Analysis And Critique Of A Journal Article On The Impact Of Social Media Usage Among Nursing And Midwifery Graduates

Explain the purpose of the study. Use the PICO or PICo format to identify the research question.

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Problem: The problem of the study is the significant rise in the usage of the social media among the new nursing and midwifery graduates of Australia and New Zealand. This becomes critical at times when they are observed to operate the social media platforms inside their workplaces during the duty hours.

Intervention: The intervention will be to describe the uptake patterns of the social media by the new nursing and the midwifery graduates of Australia and New Zealand and communicate them regarding the impact it has on the operations of them.

Comparison: The comparison will measure the awareness that the policies or the professional standards which are governing the usage of the social media of the new nursing and the midwifery graduates of Australia and New Zealand inside the boundary of their professions, are able to establish.

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Outcome: There are two outcomes that the study is expected to produce. The first one is the portrayal of the spectrum of usage of social media and the measurement of the awareness that the policies or the personal standards for the purpose of governing the usage of the social media within the workplaces, were able to achieve.

Discuss the design used in the research.

(150 words)

The main study includes a sub study of the graduate of E-cohort study where the design of the research is survey. The main concern of the study was the fact that whether the concerned graduates are well aware of the implications that the usage of the social media inside the workplaces during the duty hours and the contribution of the policies or the professional standards in it. In the paper it was observed that the survey included queries like whether the concerned respondent uses the social media or not, his or her activity in the social media and the specification of the usage like the identification of the platforms that they use, the thought of the respondent regarding the usage of the social media platform that needs to be used and are to be considered as appropriate for the wide range of purposes which they consider as the field for the probable usage of the social media. Along with that, the survey also included the questions for the identification of the purposes which are not appropriate for the usage of the social media and the awareness that the professional standards and policies for governing the usage of the social media formed by the RNs or RMs in the registered country is able to achieve.

Hence it is evident that the design that is used in the study is significantly helpful in achieving all the goals or objectives of the study as the survey almost questions the respondents in such a manner that the responses will fill the desired blocks for the study.

The sampling or the study is done in such a manner that it satisfies the validity of the responses.

Identify and explain sampling and recruitment procedures were in the research.

(200 words)

The sampling of the respondents for the study was in need to be conducted in such a manner that It becomes eligible for getting the responses from the individuals who are operational in the sector which I affected from the usage of the social media, the most. In order to meet the requirement, the focus of the study was the health care industry which observes a significant detrimental effect of the excessive usage of the social media. The sampling for the study was observed to include the new nursing and midwifery graduates of Australia and New Zealand where the respondents were majorly women and majority of the completed the graduation in the year 2008 and 2009. As the study was dependent on the new nursing graduates and the midwives of both the nations, the representation of the respondents from both the nation was observed to be almost equal. 54% of the sampled individuals were from Australia and the other 46% were belonging to New Zealand. Apart from that, the information regarding the respondents like employment status, the status of the organization in which the participants are operating and the country of the employment were also considered during the sampling operation.

Identify and discuss the ethical considerations for this study.

(200 words)

The ethical consideration that is prescribed in the study is the approval that the study achieved from the human research ethics committees of the universities from which the graduates participated in the study. In the paper, the specifications regarding the major ethical requirements incomplete as the paper was partially able to confirm regarding the secrecy of the respondents where it claimed that the generation of number will take place for against the demographics and name of each of the candidates. The article was not able to comment anything on the usage of the data in any other study. The study lacked the comments regarding the impurity in the responses of the respondents as it was not commenting anything whether the interviewer was asked not to comment anything to influence the respondents or not. The research was also unable comment anything on the will of the respondents regarding the responses as it is observed that the study do not have any points on the case if the respondent disagree to share his or her responses for any particular question and along with that, the study lacked any sort of communication on the case if any of the respondents refuse to complete the survey.

Explain how the data was collected and analysed.

(200 words)

The data collection process took place with the introduction of a written invitation to complete the mentioned survey questionnaire. For this, the respondents needed to log on to the web platform of E-cohort. After the generation of the identifying number along with the filling up of the contact details and the demographics of the respondents, the respondents were asked to fill up the questionnaire and the data was collected through the online web portal. The data analysis included different styles for the different questions. The questions like whether the respondent uses the social media, the identification of the social media platform that the concerned respondent uses the most and whether the concerned respondent is aware of the policies or professional standard’s advice regarding the usage of the social media within the workplace were analysed using the descriptive tactics. Apart from that, the rest of the questions were analysed using the thematic analysis. In the case of the thematic analysis, the core or the fundamental theme was described through the open ended questions and the data which were collected, were analysed in order to characterize the fundamental features of the themes prescribed through the questionnaire. The data or the responses were then converted into codes which helped to guide the fundamental theme. The main objective of this was to identify the sub-themes and that was achieved with the formation of the responses in such a manner that the analysts be able to find out the similarities and the differences in the responses that were shared to them.

Briefly summarise the results of this study

(200 words)

The survey was subjected on 121 number of graduates and 112 of them which 93% of the total were able to complete the entire survey. The results of the survey is described below with each question:

1. The first question was whether the respondents use the social media or not. In reply of this question 93% of the respondents of 112 were observed to comment that the use the social media.

2. The next question for the respondents was regarding the social media form or the social media platform that the respondents use frequently. In reply of this question, majority of the respondents were observed to comment that they use the Facebook (97% or 109 responses), 46 % or 52 responses were observed to indicate YouTube, 42% or 47 responses were observed say in favor of Pinterest and 36% or 40 responses were observed to comment for the Instagram. Very nominal number of responses were submitted for the LinkedIn, Vimeo and Tumblr.

3. In response of the query regarding the purpose of the social media usage, majority of the respondents that is 95% commented that they use it for the social purpose, 27% uses it for the educational purpose, 18% uses it for the entertainment purpose and a considerably negligible number of respondents use it for the professional networking like LinkedIn(8%).

4. In response of the question regarding the consideration of the respondents on purposes for which social media should not be used, 48% of the respondents commented that the rejection of the social media for the communication regarding their workplace or work related matters is justified, 18% and 14% of the respondents were observed to comment for the grievances causing and bullying respectively. Along with that, 13% of the respondents were observed to comment for the illegal and unethical purposes.

5. In response of the question regarding their awareness of the impact of the governing standards, 72% or 81 number of respondents were observed to claim that they were well aware of the impact of the governing standards in their professions regarding the usage of the social media. The rest of the 28% and 38 in numbers were observed to comment that they do not know or are unsure about any such legislation.     

Discuss implications for health professionals practice.

(400 words)

As it is observed in the paper that the impact of the health care professionals are significant on the community and the customers, the faulty operations of the individuals has notable consequences for the entire society and each stakeholders’ group. The study was designed in such a manner that the questionnaire that was generated for the study included various questions which was in alignment for the identification of the usage of the social media of the individuals. The impact that the excessive usage of the social media has on the operations of the health care professionals are more observed to detrimental and with the rate for the avoidable death increasing, the concern of the community and the stakeholders are pretty evident. Majority of such death cases are observed to be due to the incapability of the individuals or the carelessness of the individuals. The reason behind the carelessness can be a break in concentration for them, can be the unavailability of them or can also be the excessive usage of the social media for the individuals.  From the article, it is also evident that the chosen respondents for the article was observed to like the social media for the purpose of the social interactions. In addition to this, considerably less number of individuals were observed to comment that they use it for the purpose of the education and even lesser number of respondents claimed that they use it for the purpose of the entertainment. Hence it is evident that the impact of the social media usage will be less influential for the health care professionals in terms of improving the skills and competencies of them. Apart from this, a very negligible number of respondents were observed to claim that they use it for the professional networking. Hence the usage of it inside the workplaces will have no positive or fruitful impact for the healthcare professionals.  

Richardson-Tench, M., Nicholson, P., Taylor, B. and Kermode, S., 2018. Research in Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health: Evidence for Best Practice. Cengage AU.

Tuckett, A. and Turner, C., 2016. Do you use social media? A study into new nursing and midwifery graduates’ uptake of social media. International journal of nursing practice, 22(2), pp.197-204.

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