Analysis Of Human Resource Management Practices And Its Impact On Google’s Performance

Google’s Vision and Mission Statement

Google is an American multinational company founded in 1998 by two brothers Sergey Brin and Lary Page (Bush, 2018). It has ranked as the best company to work. The rules and policies that are made in Google is employee centric and it provides the maximum benefits and perks to the employees in the organization. The human resource department of the company focuses on the growth of the company. Due to its innovative strategies for the employee benefits, it is reaching to the greater heights. Currently it has offices in almost 14 states and over 46 countries globally.

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The main human resource practices of the company include the training programs for employees and management techniques for effective performance. Google analyses the performance of the employee’s time-to-time and design the effective training programs in order to support the employees to learn various new aspects. The evaluation of the training programs is done time-to-time so that the result of training program is come to know.

The vision statement of the company is to provide the easy access to all the information of the world in just one click. The most popular product of the Google is its service of search engine. This enables the people to get the easy access to different information of the world. The vision statement of the Google consists of three variables- world’s information, one click, and accessibility. Google fulfils the first various by providing all the information in its webpage. It fulfils the accessibility variable by offering its “Search engine” all around the world. The click component of the company fulfils the vision statement by providing the easy access to all the information in just one click. The company fulfils all the three components that made the company successful from starting (Thompson, 2018).

The mission statement of the company is to organize the information of the world and make it accessible all over the world and useful. The company focuses on ensuring that the people across the world can access the information whatever they need. Besides fulfilling all the three variable of its vision statement, it fulfils the mission statement also by providing its universal accessibility across the world.

Google business is moving with a greater phase in the world. It is one of the most valuable search engines of the world that simply states that it is the top most company that is used by almost all the people in the world. Due to its easy accessibility of the information, it helps the people to search anything anywhere from the world. The best working culture of Google ensures the most talented workforce to work in the organization. Form a data published, it is founded that Google revenue is increased 26% in the first quarter this year (Lynley, 2018). This states that the performance of Google is getting effective day by day. Besides this, the parent company of Google, Alphabet has earned more profits and revenue than expected. Google another business, Cloud segment is growing so faster that boosts its market share and revenue.  It is understood at due to its better working environment and innovative technologies, it is one of the most search engines of the world. from a recent data, it is founded that very soon it is going to launch a censored search engine in China (Economic Times, 2018).

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Google’s Growth and Business Strategy

Human resource is the most important department of any organization. Google ensures that the employees are encourages in the workplace and devote their time on the job with sincerity and integrity (Pratap, 2017). Following are the HR strategies of Google-

  • Recruitment and hiring- it is the first and foremost phase in the HR procedure of Google. As it is second home of the technologies expert so the workplace is open for those who really want to work. Every day there are 1300 resume come to the HR department of the company. After going through the resume, Google hire that applicant who deserves the job.

(Culture Summit, 2016)


The figure proves that the workforce of Google is from diversifying background. It means that Google recruits employee of different culture, castes, and nationality. Due to it’s diversify background, it is able to manage the best recruitment policy in the organization. The effective recruitment process attracts the best and talented workplace at Google.

  • Training – the staff of Google are provided various training programs in which they are offered the various opportunities to develop their skills and capabilities to handle different situations. In the training program, growth opportunities are offered to the employees by the skills classes, management, business writing. Google has also expanded its learning as well as improvement team in order to develop the future leaders for the company (Brockbank et al, 2018).In a survey, it is founded that the 92% of the employees are given training and development programs. Besides it, it is founded that 97% people have necessary tools and resources to fulfil the responsibilities at the job.
  • Compensation program – Google is one of the top most companies that provide satisfactory wages to the employees of the organization (Eisenberger, Malone, and Presson, 2016). It treats the employees as most valuable asset. Google believes that the success of the company is due to its talented workforce. The HR strategy of the company also properly suits to the vision of the company. The motivation theory perfectly fit with the HR practice of compensation at Google. By providing satisfactory wages to its employees, it is able to motivate its employees thus increase productivity. The stable and better compensation program of Google helps the employees to make their more efforts in their performance and increases the productivity in the working.
  • Retention programs- by providing various compensation packages, it is able to retain the high quality human resource in the organization. The compensation packages of the company are innovative. For example- it provides high wages and salaries to its staff. In addition to the wages, it also provides food services and other benefits to the employees. The design of the company emphasises on the creativity and fun at organization that helps it in attracting and retaining the innovative workforce (Ray, 2017). Google helps the employees in providing financial assistance at the time emergency. All these benefits and safe working environment helps the employees to retain in the organization for long time.
  • Career development- the HR management of the Google identifies the various career requirements and opportunities through a combination of coaching and jib analysis. A tool of Job analysis helps the HR managers to identify the potential opportunities for the employees in the organisation (Patton and McMahon, 2014). All these HR activities at the workplace ensure the employees to give their best at workplace. For the career development, Google conducts the annual appraisal program for ensuring the development of employees. For example- Google has created a tool named “Google Fiber” that informs the employees regarding new career opportunities that are available. This technique helps the employees to have their better personal growth.

A process through which employees undergo such programs helps them in the learning various skills that will helps in development of employees for long term. Google has also created provide such working environment that helps in the continuous learning of employees. In the learning environment, employees get the opportunity to learn continuously and grow. It has various special training programs associated to content development, presentation skills and management. Besides this, free classes are also provided for learning foreign culture and language to the employees. The development of employees is done well in the companies that help the employees in understanding the various career opportunities that are available them for the future. There is separate team in the company to provide leadership programs in order to develop the future leaders for the company. From the article, it is founded that 120 hours of training and development is essential for the Google employees every year.

For ensuring the development of employees, Google also has compensation plans for employees those who want to pursue further education. The global education program for leave provides up to 5 years of lave as well reimbursement up to $150,000 to employees to take the education further.

There are different incentives and benefits that are provided to the employees in order to develop the skills of employees.  The list of perks are provided to the employees which are as follows-

  • Gym facility to help the employees to maintain their health.
  • Saving plans on retirement of employees.
  • Help of expert for financial management so that employees can remain worry free.
  • Free snacks with meal and drink.

All the perquisites listed above helps the employees for their development plan. These benefits are designed in the organization that motivates the employees at organization. The compensation packages of Google ensure the increment in dedication level of employees at workplace. Besides all these, Google has created an environment where suggestions of employees are given value (Mazzei, Flynn and Haynie, 2016).Whenever new products is about to launch, it first released internally and employees suggestions are invited to check its viability i. On that product, staffs provide their feedback about the usability and various new features before moving for the final release. 20% projects in Google allow its employees to devote their 20% time in the projects outside the general responsibility. For the development of employees, Google has created a HR so to retain the talented workforce in the organization. All the policies taken for the employees of Google inspire a feeling of belonging and investment in the organization.

Fig 2.2

The figure states the parameters of employee development. In every company, it is necessary to provide training to employees that help in personal development of employees as well as increment in productivity of organization. Besides this, perquisites are the major things that every employee strives in the organization. Google effectively uses both these things for the development of employees at workplace.

Human Resource Management Practices at Google

The training programs at Google prove to be very effective for the workplace staff. It uses various types of needs analysis like work analysis, organizational analysis, and cost benefit analysis. Through organizational analysis identifies the new needs for human resource based on the present situation. For example- while development of new products and investment in any new business, Google conducts the organizational analysis in order to determine the requirement for human resource. On the other hand, work analysis determines the specific requirement so that work task can be fulfilled. It supplies the work analysis for the new jobs or when any restructuring of organization occurred. The practicality of training activities and program is determined through the cost analysis. The basis objective of human resource management in HRM is to maximise the benefits from training program. Whenever any new entrants joins the organisation, it provides the orientation training to its employees just to familiar with the organisational policies and rules, different departments in the organization as well as from the people who are working there (Schneidwer, 2018). In order to implement a training program, the main approach of Google approach is to facilitate the learning of the employees. This is the right approach taken by the Google while providing training because learning is the most important things that need to be taken in mind while giving training to the employees.  Whenever external environment affects the organization, training needs to be provided to the employees so that they can work according to the changes. External environment is an important factor that sometimes disturbs the working of the organization. Professional and legal training helps the employees to learn changes that are imposed by the government or any other external factor such as change in technology or customer preference (Practical Management, 2018).

In Google, human resource management delivers the training in various aspects such as simulation, discussions and on-the-job training. Discussion helps the Google to maintain quality on communication by involving the employees. Two-way communication helps the employees to get maximum feedback from those employees who are taking training. On the other hand, simulation training with the use of different computer software and equipment’s help the learner to know how to perform different tasks in real world (Belanger, 2018). The simulation training is usually provided to the students so to interact them with the technology. In this way, discussion and simulation training helps the employees to learn effective methods to solve various problems in the organization. Moreover, it allows the simulation training to facilitate the creative responses. This training helps the employees to understand details of various projects, work task, and product. The transfer of knowledge to new hires is possible through on-the-job training that is been effectively managed by the department of human resource in Google.

After these training sessions, the evaluation of training programs is done. In the evaluation process, it determines the effectiveness of the training program in development of human resource. In this, it also evaluates the changes that employees undergone through training. Evaluation of these programs helps the company to know various shortcoming’s in the training program that still faces. This practice increases the motivation of employees to work better in the organization. Due to different training methods, employees feel that organization too is interested in increasing their efficiency and productivity and which in turn boost their motivation level.

Training and Development Programs at Google

Grievance handling in any organization is a dissatisfaction that an employee experiences on his job. The dissatisfaction that is caused by any employee must be taken into the account of organization in order to maintain the employment relation in a fair manner. In every organization, if an employee is witnessed racism, sexism or bigotry, there is one way to address this problem: go to Human resource. However, in Google there is another way to address the issue that is “employee-run message board.” On this board, employee can submit their complaint that further curated into weekly email. Besides this, Google has list called “Yes” in which unidentified or secret submission are collected and further these are communicated across the company. Yes at Google tracks all the accusation of unwelcome behaviour of employees at work. The management of Google is aware of this list (International Human resource management, 2016). Through this “Yes” list, Google tackle those allegations, and it is an attempt to thee make the organization inclusive.

In addition, a spoke person said, “the company work hard in order to respect every employee in the organization. Therefore, to make the safe working environment safe for every employee, there is numerous ways through which employees can raise their issue. Google take every issue seriously and act appropriately to solve the issues.


From the paper, it is concluded that Google is one of the best organization to work that offers suitable working environment with better standard of living. Currently, it is one of the most search engines in the world. The human resource department of Google ensures the best working environment for the employees working over there. The objectives of the organization are clearly going in the right direction with best HR practices in the company. There are various HR strategies in the Google like recruitment and selection of talented staff.

As compare to Google, Microsoft put major focus on the retention of employees at workplace. For the retention of employees, it provides the employees their own cabin as well as provisions for drink and foods. The human resource department of Microsoft helps the employees in empowering them with clear goals. Google ensures the various training programs in order to excel the employees in various aspects. So in order to make the HR activities effective it should also ensure the best leadership skills in its employees. The leadership skills will create the best leaders for the organization in future.

In order to make its HR strategies effective until long term, Google should start hiring HR experts in its various organization located in several areas, these HR experts will read the mind-sets of employee’s problem that they feel hesitate to share with the top-level management. This will ensure the Google workplace to have better and effective communication of problems and issues that employees face. As open communication is done by Google but it can make regular communication so that better and effective communication can be held. Additionally, it can start Gamification employee activities such as competition among peers and achievement tracking. This will increase the expertise by applying their innovative ideas in order to win the competition. Besides it, for handling the grievances of employees, it should follow a specific procedure to get the main problem for grass root so that the problem can be solve for all the workforce in the organization.


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