Analysis And Design Using UML Diagrams
Analysis Class Diagram
The analysis class diagram is basically a representation of the concepts in the problem and focuses directly on the concepts of the domain and not on the entities of the software. It requires using the actors and the use case related to the actors in the system. The construction of the diagram can be done at the same time as that of the development of the use case diagrams in the system. The analysis class diagram is basically used for the illustration of the concepts, the attributes in the concepts and the association in between the concepts.
The above developed diagram has been used for the decomposition to the problem domain into clarify able terminologies. The main classes identified in the diagram are the TourLeaders, Tours, ClericalAssitant and Driver. The main entities of the Driver Class are DriverCode, DriverName, PrefferdLocations, PrefferedTourType and Status of the driver which is used for checking if the driver is available or not. In addition to this, the Tour Details class used for the storing the details of the tour where two methods are included which would add a details of a tour and the clerical assistance would be able to save the details with the method. The other class in the system is the Driver whose details are stored in the system. The status of the drivers can be checked in the system using the view drivers’ method and when a free driver is found the driver is assigned to the tour.
The communication diagram is used for extending the object diagram and helps in displaying the messages that are sent from one point to the other from within the system. In addition to this, the association within the objects in the communication diagrams the messages that are exchanged in between the objects in the diagram are also displayed. This type of diagram is also known as the collaboration diagram and acts as an interactive illustration which is similar to the sequence diagrams but generally focuses on the relationships in between the objects. The diagram displays the objects and also the association in between them.
The communication of the Diagram for the Wide World Tour Management System has been described above. The diagram has been used for the description of the interaction of the actors with the objects in the system. The main actor identified in this system is the clerical assistant. The clerical assistant interacts with the other objects in the system which are tour, driver and tour guide details. The actor would be able to store new details in the tour class. The details would be saved in the system using the save tour method. The driver class is used for implementing the view details method and the assign details method. The driver id and the other details about the drivers are also stored in the class. All the classes are directly associated with the tour class that
The sequence diagram is used for depicting the interaction that takes place in between the different objects that are used in the system. The flow of the messages is displayed in the diagram that are used for the illustrating the flow of the process and communication that takes place within the system. The order in the which the messages and the processes take place in the system are also depicted efficiently by the sequence diagram. The sequence diagram can also be categorized under the interactive diagrams; this helps in the visualization of the business in front of the designer who would be developing the system. The developer would be able to identify the objects and the actors who are acting in the system currently.
Communication Diagram
The sequence diagram has been constructed for the Wide World Tour Management System for displaying the flow of messages in between the different components of the Wide World Tour Management System. The main actor object in the diagram is the clerical assistant. The objects in the system that the actor would be interacting are Tour, Drivers and Tour Guides. The actor performs all the actions in the system such as adding the details to the tour and saving the details of the tour in the system. After the tour has been added to the system the driver list is viewed by the system and the available driver from the list of drivers are allocated to the tour. The tour guide number is also entered into the system to link him up with the tour.
The CASE tool used in this report is the Enterprise Architecture and this tool has been used for the description of the different type of functionalities in the system and the CASE tool helps in the supporting the description of the system with the possible illustrations that would be helpful for the designer of the system to visualize the system efficiently and develop the system according to requirements which have been defined to them by the illustrations.
CASE tools are known as the Computer Aided Software Engineering technologies that would provide assistance to the software development for the Wide World Tour Management System. The main aim for using the CASE tools for the system development is that the tool would be reducing the cost and time for the development of the system to a huge extent. The main interest in the development of the CASE tool and the environment followed by it is that it is based on the requirements of the organization. The tool is very useful for the system analyst or the system developer that would be developing the system and the CASE tool is basically the computer-based support that would be used for the software development process and it is helpful for the analyst to support the development of the system and it is also used in the time of integration of the system. This procedure would also be helpful in displaying the integrated system to the clients and also will be helpful for the analyst in a way that it can be used for the sub dividing the system so that all the functions of the system can be utilized for the system efficiently and the processes in the system would be able to encompass the functionalities of the different aspects of the system very efficiently. A number of feature is offered by the CASE Tools and the also the communities of the business processes through the diagram support feature that is allocated to the business community with the use of the tools.
The CASE tool provides a number of features that would aid the system analysts and these features are listed below:
- The syntactical correctness is checked by the system
- The support for the data dictionary of the system is also allowed by the CASE tool.
- The consistency and the completeness are defined by the system
- The layering of the system is also done with the help of the CASE tools.
- The CASE tools helps in the tracing the requirements for the system.
- The reports of the system are generated automatically by the CASE tools.
- The simulations of the problems are aided by the CASE tools.
- The analysis for the performances of the system is done with the help of the CASE tool.
The tool helps in automating the system of the organization by using a step by step methodology for the system and the software for the organization. It is also characterized by the steps that are to be taken for the development of the software for the organization. The different tools can also be used for integrating all the different parts of a single system as the they would be helpful for the developers to develop the system and maintain all the steps necessary for the development of the system. The system developers job requires the analysis of the software and process the designs of the system. The data design and the programming are among the activities that are aided by the tools. However, there can be a different set of developers who are assigned with the different activities, where one of the designer is dependent on the analysis and another on the design. There is various type of activities that include the feasibility studies and the others would be able to concentrate on the other parts of the system development. The maintenance process is also aided by the CASE tools and they help the system analyst to develop a maintenance plan after the system was developed.
The multiple level of layers of knowledge for helping the analyst in distributing the knowledge about the system. The staffs who would handle the system would be able have a self-learning ability and provides the developers in developing an improved system. The knowledge is very helpful for reducing the complexities in the network which would useful for the system development.
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