Analysis Of BP As A Take-over Target: Attractions, Disadvantages, And Probable Bidders

Attractions and Disadvantages

Write an essay and discuss both the attractions and disadvantages of BP as a possible take-over target, and identify the most probable bidders for BP. Give some examples of the problems that face these potential bidders in terms of political issues and managerial styles. Discuss whether a continuation of low oil prices, as seen in the first quarter of 2015, will accelerate any take-over bid, or would low prices be another barrier.

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British Petroleum (BP) is a large UK based organization in global oil and gas sector.      Although BP was   one   of the   largest suppliers of oil and gas in US and   European   countries,   recently the organization is facing several problems. The reservoirs in Gulf of Mexico       account for major portion of   the sources possessed   by BP.   However the explosions   in wells of Gulf of Mexico, caused interruption in the process of oil extraction in this region. The deep water horizon oil spill not only impacted on environment of the region, but it caused financial   losses for   BP.  Shuen, Feiler and Teece, (2014) opined that   the   explosions in Gulf of Mexico   also   impacted    on long term business growth of BP   in US. Recent reduction   in price of oil also increased   the   financial   losses of   BP. Discussion on the situation indicates that BP needs to be acquired in order to retain its position in global oil and gas market.  The current essay deals with analysis on suitability of BP for being acquired. The organizations which can acquire BP are also identified in this essay. The essay also contains discussion on the attractions and disadvantages for acquiring BP.   Impacts of   recent degradation in   oil price are also discussed   in the essay.

Presence in Gulf of Mexico: BP is known as one of the largest oil  and  gas producers  in oil and  gas industry  Although  the oil  spill  in Gulf  of Mexico caused huge amount of loss for BP,   still it  is  also one of   the  largest  oil  and  gas  producers   in   this  region.  In Gulf of Mexico region, number of leases possessed by BP is more than 500 (, 2015). However, the organization also extracts more than 45000 barrels of crude oil in a day (Renshaw, 2015). Management of BP is also planning to expand its business activities in Gulf of Mexico region. The management is planning to initiate some new projects in Gulf of Mexico within next five years. If any organization   acquires BP,   it will also be able   to expand   its business activities in Gulf of Mexico region. It will be effective to increase profitability of   the organization which will acquire BP.    

Identifying the most probable bidders for BP

Advanced infrastructure of BP: Acquiring BP may provide the organization with opportunities of increasing share in global oil and gas market. BP operates in almost 80 countries across the world (, 2015). The organization possess infrastructure to produce approximately 3.2 million barrel oil each day (, 2015). Apart from   this, the oil reserves hold by BP is equivalent to about 17523 barrels (, 2015). Although BP   possess 18 drilled exploration well in different parts across the globe, management of the organization is also giving   importance on exploring   new areas (, 2015). It   is estimated that about   47,000km2    new    areas   are going to be explored by BP in   next few years (Jacoby, 2012). BP owns 14 oil refineries. These   refineries are capable to produce about 1,721 thousand barrels of refined oil every day (ZHDANNIKO and James, 2015). The organization which will acquire BP will not only be able to access highly advanced   infrastructure of the organization, but it will also have more 17,200 retail stores which are currently possessed by BP   in different   markets (Stephens, 2015). The discussion on infrastructure   possessed by BP indicates that its acquirer will be able to increase its upstream and downstream capacity.

Asset of BP and strong performance in share market: BP posses about 13.9% share in UK fuel market (Shuen, Feiler and Teece, 2014). Apart from this, the organization also operates in Asian market. Share of BP in Chinese market is about 1.1% while the organization holds approximately 1.75% shares in the   market of Kuwait (Renshaw, 2015).It is also evident   that the organization which will acquire BP may become able to increase shares in European and Asian market. If any large organization such as Shell shows interest to acquire BP, it may lead to development of monopolistic   market   environment in global oil and gas industry. As stated   by the margin of safety via a price to earnings growth (PEG) ratio of BP   is only 0.6 (Stephens, 2015).The   wide   range of (PEG) ratio of BP indicates that price of the share will increase for long term. Aas, Buvik and Cakic, (2008) opined   that the dividend of BP is also going to increase in future. It   indicates    that   the  total   return of BP  is   going  to increase  although financial   price of  BP   degraded  due  to oil    spill   in  Gulf  of Mexico region and  low  price  of  oil  in  international  market, infrastructure  of   the  organization is highly advance. The asset base possessed by BP is also quite impressive (Hilyard, 2012).According to Jacoby, (2012) BP is going to experience high growth in next few years irrespective of hike  in oil price. It is evident that after acquiring BP, the investor will be able to control the stock  market.

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Although acquiring BP will enable an organization to access its oil reserves as well as    advanced infrastructure, implementation of the strategy to acquire BP may also cause several    problems for an organization. The Deepwater Horizon accident in Gulf of Mexico region not   only caused huge financial loss of BP, occurrence of the accident also impacted on environmental sustainability of the region. All the activities related with clearance of oil   have not been completed yet. The organization   which will acquire   BP will   be   liable to clean    oil     from Gulf of Mexico region. However the accident also impacted negatively on brand image of    BP in US oil and gas market. It   indicates that business of   the organization may be affected    in US in future. As US is one of the largest markets of BP, reduction   in business growth   in    this sector, may   affect   profitability of   the organization. However BP already spent huge amount of capital to minimize the impacts of oil spill disaster. It is also expected that BP may require    paying about $13.7 billion for the accident. The organization which will acquire BP may need   to   pay the penalty. BP    is a large organization. If   another company acquires BP, size of the    combined organization may become too large and it may violate market regulations the   acquirer may also be restricted from   exploring arctic   regions due to sanctions on Russia   by European   countries. 

As BP is one of the largest organizations in global oil and gas industry, several organizations   working in the industry will be interested to acquire BP. Although acquiring BP will be effective    to increase share in different market, implementation of such strategies may also lead to generation of several problems. The probable bidders of BP are large organizations such as    Shell and Exxon Mobil. However the China based organization Petrochina can also be considered   as   one of    the most probable    bidders   for BP.

Shell can be considered as the   most probable   bidders for BP as both the organizations tried to work   in partnership with each other. If   Shell acquires BP,   it will be able to control prices more effectively.  However acquiring BP will also be effective to increase Economies of   Scale.

Exxon Mobil is another large organization   in   the   oil and gas market of US.   If Exxon Mobil acquires BP, size of the combined organization will   increase   significantly.  It will also be able to empower Exxon Mobil so that   the acquirer can control global oil and gas industry. It is also evident that Exxon Mobil will also gain control over stock market after acquiring BP.     However complexities may arise if activities of joint organization affect competitive   environment in market. 

Petrochina can be considered as one of the probable bidders of BP.  Although BP possess   significant share in markets   of Europe and   US, share   of   the   organization   in Chinese    market   is   not high. In   2004 both   the organization focused on   development of partnership.  If   Petrochina acquires BP, it will be able to use its oil reserve. However it will also be effective   to strengthen    presence of   the   organization   in   global market.

Liabilities of Oil spill in Gulf of Mexico: The accidents in Gulf of Mexico caused huge environmental   effects. Analysis on the incident indicates that BP crossed   the limit of oil   spill as per US law (Beshears, 2013). BP will not only be   penalized due to occurrence   of such   incidents, its   share   may also reduce in   this market. Due to unlimited liability of the incident related with oil spill, share price of the organization may decrease. Analysis on the compensation packages declared   by BP after the   accident indicates that the compensation policies are not clear and it may not   be adequate to reduce   negative impacts of the   incident. The organization   which   will acquire   BP   will be liable to   eliminate the environmental   impacts of   oil spill.    

Sanctions on Russia:  Due to Russia’s activity   in Ukraine, European countries are not showing interest   to conduct any   business   activities in   that country (, 2015). As BP possess huge amount   of oil reserves in Russia, its exploration activities may be affected due to sanctions over Russia. Analysis on the financial performance of BP indicates that the organization experienced sharp fall in profit during the period from July to September. The profit of BP reduced approximately 21% as it stopped its activities in Russia (ZHDANNIKO and James, 2015).  Profitability of   the acquirer   may   be   reduced    due   to sanctions on   Russia.

Complexity of the   acquisition process:  The management of BP may show interest to operate   independently.  It may restrict the acquirer to utilize infrastructure of BP effectively. However management of the acquirer also needs to develop business strategies in such way so that    profitability of the organization does not reduce significantly.  The acquirer also needs to   ensure that    none of   their   activities   are violating   market   regulations.

Impact of low oil price on bids:

As   price of oil per   barrel   reduced   significantly   in   last   few months, profitability of    the   organizations working in this sector   is also reducing significantly. In 2014, the number of merger and acquisitions was higher than that in 2013 (Siddiqui, Haleem and Sharma, 2012). Analysis on acquisition strategies indicates that number of upstream and downstream units was higher than midstream acquisitions. Due to reduction in price, values of merger and acquisition deals are also reducing significantly. Degradation in oil price is also restricting the organizations from acquiring other companies in 2015 (Collett et al., 2012). However the organizations have shortlisted the companies which will be acquired. It is expected that the number of acquisitions   will increase when price of    oil will increase. 


Discussion in the current essay indicates that BP requires being acquired in order to reduce   the negative impacts of oil spills in Gulf of Mexico region and low oil price. From   the analysis   it   is evident that acquiring BP will be effective for an organization as it will get chances to expand   its business activities in Gulf of Mexico region. The   discussion    also   indicates that    the    acquirer will   be able to access highly advanced   infrastructure of the organization along   with   the    large number of reservoirs   across different locations.  It   is evident that acquiring BP will be profitable   for   long   term   growth of an   organization. However   analysis    made   in    the  essay  also indicates   that   acquirer organization  may  face  several   difficulties   including      problems    related   with  oil  spills   in  Gulf of Mexico due   to  acquisition of BP.    It indicates    that the    acquirer   require paying huge cost to implement   the strategy.

Although initially the acquisition will be costly, it will be beneficial   for long term growth of acquirer. As the acquirer will get access to BP’s infrastructure and reservoir, profitability of the organization will increases with hike in oil prices. However it will also be ensured that the combined   organization will not misuse   its  power  to influence   global oil   and  gas  industry   in order  to  retain  competitive environment     in  market.


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