Analysis Of Impact Of The Djibouti Code Of Conduct And Regional Cooperation Agreement On Combating Piracy And Armed Robbery Against Ships In Asia

Importance of Regional and International Cooperation to Stop Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships

The proposed research is based on Djibouti Code of Conduct analysis with Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy as well as armed robbery against ships in Asia. The ReCAAP ISC conducts timely and accurate information sharing on incident of piracy and sea robbery. It has been identified that maritime piracy still remains to be a significant threat to maritime trade as well as the safe passage ships of through Western Indian Ocean and Gulf of Aden. Thus, the propose study tends to investigate the impact of regulatory framework such as Djibouti Code of Conduct with the regional Cooperation Agreement on such incident. The following section describes the base the proposed study. This introductory section of report discusses the importance of performing a study on the chosen context along with clear aim and objectives.

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It is certain that Piracy and armed robbery against ship is always a significant concern which sparks several national and political debates. Thus, Hribernik (2013) commented that there is an urgent need for conscious of the significance of international cooperation and urgent necessity for greater regional cooperation of all States affected within Asia to stop piracy as well as ARAS efficiently. On the other side, Treves (2009) mentioned that information sharing as well as capacity building among the Contracting parties should significantly contribute towards the prevention and suppression of piracy and armed robbery in Asia. When it comes to taking action against the robbery and piracy in Asia through regulatory framework, it is worth stating that authority needs to ensure a larger effectiveness of the agreement.  Haywood, and Spivak (2013) commented that piracy is a global issue but its deteriorating security situation in Djibouti and other gulf nations between 2006 to 2013 as well as the growing attacks on Gulf of Guinea is a significant challenge. It has been further identified that the intensity of concern for the challenge in the global environment which is exemplified by the ranges of co-operation and coordination among naval and other significant forces from many nations. Thus, it is worth mentioning that facilitating discussion between industry, security forces as well as other authorities with an interest in piracy issue is a significant of work of regulatory framework. The focus on such framework is a significant area of discussion of the proposed research.

The proposed study aims to investigate the impact of Djibouti Code of Conduct with regional Cooperation Agreement on piracy and armed robbery against ship in Asia. It will shed light on the role of regulatory organizations in preventing robbery and piracy. Following are the key objectives to meet the stated aim

  • To review the existing regulatory framework on combating piracy and armed robbery against ships in Asia
  • To analyse the role of Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy and armed robbery
  • To evaluate how the regulatory framework ensures safe passage of Asian ships through the corridor
  • What is the role of Djibouti Code of Conduct and Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy and armed robbery against the ship in Asia?

Role of Regulatory Framework in Taking Action Against Piracy and Robbery in Asia

Even though several studies have been performed on the regulatory framework and code of conduct to learn about how piracy and armed robbery can be prevented but due to dynamic political condition and lack of governmental involvement, the issue has further taken the toll of reaching the global environment. The controversy regarding the issues are represented different gulf and Asian nations but the entire process requires a unanimous approach. The proposed study will help to learn how Djibouti Code of Conduct and Regional Cooperation Agreement takes the initiatives to prevent the sated issues.

Previous studies clearly state the fact that regional cooperation among states has a great role to play in solving the challenge of piracy and armed robbery against the ships in Asia which is evidenced by the achievement of regional anti-party operation in the Asia. Bueger (2013) mentioned that there are several Asian nations that have no naval capacity of any type; this happens because they are particularly are not in the position to fight against the piracy effectively. These states presently are in vulnerable positions as they cannot protect their trade through seas from the pirates and the armed robbers.  This section of report presents a preliminary findings of existing studies on piracy and armed robbery as well as the regulatory framework against the same. Review of literature has been performed considering fifteen journal articles and all of them are published after 2013. Then discussion and analysis on the chosen context has been presented on the basis of the themes found in the existing studies.

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According to Gottlieb (2013) undoubtedly armed robbery and maritime piracy have become a more alarming than decades ago. This fact is further considered as a serious threat as well as contemporary challenge of international community and coastal regions. On the contrary, Pristrom et al., (2013) mentioned that such as occurrence could differ from one particular region to another but its effect always remain global. Then author has argued that it should be rather treated as national challenge before it takes its toll when reaches the international forum. Thus, there is a significant need of strengthening the national capacity to prevent as well as address maritime piracy and armed robbery against the ships. Notwithstanding, Wu (2016) mentioned that regional and international community should support the stated efforts with the focus of being effective to the initiative. Insisting on prevention and capacity development on a national level could ultimately lessen the impact of regional community’s role. Thus, Son (2015) suggested that major goal should be about resolving things before it turns into a Djibouti regional case.

Objectives of the Proposed Study

According to Anyimadu (2013), the word “pirate” has its fundamental root from latin word “Pirata” where the notion of sea robber and eventually it is derived from the Greek word “Perian”. Thus, according to the author, the pirate is etymologically an individual who attempts an actual attack on some particular individual, agency and organization. In this context, Beckman and Page (2014) commented that if the piracy has been related to sea transportation for a long time, such transportation might hold the scope for extending into air transportation. However, in spite of today’s random use of the word piracy in different fields, it has retained its original references to the maritime arena which depicts the act of hostility, robbery and violence. Beckman and Page (2014) defined “maritime piracy” as stated LOSC as an illegal action or violence which is committed for the passengers of private aircraft. On the other side, Bueger (2013) commented that any sort of global involvement in the operation of a ship with such knowledge of facts can make it worse.

On the other side, Pristrom et al., (2013) mentioned that the world has been observing the challenge of maritime piracy and armed robbery since the ancient period of civilization where social and economic issues are a real challenge. According to the author, occurrence of such incidents may differ sometimes as it particularly depends on the regions. It is certain that some significant breakouts can occur once the degree of threat in one region for maritime piracy and armed robbery against ships is reduced. Wu (2016) conducted a study and stated the fact that under 21st century maritime and robbery against ships could be identified in different regions along with the nations like East Africa, Indian Ocean, West Africa, Djibouti and Arabian Sea. The following figure shows the frequency of occurrence of piracy and armed robbery against the ships.   

According to Ansari (2017), each contracting party should, in accordance with its national regulations as well as applicable rules should make every efforts to take and implement effective measures with respect to preventing and suppressing piracy and ARAS. In addition to this, it is also about arresting pirates or the individuals who have committed ARAS. Anyimadu (2013) mentioned that Djibouti Meeting adopted the Djibouti Code of Conduct regarding the repression of Piracy and Armed Robbery against the ships in Western Indian ships.  Furthermore, Haywood and Spivak (2013) commented that the Code of Conduct remains as the open signature at IMO headquarter which is done by several other nations in the region. In this context, Wu (2016) commented that the Code, which becomes effective from the date, it was signed and considers account and promotes the implementation of those aspects of UN Security Council resolution.

Review of Existing Literature on Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships

A research philosophy is a fundamental belief regarding the ways in which the data about a particular phenomenon need to be gathered, used and analysed. There are three different types of research philosophies namely positivism, interpretivism and realism. According to Creswell & Clark (2017), positivism remains with the view that only factual knowledge derived through the observation with the inclusion of measurement is reliable. The outcome of such philosophical studies are quantifiable. On the other side, realism research philosophy is based on the idea of independence of reality and it is also based on the assumptions of a scientific approach to the development of knowledge. Conversely, intepretivism research philosophy emphasizes in-depth and intelligible insight of meaningful social actions in a particularly context. Nonetheless, the proposed study will use positivism research philosophy.

Research approaches are comprised of three different categories namely deductive, inductive and abductive research approach. According to Hughes and Sharrock (2016), a deductive research approach is concerned with the development of hypothesis and it is particularly based on existing theories further helping to validate research hypothesis. On the other side, inductive research approach is known as inductive reasoning which starts with observation and theories. These theories are proposed towards the end of the research process as the outcome of observation. Conversely, abductive research approach on the other side, abductive approach is set to resolve the weaknesses that are associated with deductive and inductive approaches. However, in the proposed study deductive research approach will be used.

Justifying deductive research approach

Deductive research approach has been selected as it best fits with research requirements. For example, the outcome will help to learn how Djibouti Code of Conduct and Cooperation Regional Cooperation Agreement plays its role in taking preventative initiatives against piracy and robbery against the ships.

Research designs are comprised of two different categories namely exploratory as well as descriptive research design. As put forward by Lewis (2015), exploratory research focussing on exploring specific research aspects of the research areas. Gioia, Corley and Hamilton (2013) argued that exploratory research design does not deliver final as well as conclusive responses to research questions. On the other side, descriptive research study aims at casting light on the existing issues or problems through the process of data collection. However, in the present study descriptive research design will be selected. Research design helps to analyse non-quantified topics and issues related to piracy and armed robbery against the ships in Asia.

Occurrences of Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships in Different Regions

Secondary data is a type of data that are already published in books, journals, newspapers, magazines and wide reading sources. There is an abundance of secondary data available in these data sources (Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault, 2015). In the present study, secondary data is collected for performing the analysis on the role of Djibouti Code of Conduct and Cooperation Regional Cooperation Agreement on piracy and armed robbery against ship and data has been collected from books and journal articles that are performed on warehouse management.

The collected data first will be presented with graph and tables including the frequency of robbery and piracy against the ships in Asia. The data findings will be analysed by comparing with the findings of existing studies. The research will use a thematic analysis method in which 5 to 6 different themes on chosen topic will be selected. The selected themes will also include graphs and figures to indicate the data and facts.

The proposed study is restricted to secondary data analysis only, which means that the study does not include primary data. In addition to this, the journal used in the study does not include the contemporary facts and findings regarding piracy and armed robbery.

Ethical consideration is a significant area in all business and academic studies. Ethical challenges especially occurs in data collection with respect to their validation and acknowledgement. Thus, to avoid such issue in the proposed study, all data sources are acknowledged and cited accurately.


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