Analysis Of Business Strategy Journal Articles

Romelaer, P. and Beddi, H., 2015. Strategy and Structure in International Multi-business Groups: Looking beyond Global Integration—Local Responsiveness. International Studies of Management & Organization, 45(4), pp.359-378.

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Business Strategy _Assessment 2_ Journal Article Review Template

Title of the Article

Strategy and Structure in International Multi-business Groups: Looking beyond Global Integration—Local Responsiveness

Date of Publication/Volume and Issue

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Published in 2015

Volume number – 45

Issue number – 4

Author/s Names

Pierre Romelaer and Hanane Beddi

Purpose: What does the article set out to do? In other words what is the objective of the author?

The concerned article majorly deals with the issues that are related to the global integration – local responsiveness perspectives that are still maintained in the present times. In the composition of the article the authors seem to put forth as deconstruction of the theories and proceed to declare them to be incomplete for the further studies on the matters.

Theory: Does the article use any theoretical framework related to Business Strategy? If yes, explain the framework briefly. What are the strengths and weakness of the framework?

The concerned article is based on the models that are used by the various multinational organisations in the matters that pertain to the implementation of the various strategies that are maintained by the concerned business organisation. The major models that are discussed in the essay are the M-form and the U-form grids employed in global integration – local responsiveness.

Methodology: What methodology have the authors used to collect data?

Is the article cross cultural? If yes please explain why you think it is cross cultural.

The article makes the use of the various techniques pertaining to the secondary research in order to put forth the necessary discussions on the issues that pertain to the global integration – local responsiveness perspectives that are implemented by the concerned companies.

The article deals with the global organizational involvement and the employment of the people who hail from varied cultural backgrounds. Thus, the article can safely be considered to be a cross-cultural article.

Data Analysis: How was the data analyzed? In other words what statistical tools were used?

The data presented in the article had been analysed according to the standards that were set by the various strategic analysis models implemented by the concerned organisation.

Findings and conclusion

What were the findings and conclusion draw from the article?

The article declared that the perspectives of global integration – local responsiveness were insufficient to deal with the implemented strategies of the globally active organizations.

How did the article contribute to the theories and concepts of Business Strategy?

The article attempted an illustration of the various issues pertaining to the global integration – local responsiveness. The article proceeds further to propose a new theory that attempts to explain the matters that the global integration – local responsiveness perspectives fail to explain.

Fan, D., Zhang, M.M. and Zhu, C.J., 2013. International human resource management strategies of Chinese multinationals operating abroad. Asia Pacific Business Review, 19(4), pp.526-541.

Business Strategy _Assessment 2_ Journal Article Review Template

Title of the Article

International human resource management strategies of Chinese multinationals operating abroad.

Date of Publication/Volume and Issue

Published in 2013

Volume number – 19

Issue number – 4

Author/s Names

Di Fan, Mike Mingqiong Zhang and Cherrie Jiuhua Zhu

Purpose: What does the article set out to do? In other words what is the objective of the author?

The article focusses on the analysis of the two key factors that are responsible for the strategic international human resource management skills that are demonstrated by the individuals of the Chinese origin. The article further proceeds to focus on the manners whereby the orientation of the strategic international human resource management skills assists the concerned people in the matters that pertain to the global operations and investments.

Theory: Does the article use any theoretical framework related to Business Strategy? If yes, explain the framework briefly. What are the strengths and weakness of the framework?

The article incorporates the business strategies that are implemented globally as a measure to relate to the discussions in the article. The article attempts a review of the literature of the strategic international human resource management skills demonstrated by the Chinese people.

Methodology: What methodology have the authors used to collect data?

Is the article cross cultural? If yes please explain why you think it is cross cultural.

The basis of the article are the available case studies on the strategic international human resource management skills that are demonstrated by the Chinese people.

 The article depicts the various business dealings that are undertaken by the Chinese people and hence might be considered to be a cross-cultural one.

Data Analysis: How was the data analyzed? In other words what statistical tools were used?

The article is based on the data that had been collected from three reputed business houses located in Australia and owned by the Chinese people. The chosen companies owned multinational companies that were present as well as well-organised in their operations. The article puts for the quantitative analysis of the data and is based solely on the data that is obtained from the companies.

Findings and conclusion

What were the findings and conclusion draw from the article?

The article concludes with the studies that determine the processes that are used by the Chinese people in their dealings with the clients and the employees belonging to the different cultural backgrounds.

How did the article contribute to the theories and concepts of Business Strategy?

The article aims to assist the reader with the clear understanding of the implementation of the strategic international human resource management skills.

Cristiana, P.Z. and Anca, B., 2013. New perspectives on strategic management process. THE ANNALS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ORADEA, p.1573.

Business Strategy _Assessment 2_ Journal Article Review Template

Title of the Article

New perspectives on strategic management process

Date of Publication/Volume and Issue

Published in 2013

Author/s Names

Pop Zenovia Cristiana and Borza Anca

Purpose: What does the article set out to do? In other words what is the objective of the author?

The paper throws light on the strengths and the weaknesses of the strategic human resource management processes implemented by the globally active business organisations. The paper is observed to be divided into three different parts pertaining to the necessity of the processes, the evolutionary stages and the various strengths and the weaknesses of the strategic human resource management.

Theory: Does the article use any theoretical framework related to Business Strategy? If yes, explain the framework briefly. What are the strengths and weakness of the framework?

The article is mainly based on the various concepts that pertain to the strategic human resource management. The article discusses the various steps that need to be implemented in the strategic human resource management skills. The article further proceeds to apply the strategic models that suit the concern.

Methodology: What methodology have the authors used to collect data?

Is the article cross cultural? If yes please explain why you think it is cross cultural.

The article discusses the implementations of the strategic human resource management skills in the case studies that have been considered in the composition of the article.

The article majorly deals with the strengths and the limitations that are related to the strategic human resource management. Thus, the article in discussion might not be referred to as a cross-cultural article.

Data Analysis: How was the data analyzed? In other words what statistical tools were used?

The article aims at the qualitative analysis of the data that had been collected from the various cases that were considered for the completion of the article composition. 

Findings and conclusion

What were the findings and conclusion draw from the article?

The concerned article aims to put forth the fact that the concerned management of the organisation must lay more stress on implementing the various strategic human resource management processes. The article tends to opine that the systematization of the organisational activities might result by putting together the decisions that are taken by the management of the organisation.

How did the article contribute to the theories and concepts of Business Strategy?

This article might help the readers of the article to have an understanding of the various concepts and ideas that are related to the strategic human resource management of an organisation.

Gately, K., 2017. Governance in practice: Culture driven governance: Why influencing behaviour is an essential governance strategy. Governance Directions, 69(5), p.271.

Business Strategy _Assessment 2_ Journal Article Review Template

Title of the Article

Culture driven governance: Why influencing behaviour is an essential governance strategy.

Date of Publication/Volume and Issue

Published in 2017

Volume number – 69

Issue number – 5

Author/s Names

Karen Gately

Purpose: What does the article set out to do? In other words what is the objective of the author?

The author of the article attempts to discuss the various behavioural issues that are present among the various members of the workforce of the concern. The article puts forth the viewpoint that the employee behaviour plays an important role in the matters that deal with the organisational ability in meeting the obligations that are related to the governance as has been set by the organisation in discussion.

Theory: Does the article use any theoretical framework related to Business Strategy? If yes, explain the framework briefly. What are the strengths and weakness of the framework?

The article generally refers to the numerous areas of deficiency that are faced by the concerned organisation in discussion. The article further opines that the behaviour that is demonstrated by the staff of the company might pose to be a risk factor for the same.

Methodology: What methodology have the authors used to collect data?

Is the article cross cultural? If yes please explain why you think it is cross cultural.

The article focusses on the various matters that pertain to the behaviour of the employees of the organisations that have been operating or are based in Australia.

The article deals with the behavioural patterns that are depicted by the members of the multicultural workforce of an organisation based in Australia. Thus, the article might be termed to be a cross-cultural article.

Data Analysis: How was the data analyzed? In other words what statistical tools were used?

The article attempts a discussion on the measures that might be implemented on the staff of the organisation in order to deal with the threats experienced by the concerned company in the matters pertaining to the behaviour of the employees of the concern.

Findings and conclusion

What were the findings and conclusion draw from the article?

The article concludes with a detailed discussion on the manners in which the concerned company might deal with the issues pertaining to the behavioural issues that are faced by the company. The article also suggests that this might help the organisations to deal with the issues that pertain to the governance directions that the concern needs to follow.

How did the article contribute to the theories and concepts of Business Strategy?

The article assists the readers in the development of the understanding of the various ideas and concepts that depend on the behavioural patterns that are demonstrated by the staff members of the organisation.

Cristian-Liviu, V., 2013. Organizational culture and strategy: How does it work? An empirical research. Annals of the University of Oradea, Economic Science Series, 22(1), pp.1690-1696.

Business Strategy _Assessment 2_ Journal Article Review Template

Title of the Article

Organizational culture and strategy: How does it work? An empirical research.

Date of Publication/Volume and Issue

Published in 2013

Volume number – 22

Issue number – 1

Author/s Names

Vele Cristian-Liviu

Purpose: What does the article set out to do? In other words what is the objective of the author?

The article aims to provide the readers of the article with the various empirical and theoretical benefits of a dynamic culture in the organisation that is under discussion. The article further suggests that the dynamic culture of the organisation might assist the designing of the matters that relate to the sustenance of the new strategic initiatives that are undertaken by the company.

Theory: Does the article use any theoretical framework related to Business Strategy? If yes, explain the framework briefly. What are the strengths and weakness of the framework?

The article relates to the huge amount of the literature that relates to the organisational culture and the challenges that might be encountered by the company on the implementation of the concerned theories obtained from the literature review. The article further deals with the strategic management theories and the implications of the same.

Methodology: What methodology have the authors used to collect data?

Is the article cross cultural? If yes please explain why you think it is cross cultural.

The article is mainly focussed on the understanding as well as demonstrating the existing relationships between the strategies and the dynamic culture of the construction concerns in the country of Romania.

The article in discussion might not be considered to be cross cultural article.

Data Analysis: How was the data analyzed? In other words what statistical tools were used?

The article demonstrates a qualitative analysis of the existing literature on the concerned subject. The authors of the article are observed to have taken help from the questionnaire that they had distributed among the eight Romanian construction organisations as well as the available data on the concerns.

Findings and conclusion

What were the findings and conclusion draw from the article?

The article in its conclusion opines that the efficient implementation of the effective strategies might assist the improvement of the overall development and the performance of the concern.

How did the article contribute to the theories and concepts of Business Strategy?

The article aims at providing the concerned reader with the assistance in the matters that deal with the understanding of the theories that pertain to the strategic management and the culture that is followed by the concerned organisation. The article also attempts to provide the concerned readers as well as the future researchers to form a clear understanding of the dynamic and supportive organisational culture that assists the formulation of the strategy followed by the implementation of the same.


Cristiana, P.Z. and Anca, B., 2013. New perspectives on strategic management process. THE ANNALS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ORADEA, p.1573.

Cristian-Liviu, V., 2013. Organizational culture and strategy: How does it work? An empirical research. Annals of the University of Oradea, Economic Science Series, 22(1), pp.1690-1696.

Fan, D., Zhang, M.M. and Zhu, C.J., 2013. International human resource management strategies of Chinese multinationals operating abroad. Asia Pacific Business Review, 19(4), pp.526-541.

Gately, K., 2017. Governance in practice: Culture driven governance: Why influencing behaviour is an essential governance strategy. Governance Directions, 69(5), p.271.

Romelaer, P. and Beddi, H., 2015. Strategy and Structure in International Multi-business Groups: Looking beyond Global Integration—Local Responsiveness. International Studies of Management & Organization, 45(4), pp.359-378.

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