An Entrepreneurial Venture – Locious Green Tea UV Oil

Market Analysis

Locious Green Tea UV Oil is a new product developed by the organization head. (Górna?, Siger and Segli?a 2013). All Locious Green Tea UV Oil are produced using herbs that are either developed or accumulated from nearby fields or lush ranges when they are at their peak of development The mission of Locious Green Tea UV Oil is to make natural items that mend sooth and purify the clients. Objective of the business plan is to choose one new product that can be introduced in the market along with conducting market analysis, recent business model, industry analysis, competitor analysis and through analyzing the associated critical risks.

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· The Australian government has enforced laws and regulations for preventing the misuse of market power on the part of the market leaders if they are involved in using more chemicals than herbal products in UV rays protection hair oil (Borowska and Brzóska 2015).


· Due to the fall in AUD in terms of USD, the changes in the spending habits of the customers have been observed in the cosmetics industry of Australia.

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· The industry provides financial assistance to the projects focusing on the physical well-being and welfare of the Australian children and women.

· The industry extends support to the charitable institutions that provide qualities such as replenishing bleached and damaged strands with the nutrients they need (De Oliveira et al. 2013).

· The industry provides assistance to the social market research and development organizations for the people looking to protect their hair from UVA and UBV rays in order to keep hair shade intact.


· There is upgrade of technology in the Australian cosmetics industry, which has increased the online shopping habits of the customers (Dudzina et al. 2014).

· The initiation of next generation stores in the nation has helped in enhancing the overall growth of the industry.

· There is adoption of ethical consumerism that helps in ascertaining sales and overall profit margin for the industry (Gereffi and Fernandez-Stark 2016).


1. Proceeding with research and advancement in light of a legitimate concern for excellence which guarantees that the Locious Green Tea UV Oil Cosmetics offers the best to their customers.

2. 7 herb UV protection hair oils a pioneer in the developing beauty care products industry regardless of the opposition in the market.

3. Promotion of top of the line adjusting to above target group of onlookers

4. Locious Green Tea UV Oil has more than 60,000 representatives comprehensively (Hagen and Zucchella 2014)

5. Keeping apart shading of hair, fit skin, sun assurance, make-up, scents and hair mind, there is dynamism of the organization in the fields of dermatology and pharmaceuticals and is the best patent-holder of nanotechnology in the United States

6. Locious Green Tea UV Oil will have operations in more than 5 nations and more than 10 fabricating plants


1. Increased rivalry from other driving restorative built up brands


1. Locious Green Tea UV Oilcan tap the developing business sector that extends from the well-to-do, the maturing and furthermore the majority of the created nations

2. More noteworthy piece of the overall industry in light of the various licenses enrolled by the Product


1. Developing rivalry inside the field of restorative brands

2. Monetary downturn that is very obvious in different nations

3. Locious Green Tea UV Oil might be delivering the best of its line; individuals may find that their items are not of their fundamental needs and would skip purchasing Locious Green Tea UV Oil items (Huang and Lowry 2015).

Herbal consumer items have developed in prominence with customers in the course of recent years. Natural items industry surpassed $4.3 billion dollar in deals a year ago (Twigg and Majima 2014). Herbal beautifying agents are the present passion in Australian nations, as well in other nations (Llompart et al. 2013). The Herbal cosmetic products section is developing at 15% P.A and this offers great opportunity for Herbal cosmetic products developers and exporters to make quality characteristic makeup to take care of the regularly expanding demand the world over. Herbal cosmetic products will be in tremendous interest for assembling a scope of beauty care products in the coming time. (?opaciuk and ?oboda 2013). Locious Green Tea UV Oil blended with skin replenishment qualities, for example, rose and sandalwood are being utilized as a compelling cure for flaw and skin inflammation forestalling powders, salves and creams.

In skin and beauty care items classification the competitors might be isolated into three segments: Commercial i.e. Macintosh, Philosophy, Origins, Clinical, i.e. Kiehl’s, Clinique, Clarins, Erno Laslo and Shesheido and Dr. Hauscha; Spa private renowned brands related to spas that offers several herbal oils for hair care. However, Locious Green Tea UV Oil will attain a novel market position (Ramli 2015). No other brand provides with such claim that includes protecting their hair from UVA and UBV rays in order to keep hair shade intact. Quality and cost based competition always remains within the industry and among the business rivals. Herbal cosmetic products will be situated as a quality brand the product will wipe out the drugstore and rebate brands from this correlation.

Locious Green Tea UV Oil will focus on consumers is among age group of 24 and 65 (Rodrigues, Pimentel and Oliveira 2015). This buyer has considerable standard of living. They are concerned regarding social and ecological issues. Mental and body wellbeing are vital to them. A current study led by Australian cosmetic Industry uncovered the acproducting statistic for spa visitors: 85% are female, 46% are students and 39% are school graduates, 63% are hitched. Among them 32% have a yearly wage amongst $45,000 and $74,999, 40% have salary above $74,999 and 26% have salaries beneath 45,000, 47% are in the vicinity of 34 and 52 years old (Sahota 2014).

The present female purchaser considers using a value-based existence, with several expectations on hair oil quality. Over the recent years it provides qualities such as replenishing bleached and damaged strands with the nutrients they need. Locious Green Tea UV Oil are moving, incomprehensible the lines amongst home and office (Santana and Meireles 2014). Links amongst eras and attitudes are ending up exceptionally spread out. The present female buyer characterizes herself more by outlook or way to deal with life than by age. Mothers and teenagers are frequently on parallel treadmills. The more established fragment is keen on remaining youthful and the more youthful section is acting more seasoned.

PEST Analysis of Australian Herbal Cosmetic Industry

The product offering of Locious Green Tea UV Oil is as per the following:

  • Locious Green Tea UV Oil for body torment and help muscle throbs, loaded with wheat berries along with flax seed with 10 herbs. These consist of common cotton or designed wool and might be warmed in microwave stove or cooled within cooler for ideal advantage (Sinclair et al.2014).
  • Locious Green Tea UV Oil for use as a mitigating or for consumes, in move on tool.
  • Locious Green Tea UV Oil to protect their hair from UVA and UBV rays in order to keep hair shade intact.
  • Treatments with Comfrey for replenishing hair, Goldenseal, Balsam and different herbs for use on sun damaged hair resulted by drying impacts of warmth, cool or water.
  • Replenishes bleached and damaged strands with the nutrients they need with different scented oils.
  • Cleansers made with so much herbs being powdered amber and flower petals marbleized.

Locious Green Tea UV Oil reveal the significance of new and improved ingredients to benefit as much as possible from the business potential. Utilize inventive materials that include instances reused cardboard, trim or velvet. This includes heaps of layers along with certain subtle elements, for instance, strips, folds or texture strings. Continuously mention the logo on product plans.

Locious Green Tea UV Oil expect to advertise the item provide qualities such as replenishing bleached and damaged strands with the nutrients they need, Locious Green Tea UV Oil advertising guarantee should make great utilization of shading and outline that interests the social market research and development centers for the people looking to protect their hair from UVA and UBV rays in order to keep hair shade intact. Propelling a product considered more seasoned statistic that must consider conventional, generous feel with subtle aromas and a thicker surface. These variables prompt corrective image identity, a major segment that contains item present in the commercial center.

Promotion Strategies- Locious Green Tea UV Oil will advertise the product offering at provincial specialty fairs. Locious Green Tea UV Oil will facilitate reasonable cooperation with consumer gatherings with home grown organization agents. In addition, the product will consistently send free samples to potential customers with the goal that they can encounter the nature and benefits of the product (Twigg and Majima 2014). The way to advertising however will be up close and personal deals.

Locious Green Tea UV Oil will likewise dispatch the Locious Green Tea UV Oil site. The webpage will be intended to promote the items, list a logbook of her art reasonable appearances (Sinclair et al. 2014). The product will depend on the specialists at first Internet and E-trade experts for the outline, facilitating, and web crawler situation of the site.  

Product Distribution- Locious Green Tea UV Oil will be distributed through multi-channel medium with a retail technique and through online business (Sinclair et al. 2014).

Pricing Strategy- Locious Green Tea UV Oil have effective pricing strategy and will demoralize discount clients from diminishing costs. Rather the product will have a quarterly reward week. Along with the reward every week, shoppers will get a unique gift with Locious Green Tea UV Oil purchase over a pre set sum. The gifted sets will comprise of sample Locious Green Tea UV Oil items from the most current dispatch in an exceptionally planned tote or duffel bag (Santana and Meireles 2014).

Locious Green Tea UV Oil will focus on consumers is among age group of 24 and 65. The present female purchaser considers using a value-based existence, with several expectations on face foundation quality. Over the recent years it provides qualities such as replenishing bleached and damaged strands with the nutrients they need. Locious Green Tea UV Oil are moving, incomprehensible the lines amongst home and office

While launching the product, it will consider research, improvement, production, and marketing. The new product will concentrate more on the development of an item, which will influence the measure of funds that is accessible for promoting and development.

  • Major trends of the year- A huge opportunity for beauty magnificence, today, is synonymous with customized items in addition, benefits that improve the consumer encounter furthermore, its association with the brands, in all dissemination areas (Kendall and Lynch 2016).
  • Focusing on luxury and dermocosmetics- Extravagance remains the most powerful part at beneficial specifically due to web based business deals. Dermocosmetics in the interim proceeds to quicken, driven by profound established upward desires for both excellence and wellbeing in all parts of the world.
  • Attaining opportunities of a buoyant market- Reinforced by the repositioning of the Locious Green Tea UV Oil and their key decisions that are resolved to progressively, increase product development (Lin, Tan and Geng 2013).
  • Attaining potential of every market- In a year set apart by an overall financial stoppage and expanded universal instability, especially in some developing nations, Locious Green Tea UV Oil profited from its adjusted impression crosswise over geographic Zones and kept on building up its positions in all districts of the world.

SWOT Analysis of Australian Herbal Cosmetic Industry

Figure 1: Business Model

(Source: Rodrigues, Pimentel and Oliveira 2015)

Figure 2: Message Map

(Source: Authors Creation)

Message Map and the Important Risk Communication Goals include:

  • distinguishing partners right on time in the correspondence procedure
  • suspecting partner inquiries and worries before they are raised;
  • organizing our reasoning and creating arranged messages in light of expected partner inquiries and concerns;
  • developing key messages and supporting data inside a reasonable, compact, straightforward, and open structure;
  • promoting open discourse about messages both inside and outside the association;
  • providing easy to use direction and heading to spokespersons;
  • guaranteeing that the association has a focal storehouse of predictable messages
  • Urging the association to talk with one voice.


The objective of the paper is to launch a new product Locious Green Tea UV Oil along with conducting market analysis, recent business model, industry analysis, competitor analysis and through analyzing the associated critical risks. From the paper it is gathered that the new product Locious Green Tea UV Oil will offer several UVA and UVB production benefits that will possess a novel market situation. No other brand provides claim to reputation line that includes is to make natural items that mend sooth and purify our clients. In addition, inside all segmentation includes huge brands. Quality and cost change broadly within the gathering. Locious Green Tea UV Oil can be used in protecting their hair from UVA and UBV rays in order to keep hair shade intact and such innovative qualities can establish the product in the market successfully.


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