An Annotated Bibliography On Contextual Factors And Organisational Decision Making
Organisational structures or governance
Contextual factors refers to the characteristics of the environment or ecology which are in relation to the effectiveness of a collaboration. It is very important for the process of organisational decision making. Decision making plays a very important role in the success of an organisation as the skilled performers in the business are often required to make decisions that are appropriate for the issue under high time pressures. Contextual factors are very essential for the selection of the strategic decision methods. They helps in facilitating and attenuating the pursuit of the affordability and quality. This paper is going to elaborate on presenting an annotated bibliography on a total of five topics- a. Organisational structures or governance, b. Environmental forces, c. Risks confronting the firm, d. Organisation and business practices, and e. the functions of diverse firms, from some chosen journal articles. Those articles are- Journal of Management, Journal Of Business Research, International Business Review, The Academy of Management Annals and Human Resource Management Review.
Annotated Bibliography
Albers, S., Wohlgezogen, F., & Zajac, E. J. (2016). Strategic alliance structures: An organization design perspective. Journal of Management, 42(3), 582-614.
The main conceptual factors that are beings discussed in this journal article by Albers, Wohlgezogen and Zajac (2014) are that of functional structures, divisional structure, matrix structure and process structure. Process Structure divides the organisation by means of a process. It included researching, manufacturing and sales. The organisations that are process based consider the different processes in relation to one another as well as the customers. The next is of Matrix Structure, which is often overlaid on the top level of the functional structure of a company for coping up with the projects that consider many departments. Moreover, functional structure is based on the structure of the manager on the functions of the employees. It is a very simple concept for the organisation of the company. The different functions like the finance, the internet technology and the human resource departments have their own department and each one of them focus on that function. The last is the divisional structure. In many companies, there are several divisions and they are regarded as mini companies and they all are built on specific products or regions. The findings of this article suggest that due to some fundamental shifts in the information and communication processing costs as well as the increasing modularity of the services and products, the innovation nature have changed in contemporary world. Hence, it is very important for the managers in the organisations to consider these factors while planning organisational structure and making divisions on the departments.
ÖNEREN, M., Tayfun, A. R. A. R., & YURDAKUL, G. (2017). Developing Competitive Strategies Based on SWOT Analysis in Porter’s Five Forces Model by DANP. Journal Of Business Research-Turk, 9(2), 511-528.
In this global context, conducting a successful business seeks the support of all the environmental forces. In this study, the authors have analyzed the environment of a global companies. This paper has focused on the governance and social responsibilities of the firm and detailed the importance of environmental factors in the growth of the firm in a competitive market. To these authors, the company has successfully evaluated the internal as well as external environment through PESTLE analysis, SWOT analysis, BCG matrix and porter’s five forces model. These analyses have helped the company directly to develop strategies and methods to operate in the global market (Khan, Alam & Alam, 2015).
Environmental forces
There are six major environmental forces that affect the operation of the companies directly. These include demographic, sociocultural, political or legal, technological, economic and global factors. The political legal and economic factor determine the strength of the market whether the business will be successful in this context, on the other hand the demographic, social cultural contexts determine the demands of the customers of the market. Based on these factors, the companies form theory policies and strategies also that they get the best in that particular environment. This knowledge is important for the managers as they are the main players who lay the strategies and techniques of the smooth running of business. Perfectly analyzing and evaluating the strengths and weakness of these factors, the company needs to develop its strategies otherwise the business will be led to failure definitely.
Mata, J., & Portugal, P. (2015). The termination of international joint ventures: Closure and acquisition by domestic and foreign partners. International Business Review, 24(4), 677-689.
The main contextual factor in this study is that of the closure and the acquisition by the national and international partners. This has been portrayed as one of the significant risks that a firm confronts in its business operations. The decision in context to asset specificity as well as the size of the venture is likely to influence the possibility of the closure but it is not the same for acquisition. This study has uncovered the influence that the ownership lay at forming the joint venture and at various different points of its evolution is on the basis of termination of the joint ventures. It has analysed the process of termination of the joint venture process and at the same time, it has also considered the different alternatives by means of which the termination could take place. It is very important for the organisational managers to consider this as at some day or the other, the managers are likely to face this challenge in conducting their business, whether it be in domestic or foreign boundaries.
Kieser, A., Nicolai, A., & Seidl, D. (2015). The practical relevance of management research: Turning the debate on relevance into a rigorous scientific research program. The Academy of Management Annals, 9(1), 143-233.
The main concept factor in this article is of dialogue that is regarded to be a ubiquitous element in the field of Public Relations and business practices. It has addressed the notion that there is a high need for analysing the dialogue as well as its aspects in the functionalist PR role research. It has also explored the roles of Public Relations to the relevance of the dialogues and has analysed how it could be related to the organisational contexts. Moreover, Person (2017) have built on the literatures in the role of dialogues in the Public Relations. It is to note that there are several organisations that have some or the other kind of operational issues which could be improved by means of introducing best practising methods such as quality management, delivery, stock control as well as the supply chain management. As the business grows, it needs to change with the change in circumstances. However, there is a high need of Public Relation department as it is a very crucial part for maintaining and enhancing the brand image of the organisation. Hence, the organisational managers should consider this factor while conducting business, especially in this contemporary world of high competitiveness.
- The functions of diverse firms.
Risks confronting the firm
Stone, D. L., & Deadrick, D. L. (2015). Challenges and opportunities affecting the future of human resource management. Human Resource Management Review, 25(2), 139-145.
This study by Stone and Deadrick (2016) has pointed out the factors either support or create issues for the successful operation of the firms. In this context the study has identified the factors that enhance the efficiency as well as independence of the boards of directors. The authors have focused on the human resource of a firm that definitely plays an important part in the smooth operation of the companies. This paper has empirically analyzed the gender diversity of the firms in managing the employee satisfaction process in the firms.
In order to examine the actual situation, the authors have collected exclusive data from 3876 public firms in 47 different markets. As detailed from these data, it has been found that the companies who have female directors are more efficient in their accounting as well as performance. In addition to this, the firm cannot perform better even if they are supported by the external independent directors when the human respect structure is not diversified. The subject associated with the functions of the firms is understood from the needs of gender balanced boards which enhances efficiency of the functions of the companies. This knowledge from this study therefore can help the managers of the organizations to understand the essentiality of the gender balance in the human force. This will help the managers to reduce the effects of gender biasness and harassment which create barrier for the smooth functioning of the firms. In order to increase the performance and reputation, the managers need to empower their employees.
Hence, from the above analysis it is to state that contextual factors are very important for any study to assess an in depth understanding of the subject. With the same, it is very important in the making of organisational decisions. However, it is also to state that these contextual factors are often been ignored while researching or reporting on a particular subject as they are perceived to be a notable barrier for research utilisation that are related to the activity. Moreover, the contextual factors influence the organisational performance as it influence the performance of the employees’ appraisal process. Hence, ultimately, it is influencing the organisational decision making process.
Albers, S., Wohlgezogen, F., & Zajac, E. J. (2016). Strategic alliance structures: An organization design perspective. Journal of Management, 42(3), 582-614.
Kieser, A., Nicolai, A., & Seidl, D. (2015). The practical relevance of management research: Turning the debate on relevance into a rigorous scientific research program. The Academy of Management Annals, 9(1), 143-233.
Mata, J., & Portugal, P. (2015). The termination of international joint ventures: Closure and acquisition by domestic and foreign partners. International Business Review, 24(4), 677-689.
ÖNEREN, M., Tayfun, A. R. A. R., & YURDAKUL, G. (2017). Developing Competitive Strategies Based on SWOT Analysis in Porter’s Five Forces Model by DANP. Journal Of Business Research-Turk, 9(2), 511-528.
Stone, D. L., & Deadrick, D. L. (2015). Challenges and opportunities affecting the future of human resource management. Human Resource Management Review, 25(2), 139-145.