Analysis Of Debate: Islam And Terrorism

Transcript Analysis


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The below report provides an in-depth analysis of the analysis of the debate which has happened between Lemon, Camerota and Reza. The issue of debate was ‘Is Islam and terrorism are the same’. The report also provides a deep analysis of each and every participant present in the debate. It also contains the intention and perspective of every party of the debate. In the end, the rights of women are also discussed in the report where each and every participant has shown concern.

Transcript Analysis

  1. Purpose identification of each participant

The purpose of each of the participant is to discuss the issues of certain Islamic countries. The main idea of the discussion is to analyse the core issue regarding the terrorism faced by most Islamic countries in the world. The most famous comedian named Bill Maher linked ISIS with the Muslim religion which caused the basic conflict between the participants. Mr Aslan who strongly opposed to Bill by alleging various newspapers, journalists and politicians are very conveniently stating one single incident to every Muslim country in the world. Thus, there purpose of each participant is different which is likely to cause conflict.

  1. Storytelling scenarios adopted by each participant

As per the interview, the participants in the interview were discussing the Islamic extremist countries all around the world. The TV anchor questioned the justice system and Sharia law of the most Islamic countries in the world. The TV anchors were analysing all the Islamic countries at the same angle. Mr Aslan considered such views as ‘stupid’ and argued that its irrational to compare Pakistan with Turkey or Saudi Arabia with Malaysia and Indonesia. These were specific acts of vilification.

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  1. Instances where participants became threatened and why?

In the interview, the TV anchors asked Mr Aslan whether Islam promotes violence or not? It can be considered as the specific act of threat where Mr Aslan had to explain that violence can be committed by any individual where it may Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism etc. Mr Aslan has also had to clarify that people all around the world are painting two or three incidents upon the Muslim community or the Muslim countries all around the world.

  1. Instances where participants were relying on opinions rather than facts

The TV anchors were relying upon the opinions where they generalised the issue that Muslim countries all over the world do not protect the rights and interest of women. However, Mr Aslan said that they are generalising their opinion of two or three incidents to all the Muslim country all around the world. He also further clarified the Muslim women in Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, and Turkey etc. are living an independent and equal lifestyle in comparison with men.

  1. Conflict management evaluation

Camerota’s Evaluation

Conflict management is referred to the process which is implemented by the management in order to limit the negative aspect of conflicts between employees and promoting positive aspects. Its objective is to enhance learning and group outcomes while ensuring effectiveness or performance in an organizational setting. The key principles of conflict management include active listening, thinking before reacting, attacking the problem rather than each other, using direct communication, looking for common interest, accepting responsibility and focusing on the future. These principles will be applied below in the evaluation of the transcript.

According to the interview, Camerota started the debate between the participants that is Islam a peaceful religion? She as a journalist has the duty and responsibility which do not hurt the sentiments of the people who are following Islam all over the country. The video featured Bill Maher who is a famous comedian who said various things on national television which has hurt the feelings of people who are practising the religion (Powell, 2011). As per the comments of Camerota on Islam were purely baseless and such comments lacked the facts and figures against the religion. It can also be observed that Camerota also raised the concern regarding the gender mutilation in the Islamic countries. However, it can be noted that she was proved factually incurred where Mr Aslan argued that Muslim countries like Indonesia, Malaysia etc. have equal rights to the women in comparison with men (Zunes, 2017). Camerota should have supported the fact that Islam and terrorism are two different things which would have not hurt the sentiments of the people practicing the religion (Kidd, 2013; Agara, 2015). However, it should also be observed that Camerota also debated the rights and interest of women living in Saudi Arabia and Iran where women are not allowed to drive or to vote for the country. Camerota has generalized the incidents which are happening to women in Saudi Arabia and Iran with the other Muslim countries which are very irrelevant and which do not relates to real facts and circumstances (Andersen and Mayerl 2018). It can be noted, Camerota as a responsible journalist shouldn’t have raised questions upon the Muslim religion. Camerota should also have argued against the question which Lemon asked whether Islam promotes violence all over the world (Lyons, 2014). As a journalist, Camerota should have presented facts to Mr Aslan rather than forming a generalized opinion against the Muslim religion which has also hurt the faiths and beliefs of people practising Muslim religion (Kessler and Raj 2017).

Lemon’s Evaluation

Evaluation of Lemon

As per the interview, it can be noted that Lemon as journalist showed an offensive video against the Muslims on national television of USA. As a responsible journalist Lemon should have avoided such video on national television. Apart from such video Lemon also raised questions on Islam and tried to demean the spirit of Islam in the minds of people of the country (Yusof et al, 2013; Hiro, 2014). Lemon’s arguments against Islam are completely irrational which lacks the basic facts and figures. Lemon also argued in favour of women where the rights and interest of women were being affected in the Islamic countries (Mohamed, 2016; Sjoberg and Gentry 2011). However, the opinion was proved wrong and completely irrelevant where Mr Aslan argued that the rights of women in certain Christian countries were being affected than women in Islamic countries. It should be observed that Lemon was presenting all the rational arguments which are against the Muslim religion. It can also be noted that Lemon also listened to the arguments which were presented by Mr Aslan. Lemon should have avoided the arguments presented by Camerota which are totally baseless and without any facts. Moreover, Lemon should have also discussed the fact that the rights of the women in Christian countries were being hampered than the rights and interest of women in Muslim countries (Ali and Khattab, 2017; Menkhaus, 2013). The questions on Islam have hurt the feelings of the Muslim community which lead to a conflict of issues between the participants and the journalists (Bartolucci, 2012). As a responsible journalist Lemon should have followed the process of ethical behaviour and rationality rather than irrationality. The questions shall be presented in a presentable manner which would not hurt the feelings of people of the Muslim community, apart from that Lemon should have focused on facts rather than forming or arguing about the generalized opinion. Moreover, it can also be said that Lemon gave a clear opportunity to Mr Aslan to provide the appropriate facts and figures and also understood the point of Mr Aslan (Wright, 2016; Baker, 2010).

Evaluation of Aslan

According to the interview or debate between the journalist and Mr Aslan, the language used by the journalist against the Muslim religion is very offensive to the Muslim community and Mr Aslan handled himself very well and argued on the basis of facts (Rausch, 2015). It can be observed that Mr Aslam remained calm and reacted to such speech and of Bill Maher and the arguments which were presented by the journalist in an ethical manner. Both the journalist presented their arguments on the basis of general opinions rather than facts, Mr Aslan presented the fact that the social media and different people of the society are presenting facts on the basis of generalized opinion rather than focusing upon the facts. Mr Aslann also argued about the rights of the women living all over the world (Von Sikorski, Schmuck, Matthes, and Binder, 2017). Mr Aslan argued that Muslim countries have elected 6 to 7 national representatives on their own and the democratic country like the United States was unable to present a female representative of the country in the form of President so far (Von Sikorski et al,2017)  Mr Aslan also justified the offensive questions which were asked on Islamic terrorism, and such questions were duly answered with decency and simplicity by saying that not all Muslim countries are suffering from terrorism and also argued that terrorism has no religion. He also justified his comments by saying that there are violent people in society and they are not considered a terrorist. He also proved that people have formed opinions without understanding the facts and figures. However, it can be noted that Mr Aslan has presented the facts in a more decent manner than the journalists who were questioning the religion which might have proved offensive to Mr Aslan (Brown, Brown and Richards, 2015).

Aslan’s Evaluation


The above report includes a brief analysis of the debate which has happened between the participants of the debate. It shows the perspective of people towards Islam and terrorism. The debate focused on whether Islam and terrorism are the same? The participants of the debate have presented the facts and figures of the case and principles of conflict management were applied in the scenario to understand the perspective of each party. The debate has also discussed the rights and interest of women in Islamic countries. In the end, the report provides a brief discussion regarding the approach and perceptions of each participant in the debate.


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Agara, T. (2015) Gendering terrorism: Women, gender, terrorism and suicide bombers. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 5(6), pp. 115-125.

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