Analysis Of B&Q’s Culture, Structure, And Leadership Style
Task 1
As a management consultant you have been asked to identify the current culture and structure at B&Q. It is suggested that you compare these with at least one other organisation. In the light of its broadening diversity policy, show how the relationship between B&Q’s structure and culture has impacted on its performance. Relate the factors influencing individual behavior at work to B&Q’s diversity policies.
Examine the effectiveness of the leadership and management style at B&Q. Compare this with leadership and management styles in other organisations. Explain how the leadership and management style at B&Q is supported by organisational theory. Extend your analysis by using relevant theories of leadership and management. Use a range of theories and other sources of information to evaluate different approaches in other organisations.
During this period of change, examine the impact that the leadership style at B&Q could have on the motivation of its workforce. Compare the effects of different motivational theories in the workplace. Critically evaluate the extent to which the application of motivation theories might be helpful to managers and also their limitations.
Using theories about the nature of groups and group behavior in organisations, independently evaluate the factors that could help or hinder effective teamwork in B&Q. Evaluate the possible impact of technology on team functioning at B&Q. Examine the technologies being developed at B&Q. Use lateral and creative thinking to suggest how such technologies could further promote team functioning at B&Q.
The report is having in depth discussion about B& Q organization. B&Q is public limited type of industry and is famous for their goo quality home improvement and gardening appliances. As mentioned by Jansen (2011), B&Q are situated in United Kingdom, England, Hampshire, Eastleigh and other. And there are more than 300 stores of B&Q all over UK and England. In addition to this, B&Q is also known as Block & Qualye. And in china B&Q is having one of the largest chain of retailing DIY, that is, Do it yourself. As mentioned by Jansen (2011), with the help DIY anyone can modify or change their home as they want. In addition to this study is also having discussion about the structure and culture of B&Q and about their management and leadership style. There is also a highlighting on the impact of leadership style and management style adopted by B&Q on their working and performance. On the other hand, the impact of B&Q culture and structure on performance is also discussed.
As a management consultant of B&Q, the culture and structure of organization are motivational. As commented by Jansen (2011), if store employees are helpful and good in nature, then number of customers will also be increased. The culture of B&Q can be explained as – B&Q on store staff try to deliver good service to their customers. In addition to this, the sales teams of B&Q stores are always helpful and try to show positive attitude to customers. The customer support team is always active and tries to support their customers.
As commented by Masoomzadeh (2013), the structure followed by B&Q is top to bottom and sometimes they also follow bottom to top. The structure followed by them is in favor of their workforce and customers. Then, in this situation the managers and subordinates will work together. As mentioned by Jansen (2011), the team work or working together nature of each employee will help in improving productivity and performance.
As mentioned by Masoomzadeh (2013), culture and structure of each organization describes their working nature and performance. As both B&Q and Travis Perkin work in same industry, that is, home improvement tools and products. But the major differences among both organizations are their culture and structure. In context to this Northouse (2013) stated, the Travis Perkins culture is described as they, maintain their family values as well as their customers.
As stated by Northouse (2013), success of organization depends on their management, culture, structure and others. B&Q culture and structure are related to each others as structure of B&Q defines the culture of it. On the other hand, the performance of B&Q can be understood with the help of their culture and structure. Suppose if team members are not aware about their roles and responsibilities, then performance of organization will be affected. In context to this Varlejs and Walton (2009), if organization is not having proper structure, then also performance will be affected. So, culture and structure of B&Q are important for their performance.
As commented by Men and Stacks (2013), some of the major factors influencing the individual behavior at work to B&Q diversifies policies are as
In context to this Clarke (2013) stated, work culture should be motivational and comfortable for each employee. That is, if work culture of B&Q is comfortable for each one, then the individual performance and behavior will also be good. On the other hand, if organization is not maintaining transparence, then individual behavior regarding organization will also be different.
As commented by Herrmann and Felfe (2014), leaders and managers help in motivating process of workforce. That is, their main responsibility is regarding directing and motivating employees to work proper. In addition to this Benfari (2013) stated, the management and leadership style adopted by B&Q is always in favor of their workforce and others.
The communication method or style should be effective, that is, managers of B&Q always try to use effective method of communication. As mentioned by Eisfeldt and Kuhnen (2013), communication is the major factor on which organization performance and working is dependent. In context to this Deveau and McGill (2014) stated, the best way to express views is communication. And it also helps in performing as a team or group.
If employee is having proper personal and professional life then he/she can perform better. In context to this Robbins et al. (2013) commented, the balance between both personal and professional life is very important.
As mentioned by Deveau and McGill (2014), the effectiveness of leadership and management style at B&Q can be identified by their work performance. The major leadership style followed in B&Q organization is consultative or participative. That is, leaders give importance to their sub associates views and points. According to Scientific management of Taylorism, B&Q should try to manage their work with their economic stability and productivity. In addition to this, B&Q should also consider their workers efficiency and productivity level. On the other hand, with the help of this theory B&Q managers can analyze their employee’s efficiency and effectiveness. Apart from this McGregor theory, employees are analyzed into two different categories. And it also helps improving productivity and efficiency of employees. In this theory employees are divided into two groups, that is, Theory X and Theory Y. Under Theory X employees are considered as lazy, unsatisfied form their job. On the other under Theory Y, employees are happy and satisfied from their job and workplace.
In context to this Grunig (2013) stated, every organization follow different leadership style and management style. The leadership and management style adopted by organization are according to their work culture and structure. On the other hand, it also depends on the capability of organization manager and skills. The leadership style mainly followed by B&Q is participative or consultative style. On the other hand, Travis Perkins Plc also follows the same leadership style, but the only difference is among their leaders and managers skills and talent. In context to this Thompson (2013) commented, every individual is having different set of interpersonal skill and talent. And it also helps in improving productivity of organization. In context to this Castells (2013) commented, performance of both organization describes their leadership and management style effectiveness. The mainly used leadership styles in B&Q are situational leadership. As mentioned by Grunig (2013), this style helps managers to take decision as per the situation or environment.
As mentioned by Eisfeldt and Kuhnen (2013), some of the major organizational theories are modern and classical organizational theory. Under modern organizational theory comes system approach theory, contingency theory and others. In context to this Henry (2015) stated, the major leadership style depends on situational approach, transactional and transformational approach. The situational approach helps leaders to work as per the situation. That is, the act they perform is dependent on different situational factor. In addition to this, culture and structure of organization help in leadership and management style adoption. As mentioned by Herrmann and Felfe (2014), organizational theory help in determining the most relevant and effective leadership style. Organizational theory also helps in promoting the proper use of leadership style and management style.
In context to this Grunig (2013) stated, some of the most relevant leadership and management style used in B&Q are participative or consultative and others. B&Q follow this leadership style, as it helps their managers to promote and motivate them. On the other hand, with the help of participative leadership style managers consult their sub ordinates while decision process. In addition to this Men and Stacks (2013) stated, leadership style methods help leaders to maintain culture and structure. Some of the other leadership style followed by B&Q are transactional, transformational and others. In case of transactional leadership style leaders motivate their sub ordinates or team members. The team members are motivated by different rewards and awards. On the other hand, situational leadership style is also used in some cases.
According to Maslow, the need of employee can be explained with the help of different factors. That is, safety, physiological, esteem, self actualization and love or belonging. In addition to this Maslow also stated that, to increase the productivity employees should be provided with proper security or safety. In addition to this according to theory, physiological needs are related to physical needs of every human being, for example, food, water, air, clothes, shelter and others. On the other hand, safety need is necessary for both professional and personal life. As mentioned by Masclow, every employee requires love, friendly environment. In addition to this, to improve the performance of employee, respect as well as motivational environment is important.
In addition to this Hygiene theory, the level of job satisfaction and dissatisfaction is dependent on different factors. That is, job satisfaction level is dependent on level of achievement, responsibility, growth and others. On the other hand, factors on which employee’s dissatisfaction is dependent are salary, security, workplace environment, working condition and others. In addition to this Herzberg mentioned that, factors on which dissatisfaction are known as hygiene factor. If manager of B&Q wants to motivate their sub ordinate, then they should focus on satisfaction level. On the other hand, both dissatisfaction and satisfaction level factors are inter dependent. In context to this Herzberg stated, job enrichment also help in motivating employees.
As commented by Kurt Lewis, the organization change of B&Q is dependent on change model which includes unfreezing, refreezing and change stage. With the help of these steps, organization can change their management and other methods. And by changing the management and others employees will also be motivated. On the other hand, the first stage of this model is unfreezing; in this stage organization create awareness about the change. Once the employees are aware about the change, it can be done easily. In addition to this, refreezing stage includes the process of stabilizing or reinforcement of change.
At last, the vroom expectancy theory helps B&Q manager to motivate their employees. The expectancy levels of managers are increased, which help their subordinates to improve their performance level. The three factors on which this theory is dependent are as expectancy, valence and instrumentality. The level of valence specifies the level of employee concern about work and others. On the other hand, instrumentality under this theory helps managers to improve the outcome and performance of each employee.
As mentioned by leadership style help in motivating sub associates and other members. On the other hand, if leadership style is not selected properly, then performance and productivity of organization will be affected. In case of leadership style, transactional style helps leaders to motivate by rewards and different awards. If this leadership style is not used on correct time, then motivational process will be affected. In context to this Men and Stacks (2013) stated, motivational process help employees to perform better. In addition to this, it also helps them to improve organization productivity and efficiency. On the other hand, if proper leadership style is not used by the leaders, then it can give impact on motivational process.
As stated by Masoomzadeh (2013), some of the major motivational theories on which B&Q work depends are equity motivational theory, goal setting motivational theory and others. These theories help them to work in proper manner and increase their productivity. On the other hand, the goal is decided in initial phase. As stated by Men and Stacks (2013), it helps each employee to know about their roles and responsibilities. Both managers and employees set goal by consulting with each other. In context to this, process also helps them to increase their employee’s commitment towards work. The equity motivational theory helps managers to treat each employee equally. For example, if any employee is not performing properly, then managers or leaders can motivate them.
Task 2
In context to this Men and Stacks (2013) commented, motivational theory help managers to improve their employees efficiency. It also helps them to achieve goal in easy way and with increased profit range. In addition to this Masoomzadeh (2013) stated, managers adopt different motivational theories to build a friendly and positive environment within workplace. The main reason behind motivational theory adoption by managers is it helps in improving the performance of team. In context to this Dyson (2009) commented, motivation and motivational theory are important to both organization as well as employees. In case of employees, motivation process is done by the managers or leaders. And in case of organization, employee’s proper performance helps in motivating it.
The effectiveness of team work can be determined with the help of their member’s commitment and participation level. In context to this Masoomzadeh (2013) stated, in B&Q team members are committed towards their work. On the other hand, the effectiveness of team is also improved by adopting the proper communication channel and style. As mentioned by Jansen (2011), any team effectiveness depends on their nature of work, coordination with their team members and others. On the other hand, the decision process also helps in team work efficiency. In context to this Masoomzadeh (2013) stated, the effectiveness and efficiency of team is dependent on many factors. These factors are internal as well as external. Some of the internal factors are team coordination, decision making process and others. On the other hand, external factor which affect team work effectiveness is environment in which they work. In context to this commented Dyson (2009), team work each process is dependent on the environment.
As mentioned by Dyson (2009), with the change of technology function of team work and organization work also. The main impact of change in technology is on communication style of team members. In context to this Masoomzadeh (2013) commented, some of the latest technology used for team communication are emails and others. On the other hand, technology change will change the style of working and it also affects effectiveness of team work. For example, if communication technology used by team is incorrect. Then team work will also be affected as well as their coordination will also be affected. In context to this Masoomzadeh (2013) commented, technology is having positive impact on team work and their members. But the only condition is the selection of technology is proper and suitable of team work.
As B&Q is the DIY home improvement tool providing organization so their work is dependent on technology. On the other hand, their work mainly depends on technology and innovations. The technology helps them to provide good and innovative DIY products with high customer satisfaction level. In context to this Men and Stacks (2013) stated, every work in B&Q is dependent on technology, so they need to use proper technology. Suppose if technology used by B&Q managers is not suitable for their work. Then productivity and efficiency will be affected. With the change in technology they also increase their sustainability and market share. As mentioned by Dyson (2009), market is dynamic in nature so beat their competitors, technology usage is important.
Some of the major factor which helps in promotion of team work in B&Q is technology, policies, communication and others. In addition to this, proper leadership style and management style also help in promoting the team work (Dyson, 2009). The main suggestion regarding team functioning is B&Q managers should try to change use of technology on proper time.
The main factor on which team work in B&Q is dependent is structure, culture, technology used by them. The culture and structure of B&Q are pre defined culture and structure. And these structures help them to work in proper manner and increase their productivity and performance. On the other hand, the main focus of B&Q organization is to develop such DIY home improvement tool, which helps their customers. Every organization follow some or the other motivational theory for motivating their workforces. So, in this study the impact of motivational theory is also discussed. And at the end there are some recommendations or conclusion regarding the team work or functioning.
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