emotional appeal which will be relevant for consumers to encourage them in liking the innovation.
In High Involvement, Negative Motivations, there should be the inclusion of convincing appeals to over claim the benefits as there are other alternatives present in the market (Ghosh, Barai & Datta, 2018).
In High Involvement, Positive Motivations, the marketers should provide proper information for the ones who are the loyal customers, and it will reflect on the purchase of products and services (Wu et al., 2017).
Maslow’s Hierarchy Needs Theory in Snickers Advertisement
On the other hand, the FCB Grid, the aspect is based on the involvement of the customers along with their perception of the individuals on the salient knowledge and beliefs of the product.
From the analysis of the different models which have been described in the previous section, it can be analyzed that Rossiter, Percy & Donovan model will be helpful for the marketers in providing the useful information to the customers regarding the products and services (Shaw, 2016). However, in case of the FCB Grid, the central aspect is on the customers whether they have the idea on the beliefs of the product which will be helpful for them to purchase the products carefully and with full knowledge. As per the Rossiter, Percy & Donovan model, it can be identified that the marketers should try to convince the customers for purchasing the product, however the marketers need to be aware of gaining competitive advantage and profitability through selling the products and innovating the products and services whenever required (Sargeant & MACQUILLIN, 2015).
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